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Share Your Worst Show Story - No Judgement Allowed!

In summary, the worst show I have done was when a host insisted on me making a dish for her show and I did not have the layout to do it.
Okay. Everyone raves on and on about how great their shows are/were/will be... I want to know how "bad" everyone has done, so I don't feel alone.. Anyone wanna let me in what what your "worst" show was?!?
Are you talking worst show in sales, or just in general as far as making mistakes and things like that?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I am talking about show sales...
I had no one show up for one and she only 2 very small orders
I had a show last August with just a handful of guests and they all placed small orders so it didn't make it to $150. Then the host REFUSED to collect any outside orders to make it count. Her house smelled like cats. It was gross.

I don't know what it was, but then she got really witchy about PC--that it cost too much, she didn't know she would have to spend money mailing invitations, she paid all this money for refreshments, etc. And the thing is, I send invites for my hosts, but she failed to return a guest list, so she mailed the 10 extra I include with every packet and that was it. AND I bought the recipe ingredients!!!!

She did VERY little and then was still ticked off in the end. Whatever!!!
My worst show was actually my own open house this past fall. I mailed out a ton of invites and had all sorts of food prepared, and only one person showed up, my grandmother. I never got enough to make it to $150, so I submitted hers as an individual order. As far as shows other than my own, I had one where only three guests came, and they brought several kids each. They spent the entire time picking apart the products and things they didn't like about PC, while the kids ran around screaming and fighting and whining that they were hungry and didn't like the food I'd prepared. It was a nightmare. It was also my first show, so that didn't help. Anyways, sales were just barely $150 after everything. So don't feel bad, I think we've all had horrible shows at one point or another.
Hmmm, my very worst show? Was it the time that a dog got a hold of my food chopper lid and had his teeth mark indented in it. Or the time that I made the brownie pizza and the brownie spilled ALL over my hosts oven and made it smoky in there? Okay, for sales it is the time that my host who is also in direct sales invited all these people and her neighbor showed up with her mom to place an order. I still did the show but was not very happy. I left with $70 in sales which is good but man, with her doing DS, I KNEW she could do better.:rolleyes:
I had two shows last Feb that were bad sales. One was in a beautiful huge home and I thought whoohoo! However, she didn't really feel comfortable inviting many people so only 3 came and with one outside order, I had about $80 in sales. Since she didn't want to get anymore orders, she just spent $70 to make it a show. One of the guests booked for later that month and had $110 in commissionable sales (b/c of the host special for the past host). They were also two of the furthest shows I've done on a weeknight. Ick! However, they were all VERY nice...just not good with the hosting and I couldn't convince them that it IS okay to share a catalog with people. Another woman booked from that show, but then never had it.
My worst show came early in my PC career.

I met a lady at BRU. I was offering a "free cooking show" to anyone who booked and she said she wanted to do a show. I called a few days later and she told me she wanted to do it that coming Sunday and that she would have 36 people. Great, I thought. Then she decided that she wants me to make shrimp scampi and to make plenty, because everyone was going to be hungry. I explained to her that I was not a catered, and what PC was again. She just kept saying, make sure you make plenty. I figured out 3 shrimp per person, and made a ton of fettuccini. I made up one pan at home and planned on demo'ing the rest. When I got to her house, there was no way to do a cooking demo with her layout. She assured me to just make the dish before her quests arrived. I was getting a bad feeling about the show, but carried on. When her quests finally arrived, and there were a bunch of them, I started to greet them and pass out catalogs. She ushers me into the kitchen and proceeds to tell me that she has been misled, I never said I was selling stuff, I was a caterer, she won a free dinner, etc. At this point, after having spent $40 on food, I was really getting a bad vibe. I was as polite as I could be with her. I explained to her what PC was, what she actually "won", and what I was doing there. She then says that none of her friends are interested in my junk and that I should leave. I packed up my stuff, left a catalog on the table and got out of there.

A few days later, I had another show, and it was one of my bests. Got right back on that horse and put her behind me.
  • #10
I actually had a show when no one showed up too (she had scheduled a baby shower for later that day too so I'm guessing they had better things to do than to hang at her house all day). I still finished the recipe since I had started it beforehand. Her husband was there and asking what everything was so I was entertained at least. She did collect over $300 in sales so that wasn't so bad.
  • #11
PamperChefCarol said:
My worst show came early in my PC career.

I met a lady at BRU. I was offering a "free cooking show" to anyone who booked and she said she wanted to do a show. I called a few days later and she told me she wanted to do it that coming Sunday and that she would have 36 people. Great, I thought. Then she decided that she wants me to make shrimp scampi and to make plenty, because everyone was going to be hungry. I explained to her that I was not a catered, and what PC was again. She just kept saying, make sure you make plenty. I figured out 3 shrimp per person, and made a ton of fettuccini. I made up one pan at home and planned on demo'ing the rest. When I got to her house, there was no way to do a cooking demo with her layout. She assured me to just make the dish before her quests arrived. I was getting a bad feeling about the show, but carried on. When her quests finally arrived, and there were a bunch of them, I started to greet them and pass out catalogs. She ushers me into the kitchen and proceeds to tell me that she has been misled, I never said I was selling stuff, I was a caterer, she won a free dinner, etc. At this point, after having spent $40 on food, I was really getting a bad vibe. I was as polite as I could be with her. I explained to her what PC was, what she actually "won", and what I was doing there. She then says that none of her friends are interested in my junk and that I should leave. I packed up my stuff, left a catalog on the table and got out of there.

A few days later, I had another show, and it was one of my bests. Got right back on that horse and put her behind me.

Carol, that is so horrible. I just had a bad experience with a BRU "host" as well.
  • #12
Wow! Yick! I've been very fortunate not to have any rude hosts. Everyone has been very nice even if not good with the follow up and getting people to there homes. I have had several shows for 3 people, but am excited that the last few have had about 10 people there. That seems to be a lot for me regardless of the number of people invited. As long as they are willing to get outside orders though, I am happy. So sorry you had to deal with that. I don't get people! Didn't you give her catalogs and a host packet?
  • #13
What is BRU?
  • #14
Babies R Us.
  • #15
You just ran into people or had a booth there?
  • #16
They do a once a month Baby Fest and I (and many others on this site) do a table at my local store.

Best part? It's FREEEEEEE!!!!
  • #17
SillyChef said:
Okay. Everyone raves on and on about how great their shows are/were/will be... I want to know how "bad" everyone has done, so I don't feel alone.. Anyone wanna let me in what what your "worst" show was?!?

So far, my worst show was my first show....the one that my "best friend" held for me. She had a great turn out, but hardly anyone bought anything. She barely made the $150! Even with her order, my com sales were only $200!!! :eek: I don't really think she put any effort into it, then wonders why she had such a bad show. Oh well......:eek:
  • #18
Huh...that's a great idea! We have a Toy R US in our area, but don't think I've heard of them doing anything monthly. I do have an open house at a local coffee shop with about 3 other consultants every couple of months. We get their walk-ins and they get our customers buying coffee and lunch so it's free too. Whenever people see a friend of mine & I there together, they assume that we are having an open house. Sometimes, we DO just meet for coffee or lunch!
  • #19
I had one where the host told me, "there will be at least 4 people, maybe 5" and I was thinking, "well that's not great, but it's not awful, either..."

Turns out th 4 were HER, her husband, and her 2 18-20 year old daughters who lived at home. Thankfully the FIFTH person DID show up and she placed an $80 order (probly because she felt bad...) and the host managed to collect the orders to make it a show.

The craziest part about it? She wanted to become a consultant! She was my first recruit and I was so excited that I didn't think that if she couldn't get anyone to COME to her show, she couldn't get anyone to HOST a show...
  • #20
my worst show was about 75 in sales I actually had 2 that same time so I had to combine them to hit 150 I kept telling one host that in order for it to count she needed 150 in sales and she just didnt get it she was a CM consultant
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  • #21
Well, since I started this thread ask you all to tell me your worst show, I wanted to share mine. First, when I became a consultant in November I had a "open house" that same month. I did it with a few friends who are in the DS business too. We were all supposed to invite our customer base (remember I did Naughty products too, and had "loyal" customers) Well, the two other girls didn't want to "share" thier customers so basically it bombed. HARD.. Plus, PC didn't get any sales. And one of my "customers" ended up spending like $150.00 on MK. :mad:

Then today. I had a "Spring Sneak Peek" I don't know what was up with that?!? I invited over 120+ people. (I am seriously NOT KIDDING) I have 3 orders right now. They are totalling about $94.25. I know that I can do outside orders and I intend on doing that to the fullest extent. But it is just a MAJOR let down when I am trying to make this something that can supplement income from me not working a full time 9-5 job. I don't know what I did wrong? When I made my customer reminder calls, most people declined and said they weren't able to make it, but they would like a catalog. So all hope isn't lost, just a little bummed out.... :(

BTW- out of my 120+ people I invited I had:
My Sister (my wingman)
My Friend
My Cousin
Past Customer
Next Host

That was it.... :rolleyes: Ugh. I am disgusted right now, and don't know how I can get ppl excited about it already! :confused:
  • #22
Alright, maybe I shouldn't have read this thread before I have my first show. Now I'm worried.
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  • #23
DMB75 said:
Alright, maybe I shouldn't have read this thread before I have my first show. Now I'm worried.

Well you would learn things that don't work for others, but might work for you. Don't be nervous. You will do just fine! :D Good luck with your shows!
  • #24
SillyChef said:
Well you would learn things that don't work for others, but might work for you. Don't be nervous. You will do just fine! :D Good luck with your shows!

That is true. Though at some point I'm sure I'll be posting on here about how I dropped the food, cut my finger off or sat there alone with the host.
  • #25
The worst show I ever had was for the 18-year-old daughter of a host. The mom's show was only about $200, but it was a legitimate show, so no big deal. This show was only a couple of months after mom's. The daughter wanted the host special, so I figured she'd be motivated. Mom said she'd help.The night of the show, the weather was bad. No one showed up. There were no outside orders, so I left that night with a $0 total. She wound up collecting about $80 in orders (after a couple of weeks of "oh, I think I have someone else who wants something." Her mom ordered a couple of things. I had a few people interested in some things, so I added those to make it a $151 show. Waaay more trouble than it was worth.Bad things happen to everyone, though. To be honest, I had to really search my memory for a good bad show story.
  • #26
I had the worst show last night !!!!
It was my 4th show ....I arrived half hour early and set up ....Did prep on food ...Her 2 year old son was into all of my things...EVEN MY SHARP things...He was dusting with my kitchen brush!!! I had to keep taking things away from him!! 30 min into the show time no one had showed up...I began doing just the dessert ..Then ONE guest showed up ...So I decided to make the other recipe...The ONE guest seemed very interested and had alot of questions... She had $70.00 in out side orders and the guest that showed up late did not even order! However, she booked a party for June!!!!!!
It was a let down ...But a good learning experiance for me!
She is trying to get more orders and will close in two days..AND SHE SAID SHE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE ANOTHER ONE!!!! OMG!!!!!
  • #27
I had a catalog show that didn't make it, not even close. I think she had $75 in sales and that was it. My worst actual show was $300 which were all outside orders except 2. The two were the ones who showed up to the show and were an hour late!! I don't know what happened to this show b/c I host coached, made extra phone calls and everything. It was before Christmas so I figured everyone decided to go shopping instead.
  • #28
well.... lets see....... There was the show a year ago last sept (my first in our new town and after having baby #2) It was actually my realtor. Not 1 person showed up! I made her the desert and left. She only managed to collect about 100$ in orders so I made up the rest from a few loyal customers.

There was my HWC open house last year (first time I tried to do an OH) Not one of the over 80 people I invited showed up. I did learn not to do an OH in MN on fishing opener weekend. In my town aparently there is also a fairly large womens expo that day. Live and learn....

Then there is yesterday.... as many of you know the weather in the midwest finally reared it's ugly head yesterday! Well I am in MN an hr north of the cities. I had a show booked in St. Paul. (over an hr in good weather) I was promised 8 guests. (I had told the host I could not do it as a cooking show without at least 8 since I had to drive and for saturdays I pay a sitter) She said no prob!
Well I drive there in freezing rain. Get there right when I said I would (amazing since I had no idea where I was going!) My brownie pizza ran off the stone (first time in the 50times I have made the recipe) Her guests are 1/2 hr late. 3 of the 6 guests thur out to be people that were at her sisters show from the Sunday before that she booked off. So far her show is at $250. with a few more orders to come in and she is going to talk to one about doing a show. BTW driving home was a mess... My Jeep sure earned her keep yesterday!!!
  • #29
hoosierchef said:
So far, my worst show was my first show....the one that my "best friend" held for me. She had a great turn out, but hardly anyone bought anything. She barely made the $150! Even with her order, my com sales were only $200!!! :eek: I don't really think she put any effort into it, then wonders why she had such a bad show. Oh well......:eek:

Tammi - thank you I'm feeling a twinge better now...about to close my first show (online) - had tons of people saying they were going to order by yesterday (the deadline) but they never followed through and I offered to take their orders a few times... Product totals are currently at 290...not counting whatever the mystery host will order...we'll see when turns out...hoping the person I draw loves PC and wants to get a few more things...
  • #30
Another idea for mystery host shows when you want to boost sales. Let the non winners choose an item at the host discount. This is really nice when it's 25-30% off, but regardless, it's a sale. It's also loved when stoneware is one sale since it's a discount on top of the 20% off!! If you tend to get decent attendance, you can put in your invite that attendees will receive one item at 25% off. Mine are hit or miss so I don't know what the % will be. I just contact people after the show and tell/email them that they didn't win the big prize, but the consolation prize is one item at...I also call people that didn't attend after the show to see if they need anything. It doesn't always work, but I've gotten a couple of $100 orders that way!
  • #31
Jules711 said:
Another idea for mystery host shows when you want to boost sales. Let the non winners choose an item at the host discount. This is really nice when it's 25-30% off, but regardless, it's a sale. It's also loved when stoneware is one sale since it's a discount on top of the 20% off!! If you tend to get decent attendance, you can put in your invite that attendees will receive one item at 25% off. Mine are hit or miss so I don't know what the % will be. I just contact people after the show and tell/email them that they didn't win the big prize, but the consolation prize is one item at...

I also call people that didn't attend after the show to see if they need anything. It doesn't always work, but I've gotten a couple of $100 orders that way!

Thanks for the ideas - I did an online one and invited people for about a week - I had SO many catalogs out...it was hit and miss...people were either "PC'd out" or excited to look but didn't buy. I at least made some more connections and got out that I was a consultant and many said, "Now I know who to see when I want something." I'm hoping the contact at least pays off in the future...
  • #32
I had a show last summer who was expecting over 10 so she wanted a second recipe when I got there she had a big set up of food drinks etc and my place set up we waited and no one came she finally admitted she hadn't called anyone to see if they could make it and hadn't heard from any yeses just a couple maybes and thought these others would be there. So she felt so bad and went on about all the places she would collect orders from and would call me to close ....she never called so I called her and she says oh my husband told me just to forget about it and move on ..WHAT!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU LET HIM DECIDE THAT BEFORE i WASTED A NIGHT AWAY FROM MY FAMILY and cooked your family dinner!!! tHAT WAS the worst!

Before the $150 rule you just needed 5 orders I had a catalog show of 4 $1 cookbooks and 1 small batter bowl and she didn't get anything with her 10% discount. so it was a $14 show but that was better than the above actual show with $0 in sales.
  • #33
Ok this one is funny! I had a show last Spring.. My host was a sweet girl who speaks English. She failed to tell me that the guests she invited only spoke Spanish. I do not. I felt like an idiot trying to teach with my hands and speaking loudly and slowly (as if that would help!) Duh. In the end, they were so sweet and smiling and loved the food. But they had no idea why I was there. The host didn't have any orders or collect any outside orders in the 10 days I gave her. My only $0 show! But I had a $1900 show the next week that helped heal my bruised ego!
  • #34
pampermemelody said:
Ok this one is funny! I had a show last Spring.. My host was a sweet girl who speaks English. She failed to tell me that the guests she invited only spoke Spanish. I do not. I felt like an idiot trying to teach with my hands and speaking loudly and slowly (as if that would help!) Duh. In the end, they were so sweet and smiling and loved the food. But they had no idea why I was there. The host didn't have any orders or collect any outside orders in the 10 days I gave her. My only $0 show! But I had a $1900 show the next week that helped heal my bruised ego!

OK - picturing your mouth moving and Spanish subtitles scrolling across the countertop for you - LOL!

At least they had fun and if they see the stuff in the future, they will know what it is and maybe like/buy it...who knows what seeds it planted...
  • #35
My worst show was in Nov. I got lost in the Host's parking lot because she didn't tell me there were three buildings and which one I needed to go to. I couldn't get a hold of her on the cell phone, so I picked a building and rang the number she said was hers (whew it was!). I had to carry my stuff up two flights of stairs (she's pregnant), and lives in a TINY appartment. With the smallest kitchen i've ever seen. She lost the ingredients to the Tuxedo Brownies she was making, - luckily not for what I was doing. Her grandmother and another friend showed up (late) and neither ordered.

Then while I was cleaning up. I saw a roach run across the counter top where the food had been (I'm so glad I didn't eat anything!) I had to stifle the scream... and still didn't get to leave because she was interested in the business.

So no show, show orders, no recruit. And 1 roach. Oh and her husband kept calling my cellphone to talk with her (it was his cell phone I was calling to get directions!)
  • #36
I had a fundraiser I organised myself, last month. The two local papers both failed to put the announcement in (that's a long story that makes me mad each time I think about it). I put fliers at EVERY house in our village (100-150 maybe) and I had one woman show up and then another woman and her husband and Mum. The latter family left before my demo was done. Luckily my best friend came along. I had to blanket the local community with order forms in businesses and schools to get enough to make it a qualifying show and it BARELY qualified at £130! (It's £125 here)

I felt really terrible because it was a fundraiser for a charity called the Cystinosis Foundation. That's a rare genetic disease my brother has. I even spent hours calling all the families with Cystinosis in the UK to see if they wanted to order but NO-ONE did. I spent many many hours on this and got nothing out of it really.

I submitted it as a cooking show in the end and gave the free products to a local woman who has a booth regularly for the Cystinosis Foundation - I figured she'd get more than the 10% they would have received.
  • #37
I have been doing PC for one year this month and I have had mostly pretty good shows until last Tuesday and I did host coaching with the host and when I showed up at her house it looked like she as not ready for me and then she had six people there not to bad that is the number of guests who are at most of my shows, But I had to do my demo in the kitchen area and I said to her that what we could do is move the table and then her guests could sit in what is suppose to be the dinnig roomshe said ok then she had them all sit in the family room away from where my stuff was set up! Okay then I just s\went infront of them and talked and would go back to the other area to get the products we where talking about. And to top it off the sails ended with 1.25 less then 150 so I added things to add up to 1.25 and called it a show, there where no outside orders and the hostess only used her host credit and bought nothing. Oh well I did get one booking from her show that made the night worth it for me.
  • #38
Ok, my $300 first show is looking better and better...thank you for the unintentional boost!
  • #39
Worst show: attendees were the host, prev host, and a future host. Prev host ordered one piece of stoneware at 60% off and the future host placed a $14.00 order. No outside orders. Couldn't salvage it. I figure it's just how it goes sometimes.
  • #40
Here's how I look at it... and I had to explain my thinking to my Host from last night (who is signing on as a consultant on Wednesday)

If you get out and meet even ONE person, it's a good show. If you learn from the experience, it's a good show.

And because I think that way, I have never had a bad show. Maybe low sales, low attendence... but always worth my time, as long as I learn from it or meet at least 1 person.

Enthusiasm is contagious. NOT being enthusiastic is also contagious.
  • #41
Well I have had a few in 7 years but a few stand out , like when the Apt kitchen was so small and the smoke alarm went off and I thought the fire dept was going to come ( thank goodness they didnt)
Or when I had to work on my crate as a table cause the host didn't have a table , ( still had an 800,00 party though) drove 72 miles no one shwed up this was my 3rd show , the host felt so bad , but she mad up for it with outside orders..
  • #42
Worst Of Worst....So, I have done 2 "Candle Show Parties" We ALL know what company I'm talking about, I had 2 800.00 shows for this consultant and finally got HER to book a PC show, on a Sunday.....so I decided to do a brunch, sent out invites, the few she gave me, she was TOO busy to get them together and ASSURED me that she would have plenty people there.....so I drag all my stuff on a rainy cold sunday morning to her house, she had ONE, yes ONE guest.....she had two outside orders, pretty much HER order was the largest, total of the show? 225.00.....AND I JUST found out one of her outside orders hasn't even RECEIVED her items YET....the show was in OCTOBER.....I called her and she was really aggrivated at me for calling.....

The last show she did at my house, she sat on my back porch on her cell, she dropped off all her display at my house the night before, and I set EVERYTHING up for her as she was an HOUR late showing up.....it was INSANE....everyone was AMAZED.....

Needless to say the guest she didn't get her stuff to is a "candle consultant" as well, guess who will be getting my next booking? LOL.....

It amazed me that a fellow director seller didn't have the decency to put some work into her OWN party, but yet I had two AWESOME shows for her......hmpf....at least it kept me active?
  • #43
I havent had my first show yet, and now i am freakin out. I had 4 people who said they would have a party, so i signed up. Now 1 (my aunt) is saying she needs to change the date. My Mother in Law hasnt set a date and im beginning to think she isnt going to she started selling home interiors. My mom and her friend are holding their show THANK GOD!! And my best friend is saying she doesnt have enough people so "thinks" she should do a catalog show. Hope this isnt how my pc career is going to go! Im getting a little discouraged. Sorry to the enthusiastic lady.
  • #44
My worst show was in Dec of '05.I had only been a consultant since August '05. This girl booked of another show and had just gotten married so she felt that she really didn't need anything but wanted to do the show anyway because she liked the product. She decided that she wanted to send a bunch of catalogs to her friends and family from out of town that had come to her wedding. So I made up packets advertising her show and made it sound really exciting and that she would be able to get all this free product and what not and I played up the specials for them. Gave them my phone number and email address and told them to contact me anytime. For her actual show she said she had about 10 people that were going to show up. In actuality only ONE person showed up. I did the whole show in her kitchen for her and her friend because her husband would have a fit if he saw me in the living room with food. I was kind of glad that only one person showed up because thene could at least fit in the kitchen. Plus the 2 of them kept talking. I was overly polite and would stop when they started talking and then start back up when they would stop. I think she ended up with around $200 in sales and when I called to follow up with ehr I couldn't get intouch with her. And she has never been heard from again. the end!
  • #45
soccermama said:
Here's how I look at it... and I had to explain my thinking to my Host from last night (who is signing on as a consultant on Wednesday)

If you get out and meet even ONE person, it's a good show. If you learn from the experience, it's a good show.

And because I think that way, I have never had a bad show. Maybe low sales, low attendence... but always worth my time, as long as I learn from it or meet at least 1 person.

Enthusiasm is contagious. NOT being enthusiastic is also contagious.


I love your outlook!! That's wonderful...
  • #46
trps said:
Before the $150 rule you just needed 5 orders I had a catalog show of 4 $1 cookbooks and 1 small batter bowl and she didn't get anything with her 10% discount. so it was a $14 show but that was better than the above actual show with $0 in sales.

So did the people who got the $1 cookbooks each pay shipping then??? I remember those days and shipping was a little cheaper, but still!
  • #47
I had a show last November that still isn't cleared up. The commissionable sales were 400.00. BUT... I had an NSF check for $162. I've never received the checks for the host order/orders taken after the show totalling $85. So I feel like I bought those ladies about $250 in products!! My commission was about $120 or so. Ugh! If only we could charge extra for the extra attention they require to follow up with chasing them down.
  • #48
Paige Dixon said:
I had a show last November that still isn't cleared up. The commissionable sales were 400.00. BUT... I had an NSF check for $162. I've never received the checks for the host order/orders taken after the show totalling $85. So I feel like I bought those ladies about $250 in products!! My commission was about $120 or so. Ugh! If only we could charge extra for the extra attention they require to follow up with chasing them down.

That's terrible! I had a guest last October who gave me a bad check for $120...fortunately, she did pay me a week later.

Have you considered trying to recover your money through small claims court?
  • #49
Thanks, Cat! Having a positive attitude gets me a lot further than dwelling on the negatives.... I try to find something positive in every situation :)
  • Thread starter
  • #50
soccermama said:

Enthusiasm is contagious. NOT being enthusiastic is also contagious.

I completely understand this quote. Though when you are enthusiastic about something and people shut you down, or say that you talk about "Pampered Chef" too much, you get a little discouraged.

Also, I don't know about any of you, but I get a little ego bruise when I don't make at least 150.00 in sales on a show.

So I guess this quote kinda only relates to some people and not all...
<h2>1. What is the purpose of sharing a "worst show" story?</h2><p>The purpose of sharing a "worst show" story is to create a non-judgmental space for consultants to share their experiences and learn from each other's mistakes. It can also serve as a reminder that even the most seasoned consultants have had difficult shows, and it's important to stay positive and learn from each experience.</p><h2>2. Will sharing a "worst show" story make me look bad as a consultant?</h2><p>No, sharing a "worst show" story does not make you look bad as a consultant. In fact, it shows your honesty and vulnerability, which can be relatable and endearing to potential customers. It also allows for others to offer advice and support, which can ultimately help improve your future shows.</p><h2>3. Is it necessary to share a "worst show" story?</h2><p>No, it is not necessary to share a "worst show" story. It is completely optional and up to the individual. Some consultants may find it helpful to share their experiences, while others may prefer to keep them private.</p><h2>4. Can I share a "worst show" story without disclosing specific details?</h2><p>Yes, you can share a "worst show" story without sharing specific details. It's important to respect the privacy of your host and guests, so it's perfectly acceptable to share a general overview of the challenges you faced without revealing specific names or details.</p><h2>5. Is there a limit to how many "worst show" stories I can share?</h2><p>No, there is no limit to how many "worst show" stories you can share. However, it's important to strike a balance and also share positive experiences to maintain a well-rounded perspective. Remember, the goal is to learn and grow from each experience, not dwell on the negatives.</p>

Related to Share Your Worst Show Story - No Judgement Allowed!

1. What is the purpose of sharing a "worst show" story?

The purpose of sharing a "worst show" story is to create a non-judgmental space for consultants to share their experiences and learn from each other's mistakes. It can also serve as a reminder that even the most seasoned consultants have had difficult shows, and it's important to stay positive and learn from each experience.

2. Will sharing a "worst show" story make me look bad as a consultant?

No, sharing a "worst show" story does not make you look bad as a consultant. In fact, it shows your honesty and vulnerability, which can be relatable and endearing to potential customers. It also allows for others to offer advice and support, which can ultimately help improve your future shows.

3. Is it necessary to share a "worst show" story?

No, it is not necessary to share a "worst show" story. It is completely optional and up to the individual. Some consultants may find it helpful to share their experiences, while others may prefer to keep them private.

4. Can I share a "worst show" story without disclosing specific details?

Yes, you can share a "worst show" story without sharing specific details. It's important to respect the privacy of your host and guests, so it's perfectly acceptable to share a general overview of the challenges you faced without revealing specific names or details.

5. Is there a limit to how many "worst show" stories I can share?

No, there is no limit to how many "worst show" stories you can share. However, it's important to strike a balance and also share positive experiences to maintain a well-rounded perspective. Remember, the goal is to learn and grow from each experience, not dwell on the negatives.

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