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Small Steps Toward Big Change: My Pampered Chef Journey

In summary, Gil is proud of himself for the smallest things these days, and today he e-mailed a few people and two hosts. He is hoping to be inspired by the new products revealed at conference, but he has to make it to July first.
I am so proud of myself for the smallest things these days! Today I e-mailed a few people in my downline and two hosts that need to nail down a date. I know it isn't much, but I haven't even had the motivation to do ANYTHING PC related in such a long time. I have decided to do one thing each day that could possibly enhance my business no matter how small. If nothing comes of it than maybe it is time to let PC go, but I have to try to save my business. I am hoping to be inspired by the new products revealed at conference, but I have to make it to July first!
That's great Gil~! I'm proud of you!!! You can do it!! I promise, you'll be inspired by the new products. (I promise, I don't know ANYTHING!!!) I can't wait to be WOWED at Conference either!!:D
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  • #3
Thanks Kristi! What is up with your directorship? Did I miss a thread on it?
Great Thinking !! Baby Steps (You know about Flylady !!) is the way to go. I lost a business after having a baby 3 years ago, and it was all online, so I could do it all at anytime I wished, but I let it go and lost the business. I only wish I had done baby steps to keep it going, although I love PC. 6 months or a year from now, you may be glad that you did these steps to keep it going. Better to keep it going and figure it out later, than to have worked as hard as you did and lose it all then regret it.

We love your input, but remember time here goes quick and although you learn and get great support, you still need to make your calls and contacts, so keep time spent here quick and simple.

Congratulations on Baylor. Hope everyone is well and adjusting.
gilliandanielle said:
Thanks Kristi! What is up with your directorship? Did I miss a thread on it?

No problem! Nope, nothing, zilch on my directorship. I went to my recruits house on Saturday, took pics of the log and sent the pictures of verbatim of what it said (you can read it in the pictures but just in case) in the mail today. They said that they'll re-open the case when I submit this but as of right now, they're not showing that she tried anything on May 31st. I'm praying to God that it works out.

Thanks for asking and caring!!! Believe me, I'll post it when I get word. I'll definitely be walking next month since I bought my dress today!!!:D
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  • #6
I had a recruit try to submit something on the 31st as well that didn't go through and she went inactive. She lives in the middle of NOWHERE Alaska, so we don't know if it was a HO problem or a crappy internet problem... I hope everything works out!
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  • #7
Thanks Tina! Hanging out here was as "PC" as I have gotten the past 6 weeks so I do kinda count this as PC time even though it accomplishes nothing. For the longest time I couldn't even come here, so I feel like I am doing well. I submitted an individual order today and need $16 more to stay active after this month.

I just can't make calls yet, but I am slowly getting there. Mama always said "Slow and steady stays active for new products :)" Didn't she??
gilliandanielle said:
I had a recruit try to submit something on the 31st as well that didn't go through and she went inactive. She lives in the middle of NOWHERE Alaska, so we don't know if it was a HO problem or a crappy internet problem... I hope everything works out!

Thanks Gillian and I'm sorry to hear that. Man, I will NEVER wait to the last minute AGAIN!!!
Yeah - Gillian is BACK!! Love the Baby steps thread name. So appropriate
  • #10
I don't have the pregnancy or new baby excuse, but you've motivated me to baby step, too!

Think I'll make a deposit, submit a show, input a show.
Tomorrow I'll make host packets & send out, call downline.

It's a start!
  • #11
Gillian~ I laughed when I read your thread title, because my first instict was to think "already?" That just me, I always have to find the humor in everything! You know... It sounded like your little BMW was taking her first baby steps! LOL!:eek: :D :D ;)
You know, when I was pregnant with my son... I had a dream one night that the baby was a girl and that I brought her home and the next day she was a 1-2 year old and talking! I kept telling her "no, it's too fast! I need you to be a baby longer!":eek: I guess I had an issue with my babies growing up too fast! Sometimes when I look at my kids now, and think of how big they are... I think back to that dream and chuckle a little! Thank God it is not how it is!LOL! As I always say, God gives them to us as little tiny babies so that our love for them can just grow to overflowing and when they get older and wear on that last nerve, we can pull some baby love out of the reserve!!!
BTW.... congrats on working your business, no matter how small you feel it is, it is still an accomplishment and you should be proud! Good job! And the new products, I bet, will inspire you! Hang in there and keep up the "baby steps!":)
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  • #12
Sounds like a good plan for me, too!
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  • #13
Yep Cathy- at 12 days old Baylor is walking around! Such an over-achiever! LOL!

I have been a flybaby for over 5 years and finally apply the principles of her system to my whole life. Breaking things into manageable tasks is the only way to accomplish goals, so I am doing my manageable tasks one tiny baby step at a time.
  • #14
Way to go Gill:) I'm sure someone can order that $16 from ya so you'll stay active & get the new products! Just keep doing those baby steps for a few more weeks.....we'll all come back from conference & get ya motivated again!:D
  • #15
Hey, its your biz and you fo what you want! Just to do a little something so soon after delivering is great! I have a feeling you won't be leaving us anytime soon! I think you are way too good at this to leave~
  • #16
You take your time and do what you are comfortable with. Don't push yourself too soon after giving birth.

I need to take better baby steps with my business too.
  • #17
gilliandanielle said:
I am so proud of myself for the smallest things these days! Today I e-mailed a few people in my downline and two hosts that need to nail down a date. I know it isn't much, but I haven't even had the motivation to do ANYTHING PC related in such a long time. I have decided to do one thing each day that could possibly enhance my business no matter how small. If nothing comes of it than maybe it is time to let PC go, but I have to try to save my business. I am hoping to be inspired by the new products revealed at conference, but I have to make it to July first!

After my son was born, I was proud of myself on the days that I actually took a shower and brushed my teeth!:rolleyes:

I think you are doing great Gillian - and soon enough, you will be back to where you want to be!
Take care of yourself and those beautiful kidlets!
  • #18
Baby Steps...how perfect!! I've told my Director many times that, whenever I finally promote to Director (someday....sigh!) I'm going to name my newsletter that!!

It really is true, that's how we make it. One show, one recruit, at a time!

Hmm....maybe that's also a good name for a Conference session!! lol

Keep up the good work, Gillian! You're quite a trooper!!

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  • #19
Thanks ladies- and for the record, Becky- I didn't shower or brush my teeth yesterday... nasty! It is definetly at the top of the list today since I actually have to leave the house, LOL!
  • #20
Yeah- you're not going to get any bookings if you're out and stinky! LOL
  • #21
Brush those teeth!!


Debbie :D
  • #22
gilliandanielle said:
Thanks ladies- and for the record, Becky- I didn't shower or brush my teeth yesterday... nasty! It is definetly at the top of the list today since I actually have to leave the house, LOL!
You are so honest!!!! I don't know if I could admit to not brushing my teeth back when I had my babies!! (now I only said "admit", you read between the lines!:eek: ;) :D !!!)
I do remember when I had my babies not doing all my normal stuff! Oh... what my hubby must have thought about how I looked some of those days!:eek:
Oh well, tough! after what I went through to bring those babies into the world, I felt he could just deal with it!:p
  • #23
MissChef said:
You are so honest!!!! I don't know if I could admit to not brushing my teeth back when I had my babies!! (now I only said "admit", you read between the lines!:eek: ;) :D !!!)
I do remember when I had my babies not doing all my normal stuff! Oh... what my hubby must have thought about how I looked some of those days!:eek:
Oh well, tough! after what I went through to bring those babies into the world, I felt he could just deal with it!:p

Because of my son being premature, and needing extra help learning how to suck, it required both of us up every 2 hours - me holding DS and nursing, and my DH holding a syringe and small tube w/ pumped milk in it.....so we were both sleep deprived for about the first 6 weeks! He really wouldn't have noticed my unbrushed teeth or unshowered self....and with anyone else - I really didn't care!
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  • #24
My DH works two jobs and is gone about 14 hours a day. I have been sleeping on the couch because it is so much easier for Baylor and I. Basically my DH and I haven't been close enough for him to notice my unshowered self in a few weeks. I tried to sleep in my bed last night but Baylor hated the bassinet and got cold. She was up every 1.5 hours instead of the 3-4 hour stretches she has upstairs and it was SO hard to feed her in bed. I figure that me & DH sleeping in separate rooms is okay for now because we get along a lot better when we both get our sleep, LOL!

It is my dad's birthday today so my goal is to shower :D bathe my older kids and give Baylor a bath right before we leave. She spits up a lot so her "good smell" from the bath doesn't last very long, LOL! My PC goal is to update my website in anticipation for sending out my newsletter later this week. Baby steps...baby steps... baby steps...
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  • #25
I got my website updated...

:eek: It was showing the APRIL specials :eek: Oops!

My older kids are bathed and they both made cards for my dad. I am off to take a shower, and then give *stinky* a bath. One baby step at a time, LOL!
  • #26
Here's a quick tip from a friend of mine, who is actually a mother of triplets.

When they were small infants, she always took them to their doctor appointments at 9 A.M., or whatever the first appointment of the day was. She did this so she didn't have to wait long.

Well, they asked her just how she managed to make it so early in the morning, especially with three babies.

She laughed and said, "Well, if you really want to know....."

and then proceeded to tell them that, she and her husband would actually bathe them about 11:30 the night before, then put them to bed....in sweatsuits! That way, they were comfortable, yet "dressed". In the morning, it was a quick feeding, diaper change, and they were "good to go"!!

I can so totally remember not being able to be ready to go anywhere before
1 P.M. on most days, but I thought she did have a good idea there!!

Have a great day!!
  • #27
gilliandanielle said:
My DH works two jobs and is gone about 14 hours a day. I have been sleeping on the couch because it is so much easier for Baylor and I. Basically my DH and I haven't been close enough for him to notice my unshowered self in a few weeks. I tried to sleep in my bed last night but Baylor hated the bassinet and got cold. She was up every 1.5 hours instead of the 3-4 hour stretches she has upstairs and it was SO hard to feed her in bed. I figure that me & DH sleeping in separate rooms is okay for now because we get along a lot better when we both get our sleep, LOL!

Baby steps...baby steps... baby steps...

OMG, how funny I went through the same thing with my 1st born! I slept out on the couch with her when she woudlnt' sleep in the bassinet so DH could sleep through the night when Kaiya was only sleeping every 1-2 hours at a time!:eek: It was brutal the first 2 months but I'd do it over again in a heart beat!:rolleyes:
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  • #28
I am glad to know that I am not the only one who slept on the couch. We have a 2 story house but the bottom floor was unfinished. When I had my other babies my room was upstairs because we had two bedrooms up there. Once my second got old enough for his own room we finished the bedrooms and family room downstairs and moved down there. The bathroom is still unfinished, and my kitchen is upstairs. I bottle feed Baylor, so when I sleep in my room I have to go upstairs everytime she needs a bottle or I have to go to the bathroom. When I am on the couch I can just do whatever I need to without waking anyone up or trekking across the house. If she sleeps so well in the living room than I think that I should do what works and she won't sleep there forever!

LMAO, Paula!! That is a great idea! Before I had kids I would always make my appointment the first one after lunch, but now that interferes with naptime. I figure I would rather get up early and get going than get stuck with a "behind" doctor and cranky kids.
  • #29
gilliandanielle said:
I am glad to know that I am not the only one who slept on the couch. We have a 2 story house but the bottom floor was unfinished. When I had my other babies my room was upstairs because we had two bedrooms up there. Once my second got old enough for his own room we finished the bedrooms and family room downstairs and moved down there. The bathroom is still unfinished, and my kitchen is upstairs. I bottle feed Baylor, so when I sleep in my room I have to go upstairs everytime she needs a bottle or I have to go to the bathroom. When I am on the couch I can just do whatever I need to without waking anyone up or trekking across the house. If she sleeps so well in the living room than I think that I should do what works and she won't sleep there forever!

LMAO, Paula!! That is a great idea! Before I had kids I would always make my appointment the first one after lunch, but now that interferes with naptime. I figure I would rather get up early and get going than get stuck with a "behind" doctor and cranky kids.

She was a riot! Here's another one....

Once, she came to church with all three of them. She put them in the nursery, and thought it out so well, she had dressed the boy in blue, one girl in pink, and one girl in green. They each had a bottle that was the same color as their outfit, so the nursery workers would know which bottle went to which baby!! I asked her why she went to the trouble of doing that? She told me it was because she was looking forward to a break from them, and didn't want to be paged out of the service to just be asked which bottle to give which baby!!
(She was WAAAYYY more organized than I'll ever be!!)

  • #30
Not the couch, but the rocker-recliner. I have hip problems, and when I'm pregnant, and for a few months after, I can't lay flat in my bed for more than an hour or so. I'm finally back in bed for about half the night, which is nice!

Related to Small Steps Toward Big Change: My Pampered Chef Journey

1. What inspired you to start your Pampered Chef journey?

I have always been passionate about cooking and trying out new kitchen products, so when I learned about Pampered Chef and their high-quality kitchen tools, I was immediately drawn to it. I also wanted to find a way to earn some extra income while doing something I love.

2. What challenges have you faced while building your Pampered Chef business?

Like any business, there have been ups and downs. One of the biggest challenges I faced was finding a consistent and effective way to market and promote my business. It takes a lot of effort and dedication to build a strong customer base and recruit new team members.

3. How do you stay motivated and overcome setbacks?

I remind myself of why I started this journey in the first place and the goals I want to achieve. I also find inspiration in the success stories of other Pampered Chef consultants and attend training events to learn new strategies and techniques. It's important to celebrate small victories and not let setbacks discourage me.

4. What is your strategy for success in your Pampered Chef business?

I believe in taking small steps every day towards my goals. I make a plan and stick to it, whether it's reaching out to potential customers, hosting cooking shows, or promoting new products. I also prioritize building strong relationships with my customers and team members, as they are the key to long-term success.

5. What are your thoughts on the future of your Pampered Chef business?

I am optimistic about the future of my Pampered Chef business. The company is constantly innovating and releasing new and exciting products, which keeps customers engaged and interested. I believe with hard work and dedication, my business will continue to grow and thrive in the years to come.

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