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Ready to Start Selling Again? Need Tips on How to Get Booked?

In summary, the conversation is about a consultant who has had difficulties with a bounced check from a hostess and is now hesitant to continue selling. They discuss different strategies for getting more shows on their calendar, including reaching out to past hosts and friends and using an incentive of being one show away from earning a special prize. The consultant also shares their own experience using this tactic and how it has been successful for them in the past. Others in the conversation offer their own advice and tips for getting more shows and sales.
I have been selling for over a year now. I have no shows on my calendar at all. I had a hostess bounce a $750 check and had a really hard time getting the payment from her. It really set me back. I was considering not selling anymore because I just never expected such a problem from someone. Now I don't trust anyone. I want to get some dates on my calendar but don't know how to go about doing it because I waited a month and a half to consider selling again. I don't know how to approach this any ideas would be helpful.

Call your list of 100 that you started with...call past hosts and friends....let them know you want to get started again.
Something I tried that worked great is to tell them that you are ONE SHOW away from getting this great incentive and could they help you with either a catalog or cooking show. Of course, you tell EVERYONE you call this, because no one wants to be the one that kept you from earning!
AJPratt said:
Something I tried that worked great is to tell them that you are ONE SHOW away from getting this great incentive and could they help you with either a catalog or cooking show. Of course, you tell EVERYONE you call this, because no one wants to be the one that kept you from earning!

heeheehee;) ;) ;) ...you go girl!:cool:
It works LIKE A CHARM!!! But I can't take credit for it... I heard it from someone else! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #6
ThanksI think I will try that.

I love that idea Anne!! Thanks for passing that along. I was so close to earning my sell-a-thon stuff in December so I called my neighbor and let her know that I was really close. She ended up having a great catalog show for me, and always talks about how she loves to "help out" when I need to earn something. This summer has been really rough for my business and I am have been contemplating telling her I need to "earn" some cash instead of an incentive!!!
AJPratt said:
It works LIKE A CHARM!!! :D

Just make sure you don't tell the same thing to people you know are really good friends. Hee Hee :D :D

I think I am going to give this a try myself.

You can always tell them that PC is so good to their consultants that they offer many different incentives, some are given by number of shows and some are by sales.
  • #10
Why couldn't you do that....Until someone takes you up on the offer you would be telling the truth. And if you get 20 shows instead of one, well so be it.
When you get on the phone to 10 people and tell them that you are one show away from getting such and such and no one says yes right off the bat, it is not a lie or a fib or even an exageration. IT IS THE TRUTH!
What I do is say somethng like this: "Hi Joan. This is John Watschke, Pampered Chef. I was hoping you might be able to help me out. I am so close to the sales I need this month to get this fabulous product that I though of you right away as you have always been a great host for me. Would you be able to take time to pass around a catalog or two or possibly have a Cooking Show?" This usually always gets me what I need and then some so I do not have to worry about the ones that don't pan out. There is nothing worse than asking for one show, getting one and that one bombs on you.
Create a buffer by getting more than one show and you'll not have to feel like your fibbing. Anne, shame on you for telling fibs! (HEE HEE HEE!)
  • #11
Awww, John... Knew I could count on you! You'll always be my favorite stalker!
  • #12
kimmers said:
Just make sure you don't tell the same thing to people you know are really good friends. Hee Hee :D :D

I think I am going to give this a try myself.


pampered1224 said:
Until someone takes you up on the offer you would be telling the truth. And if you get 20 shows instead of one, well so be it.
When you get on the phone to 10 people and tell them that you are one show away from getting such and such and no one says yes right off the bat, it is not a lie or a fib or even an exageration. IT IS THE TRUTH!
What I do is say somethng like this: "Hi Joan. This is John Watschke, Pampered Chef. I was hoping you might be able to help me out. I am so close to the sales I need this month to get this fabulous product that I though of you right away as you have always been a great host for me. Would you be able to take time to pass around a catalog or two or possibly have a Cooking Show?" This usually always gets me what I need and then some so I do not have to worry about the ones that don't pan out. There is nothing worse than asking for one show, getting one and that one bombs on you.
Create a buffer by getting more than one show and you'll not have to feel like your fibbing. Anne, shame on you for telling fibs! (HEE HEE HEE!)

Well I guess I didn't finish my thought in that post. I had heard of a consultant for another company, (I don't know how true this is) that was told to do this by her director, and she went around to everyone she knew at a friends birthday party or something like that, and said that she was one show away from getting xxxxxxx. Well a couple of people said they would do a show until they overheard her saying the same thing continuously. That's what I meant.

Sorry for the confusion. :confused:
  • #13
kimmers said:
Well I guess I didn't finish my thought in that post. I had heard of a consultant for another company, (I don't know how true this is) that was told to do this by her director, and she went around to everyone she knew at a friends birthday party or something like that, and said that she was one show away from getting xxxxxxx. Well a couple of people said they would do a show until they overheard her saying the same thing continuously. That's what I meant.

Sorry for the confusion. :confused: Kim

No problem! Hey, doing that at a party is cheeky anyway.
  • #14
Well that is cheeky!I would have then said something to the gist of "Hi Suzy. Would it be possible for you to help me out? I am looking to hold more shows this month to earn a great special. I am asking everyone here just so you know but I really would appreciate your help."
Leave it at that then it won't matter if you ask more people. But to out and out lie when you are going ot be asking others in the vacinity is just plain stupid!
  • #15
DebbieSM said:
I have been selling for over a year now. I have no shows on my calendar at all. I had a hostess bounce a $750 check and had a really hard time getting the payment from her. It really set me back. I was considering not selling anymore because I just never expected such a problem from someone. Now I don't trust anyone. I want to get some dates on my calendar but don't know how to go about doing it because I waited a month and a half to consider selling again. I don't know how to approach this any ideas would be helpful.


I think we're riding in the same boat! A check bouncing incident and several family problems have put my PC business on the back burner.. and the burner turned off. I have decided to start all over again. I'm calling each one of my girlfriends from high school and asking if they want to get together for a fun girls night out. no husbands, no kids.. just us girls. getting back in touch again! i dont know that i'm going to do a full out demo. probably just let everyone work together and we can all make pizza and have ice cream sundaes or something, and everyone can use the products while doing it. i want to do a pampered chef pool (the $1 a box thing). I think it'll be a ton of fun. i'm still brainstorming and doing some surfing on this site to come up with the most fun night. but i've talked to my best friend and she says that it sounds like a blast -- and something she definately needs! can you do anything like this? maybe stop in to local businesses and see if they want to do express lunches? you bring in a small meal (like a braid or ring if it's a small office) and they place their orders and you answer questions while you're there. you can put it in as a catalog show, they get lunch for free, and it might generate leads. good luck!
  • #16
pampered1224 said:
But to out and out lie when you are going to be asking others in the vacinity is just plain stupid!

Couldn't agree more! I don't usually bring up PC at a party unless the host introduces me that way or if they ask "So, what do you do?" I don't just blurt it out and beg people for shows as a guest in someone's home.
  • #17
can you do anything like this? maybe stop in to local businesses and see if they want to do express lunches? you bring in a small meal (like a braid or ring if it's a small office) and they place their orders and you answer questions while you're there. you can put it in as a catalog show, they get lunch for free, and it might generate leads. good luck!

Is that what an Express show is?

  • #18
yea. an express show is where you bring the food already made and then showcase the products and take orders/book shows. in and out in an hour.
  • #19
pchefinski said:
I'm calling each one of my girlfriends from high school and asking if they want to get together for a fun girls night out. no husbands, no kids.. just us girls. getting back in touch again!
UPDATE: I have 3 girlfriends that are PSYCHED about this and can't wait! I have to pick the time for the show and send them host packets on Monday. I have 5 other girlfriends I've asked as well, but I haven't heard anything back from them yet. I'm going to spend a power hour today while my DS is napping, to work on my Theme Binder and some other details on the girls night. I'm so STOKED! God is SO good!
Last edited:
  • #20
I am so glad to hear the excitement in your words Amanda! You can make this business work for you, all you needed is a little inspiration and encouragement!
  • #21
pchefinski said:
UPDATE: I have 3 girlfriends that are PSYCHED about this and can't wait! I have to pick the time for the show and send them host packets on Monday. I have 5 other girlfriends I've asked as well, but I haven't heard anything back from them yet. I'm going to spend a power hour today while my DS is napping, to work on my Theme Binder and some other details on the girls night. I'm so STOKED! God is SO good!

UPDATE #2: Now I have 4 girlfriends, and one who is asking another girl we graduated with! 5 more girls still haven't responded to me yet. And I have a few others in mind to ask as well, if I can get ahold of them. This is going to be GREAT!
  • #22
pchefinski said:
UPDATE #2: Now I have 4 girlfriends, and one who is asking another girl we graduated with! 5 more girls still haven't responded to me yet. And I have a few others in mind to ask as well, if I can get ahold of them. This is going to be GREAT!

First of all 1 thing

It is sooooooooooooooooooooo good to see your little boys face again!!!
Also to read your wonderful posts....:rolleyes:
Have faith in yourself & hang in there, you'll be fine!!:D :D :D
  • #23
LOL I wondered if anyone would realize I was gone! hehe It's SO good to be back.. I missed everyone so much!
  • #24
pchefinski said:
UPDATE #2: Now I have 4 girlfriends, and one who is asking another girl we graduated with! 5 more girls still haven't responded to me yet. And I have a few others in mind to ask as well, if I can get ahold of them. This is going to be GREAT!
UPDATE 7/27: TEN.. TEN GIRLS! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D :D I think I'm a little intimidated! but VERY VERY excited! and host coaching them each separately so I don't get too overwhelmed and can try to have the best success possible.. I can't think about how big this could be.. Must resume host coaching.. LOL.
  • #25
Welcome back, Amanda!

Related to Ready to Start Selling Again? Need Tips on How to Get Booked?

1. How can I boost my sales after a period of low activity?

The key to getting back on track with your sales is to focus on reconnecting with your existing customers. Reach out to them through personal messages or phone calls, offer special promotions or discounts, and remind them of the benefits of your products. You can also try expanding your customer base by hosting virtual parties or collaborating with other consultants.

2. What are some effective ways to re-engage with my customers?

One effective way to re-engage with your customers is by offering exclusive deals or limited-time offers. You can also send out newsletters or emails with new product updates, recipes, or helpful tips. Utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram to showcase your products and interact with your customers can also be beneficial.

3. How can I motivate myself to start selling again?

Start by setting achievable goals for yourself and create a plan of action. This can help you stay motivated and focused. Additionally, try to attend team meetings or training sessions to gain new insights and ideas. Remember to also take care of yourself by practicing self-care and staying positive.

4. What are some ways to make my products stand out and attract customers?

One way to make your products stand out is by offering unique or personalized items. Another way is to highlight the quality and benefits of your products through product demonstrations or customer testimonials. You can also offer bundle deals or host themed parties to make your products more enticing to potential customers.

5. How can I track my progress and measure my success?

Utilize the tools and resources provided by Pampered Chef, such as the consultant app or the website's performance dashboard, to track your sales and progress. Additionally, keep a record of your personal goals and achievements to monitor your success. Don't forget to also celebrate your milestones and successes along the way!

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