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Director What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

In summary, many people feel frustrated and discouraged by the new system. They find it time consuming, difficult to navigate, and riddled with errors. They are also concerned about the lack of leads and orders being generated since its implementation. Additionally, many feel they are being treated unfairly if they do not hold a director title, as they are unable to receive updates or access certain features.
  • #151
cookingwithlove said:
As of last week it was the old PWS. When they first had the find your consultant option in May it directed people to the new website, but then they changed it back to the old website without telling us.

Hmmmm. Interesting. I'm glad it's the old PWS, but why would they not tell people so they can make sure the old site is updated???
  • #152
Why did they not tell us that new consultants now receive a P3 password? Why did they not tell us that they took the link to download P3 off of the website? They don't tell us much.
  • #153
cookingwithlove said:
Why did they not tell us that new consultants are no receive a P3 password? Why did they not tell us that they took the link to download P3 off of the website? They don't tell us much.

WHAT?? So what happens if a consultant who is not on the new web needs to download P3???? :sick:

I am seriously disappointed right now. I know they are going nuts trying to make this whole thing work but all they are succeeding at is destroying a good thing. Makes you wonder if we'll survive it. ...I know... Drama but seriously! Get this show on the road and working!!! :help:
  • #154
I'm curious, I still have my p3 disk I originally used to install p3. Would I be able to install this on a new consultant's computer and have it work? I'm thinking, once it's on there, and she registers it in her name, etc. she can then update it through the old web. Right?
  • #155
Ruth Fifield said:
I'm curious, I still have my p3 disk I originally used to install p3. Would I be able to install this on a new consultant's computer and have it work? I'm thinking, once it's on there, and she registers it in her name, etc. she can then update it through the old web. Right?

No. She doesn't have a P3 password.
  • #156
Then how are they supposed to submit shows? I'm out of town right now and found out by e-mail that my new person has the new web but the person who signed under her has the old web. My person was trying to help her person til they finally figured out they were dealing with different webs. I'm trying to tell the indirect recruit to download P3 and thought I was missing something by not seeing it on Cons Corner. New people can only be excited and motivated for so long til this tech stuff gets to be too much.
  • #157
Becca_in_MD said:
Then how are they supposed to submit shows? I'm out of town right now and found out by e-mail that my new person has the new web but the person who signed under her has the old web. My person was trying to help her person til they finally figured out they were dealing with different webs. I'm trying to tell the indirect recruit to download P3 and thought I was missing something by not seeing it on Cons Corner. New people can only be excited and motivated for so long til this tech stuff gets to be too much.

I'm confused. Your recruit is in the new web but her recruit is not? How could that be? I thought everyone who signed after May 3 is on the new web. ...or is your recruit a director?
  • #158
Becca_in_MD said:
Then how are they supposed to submit shows? I'm out of town right now and found out by e-mail that my new person has the new web but the person who signed under her has the old web. My person was trying to help her person til they finally figured out they were dealing with different webs. I'm trying to tell the indirect recruit to download P3 and thought I was missing something by not seeing it on Cons Corner. New people can only be excited and motivated for so long til this tech stuff gets to be too much.

Exactly!! Which is why I'm going to lose my May recruit! :help:
  • #159
bethcooks4u said:
I'm confused. Your recruit is in the new web but her recruit is not? How could that be? I thought everyone who signed after May 3 is on the new web. ...or is your recruit a director?

This is what the indirect recruit said. My recruit signed on June 1 and is on the new web. Her recruit signed mid June and seems to be on the old web. My director said she has a new recruit who signed early June, I think, who she finally discovered is on the old web after she was telling her how to do things on the new web.
  • #160
Becca_in_MD said:
This is what the indirect recruit said. My recruit signed on June 1 and is on the new web. Her recruit signed mid June and seems to be on the old web. My director said she has a new recruit who signed early June, I think, who she finally discovered is on the old web after she was telling her how to do things on the new web.

Seems like we need to know this.
  • #161
On the old web... Was she given P3 then? Yes, why aren't they telling us this and why aren't they letting those who joined May 3 until whenever they changed it? What.a.mess.
  • #162
I'm curious if anyone has been able to use the evites system successfully in the new web? After reading the email with the system updates yesterday, I was surprised they said it was working. I have completely abandoned it and gone to evite.com for all my evites after two shows in a row having very low attendance, people NOT getting their evites from the web.

Anyone's working?
  • #163
A few of my host don't get the email I send the
With the grocery list
  • Thread starter
  • #164
I am not using the new web because I have no faith in anything they are telling us. First it is "oh this is the greatest thing since sliced bread", then "oh it's working like it is supposed to" then "oh, we have problems we are so sorry bear with us" then crickets crickets... no communication from HO and then this email yesterday. I am waiting my business was functioning just fine before this mess started and I will continue to do things the way they were working...
  • #165
I'm right there with you Jenni. I am so over this new system and, while I know if we aren't using it they won't find the problems, I feel I've put in my time. I'm done with it.

I might be persuaded to try it again if they gave us the app... but I would guess it would be just as useless anyway.
  • #166
Still that bad? I was planning to start using it for my July shows in hopes that things were finally working better. I haven't heard as much complaining, but guess that's because people have stopped using it. So disappointing :( I wonder what they will say about it at Fall Launch since they made such a huge deal about it at Spring Launch.
  • #167
I hesitated on even going to fall launch because although I love eating the marshmallow fluff, don't know if believing their fluff will work for me. Will be going, however!

I am going to try to do a July show with the new website. I have not depended on evites anyway and invested my time and money into mailed invites and calling reminders.

Fall is right around the corner and with the lack of successful progression on this website, I pray:pray:they don't abandon P3 just yet.
  • #168
I just am frustrated that it seems like every day it gets harder and harder to do my job....
  • #169
I'm so scared to try the new website. I SHOULD do it this month because I only have two shows, but I just don't want to take the plunge. I'm also participating in a Pacesetters program that started yesterday. Just to basically kick my butt in gear. Maybe I should just do one thing at a time. Lol!I also debated about fall launch, but it's not that far from me and I KNOW I'm not going to Leadership, so I figured I'd bite the bullet and do this. I'm totally interested to see how they address the mess. If they totally gloss over it (which I doubt they would) I bet they get booed.
  • #170
I had planned to do my July shows in the new web but besides having a couple of long distance catalog show that I know will have most payments on host cc I have a vacation this month - and the fact that it sounds like the math still isn't fixed, I will wait until August - well, that too depends...I am going to launch. I had 7 going locally and two going from my TX team but now several have changed their mind. We now have 4 here and so far one in TX. I am also going to leadership although I am having second thoughts on that...
  • #171
I've used the new web for my past two shows. Wouldn't you know these two shows were under 150 when I left (this very rarely never happens and I got two). Anyway, I don't like how it won't give the past host item until u reach 150. My past host in both shows we're 2nd to order, so I'm forced to remember and give them a total to pay using a calculator. I closed my show today and we made it to 300- so I was able to go back in and add the food chopper to the past hosts order. I don't like that we have to remember... I did like the fact that I synced my keyboard to my iphone and when my host didn't have wireless internet, i used my phone to enter the show. That was sweet. But only cause I had the keyboard
  • #172
Melinda: Be sure to tell HO about that. It's my understanding that we'll be on PP+ until further notice at this point. My upline said she "thinks" they might release it to everyone when the new season starts.I wasn't going to go to fall launch, but decided since I'm a leader I should be just that "a leader" and go. I have 5 team members attending :) Excited for them.
  • #173
Has anyone done a Bridal Shower in the new web?
That's one that has me worried because of the balanced payment requirement.
In P3 I always put the items for the bride under her maiden name and items that the guests orderfor themselves in their name. If guests order for the bride and not themselves but pay with a CC, I enter that as a payment without an order....it's crazy, but my shows balance even if the payments are all wonky and all over the place. How will this work in the new web...or is is easier on bridal shows to tag the bride's items?
  • #174
pamperedlinda said:
Has anyone done a Bridal Shower in the new web?
That's one that has me worried because of the balanced payment requirement.
In P3 I always put the items for the bride under her maiden name and items that the guests orderfor themselves in their name. If guests order for the bride and not themselves but pay with a CC, I enter that as a payment without an order....it's crazy, but my shows balance even if the payments are all wonky and all over the place. How will this work in the new web...or is is easier on bridal shows to tag the bride's items?

I have my first bridal shower in the new web tonight, and another tomorrow. I'll let you know! I have always put all the gifts under the groom's name as a guest but this time I am simply going to give the bride a list of who gave her what. There's no way to do the payments and I can't possibly ask each guest to write two different checks or use a c.c. for hers and a check for the bride's. And, I can't have 20 different c.c. payments on one order! So, I'm going to have to make the list myself.
  • #175
Ruth Fifield said:
I have my first bridal shower in the new web tonight, and another tomorrow. I'll let you know! I have always put all the gifts under the groom's name as a guest but this time I am simply going to give the bride a list of who gave her what. There's no way to do the payments and I can't possibly ask each guest to write two different checks or use a c.c. for hers and a check for the bride's. And, I can't have 20 different c.c. payments on one order! So, I'm going to have to make the list myself.

That's what I always do (leave things under the guest name and give the bride a list) and it works out fine. A show marked as a wedding shower is full of gifts for the host (bride) so HO knows that there a lot of things ordered in someone else's name. I find it easier to give her a list than to move everything around anyway.
  • #176
Geez I can't even imagine trying to do a Bridal Shower with the new web. Shoot me now, LOL. I did set up my bride's wish list for the 28th on my website, now I think I need to go in and make sure people do NOT click on "view my NEW website"...who knows who will get the credit for the orders if I do. Thanks for the heads up. I agree with Beth. What a mess....

The good news, I will probably have over $8K this month because of 3 big shows (one closed at $1500, one is a huge fundraiser and the other is the bridal shower with 30+ people in attendance--bride is shooting for $1200 to get her entire wish list). So double points for me will be nice.

They owe us all a HUGE margarita at Leadership for this mess. Who's with me?
  • #177
:) i've done 5 Bridal Showers on the new web with really no issues ... Don't shoot me! :) LOL!
  • #178
flemings99 said:
Melinda: Be sure to tell HO about that.

I just called about the specials not showing up until the party is at 150 and she said she hadn't heard of this but agrees this is an issue. She also said if anyone else is having this issue to send it in and It Would get more notice.
  • #179
In P3 if you try to order the past host special before the show gets to $150 you get a red dot. So the issue in the new web is that the past host special item is not even an option to order? I'm going to Launch but not Leadership. Just as I suspected there are few hours of actual training during Leadership. There's recognition, which I know is important to people. I'm not getting recognized so not important to me. There are general sessions which includes the 2 speakers they've hired. Not to be too much of a negative Nellie, but just wanted to point out these issues to people who are weighing the time & expense of going v. the benefits. I think HO will gloss over the new web at Launch and address is more at Leadership since the Leadership attendees are the ones who have been dealing with it more than the general consultant population. I expect at Launch they'll say something like "there have been some delays." They'll leave it up to Marla to address the leaders in person.
  • #180
Becca_in_MD said:
In P3 if you try to order the past host special before the show gets to $150 you get a red dot. So the issue in the new web is that the past host special item is not even an option to order? .

Correct. So I can enter her order at the show, provided she doesn't order the past host special UNTIL the show hits 150 in guest sales. It doesn't even How up until the show is at the minimum. I guess I can enter it as full price and change it once the show gets beyond that.
  • #181
Malinda Klein said:
Correct. So I can enter her order at the show, provided she doesn't order the past host special UNTIL the show hits 150 in guest sales. It doesn't even How up until the show is at the minimum. I guess I can enter it as full price and change it once the show gets beyond that.

I wouldn't. With all the issues it could create a problem. Just write it on her receipt boldly or circle it or whatever you have to do - and do the math by hand/calculator.

They HAVE heard of that issue. It's been a problem from the start and has been reported. Either it was put on a back burner because there are more urgent issues or it was lost in the shuffle or that particular tech just hasn't run across it.
  • #182
And what is with me having to check off newsletter? This should be defaulted a check and I have to uncheck those who dont want a newsletter
  • #183
I have a downline director who is not on loops, dislikes change and has been using the new website. She has an Ipad and says she has had zero problems. I shared some of the issues that others and myself have experienced and she sees none of these problems. I tried to do May or June shows on the new web and when I found that the tax was incorrect, then I went back to P3. She swears that she has had no tax issues.

Glad it is working for some but wished it worked for more!
  • #184
I have a recruit lead that is supposed to sign on Thursday. She has already found CS and is lurking over there. I am terrified for her (and me) that she will have to use the new web!! She seems like she is ready to jump into this with both feet, which I desperately need someone like that on my team right now. I just hope the new web doesn't scare her away :pray:
  • #185
I've been honest with all of my consultants UP FRONT that they will be on the new web and like any web launch, it has its quirks and glitches. There is some online training they can take for it. So far, neither of the two have experienced any problems. I'm using it too and so far so good. Giving them a heads-up to be patient with it worked well for the two new gals so it's just a thought. HTH!
  • #186
I just signed my 2nd (3rd overall for the team) with the new web, I really didn't tell them anything, just said we were in the middle of a transition and they were on the new web, if they had any problems or questions just to let me know and I would get an answer for them. No real problems yet either (and I am not even on the web)
<h2>1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.</p><h2>2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.</p><h2>3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.</p><h2>4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.</p><h2>5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?</h2><p>Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.</p>

Related to What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.

2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.

3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.

4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.

5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?

Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.

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