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Printing Color Copies for Theme Shows: Is It Worth It?

In summary, Kelly suggests printing out 40 color invitations and emailing them to the hostess. The $1 for a pack of PC invites is more cost effective.
Silver Member
I really want to get into Theme Shows but I have one expensive question ... how do print up 40 color copy invitations? I went to Office Max last year and printed up 50 color copies for a neighborhood hand out. The price was high even with the discount. Do you really print up 40 color copies for your host to send out? I wouldn't mind the investment if I was sure the host would send out ALL 40 and the show was good. The $1 for a pack of PC invites is more cost effective.
I email the flyer to the hostess and have her copy & distribute them - I use them in addition to the postcards though.
I buy the pack from PC and Mail the invites for my customers. I have been mailing for the last three months as a Service to my Host's. They love it and I can grow my list at the same time. Plus I know the invites actually went out.:D
With my theme shows I am printing them out myself on my B&W laser printer....no color ink, so I use flourecent colored paper! Otherwise, I don't think it would be worth the cost...especially if you had to have OM make the copies! $$$$$$$$$$$ Ouch!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Kelly, GREAT IDEA!!! I never thought of using just colored paper. DUH - another reason why CS Consultants are the best!!!!
I've also had some luck with using themed stationary when I can find it......like tropical stationary for Taste of The Tropics. (found at Office Max)
This past yr. after Christmas, I found some cute Christmas stationary with little dancing gingerbread men as a border - bought it all for $1.50 per pack to use for Cookie Exchange shows!
Now, I'm on the lookout for some fun summer/grill theme stationary....or anything with chocolate on it.....I've found different ones at the Dollar Store too, and often you can even find matching envelopes!
Yeah, I go with black and white on colored paper!
That's what I do, too. Colored paper! A couple of companies package variety packs, so you can get 5 colors for the price of one ream.
Do you all (ones that have posted) send out only colored paper invites and no postcard invites or do you use both?

  • #10
I do postcard invitesI usually do postcard invites but have done theme invites on colored paper as well on themed stationary.

I also send the color invite as an email invite. I just attach it to the email and have the ladies all read it in color for themselves and then have them RSVP to me.

Debbie :D
  • #11
KellyRedHead said:
Do you all (ones that have posted) send out only colored paper invites and no postcard invites or do you use both?


I use both - I do the larger invites when there is a theme to my show, but alot of my hosts just want a "regular" pc show.....and then I just use the postcards.
OR if I have a host who gives me a 60-80 person guest list (it does happen!) I use the postcards, just for $$$ reasons!
  • #12
I actually just created my own postcard invitation. It's nothing fancy, but it does have MY website and is worded to more accurately reflect my shows. (I've been feeling bad that people get an invitation that basically tells them I'm going to show them how to make something, when I don't.) I'm having a big batch of them printed and cut soon.

I've also noticed that most of my hosts send out 25-30 invitations instead of the 40. I changed my "40 Invitations?!" label to "30 Invitations?!" Now I put only 30 in each host kit. I let them know they can have as many as they want, but I start with 30. (Also, on the rare occasion that I send the invitations for a host, there are 30 labels on a sheet. It's just easier.)

This way, too, I don't have to worry about whether I've got a mix of different postcard styles. They'll all be the same--even if I have to print a few extras in an emergency.

I printed 100 on my home printer and began using them, just as a trial run. The hosts who have received the new version have commented that they really like them. The front is just the PC logo. The back is simply slight rewording of the current invitation available through the HO--simple and to the point.
  • #13
KellyRedHead said:
Do you all (ones that have posted) send out only colored paper invites and no postcard invites or do you use both?

I am only sending out the full page colored invites. Fun, themed, invites is something Julie Weiss really promotes. She thinks our PC postcards say this to guests: "Come to my bread and water show and spend $$!" Whereas a full color FUN invite is "Come and party and have fun!" I am currently doing a weekly training with my director to continue to implement Julie's ideas into my show and I am excited at how they are working so far!

Don't get me wrong...especially if you are just starting out your business...the postcards are there and they do work- obviously- there are thousands of successful consultants using them every day! Don't feel like you MUST change. That's the great thing about PC- you can do what you like and what works for YOU!!
  • #14
raebates said:
I actually just created my own postcard invitation. It's nothing fancy, but it does have MY website and is worded to more accurately reflect my shows. (I've been feeling bad that people get an invitation that basically tells them I'm going to show them how to make something, when I don't.) I'm having a big batch of them printed and cut soon.

I've also noticed that most of my hosts send out 25-30 invitations instead of the 40. I changed my "40 Invitations?!" label to "30 Invitations?!" Now I put only 30 in each host kit. I let them know they can have as many as they want, but I start with 30. (Also, on the rare occasion that I send the invitations for a host, there are 30 labels on a sheet. It's just easier.)

This way, too, I don't have to worry about whether I've got a mix of different postcard styles. They'll all be the same--even if I have to print a few extras in an emergency.

I printed 100 on my home printer and began using them, just as a trial run. The hosts who have received the new version have commented that they really like them. The front is just the PC logo. The back is simply slight rewording of the current invitation available through the HO--simple and to the point.

Would you mind sharing your wording? I would love to do this. Also, are you having the postcards commercially printed with the logo on the front? (you mentioned in your trial run that you printed them at home... Thanks:)
  • #15
raebates said:
I actually just created my own postcard invitation. It's nothing fancy, but it does have MY website and is worded to more accurately reflect my shows. (I've been feeling bad that people get an invitation that basically tells them I'm going to show them how to make something, when I don't.) I'm having a big batch of them printed and cut soon.

I've also noticed that most of my hosts send out 25-30 invitations instead of the 40. I changed my "40 Invitations?!" label to "30 Invitations?!" Now I put only 30 in each host kit. I let them know they can have as many as they want, but I start with 30. (Also, on the rare occasion that I send the invitations for a host, there are 30 labels on a sheet. It's just easier.)

This way, too, I don't have to worry about whether I've got a mix of different postcard styles. They'll all be the same--even if I have to print a few extras in an emergency.

I printed 100 on my home printer and began using them, just as a trial run. The hosts who have received the new version have commented that they really like them. The front is just the PC logo. The back is simply slight rewording of the current invitation available through the HO--simple and to the point.

Can we see? Can we see?
  • #16
Yes Rae, I would like to know your wording as well! Also, do you print them on cardstock paper??
  • #17
I printed them on card stock for my trial run. I'll be having them copied at either FedEx/Kinkos or Office Max onto stock that's glossy on one side. They just seem more professional that way. It will be more expensive than ordering the HO ones, but less expensive than printing them myself. Plus, they'll be cut straight and square without me having to do 3 pages at a time on my paper cutter. (Don't get me started on my paper cutter.)

The front is just the words "Take a fresh look at" in green over the PC logo. The logo is downloadable from CC. That takes up all but the 1/4 inch border of the front.

The back is divided in half with a line. I have a "Place stamp here" marker where the stamp goes. The wording is:

Join the fun . . .
You’re invited to a sensational time of food, fun and friends. It’s sure to be a delicious experience. Plus, you’ll learn great tips to help make preparing dinner quick and easy.
Please respond as soon as possible so I can plan my party. I’m looking forward to seeing you Feel free to bring a friend, too!

Date ___________ Time___________
Host _______________________________
Phone ______________________________
Location ____________________________

You can preview the catalog online at
[my website]
Can’t make it to the party?
You can order online, too.
Just be sure to put my name in as host!

I haven't done the printing yet, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
  • #18
raebates said:
I haven't done the printing yet, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Rae - I love it!! Just a question for you...will you give them the electronic copy, or the physical copy....and they will actually make copies or prints? And then they will cut them as well? SWEEET....
  • #19
It's in a Publisher 2007 file. I'll be taking both the hard copy and the file on CD. I figure that way I can choose the easiest/cheapest option. And, yes, I'm going to have them do the cutting. Those big bad machines are much more accurate than my little slicer.
  • #20
raebates said:
It's in a Publisher 2007 file. I'll be taking both the hard copy and the file on CD. I figure that way I can choose the easiest/cheapest option. And, yes, I'm going to have them do the cutting. Those big bad machines are much more accurate than my little slicer.

Yes, definitely! I use to run those machines at my internship, it was awesome... thanks for the info! I should probably call my internship place and see what kind of a deal they can offer me!
  • #21
Ooh, I'm so jealous! Those insider deals can be wonderful. (Insider trading, however, is a bad thing.)
  • Thread starter
  • #22
I took your advise and went to a local discount store and found awesome color paper. Some packages with multi brights, theme borders, pastels. I bought a packet of brights and 2 packets of just plain light pink (HWC). The pink was 100 sheets for only $1. YIPPEE!!!! Thanks for all the tips.:)
  • #23
How does everyone send out your full page invitations?? In an envelope, or just sealed with a sticker and a label thrown on the front??
  • #24
jenniferknapp said:
How does everyone send out your full page invitations?? In an envelope, or just sealed with a sticker and a label thrown on the front??
I have been putting them in a bus. size envelope, but then they can't see the bright color till they open it. My Director says she just tri-folds the paper and tapes it closed. Then she puts her stamp, return address and such right on the outside of the paper.

That way, when they are looking through their mail, they will see the brightly colored paper and want to open that one FIRST!! It's all about creating excitement! (Plus, then you are saving $$ by not using an envelope!) I am going to try that next show and see how it goes!
  • #25
KellyTheChef said:
I have been putting them in a bus. size envelope, but then they can't see the bright color till they open it. My Director says she just tri-folds the paper and tapes it closed. Then she puts her stamp, return address and such right on the outside of the paper.

That way, when they are looking through their mail, they will see the brightly colored paper and want to open that one FIRST!! It's all about creating excitement! (Plus, then you are saving $$ by not using an envelope!) I am going to try that next show and see how it goes!

I like that idea!! I might try this.....okay, now I need to buy bright paper too! I love shopping:)
  • #26
KellyTheChef said:
I have been putting them in a bus. size envelope, but then they can't see the bright color till they open it. My Director says she just tri-folds the paper and tapes it closed. Then she puts her stamp, return address and such right on the outside of the paper. That way, when they are looking through their mail, they will see the brightly colored paper and want to open that one FIRST!! It's all about creating excitement! (Plus, then you are saving $$ by not using an envelope!) I am going to try that next show and see how it goes!
I have a different theory on this.....I put mine in an envelope, because for me (with my own mail) a tri-fold piece of paper is usually some type of mass-market advertising, and it gets ignored or pushed aside.....I like to use envelopes so it looks like "real" mail. I do use a "It's A Party" stamp on the envelopes, and sometimes used different colored envelopes too....
  • #27
I would definitely use an envelope. Otherwise that piece of paper will get MANGLED!!!!

I sent out a fair amt of mini catalogs, so some came back to me with bad addresses and what not. Even though I taped it shut on all three sides, you should see how these things are coming back!
  • #28
DebbieJ said:
I would definitely use an envelope. Otherwise that piece of paper will get MANGLED!!!!

I sent out a fair amt of mini catalogs, so some came back to me with bad addresses and what not. Even though I taped it shut on all three sides, you should see how these things are coming back!

I am thinking that this could happen when you are mailing them long distances! For "local" sort of parties (like the one that I just sent the host packet to yesterday...with the boring postcards of course:mad:) .....then the PO basically just stamps them and throws them in the correct PO box right there......then I wouldn't use an envelope!
  • #29
I printed my Grand Opening invites on flourescent green paper....VERY bright and coordinates nicely with the new catalog!:p
  • #30
I don't do postcard invites for the same reason of them being tossed to the side.
I went into my big 99 cent store the other day and found really cool looking swirly paper, circles, geometricals etc.
I bought 6 pkgs and I really like it!!!
I make my own invites and write them out depending on what I am doing at the show.
  • #31
My host have always been fine with me emailing the invitations to them and then they print them. If I do color I do one with just enough color to make it pretty but not so much to use all of their ink.

When I have done the color ones I have done a full page.
  • #32
Chozengirl said:
I don't do postcard invites for the same reason of them being tossed to the side.
I went into my big 99 cent store the other day and found really cool looking swirly paper, circles, geometricals etc.
I bought 6 pkgs and I really like it!!!
I make my own invites and write them out depending on what I am doing at the show.

You write them? I have awful hand writing. But I think this would be a GREAT personal touch!! I bet your host and guest love it.
  • #33
jrstephens said:
You write them? I have awful hand writing. But I think this would be a GREAT personal touch!! I bet your host and guest love it.
Sorry, I type them out.
Can you imagine writing out 20+ invites :eek:
  • #34
Chozengirl said:
Sorry, I type them out.
Can you imagine writing out 20+ invites :eek:

See....why I thought that was such a great tough! I was thiking you would have major writer's cramp on a busy month especially! ha!:eek:
  • #35
FYI: Color Copies at Office Depot are only 28 cents each and B & W are 3 cents each..............................after you register your credit card through Pampered Perks!!!!!
  • #36
For those of you that do your own invites ... Do you all use the full sheet of paper? I would like to start that I think, so I know that the invites actually did go out and so it is more of a personal touch you know? I really need to get my business on track and I think this could be one way to a great start ... right?

Related to Printing Color Copies for Theme Shows: Is It Worth It?

1. Is it worth it to print color copies for theme shows?

This ultimately depends on the individual consultant and their budget. Some consultants find that investing in color copies for theme shows helps attract more guests and make a better impression, while others may find it more cost-effective to use Pampered Chef invitations or other printed materials.

2. How can I print up 40 color copy invitations?

There are many options available for printing color copies, such as using a home printer, going to a print shop or using online printing services. It is important to consider the cost and quality of the printing method before choosing one.

3. Is it necessary to print all 40 color copies for a theme show?

It is not necessary to print all 40 color copies for a theme show, but it can be a helpful way to attract more guests and make a good impression. However, it is ultimately up to the individual consultant and their budget.

4. Will the host send out all 40 color copies?

It is not guaranteed that the host will send out all 40 color copies, but providing them with the invitations can make it easier for them to invite guests. Ultimately, it is up to the host to send out the invitations and promote the show.

5. Are Pampered Chef invitations a more cost-effective option?

Using Pampered Chef invitations can be a more cost-effective option for some consultants. However, it is important to consider the quality and impact of using color copies for theme shows. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the individual consultant's budget and preferences.

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