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Reaching TPampered Chef: Celebrating 06-07 Earnings & the Rewards Ahead!

In summary, Carolyn is so excited that she will have hit TPC for the 06-07 earning period. She is also happy for her friend Janet who has already hit TPC. Janet is funny and Carolyn is inspired.
Gold Member
I am so excited!!! As soon as this weekend's shows are submitted I will have hit TPC for the 06-07 earning period!!! Last year I was SO down to the wire - I turned in my last show at 11:59 CT (12:59 our time) on May 31st!! At least this year I don't have to panic now!!
I am so excited - an extra day in DC for the family next year...$360 in business supplies...FREE gold embossed business cards...and a diamond in my ring! Woo Hoo!!!
Yeah go Carolyn!!!!:):):):)I am doing the Happy dance for you, way to go & get it early how cool is that!!
You rock & inspire me!!:)
HOLY SH**!!!!! That is just crazy. Glad I wasn't a kit napper, LOLOLOL and qualified and help you out in your earnings this year. YOU ARE SOOO AWESOME! You diserve everything for you and your family!!!!!!
I am soo happy for you!!!!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!
Way to go Carolyn! That is soooo awesome!

Remind us all...what do you have to do to earn TPC for sales?
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  • #5
Thansk Amanda!!
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  • #6
KellyTheChef said:
Way to go Carolyn! That is soooo awesome!

Remind us all...what do you have to do to earn TPC for sales?

TPC in Personal Sales is selling $55000 personally from June 1st to May 31st.
WOW - I guess I need to move to Florida - LOL!
Carolyn no problem, I love reading your posts!Janet, your too funny!
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  • #9
Jilleysue said:
HOLY SH**!!!!! That is just crazy. Glad I wasn't a kit napper, LOLOLOL and qualified and help you out in your earnings this year. YOU ARE SOOO AWESOME! You diserve everything for you and your family!!!!!!
I am soo happy for you!!!!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!

With your $1300 shows, you'll be earning TPC yourself soon!!
  • #10
Yeah..I hope. I can tell I had an emotional February..because I have nothing in March...but I April will be better..just keep on Trucking.That is why I really really want to go to Conference. I think it will be the BOOST I need.
  • #11
Jill Conference will give you an awesome boost, make sure you utalize Carolyn all you can she is a wealth of info, & awesome at what she does. I have a feeling that next year you will be joining her in TPC!!
  • #12
Yeah I am trying to not get too down on myself this year and truly use it as a learning, growing and basically..COPY CAROLYN YEAR...lol
She is awesome. I know I can't do this full time right now...but down the road, so I can only do so much..but my goals with pc are more personal rather than to just make money and go on trips this year. I want to grow as a person, and get myself back , and my fun bouncy personality. I'll get there. It is already soo awesome to have this board and have this as something of my own, so I know I have come sooooo far since November and that RULES for me.
Thanks Carolyn and thanks EVERYONE ON HERE!
  • #14
Awesome job, Carolyn!!! You truly are an inspiration!!
  • #15
  • #16
I wish I could come and see one of your shows. That is awesome Carolyn!!
  • #17
Whooooo Hooooooo! Great job!!!!!
  • #18
Hmm...I wonder if the little "extras" she brings to the shows do the trick?

  • #19
ROTFL, Janet that may be the secret!!!:D:DLOL
  • #20
Congratulations, Carolyn!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #21
Way to go Carolyn!!! That is awesome!!
  • #22
Congratulations Carolyn so awesome for you!
  • #23
Congrats Carolyn!!

That is an incredible feat and to do it with months to spare is amazing... You are my idol!!

You obviously figured out what it takes last year and I don't think you'll have any trouble filling up the rest of that ring with diamonds!

Great job!!

  • #24
  • #25
Woo Hoo...way to go Carolyn....that is AWESOME.....wow.....and Jill, you'll LOVE conference, I was sooo jazzed when I got back but, I didn't get a grip on my business up until now, but I'm rolling on.....If that is your director, you are LUCKY...I have a great director too, and I just went to one of her shows to see how SHE does it...and THAT was VERY helpful and fun....:D

You'll get on your roll....don't worry.....and this place is AWESOME for innovative ideas to help you too.....much success to you BOTH....
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  • #26
pamperedval said:
Congrats Carolyn!!

That is an incredible feat and to do it with months to spare is amazing... You are my idol!!

You obviously figured out what it takes last year and I don't think you'll have any trouble filling up the rest of that ring with diamonds!

Great job!!


OMG - I am definitely not cool enough to be anyone's idol - I am a big goofball, ask Jill - she has seen me in person - I am a total dork. But thanks for the compliment...now I am a dorky goofball with a big ego - LOLOLOL
  • #27
Wow! Congratulations! That is my goal for next year.
  • #28
Congratulations Carolyn! So when are you going to videotape your show and send us all a copy? :)
  • #29
Carolyn - that is way cool:cool: -- I am so happy for you....
  • #30
We'd all like to see Carolyn's shows!
  • #31
Congrats Carolyn! I remember last year when it came down to the wire! I would need a miracle to pull it off for myself!
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  • #32
PampMomof3 said:
Congrats Carolyn! I remember last year when it came down to the wire! I would need a miracle to pull it off for myself!

OMG remember that? I was sweating it out SO badly!!!
  • #33
Way to go, Carolyn! Keep this up & you'll have a filled ring in no time!
  • #34
Good for you!!! This is sooo awesome!
  • #35
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  • #36
pamperedgirl3 said:
Way to go, Carolyn! Keep this up & you'll have a filled ring in no time!

I am "over" the ring now - I want that tennis bracelet!! Only6 more years to go - LOL
  • #37
CONGRATS!!!!!! I am just excited about one recurit...... :D
  • #38
Carolyn: I'm SURE you will do it!
  • #39
WOW! Good work, girl!
  • #40
mommyhugz1978 said:
CONGRATS!!!!!! I am just excited about one recurit...... :D

You, I was excited about 1 show! LOL!
  • #41
Congrats, Carolyn!! :) I won't make it, but I'm planning on TPC in recruiting next year!
  • #42
I was shooting for TPC in recruiting this year, but them I saw that you need $15000 to qualify for any TPC category, and I don't know if I can hit that before the TPC period is up.
  • #43
Great Job Carolyn!!!!!
  • #44
Way to go Carolyn!!! I will hit TPC as well, as soon as I turn in the shows I had over the weekend. My goal was to make it this year, but not down to the wire!! =) I get the new design ring, since I missed it last year. You, Andrea and I can walk together at conference =)
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  • #45
ChefLoriG said:
Way to go Carolyn!!! I will hit TPC as well, as soon as I turn in the shows I had over the weekend. My goal was to make it this year, but not down to the wire!! =) I get the new design ring, since I missed it last year. You, Andrea and I can walk together at conference =)

Hey Lori!!
Wanna trade rings? I much prefer the new style - LOL
Are you and Andrea wave 2 also this year?
  • #46
yep, we are in wave 2. Sorry kiddo, I'm keeping my ring style, I love it!! =)
  • #47
Way to go!!
  • #48
dannyzmom said:
Hey Lori!!
Wanna trade rings? I much prefer the new style - LOL
Are you and Andrea wave 2 also this year?


Diamonds are a girls best friend and YOU are going to be dripping in them soon!!!

I too love the new style ring as well - I'm holding out for TPC in recruiting.....Guess I better get off of here and start calling some potentials!!!:eek:
  • #49
Congrats Carolyn, very exciting.

Related to Reaching TPampered Chef: Celebrating 06-07 Earnings & the Rewards Ahead!

1. What is "Reaching TPampered Chef" and why is it important?

"Reaching TPampered Chef" is the term used to describe achieving certain sales and booking goals within the Pampered Chef company. It is important because it allows consultants to earn rewards and recognition for their hard work and success.

2. What is the earning period for "Reaching TPampered Chef" and when does it end?

The earning period for "Reaching TPampered Chef" is from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. The current earning period will end on May 31st, 2021.

3. What are the rewards for reaching "Reaching TPampered Chef"?

The rewards for reaching "Reaching TPampered Chef" vary each year, but commonly include business supplies, free products, and recognition at company events. This year's rewards include an extra day in Washington D.C., $360 in business supplies, free gold embossed business cards, and a diamond for your Pampered Chef ring.

4. How do I know if I have reached "Reaching TPampered Chef"?

You can track your progress towards "Reaching TPampered Chef" on your online consultant account. The company also sends out emails and updates throughout the earning period to keep you informed of your progress.

5. What happens if I do not reach "Reaching TPampered Chef" by the end of the earning period?

If you do not reach "Reaching TPampered Chef" by the end of the earning period, you will not receive the rewards for that year. However, you can start fresh in the next earning period and work towards reaching the goals again.

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