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The Pampered Chef: Featured on the August Issue Cover!

In summary, the woman I work with 9-5 got the August issue of the magazine for her plane ride to Chicago Sunday morning. The magazine is about The Pampered Chef and is 75% content about the business.
Gold Member
Has anyone else seen the August issue of the magazine? The woman I work with 9-5 got it for my plane ride to Chicago Sunday morning.

The Pampered Chef is the featured business and we are on the cover. I have only climpsed at the articles, but they look to be well written and they interviewed all types of PCers.

Check it out.
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WOW! I can't believe we didn't get an email about that from PC! I will have to look for it! Thanks for sharing.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I finally had a chance to really look and the magazine and it's not a couple of articles, I would say 75% of the content of the magazine is PC - even a message from Doris inside the back cover. I cannot wait to really sit and read it cover to cover!
I've never heard of this magazine. Do they have a website?
Thanks for letting us know about this magazine. I was wondering what I could carry on that could occupy me for my flight on July 16th. At least
I have time to search for one. I have not seen it in my local outlets but
perhaps Barnes & Knoble will have a copy.
I did a search online an didn't find it. Didn't find it at Borders online either.
Okay so where do we get this?? Inquiring minds want to know!!
WebsiteTheir website address is www.empoweringwomen.com. Their website isn't fully functional, but they have a "contact us" section. I just sent them an email asking where in my city/state I can find it.

I did a search for "empowering women magazine" to find it.

nikked said:
Their website address is www.empoweringwomen.com. Their website isn't fully functional, but they have a "contact us" section. I just sent them an email asking where in my city/state I can find it.

I did a search for "empowering women magazine" to find it.


Just 'cause your a director now doesn't mean that you can go around finding everything out and being a smarty pants...;) :D ;)

(congrats again by the way!)
  • #10
Yes! I saw this magazine at Barnes and Noble early this week. It is so awesome that 75% of the magazine is about The Pampered Chef! I too have emailed them, asking how I can subscribe, but have not heard back yet. I believe this issue is just their 3rd issue. I look forward to reading it on the plane tomorrow and sharing it with my director, who had not heard about it either.
Suzy in Texas
  • #11
I'll be spreading the news about this magazine through my cluster! What a great boost to our biz! If I can get my hands on a copy I plan on sharing it at my shows! I try to clip the press releases from all the magazines and stuff!
  • #12
Oh man, I want a copy! Here in rural America though, the nearest Barnes & Noble is probably 4 hours away:( If anyone finds it somewhere else post it here please!
  • #13
Smarty Pants
soonerchef said:
Just 'cause your a director now doesn't mean that you can go around finding everything out and being a smarty pants...;) :D ;)

(congrats again by the way!)

If I'm going to be smart from head to toe, that means I've got to be a "smarty pants" too!

  • #14
I'll have to go to my local Borders. They may have it.
  • #15
Hehehe...they are going to get so many emails from us that they wish they didn't run the PC stories!!!
  • #16
75% about The Pampered Chef? It feels like 95%! With each page I turned I became more amazed.

I got copies at Borders and Barnes & Noble (though I purchased the last copy at each store).

I will be absolutely shocked and amazed if this magazine is NOT handed out at conference. It profiles many different consultants, talks about the wedding registry, the Executive Cookware and a variety of other products.

GO NOW and find a copy. Even if we get one at conference (or they mail them to each consultant), I think you’ll want more than one because this may be the best recruiting tool I’ve seen yet.
  • #17
I'm so excited! Borders just put 4 copies on hold for me!! I have one serious potential recruit and 2 others that are so-so right now -- hoping this magazine puts them over the edge to sign the Consultant's Agreement!!!!

Beth in PA
  • #18
Wow thanks - just made myself a note to stop at Borders on the way to the airport tomorrow! That will make for good reading on the plane!
  • #19
I bought a copy at my local Borders. Cost is $5.95, and it does say Volume 1:Issue 3. So, you are probably correct about it being a new magazine. The
July issue was still on their racks, and it appeared to be another Direct Sell
company featured that I did not recognize. I, too, am beginning to wonder
why this has not been communicated to us. This week's Weekly Bites was only one page, and seemed to be too brief to be complete, so I wonder if anyone else received an edition that may have had more pages, and included this news???
I would venture a guess that this magazine will be available at National,
and you won't have any problems getting a copy. It sure is jam packed with
great articles and photos. There was even another lady PC Consultant who is older than me. I had begun to think I was close to the record.
  • #20
I think I better go to my Borders tomorrow.
  • #21
As soon as I read this posting I called my local B&N and they didn't have it, so I called the other one near me and had 2 copies put on hold. I rushed right out there (so much for a quiet Sat night) and bought them and brought one to my directors (she lives 10 min from me) and we oohed and aahed over it... how am I going to be able to wait until my flight on Wednesday to read this!?! I may have to read it once now and again on the flight! Do what you can to find this magazine, it is amazingly packed with anything and everything about PC! omg...so excited about it I actually skipped out of B&N! (I'm such a geek, I know) :)
  • #22
The B&N by me had several copies, so I picked up 3. One for me, one for a recruit, and one as a lender/display copy at shows! I'm bringing mine with me to Conference when I leave this afternoon!
  • #23
Is there any other stores that anyone knows of that has this magazine? We don't have a B&N or Borders near us. I tried e-mailing the website for Empowering women but it said that it didn't recognize the website address. I want a copy of the magazine but have no clue how to get one.
  • #24
I would call any book store around you and ask! When I called they even checked the shelves to make sure they had issues in stock! Then just ask to have them hold you x amount of copies. That way you don't have to do a ton of driving! Good luck finding a copy!
  • #25
B&N online ordering
janel kelly said:
Is there any other stores that anyone knows of that has this magazine? We don't have a B&N or Borders near us. I tried e-mailing the website for Empowering women but it said that it didn't recognize the website address. I want a copy of the magazine but have no clue how to get one.

i am sure you can order it from B&N go to www.barnes&noble.com I do this a lot because I would rather pay an extra few $ for shipping than chase my 4 yr.old around in there.!!!:eek:
  • #26
Get it TODAY!!I just picked up my copy at Barnes and Noble's. (Glad my husband was driving...I read it all the way home!!) GET IT!!! It is like a mini-conference in a book! If you can't make it to conference this year, reading this will inspire you and help remind you that we work for a fantastic company.

If you are going to conference, this is fabulous reading and can be a great conversation starter on the plane, on a train,...

I can't believe the HO hasn't told us about this. They tell us about a one inch picture of a food chopper showing up in Good Housekeeping :) There is even a nice quality card inside (not like the little white tear out inserts) with contact information on one side regarding becoming a consultant and the other side about hosting a show!! Woo Hoo....home office leads!!
  • #27
I just picked up a copy at Books a Million. It is awesome!!

BTW: Don't look it over too carefully if you don't want to see one of the new upgraded products.;)
  • #28
BethCooks4U said:
BTW: Don't look it over too carefully if you don't want to see one of the new upgraded products.;)

Shame on you, Beth!! Now, instead of cleaning the house, I'm looking through EW trying to find the new product!! :) :)
  • #29
GeorgiaPeach said:
Shame on you, Beth!! Now, instead of cleaning the house, I'm looking through EW trying to find the new product!! :) :)
I told you NOT to look!
  • #30
Haven't you heard of reverse psychology? Tell someone NOT to do something and then that's all they want to do?? :) :)
  • #31
Have some control Lisa! :rolleyes:

It's only another week...:eek:

Okay... look through that magazine and see what it is. Did that work? Are you back to cleaning your house?

See ya in Chicago!
  • #32
BethCooks4U said:
BTW: Don't look it over too carefully if you don't want to see one of the new upgraded products.;)

Okay, so I was saving my copy to read while on the airplane and then waiting at the airport for the rest of my team to arrive....then I read this and JUST HAD to go get the magazine and scour all the pictures!! I think I found it....I'll PM you so as not to spoil it for anyone else!
  • #33
Anyone try to order it online? No matter which website I go to I can't find a section for magazines and so I'm having no luck finding it.:(
  • #34
Did you notice...I didn't notice an updated product, but haven't been all the way through it yet. But did anybody else notice that on page 25, SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Patty Mocerino is using the USG WITHOUT THE FOOD HOLDER?!!?

I couldn't believe that they let it through!

Love the mag...my AD is going nuts over it. It's AWESOME!
  • #35
nikked said:
But did anybody else notice that on page 25, SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Patty Mocerino is using the USG WITHOUT THE FOOD HOLDER?!!?

I couldn't believe that they let it through!

YES I DID!!! I had to look at the photo three times to be sure...I checked it again just now and yep, the food holder is lying right there on the counter next to her board!!
  • #36
nikked said:
did anybody else notice that on page 25, SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Patty Mocerino is using the USG WITHOUT THE FOOD HOLDER?!!?

I saw the pic of her using the USG but didn't notice that she wasn't using the holder! NOT GOOD!!
  • #37
BethCooks4U said:
I told you NOT to look!

Okay, I found it.....same page as what I PM'ed you about right (or is that another one...)? I like it!

Now I can get back to my ironing and packing....41 hours until my flight leaves...........yeah, I'm just a little excited....and nervous about leaving my 4 year old and hubby for 4 days! I know I will be much more appreciated when I get home!
  • #38
I couldn't find it on www.bn.com (Barnes and Noble) and I couldn't get the website to come up either! My closest bookstores are over an hour away! DH has the car and I am dying to know what the upgraded product is. Can someone PM me???
  • #39
gilliandanielle said:
I couldn't find it on www.bn.com (Barnes and Noble) and I couldn't get the website to come up either! My closest bookstores are over an hour away! DH has the car and I am dying to know what the upgraded product is. Can someone PM me???
You don't want that! Wait for conference! You're almost there.

It's just an upgrade. If you have the magazine it's a fun treasure hunt but if not you don't want someone to TELL you.
  • #40
I just got it today too--I skimmed thru after u mentioned a new upgraded product--didn't notice one tho---when I have time I will go thru--hopefully their readership is more than just us consultants---that should bring in many leads--also there is the postcard attached inside to be mailed in!!!

  • #41
I went to B&N.com also as well as borders.com but I can't find the magazine either. I even had my husband try. I e-mailed their website but havn't heard from them. We only have mall bookstores like waldenbooks so I doubt it is there. Its so frustrating to not have it anywhere and even be able to find it online.
  • #42
janel kelly said:
I went to B&N.com also as well as borders.com but I can't find the magazine either. I even had my husband try. I e-mailed their website but havn't heard from them. We only have mall bookstores like waldenbooks so I doubt it is there. Its so frustrating to not have it anywhere and even be able to find it online.
Waldenbooks might have it. I got mine at Books-a-Million and I don't think that's a very large chain - or am I wrong? I wonder if Grandmarita is right and they'll have copies at National Conference? Wouldn't surprise me.
  • #43
I can't afford to go to conference and my husband has our car. I am trapped at home, no one is talking from conference, and I am dying to know what even the upgraded products is!
  • #44
gilliandanielle said:
I can't afford to go to conference and my husband has our car. I am trapped at home, no one is talking from conference, and I am dying to know what even the upgraded products is!
I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for your director. They'll be back soon and you'll know more than any of us in wave 3!!
  • #45
BethCooks4U said:
Have some control Lisa! :rolleyes:

It's only another week...:eek:

Okay... look through that magazine and see what it is. Did that work? Are you back to cleaning your house?

See ya in Chicago!

Ding...ding....ding....I found it!! Wow Beth, you have sharp eyes :) I found it AND cleaned the house :)

Now it's time to pack for conference....hmmm..the pink shirt or the blue one? Is it wrong to take 6 pairs of shoes for 5 days? :D
  • #46
What about the clothes?
GeorgiaPeach said:
Is it wrong to take 6 pairs of shoes for 5 days?

Only if that means there's no room for clothes...:eek:
  • #47
GeorgiaPeach said:
Ding...ding....ding....I found it!! Wow Beth, you have sharp eyes :) I found it AND cleaned the house :)
Did you? Alison found another one that I hadn't seen...
  • #48
Beth, I love you and your posts, but this is pure torture!!! I hope your message box has room, because another one is on its way...
  • #49
GourmetGirl said:
Beth, I love you and your posts, but this is pure torture!!! I hope your message box has room, because another one is on its way...
guess I'll have to empty it. :p
  • #50
I hope I can get that magazine!

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