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Pampered Chef Stoneware Bowl Replacement Options for S Customer

In summary, my customer broke a small stoneware bar pan and asked if I could return it for her. I told her the bar pan was out of warranty and I would get to it the next time I was at the post office. She asked if I already sent it out and I told her I would bring it to her. She asked if she could glue it back together and I said no. She asked how long the guarantee was and if it didn't break by accident, how is it expected...to not break?
Gold Member
Here is a message I received from one of my customers, my response, then her response. Are you kidding me!!!

Hi Jessica,

I had a big bowl form Pampered Chef and I broke it. I was trying to move it along with many other things in my hands and it fell out of my hands. I loved that bowl. Is there a way I can replace it at liitle or no cost? It is the stone ware baking thing that is light brown in color like its made of clay.

Dear S Customer,

Pampered Chef discontinued the stoneware bowl (if its the same one I'm thinking of). BUT I happen to have one that I do not use! It has been used a couple of times, but literally been under my cabinet for about 5 years, untouched. Do you want it? It's still good.

Dear Jessica,

I will not take yours. thank you for offering. Can I trade the pieces for something else like a pizza stone or a rectangle like the one I bough before?
I do appreciate you kind offer, but I can't accept it.
What? Yeah you can put all the broken pieces in a bag and I'll trade for our new covered baker. hee Hee. Some people.
Seriously?? Did you tell her that if she puts the pieces in a bag and shakes it, a bar pan might form?? HEE HEE!!
Too funny, Julie! We must have been on the same wave length :)
I LOVE Jennifer's response!

So, did you email her back after that? I am dying to know how this one turns out. LOL
This is where you tell her to put all the pieces in a bag, wave it around and sing "Bibbity Bobbity Boo" 4 times....
Wow, I think I'd tell her:I'm sorry, but your stoneware bowl is out of warranty, and that type of breakage wouldn't have been covered anyway since it was the result of an accident and not a defect. However, you can, of course, get things discounted or free when you host a party of your own.
and if she still isn't happy, you can always tell her to drop and break another product she bought from a department store, and take it back to them to see what they would do.
I'm sure they wouldn't offer to give them the same piece they had in their inventory for FREE! Yeah, turn that offer down cuz that's the SMART thing to do!
  • #10
I can send you some pixie dust and see what happens!!! Have her call HO with that question...I am sure they have heard it all!!!
  • #11
I don't know to laugh or cry that some people are so....(fill in your own word)
I had a customer/friend knock at my door early one morning, I just woke up with little coffee :yuck: She handed me a piece of her broken small bar pan and asked if I could return it for her. I told her I would get to it within a week, the next time I was at the PO. So a week later she calls and asks me if I didn't already send it out, could I bring her the broken piece. She really wants to use the bar pan and would just glue it back together :eek:
I am thinking........ you are going to glue it, put food on it, then put it in the oven!
  • #12
lisasfuncooking said:
I don't know to laugh or cry that some people are so....(fill in your own word)
I had a customer/friend knock at my door early one morning, I just woke up with little coffee :yuck: She handed me a piece of her broken small bar pan and asked if I could return it for her. I told her I would get to it within a week, the next time I was at the PO. So a week later she calls and asks me if I didn't already send it out, could I bring her the broken piece. She really wants to use the bar pan and would just glue it back together :eek:
I am thinking........ you are going to glue it, put food on it, then put it in the oven!

:eek: :yuck: :eek: :rolleyes: OH MY!! That is the funniest thing ever!
  • #14
WOW. I don't know what to say to that! How did you repsond?
  • #15
what cracks me up the most about these types of situations, is that she would never send an email, call or go into Macy's and ask them how she could get a new one for "little or no cost"
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Despite the many responses going through my head, I responded almost exactly as Rae Bates suggested. Haven't heard from her.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Update: She wants to know how long the guarantee is and if it doesn't break by accident, how is it expected to break? Pretty much "what is covered"?
  • #18
Wow, I can't believe what some people expect.
  • #19
Just treat her like she's actually sane and normal. ;) Every piece of stoneware is covered for 3 years. Flaws are covered, which usually appear in the first few usings. Dropping something, using it in direct violation of the Use & Care Instructions, or using the stoneware for commercial purposes are not covered.
  • #20
I met a lady at a street festival a few weeks ago. She was working a food-vendor booth across from me. I was getting something to eat from her and she said she was "just looking over at me, thinking about..." and then she explains how she had the Food chopper and loved it, then it broke or something. HO wouldn't replace it without her receipt. The consultant she had purchased it from wouldn't give her a copy of the receipt (short version- the consultant was a friend of someone who got a nasty divorce- customer was on the WRONG side of the divorce (friend or relative of other party?)...so she wouldn't help). Anyway, the lady tells me..."Who saves their receipts??!"
I didn't have the patience to deal with her, knowing where it was leading, so I said- "Well, you wouldn't go to Target or Walmart and expect to return a product without a receipt would you? " :D HAHAHA! I'm sorry...I couldn't help it. But I did say it was pretty bad that the consultant wouldn't just reprint the receipt for her. Then again, I only had her side of the story. I also suggested that in the future- if she didn't have a file cabinet for important files, to put it under her silverware tray.Needless to say- she didn't buy one from me. LOL. I didn't care.
  • #21
I still don't understand why people expect to return a product when it is a non-defect of the product. What store (mortar, online or direct sales) have they purchased from in the past have they actually been able to do a return like that?
  • #22
Bren706 said:
I still don't understand why people expect to return a product when it is a non-defect of the product. What store (mortar, online or direct sales) have they purchased from in the past have they actually been able to do a return like that?
one word: WALMART... those people will give in to anything as long as you nag long enough... i should know i heard the nagging for a few years before i finally quit
  • #23
That reminds me of a story from a few years ago before my husband and I were married. He used to work at Home Depot for a few years before we met and one day we were at a garage sale and at the sale there were a TON of unopened light fixtures. My husband recognized them immediately as being from Depot, so we bought them all for like .50 and RETURNED THEM ALL without receipt of course. Some of those fixtures were $19.99! I think we got like $150 in store credit just off of those garage sale items. I can't believe it either, some of them looked so old! I'm sure the SKU wasn't even valid anymore! :eek:
  • #24
lisasfuncooking - I gotta know if the lady looks a little like Marge Simpson! That is the only way I can picture someone gluing a stone and using it!
  • #25
and where does she find food-safe glue? or does she think since it is "under" the food and not in it, it is okay?

Related to Pampered Chef Stoneware Bowl Replacement Options for S Customer

What is "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!"?

"Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" is a popular seasoning blend from Pampered Chef that combines the flavors of roasted garlic, onion, thyme, and lemon.

How do I use "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!"?

You can use "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" as a seasoning for meats, vegetables, and other dishes. Simply sprinkle it on before cooking or add it to sauces and marinades for an extra burst of flavor.

Is "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" gluten-free?

Yes, "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" is gluten-free, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions.

Can I use "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" as a replacement for salt?

While "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" does contain salt, it also has a variety of other herbs and spices that add depth and complexity to dishes. It can be used as a replacement for salt, but we recommend using it in addition to other seasonings for the best flavor.

Where can I purchase "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!"?

You can purchase "Rotf-Can't Stop-L!!!!!!!" directly from Pampered Chef's website or through a consultant. It is also available at select retailers and online marketplaces.

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