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Partnering W/Your Hostess by Steve Wiltshire - Opinions?

I'm wondering if you ever receive any response to invitations? Yes, I have received responses to invitations. I have also had some hosts respond to my invitations even though they did not book the show. I think it is important to send out invitations because it shows that you are interested in hosting a show. Most of the time when I send out invitations I get a response. I think it is important to follow up with a reminder call to make sure they have received the invitation and to remind them about the date and time of the meeting. I think it is a good idea to send invitations because it shows that you are interested in hosting a show. Most of the time when I send out
Hi All!
At National Conference this year, I attended a seminar by Lynn Wiltshire on Host-coaching. The seminar sparked my interest in the book/cd combo "Partnering with your Hostess: Pathways to Recruiting Success", but I didn't get it at conference. I am now considering ordering direct.

Does anyone have this? Can you tell us your opinion of the material?

Thanks in advance!
North Carolina
Bought the bookHey,

I would definitely buy the book. I am not a very good auditory learner (I'm more visual) so just the book is perfect for me! Adult learners tend to require more senses when learning so you may want to get the combo pack.

I have been implementing some of the suggestions and with great success! Before this conference I did not do extensive host coaching with my Catalog show hosts, but now I approach them all the same. I meet them either in their home or at a specified meeting place they bring their guest list with postage and I bring the host packet. When I tell them what they will need to bring to the meeting they don't even bat an eye. I was really worried that they would balk at bringing postage, but it hasn't been a problem.

For my Catalog hosts I have them bring me 30-60 names and email addresses. For Regular hosts I have them bring 40-60 names, addresses and phone numbers. I ask them for as much contact information as possible. I show them a copy of the flyer invitations I send out so they now to bring the regular postage (37 cents).

It has been working well for me so far. So far, I have had great hosts. My Catalog show average had not been that high. I would be really excited over a catalog show that reached $300 in sales. Now my Catalog hosts are averaging $500. Which is FREAKING AWESOME!!! I have 3 going on for August and it is nice to still be able to vacation (I will not have a regular Kitchen Show until the 13th) and reach my goals.

I took a training course with the Wiltshire's last year and early this year so most of the information was not new to me. But it will take you outside of your comfort zone and that is not a bad place to be if you want to move your business to the next level.

I'm sorry this has been so long. In short, buy they book at least.
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  • Thread starter
  • #3
Problems getting addresses?Chef Kearns,
thanks for the input. The concept of sending invitations for the host appeals to me, but I'm hung up on the addresses. I would think that most people either hand out invitations personally or send emails. I know when I had my own show several months ago, before becoming a consultant, I didn't have mailing addresses for most of the folks on my list. Have you ever run into this problem? How do you address?

Thanks again for your thoughts.
North Carolina
I always include about 10 postcard invitations so she can hand them out. I don't put that many in because I want to encourage her to give me a completed list.

Not having addresses was a concern of mine, but so far it has not been a problem. Since using this program I am booking at least 3 shows at each party. I set the Party Planning day for at least 1 week after the show (the one she booked at). I had a party on Thursday and scheduled the party planning day for the following Saturday and this host came in with a full completed spreadsheet of over 50 guests to invite. Sometimes you will have hosts that are really on top of it. Most will see the advantage of letting you do it. Even though they have to consolidate the names they don't have to worry about anything else.

Be sure to make a reminder call the day before you will meet reminder her about bringing the completed list. That usually helps the procrasinators.
Chef Kearns I set the Party Planning day for at least 1 week after the show (the one she booked at). Be sure to make a reminder call the day before you will meet reminder her about bringing the completed list. That usually helps the procrasinators.[/QUOTE said:
Do any of you who work full time do the face-to-face meeting? What about shows 45-60 miles away?

Inquiring minds want to know... :)
I'm interested in the catalog show information about sending invitations...what a great idea! I've been sending invitations for hosts, but not for catalog shows! My catalog show average is about $220, and would love to make that higher. Can you tell me more about what you say to your catalog show hosts, and what invitations you send?

Thanks in advance!
Catalog HostsRebecca, for my Catalog show hosts I do not send out a paper invite. I use the guest list with email addresses she gives me. I send out the email from my PC website.

Ann, I do not work a full or part-time job (other than raising 3 full-time children and working Pampered Chef), but I would try to meet half way with the long distance hosts you have. Either that or schedule them back to back on a Saturday morning. It may take some adjusting, but I am a believer in the face-to-face (person to person) host coaching. It just works.

Your hosts won't feel as though you are a stranger and they are more likely to become loyal customers. Which we all want, right?!
Where can I get the book???Where can I find the book??? I have checked at chapters but they don't seem to have it can I order it online?
  • #10
Thank YouThanks I ordered the book and received a free 5 day e-course for ordering it!
  • #11
Never Received my book!Hey there!

I have been waiting now what seems like forever for the book , so I emailed them and they told me that my order had been declined :( Its funny because they had never responded to tell me that they had declined it. I was just wondering if any of you knew of how I could get a used copy of the book??? Thanks

  • #13
ChefKearns, what do you mean by bumping this up??? I don't know the meaning of that expression. This sounds interesting to me, but what does the book cost? Do you think it will it be available at National Conference in 2006? Do they have a book store there, or table where we can purchase directly from a stock they have, that we can browse before buying?
  • #14
Grandmarita said:
ChefKearns, what do you mean by bumping this up??? I don't know the meaning of that expression. This sounds interesting to me, but what does the book cost? Do you think it will it be available at National Conference in 2006? Do they have a book store there, or table where we can purchase directly from a stock they have, that we can browse before buying?

Bumping up means that she is refreshing the post and moving it up in the posts so more people can see it.

I don't think the book will be at conference this year as the Wiltshire's will not be there. This seminar was one where the consultant either loved it or hated it (I was a hated it). They had some good ideas but I felt like the two speakers, we watched the wife and I forget her name, we just a couple of people out there wanting my money...I felt they had no true interest in my business. Anyway, there was a lot of grumbling and they were not invited back. This book was only available through the Wiltshires...I am sure that there is a website that you could get it from...just not from TPC.
  • #15
soonerchef said:
I don't think the book will be at conference this year as the Wiltshire's will not be there. This seminar was one where the consultant either loved it or hated it (I was a hated it). They had some good ideas but I felt like the two speakers, we watched the wife and I forget her name, we just a couple of people out there wanting my money...I felt they had no true interest in my business. Anyway, there was a lot of grumbling and they were not invited back. This book was only available through the Wiltshires...I am sure that there is a website that you could get it from...just not from TPC.

Thank you for saying this. I was one of those who hated them too. (And that's not a phrase I use frequently). Were you at the first wave of conference last year? I wonder if they improved greatly after our group (I was in the first wave) complained. The class I attended (with the wife) was HORRIBLE. The term "money grubbers" comes to mind.
  • #16
Wow, you have decided for me. I did check their website, and there was
no enticement to buy books. In fact it did not appear on the menu. They
seem to be more into the tele-classes. Don't we get them free from PC? Why would we want to pay them, if PC's are free.
  • #17
chefjeanine said:
Thank you for saying this. I was one of those who hated them too. (And that's not a phrase I use frequently). Were you at the first wave of conference last year? I wonder if they improved greatly after our group (I was in the first wave) complained. The class I attended (with the wife) was HORRIBLE. The term "money grubbers" comes to mind.

I was in wave 3 last year, I had the wife also and it was just, ugghhh...
  • #18
I would agree with you gals. The idea of in person host coaching makes sense. But like you said Andrea, they seemed more interested in selling us their books than actually trying to help us with our business. I didn't feel like I needed their books to figure out ways to host coach better--I can get that here & with my cluster members.
  • #19
Having dealt with them in the past I know why they were pushing their material. They basically took a 2 day seminar and crammed the information into a 1 hour session. They had never done a conference quite like ours before. The information is awesome and worth investing in. Yes, they share the info more through the teleclasses, but that way you have the ability to ask questions and you have assignments that help you to learn and develop the information for your business.

The Steve and Lynn Wiltshire are not my favorite people in the world, but their material is very good. I found the book very helpful with my business.
  • #20
Chef Kearns said:
Having dealt with them in the past I know why they were pushing their material. They basically took a 2 day seminar and crammed the information into a 1 hour session. They had never done a conference quite like ours before. The information is awesome and worth investing in. Yes, they share the info more through the teleclasses, but that way you have the ability to ask questions and you have assignments that help you to learn and develop the information for your business.

The Steve and Lynn Wiltshire are not my favorite people in the world, but their material is very good. I found the book very helpful with my business.

I do think that what they said was good, it's just that I didn't like them...the vehicle in which they choose to give us this info was poor...the info was good. Kinda like, I don't like Tom Cruise. I am sure that MI-III will be great but because I can't stand him I am not going to pay to see the movie...I'll wait until I can get it for free.
  • #21
soonerchef said:
I do think that what they said was good, it's just that I didn't like them...the vehicle in which they choose to give us this info was poor...the info was good. Kinda like, I don't like Tom Cruise. I am sure that MI-III will be great but because I can't stand him I am not going to pay to see the movie...I'll wait until I can get it for free.

So I guess you don't care when Tom-Kat are getting married?:rolleyes: I have always loved him but lately?????
  • #22
lacychef said:
So I guess you don't care when Tom-Kat are getting married?:rolleyes: I have always loved him but lately?????

can we get an icon that looks like "gag-me-with-a-blue-smurf" so that I can descirbe how I feel about "Tom-Kat"....
  • #23
ROFL "gag me with a blue smurf".
Dude. I nearly choked on my diet dr pepper at that. LOL!!!:eek: :D :p
  • #24
Pampered Laura said:
ROFL "gag me with a blue smurf".
Dude. I nearly choked on my diet dr pepper at that. LOL!!!:eek: :D :p

Do we need an icon for choking on diet dr pepper, too?
  • #25
cmdtrgd said:
Do we need an icon for choking on diet dr pepper, too?

  • #26
I'm glad my humor is appreciated :DIt usually is very funny in my head...but when it comes out of my mouth, something happens and it isn't funny. I guess typing is more of a direct connection to my brain. Don't you wish you could just plug a USB cable into the base of your skull....oh, um, too much rambling.
  • #27
cmdtrgd said:
I'm glad my humor is appreciated :D

It usually is very funny in my head...but when it comes out of my mouth, something happens and it isn't funny. I guess typing is more of a direct connection to my brain. Don't you wish you could just plug a USB cable into the base of your skull....oh, um, too much rambling.

It's funny you say that about the USB, the other night I had a dream that I micro-chipped my family so that I would know what they were doing at all times...I might be a little too much of a control freak, but whatever...see, rambling here too..........

Related to Partnering W/Your Hostess by Steve Wiltshire - Opinions?

What is "Partnering W/Your Hostess" by Steve Wiltshire?

"Partnering W/Your Hostess" is a popular book written by Steve Wiltshire, a renowned sales and marketing expert, that focuses on building successful partnerships with hostesses in the direct sales industry. It offers valuable insights and strategies for effectively working with hostesses to maximize sales and grow your business.

How can this book benefit me as a Pampered Chef consultant?

This book is a great resource for Pampered Chef consultants as it provides practical tips and techniques for building strong relationships with your hostesses. It also offers ideas for creating successful parties and increasing sales, which can ultimately lead to a more successful and profitable business.

Is this book suitable for new consultants or only for experienced ones?

This book is suitable for both new and experienced consultants. It offers valuable advice for anyone looking to improve their sales and build successful partnerships with their hostesses. Whether you are just starting out or have been in the business for years, this book can help you take your business to the next level.

Are there any specific techniques or strategies mentioned in the book?

Yes, the book covers a variety of techniques and strategies for partnering with hostesses, including how to effectively communicate and set expectations, how to create a successful party plan, and how to follow up with customers after the party. It also offers tips for overcoming common challenges and building a loyal customer base.

Where can I purchase "Partnering W/Your Hostess" by Steve Wiltshire?

You can purchase the book online through various retailers, such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble. It may also be available at your local bookstore or through the Pampered Chef website. Additionally, some consultants may offer the book for sale at parties or events.

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