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Transitioning from Part-Time to Full-Time Work: Tips and Advice

In summary, Amber lost her job, but is doing PC full time now and is getting help from friends and family.
good norning everyone :)

i need alot of help, i just lost my job and i was doing PC only when i had the time to do so. but now i need to do it full time. and i am not makeing a good transaction from part time to full time. so i was wondering if anyone else has had to do this too and if so how did you do it, and also did it help until you could find something else or did you find something else.
please... all opinions and thoughts are very gratefull. i have got a family i have to help keep up so i cant fall off.

thanks amber

I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. Luckily, you've got a great source of information here. (I'm not FT with PC, so I'm not going to try to give you advice that isn't tested.)

Hi Amber,

I'm with Ann in that I don't do this full time so I'm not the best person for advice (although I can say go back to your list of 100 and call, call, call. People want you to succeed and will help!). I just wanted to say I'm sorry about losing your job. Although it's difficult to see right now, it happened for a reason and in the end it always works out. There are better things down the road for you!

Good luck!
Hey Amber,
Ditto with everyone else - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your job. I too lost my f/t job almost 3 years ago and it was the best blessing in disguise that could've ever happened to me and my family. I was making gooooood money with that job and we really didn't want for much. So, losing that was a huge adjustment - but we trusted in God, and He has been very gracious to us. I started PC about a year after I lost my job, basically to make my truck payment. My first suggestion would be for you to decide how much you need to make now. Is it $500, $1000, more? That will help you to know how many shows you need to scheduled/have in a month. Then from there, you have your goal and you can start your plan of action. Call those "maybes", call your past hosts, like someone else mentioned, go back to your list of 100, call on family, friends, maybe do an open-house 2 nights and invite neighbors. It's hard to get motivated when you feel like you've been slapped in the face - I know it was for me. But try to look towards the future and what it can be. Losing my job was truly the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope that God gives you the peace that you need right now.
c00p said:
Hey Amber,
Ditto with everyone else - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your job. I too lost my f/t job almost 3 years ago and it was the best blessing in disguise that could've ever happened to me and my family. I was making gooooood money with that job and we really didn't want for much. So, losing that was a huge adjustment - but we trusted in God, and He has been very gracious to us. I started PC about a year after I lost my job, basically to make my truck payment. My first suggestion would be for you to decide how much you need to make now. Is it $500, $1000, more? That will help you to know how many shows you need to scheduled/have in a month. Then from there, you have your goal and you can start your plan of action. Call those "maybes", call your past hosts, like someone else mentioned, go back to your list of 100, call on family, friends, maybe do an open-house 2 nights and invite neighbors. It's hard to get motivated when you feel like you've been slapped in the face - I know it was for me. But try to look towards the future and what it can be. Losing my job was truly the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope that God gives you the peace that you need right now.
Ditto this, Amber!

I do PC full time (I lost my part-time job while on medical leave for a spinal surgery -- gotta love people who do that, huh?).

I have to tell you that the information you have gotten so far is great! I would call everyone on your list of 100. Explain to the ones who are close to you what has happened and ask them to help you out by giving your buisness a second-kick-start with a home show....referrals....fund-raiser....whatever!!!

I found that my family was a little helpful when I started this business, and I didn't bug them too much, but now when I need a favor (like I need an extra show or whatever), I can count on them, so make sure you know what you need from them.

As far as working full-time, you need to first set office hours or this business will take over your life. I do mornings (like 6am-10am or 8am-1pm) 5 days a week. Then I do my 2 shows a week (3 if it's busy) and make some time (an hour or so) a few evenings a week for customer calls). Set times that will work for YOU.

I use my time wisely, not spending time surfing the net, but working on business or ways to build my business (tele-classes, CDs, books, etc).

I try to not STOP working to put in a load of laundry or do the dishes....those just a ways that forces working against you will try to take you away from your goals! There are many times that my husband will come home and the dishes are in the sink, or the floors have not been swept, but he doesn't say a word....he didn't clean the floor at his work, either!!:rolleyes:

There is a great wealth of info in a book by the DSWA (Direct Selling Women's Alliance) called "Build it BIG" and another called "More Build it BIG". Check out their website at www.dswa.org

NOW is the time to contact your upline Directors and ask for help. If they don't give you what you need, go to their upline Director, too....you are part of THEIR DOWNLINE, and they are responsible for your training!

Tell them what's going on and ask for the help that you need.

But, it all comes down to the phone!!! Take the tele-classes on Building Bookings and Overcoming Objections!!! If you need to get started on this right away, do the recorded ones under Consultant's Corner!

Also, when talking to these "100" people, ask if any of them would like to join you in this business....building a downline is the best way to build an income!

Good Luck!:)
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ok I am checking out build it big. I am definitely going to get the 2 books but what about the workbook? Anyone have it? If so do you think it is worth the extra money?
Great advice. I also just ordered those books. Thanks!
I don't have the workbook, but both of the books are a great help to my busniess!
I don't do PC full time yet either, but I'm trying to work to it. I'm going to try the Mystery host party. It is where you host a show and put names in a drawing (giving out tickets for bringing friends, hosting shows, etc..) and the name you draw at the end of the party gets all of the host benefits. I'm going to plug everyone I know, place an ad in the newspaper and make up flyers to place on bulleton boards and hand out in the grocery store etc..
I don't know how it will go but it sounds like it will bring in a lot of new people.
  • #10
I'm only part time PC now...but from personal experience, I'll let you in on a secret.....shhh...don't tell anyone...LOL!
Pick up that phone!!!!! Call everyone!! You don't have to give details, just ask! And yes, I agree that if you don't set specific hours to work on JUST your business, it will consume your life(not that that's a bad thing)! Good luck to you...I know you'll do just great! Don't lose focus! My philosophy for my business, and life in general, is this:
remember...if you don't ask, the answer is ALWAYS no!
  • #11
jwpamp said:
I don't have the workbook, but both of the books are a great help to my busniess!
Janice thanks for the wealth of information. I too want/NEED to make this my full time business so I may stay home with my daughters.
Big key as you said "quit net surfing" I need to do this.
? is it necessary to have office hours Everyday?
  • #12
I too am sorry about your job loss. Great advise has been given and I too work a very full time job along with PC. Recently, Belinda Ellsworth had a great monthly audio on working a home based job. She used this example...She went for a glass of water and noticed that the dishwasher needed emptying (one of her pet peeves that must be done when she notices it).
She started to think about unloading it and then realized that she was right in the middle of some important projects in her home business. She then told herself that she is on the job and that the dishwasher would have to wait until office hours were done. She told herself too that if she were on a job outside of the home, that she wouldn't tell her boss...I have to go home and unload my dishwasher!!! Focusing on doing a home business does require more disipline. If you are a member of her website, I truly would write to her and she could give you some great insite.
Good luck and look for support here!:)
  • #13
I too need to build my business to be full time. I took a part time job last April (4 days a week) and it will be ending in April this year. That job has really hurt my business - no it's my fault: I have not been disciplined.

I am determined to double my sales this year so that I can make up the difference in my income and pay tuition for my son on top of other things.

What will I do to achieve that? I will be highly intentional. I will have set business hours and I will GET ON THE PHONE. (I have really gotten a bad case of phone-phobia lately) I have already left messages with a few good friends asking for their help and referrals to build my business. Once I leave that job I will GO OUT INTO THE WORLD and look for business - it is everywhere. I am planning on traveling to WI twice this summer ("on-route" to National Conference - it's out of the way really but an excuse to see family and then when new grandbaby is born in August) so I will be contacting friends and family who live "near-route" and asking them to do shows for me. Of course I will also be using all those contacts to build my team by sharing the vision and opportunity with them.

Good luck! If you can dream you can believe and if you believe you can achieve!
  • #14
call, call, call...Amber, I think you are getting great advice, but I will share with you that when you make the calls, do tell people that you are trying to build your business and why. You don't have to get specific about why you lost your job or where it was, but people LOVE to help others! I know when I went from full time to part time, I told everyone what I was doing and I asked everyone to help, whether by booking, joining or reffering. Just proves that the great majority of people are good! Then when I quit that job altogether, I again told everyone! The key is the phone...as much as I hate to admit it!

Chef Meg
Director & Trainer for The Pampered Chef
See you in Chicago in Wave 3
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  • #15
We are here for you Amber....

Read each of thes posts - write down what ALL of the ideas and advice...

Start with the easy ones....BUT ...don';t forget the hard ones - they are usually the ones that will get you the business (i.e.: THE PHONE).

Set oyur mind to it, set up a schedule as if you were going to "a regular job" and give it a try.

Let us know how you are doing...
  • #16

I've only been doing PC for three months, but have been full-time from the start (will earn career sales this month). A great piece of corporate advice I got was to prioritize your tasks in terms of their relationship to your revenue line...and then solidify the basics in each area.

I seperate each day's/week's task into the following priorities:

1. New Business (making phone calls, generating/following up on leads, locking in dates)

2. Host Coaching (initial coaching and follow-ups, plus researching skills to improve this area...this site helps tremendously)

3. Sales (working on my demo/show format, working with host on after-show outside orders, processing shows in PP)

4. Customer Care Calls/Follow-up (phone calls, notes, product adjustment actions)

What's missing from this list is recruiting...it's an area I'm only now starting to develop....so I don't have anything to offer there.

I fully agree with the comments about setting office hours and not letting the business "take over". It's something I'm struggling with since so much of what I'm doing is still new. I love the comment about not cleaning floors while at work...great point!!!

Hope this helps a little. -Kris
  • #17
I am a stay at home mom just finishing a year of maternity leave. I desperatly don't want to go back to work and leave my little girl at a day care. So, I've decided that I am going to build my business and turn my 2 shows a month into 6 show a month. So far I've done it for February. These are the things that I've done that you may want to try too.

I called every single public school in my city and asked them if they were having (what we Canadians call Fun Fairs), and if they needed a vendor. Out of 34 schools I now have 12 events to attend from now until June.

A friend and I have decided to put on our own Fundraiser for Breast Cancer in April. We have contacted a bunch of other local woman who have a home party business (Arbonne, Avon, Mary Kay, Discovery Toys, Epicure, Etc) and we are doing one big fundraising trade show. The local paper will be doing an editorial on us, and also a 1/2 page colour advertisment. It should be an excellent way to get sales but mainly bookings.

I contacted big and small trade shows in my area and found the ones that were free or cost very little, and used them to book up the next couple of months. There are not many but 1 a month or so is great.

When I have a show, I tell the host to tell there guests "if you bring a friend you'll go home with a Pampered Chef Goodie bag" Then I do up a bag with a Seasons best, mini whipper, quikut paring knife. that really gets people. My next show is up to 27 people right now because of this give away, it may cost me $30 to put them together but I may have additional 10 orders now.

Okay, I guess that is it for me. Good luck!
  • #18
OMG you are awesome I was thinking about the joint effort fundraiser. You must post back in April to tell how it went!!
  • #19
Don't leave out guests at your past shows. Do Customer Service calls checking on the products they bought then ask if you can share with them the upcoming host specials. Calling these people (who already know who you are) may just double your available contacts! While you're on the phone with them, ask them if they'd like to join your monthly email recipe club. That will keep you in front of them monthly :) GOOD LUCK!
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  • #20
I would love to see any ads/flyers you did for the Breast Cancer Fundraiser. That is such a GREAT idea!!!
  • #21
I am so sorry for your job loss, but others too had stated this may be a blessing in disguise. While things look grim right now you can turn it all around with your business. We are in the same boat pretty much here as well. My husband (making over $60,000) a year lost his job a week before Christmas ( (Merry Christmas, huh?) and I was all filled with the same worry and wondering how we would survive. Before Leadership I had I think 3 shows on my calendar for January and I think 1 for February. I now, after lots of praying and calling and calling and calling and...............have almost $3,000 in sales this month (unheard of for me) and for February have 11 cooking shows, 2 vendor shows, and 5 catalog shows! (Also unheard of!) I also have 3 for March as of right now. My motivation is "I HAVE TO DO IT!" or we won't survive. It's not that I didn't want to, but something at conference and the fact that my husband is jobless has just made me touch base with so many people that I might not ever had even thought of before. My Goal is also to walk as a new Director at National Conference!!! Trust in God and get on the phone and don't stop until you get what you want and need! Best of luck to you.

Related to Transitioning from Part-Time to Full-Time Work: Tips and Advice

1. What is "inNeed of Serious Help"?

"inNeed of Serious Help" is a special program by Pampered Chef that offers fundraising opportunities for individuals or organizations in need of financial assistance.

2. How does "inNeed of Serious Help" work?

The program works by hosting a virtual party where a portion of the sales goes towards the fundraiser. The host can also earn free products and discounts based on the total sales made during the party.

3. Who can participate in "inNeed of Serious Help"?

Anyone can participate in the program, whether you're an individual in need or an organization raising funds for a cause. All you need is a valid email address to sign up.

4. How much money can be raised through "inNeed of Serious Help"?

The amount of money raised depends on the sales made during the virtual party. The more people that participate and make purchases, the more money can be raised for the fundraiser.

5. How do I sign up for "inNeed of Serious Help"?

You can sign up for the program by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "inNeed of Serious Help" link. From there, you can fill out the registration form and start planning your virtual party.

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