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Want to Host a Murder Mystery Kitchen Show? Get the Script Here!

In summary, Paula developed an original theme for her 1st show, an express show where she would not stumble so much in the preparation. Her concept was a murder mystery to solve using guests who randomly chose an alibi. One of her prepared alibis was a tool that was not used in one of our recipes, so that person was the culprit. The show took an hour longer than Paula thought it would, and she should have used something more tested in terms of a party formula. Her show was "Murder in Margaritaville." If anyone is interested in the script, she will gladly e-mail it.
So, I decide to write an original theme for my 1st show - I TRIED to develop a murder mystery Kitchen Show. :p My concept was an express show (so I wouldn't stumble so much in the preparation until I am more "polished"), and the "game" would be, obviously, a murder to solve. I developed 4 characters (was originally planning 6), played by guests, whom I "cross examined". Each person randomly chose an alibi - i.e., they were at home preparing one of the featured recipes with a particular PC tool. One of my prepared alibis was a tool that was not used in one of our recipes - hence, that person's alibi was no good, and they were the culprit. I did my intro, the "rules", cross examined my 1st suspect, 1st recipe, 2nd suspect, plugging gift registries and fund raisers, 3rd suspect, 2nd recipe, 4th suspect. Then the guests were supposed to write who they thought did it. Originally I was going to do a drawing from everyone who got it right, but only 4 guests showed, and only 1 of them ordered (all other orders were outside orders :p ).

OK, so, major downfalls - I don't think I sold the "sizzle" enough discussing the recipes. Plus, everyone got a little TOO hyper, a little TOO into character (can you say "cat fight"?), and the show took an hour longer than I thought it would! I think it was WAY too much for a first show - I should have used something more tested in terms of a party formula. :p My bad.

Anyway, the "story" was "Murder in Margaritaville". If anyone is interested in the script, I will gladly e-mail it - perhaps you can help me fine-tune it for future use, if I am not too traumatized. And I know of several typos and rough spots I haven't fixed - just kind of a little burnt out from the initial write-up. However, you must be able to open .wps documents - I have Microsoft Works, and have found it PRETENDS it converts to .doc, but it LIES. OK, OK, sorry about the word processor frustrations. Since it is not .doc, I am not adding it on the forum.

Thanks for any help.

Paula in TN
Wow! That really is ambitious. I have stayed pretty straight and narrow so far, just sticking to one recipe, which I am getting incredibly bored of making! I am anxious to try something new! I'm thinking a Mystery Host Show, to get my bookings up!!
funThat sounds like a great show theme. I am going to have my first show this coming Tuesday and I am kind of nervous. And I think that this would be a great thing to do, to calm me down and to have fun. So please e-mail me your theme. It would be great! thanks :) :)
I think it would make a great show. Can you e-mail it to me?

[email protected]

Thank you!
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  • Thread starter
  • #6
I will have to e-mail it tomorrow (Thurs). My computer is in the middle of a download, and my mail isn't working well because of it.

Paula in TN
Me TOO!!!Hey Paula,

Could you email your script to me too!? Sounds like a great idea!! You rock!!

[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #8
<sigh> Sorry guys. I finally got the software downloaded, and now Yahoo keeps timing out on me. I promise I will e-mail as soon as I can.

Sometimes computers give me headaches. :(

Paula in TN
  • Thread starter
  • #9
OK, it is mailed everyone!

Paula in TN
  • #10
murder mystery showSounds like fun! Can you email me the script and game?

[email protected]

Kathy :rolleyes:
  • #11
So we don't have so many posts requesting the script be emailed personally to them, can you post it here? That would make less work for you. Just a suggestion.
  • #12
Can you Email it to meThat sounds like a great show can you email it to me also Thanks!
[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #13
HelpIf someone can convert my file from .wps to .doc, would you please help me by letting me send you the file so it can be put into a format supported by the forum? I don't think many people can open my format, so sending it out really doesn't help a lot of people. Thanks much.

Paula in TN
  • #14
Paula's Murder Mystery Outline in Word formatPaula emailed me her Works file. I've converted to Word and am posting for her. Thanks Paula for sharing.


  • Margaritaville Murder Mystery Show.doc
    49.5 KB · Views: 818
  • #15
That Is Too Fun!!! I Love It! Cant Wait To Try It!!

Related to Want to Host a Murder Mystery Kitchen Show? Get the Script Here!

What is "My Overly Ambitious 1St Show"?

"My Overly Ambitious 1St Show" is a phrase commonly used by Pampered Chef consultants to describe their first cooking show or party. It refers to the excitement and eagerness of new consultants to have a successful and impressive first show.

How can I make my first show successful?

To have a successful first show, it is important to plan and prepare beforehand. Make sure to invite friends and family, have a variety of products available for guests to try, and provide a fun and interactive atmosphere. It is also helpful to have a confident and enthusiastic attitude as a consultant.

What are some common mistakes made during a first show?

Some common mistakes made during a first show include not having enough guests, not having enough products on hand, and not being familiar enough with the products or how to use them. It is also important to remember to stay organized and on schedule, as well as to not be too pushy with sales.

What are some tips for hosting a successful first show?

Some tips for hosting a successful first show include sending out invitations in advance, providing refreshments for guests, and utilizing social media to promote the event. It is also helpful to have a well-organized and engaging presentation, as well as to follow up with guests after the show to thank them and potentially book future shows.

What are the benefits of having a successful first show?

Having a successful first show can lead to many benefits, such as building a customer base, earning commission, and potentially booking more shows. It can also boost confidence and motivation for future shows and help consultants establish themselves within the Pampered Chef community.

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