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Urgent Want to Sign, but Getting Concerned.

In summary, the recruiter contacted the applicant about signing a contract for a show. The applicant was unsure if they wanted to use the kit credit from their last show or sign before the show and receive the commission. The applicant decided to sign with the consultant and received the kit in 5 business days. The applicant is waiting for the consultant to contact them about support. The applicant is worried about the support the consultant will be able or willing to offer them in the future.
I have been thinking about signing for almost a year.
I went to a show and decided for sure last Monday (Feb. 21). I booked a show with the consultant (the sister of my brother's live in girlfriend by the way) for March 17 and told her I was thinking about signing. She said she would contact me on Wed or Thurs of that week (Feb 23 or 24).
I didn't hear from her at all that week so I sent her an email on March 1. She did call me right away and said she had been sick all weekend. I told her I wanted to sign for sure and she answered the questions that I had. I wan't sure if I wanted to use the kit credit from my show or sign before that and get the commission etc. She really didn't give me any advice, and just said it was up to me. I told her I'd think about it and discuss it with my hubby and get back to her the next day.
That's when I joined here and through my research here (THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH FOR THE POSTS I WAS ABLE TO FIND!!) I decided I would be best off signing soon and using the show as my 1st (I would be inviting a bunch of family and if they know it's my starter show they will prob buy more to support me;). I emailed the consultant later that evening (Wed the 2nd).
this is the email I sent her:
OK, after TONS of research the past few days, I'm IN!!
I'm thinking that using the show on the 17th as my 1st show is the way I want to go with it.
My next concern is will you use your kit for the show, or how fast will my kit get here? Also, I'm guessing it would be better to wait until as close to the show as possible to sign since then I'd have more time after it to qualify for the 1st month. Let me know what you think.
I'm really excited, and am already trying to get orders, and bookings!

I also included the best ways to contact me (cell phone # and email)
I haven't heard from her at all and I'm getting worried about the support she will be able or willing to offer me down the road. I understand that she was sick and may still not be feeling well, so am I overreacting? I'm just really excited and want to do whatever I can now to make this successful!:chef: I would think that even if I was just hosting a show that she would want the guest list by now (she will send out invites I guess... there were none in the host packet and one things on her 'hostess bingo sheet" is to get her guest list of 30-40 names in 48 hours (I don't have that many yet BTW but have several people who I want to hand deliver invites to at church cause I don't have addresses).
What do you think? Should I just chill and wait for her to call? Should I call her? Should I send another email? Should I tell her that I decided not to sigh at the moment and just have the party then sign later with someone else? That seems pretty drastic at this point but I'm not sure what to do! If you were in this consultant's position what would you want a recruit to do?
Thanks in advance!
If you don't feel comfortable with her and if she's no giving you the time of day right now (even for just your show), you can always join someone else's team! I would hate for her attitude to make you not like this business. You can sign right now though, I wouldn't wait!! Do you know any other consultant's? There are plenty of great recruiters on here (I would LOVE to have you on my team!) or you can go online to PC's main website and go through the lead system to find someone close to you.
If I were that consultant I would have signed you already and start training you. I hope all is well with her. It is a good concern you have that if she isn't supporting you now then you'll know what to expect going forward with her. That won't be fun.If you have further questions, feel free to contact me at takebackthekitchen (at) hotmail (dot) com.Also, you'll receive your kit in approx 5 business days after your agreement is submitted.
I would continue to call her, text, email. Maybe something needs to be discussed for sure. You can share with her your concerns at the same time about support. Having someone to train/teach you is sooo important. Having an open line of communication is important as well.

Don't give up on her yet....I try to think what would I do in their shoes. It could be something important and you really do not want to have someone who seriously had a situation come up not have the blessing of having you on their team.

Use wisdom and care in your decisions and you will be blessed for doing the right thing!

That said, there are many here willing to help you along the way!

Choose wisely grasshopper!

Blessings, CK
I would call her, some people don't respond promptly on email. After your phone conversation, if you still feel you won't be getting the support you need then I say sign w/ someone else. Congrats on your decision to join the best company!!
I would confirm first that she's not in the hospital or something. There's always the possibility that she CAN'T respond to you right now.

If after talking to her you still don't feel comfortable, then I would recommend that you try to find a cluser who you do feel would support you.

My team does the "sign first & have your 1st show at YOUR show", but it's not something that everyone does. She might have reservations about "loosing the sales to you" which is how some people look at that method. I see it as a long-term investment. The recruiter is making an investment now in the hopes that it will pay off down the road with a larger team, higher overrides, etc. So make sure you talk to her & see where stands on this method. If she's not happy, you won't be happy and should probably seek out a new recruiter.

And you don't have to have a recruiter in your same city. The military moved me from Okinawa, Japan to Tokyo Japan in July. I have ONE team member here in Tokyo. The other 52 are spread out across the world. So you CAN find supportive uplines by phone & e-mail. They don't necessarily have to be in your city. ;)
Sheila said:
I would confirm first that she's not in the hospital or something. There's always the possibility that she CAN'T respond to you right now.

If after talking to her you still don't feel comfortable, then I would recommend that you try to find a cluser who you do feel would support you.

My team does the "sign first & have your 1st show at YOUR show", but it's not something that everyone does. She might have reservations about "loosing the sales to you" which is how some people look at that method. I see it as a long-term investment. The recruiter is making an investment now in the hopes that it will pay off down the road with a larger team, higher overrides, etc. So make sure you talk to her & see where stands on this method. If she's not happy, you won't be happy and should probably seek out a new recruiter.

And you don't have to have a recruiter in your same city. The military moved me from Okinawa, Japan to Tokyo Japan in July. I have ONE team member here in Tokyo. The other 52 are spread out across the world. So you CAN find supportive uplines by phone & e-mail. They don't necessarily have to be in your city. ;)

Yes - this is what I was thinking too - that may be a concept that she's not familiar with, and she's not sure what to do with it either. And the point that she may not respond quickly to email is also a good one. I wouldn't just assume anything until you've had an actual conversation. ;)

However, on the other hand, you do need to be comfortable in the signing process, since that person will potentially be responsible for your ongoing training. :chef:
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thanks for all the advice! I knew you all would be able to give me some insightful ideas!
I do plan on calling her tonight or in the morning. I do understand that she might be really sick or unable to get back to me right now. I would feel awful about discounting her help without making more of an effort!
I am pretty sure she offered for me to make it my 1st show, so I hope she is OK with it, but I will talk to her about it some more before making any decisions.
valsped said:
Thanks for all the advice! I knew you all would be able to give me some insightful ideas!
I do plan on calling her tonight or in the morning. I do understand that she might be really sick or unable to get back to me right now. I would feel awful about discounting her help without making more of an effort!
I am pretty sure she offered for me to make it my 1st show, so I hope she is OK with it, but I will talk to her about it some more before making any decisions.

Good Luck to you in your Pampered Chef business. God Bless!
  • #10
Always give a person the benefit of the doubt. But give you and her a timeline of when you want to hear back from her. Basically if your Grand Opening is on the 17th, you need to sign up no later than this Monday so you get your kit in time for the party. If you do not hear from her by Monday you will need to make a decision on what you want to do. Definetly get started now, it sounds like you are ready. In March you can earn a kit rebate, that is up to $77.50 back to you in CASH. Your Grand Opening is scheduled and you have made your mind up to start. If she is not ready for you then find someone who is. I am sure there are a number of us who would love to help you get started on this life changing business, if you need one of us just ask!
  • #11
Yeah- depending on what she was sick with- she could very well STILL be sick. I know the stuff that hit my family (me mainly) has kicked me around for almost 3 weeks...although not as bad the last week. Others I know have had similar problems- be it the respiratory crud, or the stomach bugs.But I agree with other posts. Talk to her if you can. And even if SHE can't give direct-line support, she may work with her upline to help you, depending on where she is with her own business.Good luck!
  • #12
I agree with everyone ~ though I signed up under an advanced director, another cluster mate has been more helpful to me than her. She didn't do a whole lot of training with me but I talked to my cluster mate and learned a bunch more!BTW, I just signed my first recruit at the end of February and still learning the ropes on how much training and advice to give her. She knows that she can call me at any time with questions and that I would be more than happy to attend (and stay in the shadow and let her run with it) her first few shows but just to be there if she had questions along the way really made her more comfortable that she can to this.Do what's best for you and welcome to PC and CS!Karen
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  • #13
Glad you are going to try & talk to her before deciding to go elsewhere! :D Hopefully she has a good reason why she hasn't gotten back to you and that she'll be super supportive & quicker in her future responses. But if you have any concerns, listen to your instinct! I talked one girl here on Chef Success into trying to work it out with her potential recruiter before signing on my team. She thought things were worked out & then things went back like they used to. When she told me later that she wasn't getting support I felt horrible for not just accepting her & talking her into sticking with the other girl. :(

But remember, if you don't have a supportive upline, you can always reach out to people on the web board to answer your questions & help! :D
  • #14
All good advice on here so far. I will add that if you can't reach her on the phone tomorrow, try talking to your brother and his girlfriend/her sister to see if she's really sick, etc. She may have never helped anyone get started before and may not be comfortable with it. Even if you do sign with her and she doesn't help, don't hesitate to go up the "line" and use your Director to get help.

You don't say where you are in the country. If you decide not to stick with her, you can go to the main PC webpage and use the "contact me" or get info button or whatever it is and the company will put you in touch with someone within a 50 mile radius of your zip code. This will be someone who has helped at least 2 other people get started with their business. Not to say it will be a great person, but they have at least helped a couple other people, or they may have helped 50 other people. Or, if you've had time to read a lot on here and find a personality that you click with (and boy do we have some personalities on here!!!), you can send them a private message to connect. Most profiles have geographic location if you're looking for someone near you.

I agree that you should order your kit by the middle of next week at the latest. Try to have it figured out by the end of this weekend. Good luck!
  • #15
I agree with all the posts here, great advice:) A couple of things jumped out at me that you'll want to clarify with her when you do get in touch with her. You mentioned that you were going to use this as YOUR first show (like a "grand opening") which is great, but since you originally booked this as a hostess, you should clear up up your expectations of her role in YOUR show. If you're now the acting consultant, she may be thinking you are now sending out the invites, for example. She may (or may not, who knows) need some help in the training area herself. It's definately a communication issue though. And I agree with everyone, give her a chance to clear up any communication issues but if you don't hear from her after you give her the "I need to hear from you by "this date" message, I'd go with someone else and leave the "I didn't hear from you, so I had to call someone else" message.
It happens that way sometimes. I signed up with Consultant "A" and didn't get one stick of training from her, but her director (and mine too) is so incredible with training I didn't feel left out or unsupported at all. It turned out that Consultant "A" was so new to the recruiting aspect, she didn't know what to do with me. LOL.
Bottom line is...this is going to be YOUR business and you have to work it and get the training you need to run your business. It's a great place to be, welcome!!
  • #16
I am in NJ and my cluster is in CT...I did all my training by watching videos on the PC website and the info that came in my kit. I do have a hsopitality director here in NJ who has been helpful, but I feel guilty being included in her "group" as I am not a part of her line. But I must say all PC people are helpful not like other direct selling companies I've worked for. They were only helpful if they were making money from you. I wish you the best with whatever decision you make.
  • #17
The only thing I would add to all this fabulous advice is, once you figure out why she is mia, sign with who YOU feel comfortable with! Talk with some of the consultants, directors and upper level directors on this board - interview US! You want to make sure you feel comfortable contacting your recruiter/director with questions, concerns, etc., and that they will be as proactive about contacting you as possible. I have had a very ill husband since October and we still don't know what is wrong. My team knows this (some more than others...if I hold you captive in my car on a 6 hour drive, you really get to know me), and I try my best to get back with them asap and to let them know the best way to contact me at the time. Do what is best for YOU!!!
  • #18
@ Dawn, your hospitality (if it's a good one) most likely thinks of you as one of their own and doesn't really differentiate between actual cluster and hospitality. My director has several hospitality consultants and the only real difference is sometimes she doesn't have all of their statistics. They are included in all e-mails and activities. We consider them "ours."

I know not all hospitality is this way. I have heard stories about our AD treating hospitality badly. They don't earn her anything, so she doesn't care about them and is actually a bit mean. A few years back, the team was buying t-shirts for National Conference. One of the hospitality consultants wanted one. She said she couldn't have one, she would have to get it from HER line. What a crock. These people have TWO lines in my opinion. Eventually, my AD will get back what she gives. My director treats hospitality as her own, because she's got hospitality consultants out there and that's how she wants them treated.

Incidentally, my director BEAT our AD in sales, recruits, number of parties, and she earned Maui silver, vs Toronto. The AD's goals this year are for The Caribbean cruise while my director is aiming for the Mediterranean. Some day (soon as my director is retiring from her teaching job) I think my director will pass the AD. She deserves it, one she works harder and two, she's a nicer person that people want to do business and work with.
  • #19
I agree that you should give your recruiter the benefit of the doubt as she has shared that she's been ill. I also agree that you need to think about how supportive she will be in getting you starting and helping you with your business.

I am confused however as to why she is so slow at responding to you. I have had a lot of health issues over the last couple of years but responding (especially by email) to my consultants and and those interested in joining my team has never been slowed by it. Even while hospitalized I have had access to email and have also had my upline available to help anyone who felt they didn't want to "bother" me. We all handle things differently so don't take this as a criticism of her. I don't have any idea what her circumstances are. I am just saying you have to look at the whole picture and decide what works for you.
  • #20
Hope you were able to get in touch with your recruiter. As everyone else has said, you want to be happy with the person you sign with. While I did a lot of my own training, that was my choice. You want to make sure that she is committed to your success and will be available to answer questions that you may have. Although, with CS, you have lots of help and advice! It a fantastic time to join - but then again, when isn't it? Best decision of my life, my only regret is that I didn't sign 5 years earlier. Best of luck to you!:love:
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thanks again for the great input! I called her earlier today and asked her to call me back this weekend. I also sent a message to her sister to make sure she is ok (and I asked the sis to have her call me).
So now I just wait a bit to see if she gets back to me.
  • #22
Not that I hope she's having a rough time or anything, but I do hope that you learn that she's been unable to call and that she's not just lazy. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Posting here and getting on with what I needed to get done around the house much have been the good luck charm!
The consultant just called me back and said she has had family visiting, and she misplaced her planner with my info.
She answered my questions (she is planning to take care of the invites and do the show, and she said I should wait to order my kit so I will have more chance to get sales etc, in the first 30 days) She also invited me to a meeting Monday evening (and offered that we could go early if I have any questions for her director).
Thanks again for your help and suggestions! I do feel better about communications with this consultant, and she seems very willing to help me out, even if she is a bit distracted at times! I think her heart is in the right place and she is willing to support me!
  • #24
Is she planning or willing to give you the bookings from your show? When she does the show- if she is telling your friends you are going to start your own business, that might help get those bookings. and you SHOULD get those bookings- they are your friends. I would be sure that is clarified. Good luck!
  • #25
savvy mom said:
Is she planning or willing to give you the bookings from your show? When she does the show- if she is telling your friends you are going to start your own business, that might help get those bookings. and you SHOULD get those bookings- they are your friends. I would be sure that is clarified.

Good luck!

Definitely this. I would discuss this with your recruiter though, just to be srue that everyone is on the same page.

I had a February host who decided that evening she wanted to be a consultant. She signed her agreement a few days later when we closed her show. SHE got all the bookings from her show, and her mom, best friend and aunt all chose to hold off on their orders until her grand opening show. We did still submit her show as it ended that night and she used her host benefits to get things to compliment her kit.

Keep us posted on your progress!!
  • #26
Do you know who her upline Director is? I might see if you can connect directly with her as well. See where the cluster meetings are held which I find a huge support. The person I signed with only does PC part time - a show a month, but she kept sending me newsletters for years. I still signed with her because she's a sweet person and her upline Director is FABULOUS and GENEROUS!!! When I pass my recruiter, I will be directly under the upline Director, so checking out the upline is important too.

Your kit will arrive 7 to 10 days after you sign up, so if you don't think you would be able to use your friends, then I would sign-up/order this week. You can start setting up shows for your first 30 days and begin calling your list of 100 people to reach out to today since you are committed to signing. Just let them know you will get them host packets, catalogs and invitations as soon as they arrive... but they can start inviting folks too. Aim for at least 6 shows in your first 30 days. Your 30 days start about 7 days after you sign up.
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  • #27
I went with her to a meeting last night. (I guess it was a cluster meeting) and met her director. They were all really nice and fun (helpful too). They gave me some good ideas to get me started and I'm even more excited!
  • #28
valsped said:
Posting here and getting on with what I needed to get done around the house much have been the good luck charm!
The consultant just called me back and said she has had family visiting, and she misplaced her planner with my info.
She answered my questions (she is planning to take care of the invites and do the show, and she said I should wait to order my kit so I will have more chance to get sales etc, in the first 30 days) She also invited me to a meeting Monday evening (and offered that we could go early if I have any questions for her director).
Thanks again for your help and suggestions! I do feel better about communications with this consultant, and she seems very willing to help me out, even if she is a bit distracted at times! I think her heart is in the right place and she is willing to support me!
I guess for me waiting to get your kit doesn't help you get more sales. Having your kit and doing the show yourself helps you get sales. You might have family and friends who would come to support you that might not come for someone else. Plus it would go towards getting your 1/2 price kit rebate.
  • #29
I do not think that she is doing right by you. Misplaced her planner, couldn't find your number, my foot! I completely disaggree with you waiting to get started. This party should be your grand opening! You should be making the commission off of your friends and family. This what I do for my new consultants. She should not be doing the party as a consultant, but she should be coming to it to help you with your first party. You should not wait to get started if you are ready to get started. You should start now. You should earn the commission, you should get the bookings from YOUR show and you should get the $77.50 kit rebate! This is your business, not hers and you should be paid for it.

Hopefully, I have let you know where I stand on this issue.

BTW, I just signed the friend of the host at my last party. I turned that party over to her that night. She helped, I trained, she will be earning the money and the bookings. I signed another gal at the end of February. Her friend had already booked a party with me, so I turned it over to the new consultant as her Grand Opening. It is the right thing to do and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
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  • #30
Glad you felt more comfortable after the team meeting! :DWere you and your recruiter able to work out who would be the consultant for this first show? I agree with the other ladies & still think this should be YOUR show, not her show. ;)
  • #31
cmdtrgd said:
The only thing I would add to all this fabulous advice is, once you figure out why she is mia, sign with who YOU feel comfortable with! Talk with some of the consultants, directors and upper level directors on this board - interview US! You want to make sure you feel comfortable contacting your recruiter/director with questions, concerns, etc., and that they will be as proactive about contacting you as possible. I have had a very ill husband since October and we still don't know what is wrong. My team knows this (some more than others...if I hold you captive in my car on a 6 hour drive, you really get to know me), and I try my best to get back with them asap and to let them know the best way to contact me at the time. Do what is best for YOU!!!

This! I was with PC a few years back and signed with the contact I received from HO. I was very disappointed with her! This time around I interviewed people. LOL I wanted someone involved and fun! Someone who wanted to see me succeed because they had a genuine desire to see success and because she knew I was an investment. I wanted nothing more than I plan to give as a Director.

Find out what's going on and based on that decide if this is the team you want to be a part of and frankly, if you want this woman earning money because of yiur hard work. Good luck and blessings!!
  • Thread starter
  • #32
I guess I didn't explain things well! She is sending the invites for me, but sent me an email invite that I can send out too. She is going to "do" the show, but it will be MY "Grand Opening" show, and it says that on the invite, and that I will get the credit for the sales. I will get any bookings and sales!
She has been really supportive once I got a hold of her!
On an even more exciting note: I have one confirmed show (my mom, haven't set a date yet but it will be within 1st 30 days!) and a $50 order! (I know the order isn't super high, but it's my 1st!!)
  • #33
Excellent!! I am so happy for you. I come off a bit strong. So many new consultants don't know what way is right. I just wanted to make sure you understood it should be your party. You will be great. Practice whatever recipe you are making before the party.
  • #34
valsped said:
I guess I didn't explain things well! She is sending the invites for me, but sent me an email invite that I can send out too. She is going to "do" the show, but it will be MY "Grand Opening" show, and it says that on the invite, and that I will get the credit for the sales. I will get any bookings and sales!
She has been really supportive once I got a hold of her!
On an even more exciting note: I have one confirmed show (my mom, haven't set a date yet but it will be within 1st 30 days!) and a $50 order! (I know the order isn't super high, but it's my 1st!!)
That's the ideal. She's giving you a chance to watch and learn from a consultant's viewpoint, and still get the commission and sales. I'm glad she is doing that for you, vs trying to get the commission for herself. You're going to do great. Now, you've ordered your kit, right? I would not wait! If she has a website, you can sign-up on there (without waiting on her). Click on the "Discover Us" picture in the middle, or the "Join My Team" at the top. Most folks receive the kit within 5-7 days of signing. But you'll get your email with your consultant number and access to Consultant's Corner to begin the online training courses within 24 hrs. When you get your kit, you can start playing around with it, so even though she IS doing your show....you want to be able to help and understand what she's doing a little too. (My opinion.) The training gives you the foundation, but then seeing her, will help solidify what you learn and such. Good luck!
  • #35
It sounds like she is doing a launch show for you. We do this in our cluster and it really helps out! We have had many consultants that actually qualified at their launch show. The recruiter may not really be making much money at a launch since the new recruit is listed as consultant, but it gives the new consultant such a boost and we do not lose many from our cluster. I wish they had been doing launches when I started!
  • #36
Launch show = rich blessing on your new downline! Good luck; glad you're here. Read a lot, ask a lot, learn a lot.
  • #37
Can someone describe what a Launch show is? Is this different than a Grand Opening with a recruiter coming to help the new consultant? I hear how some will do a party and then sign up the host and "give" them that show...what are the logistics involved? Is it basically decided that night of the show? Or was the host knowing all the while she was going to sign and then helps with the party and telling people this is going to be their "grand opening" or "launch"? Do you really have them sign up that night and make that show date the same date? Or do you fudge the show date? Or do you have the host join a few days before the show so that this can count? I'm just curious on the logistics of these things...
  • #38
So glad you were able to get ahold of her and she was helpful to you!!

Related to Want to Sign, but Getting Concerned.

1. What are the benefits of signing with Pampered Chef?

Some benefits of signing with Pampered Chef include the opportunity to earn extra income, flexible working hours, the ability to work from home, and the chance to be a part of a supportive community of consultants.

2. Is it common to hesitate before signing with Pampered Chef?

Yes, it is common for people to take some time to consider signing with Pampered Chef. It's a big decision that requires careful thought and consideration.

3. What should I expect from my Pampered Chef consultant?

Your Pampered Chef consultant should be there to support and guide you throughout your journey. They should provide training, answer any questions you have, and offer advice to help you succeed.

4. How long does it take to receive my Pampered Chef starter kit?

The starter kits typically arrive within 3-5 business days, depending on your location. Your consultant will be able to give you a more specific timeline.

5. What should I do if I haven't heard from my Pampered Chef consultant?

If you haven't heard from your consultant, don't panic. They may be busy or dealing with personal matters. You can reach out to them via phone or email to check in and discuss any concerns you may have. As a new recruit, it's important to communicate openly with your consultant to ensure a successful start to your Pampered Chef journey.

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