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Is Pampered Chef Time-Consuming?

In summary, this conversation is about a potential rep who is very interested in Pampered Chef, but is hesitant to join because she is afraid she will become inactive in the future. She is worried about having enough time to devote to her business, but also wants to do it full time. She considers her current situation - working full time, going to school full time, and being a single mother - and decides that she is willing to join Pampered Chef part time, in order to qualify for membership and stay active.
Gold Member
Hi Everyone,
I need some help. I have a potential recruit who is very interested, but she is a single mother, looking for a full time job, and perhaps may do PC, but is very concerned about time. She read the flyer and thought "well, it looks like it would take a lot of time", I wasn't very quick on my feet (and I still don't know what to say to that as I'm married, but no kids), but I did think quickly enough to ask her to our next cluster meeting to "check us out", which she agreed. Now the question is...how much time is really into PC...I know how much time I spend, but that's b/c I choose to spend the time. I did mention to her that "as it is your business, what ever time you want to spend on it is your decision". I guess maybe I should have mentioned to "try and see", but I forgot, anyways, any other ideas on addressing the "time" factor. I do get this one a lot, but this is the 1st real interested recruit with the issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated. (p.s. sorry so long, I babble on all the time!)

I am married, have 3 children with a full schedule, and I work full time outside the home as well as help my husband with the farm and his catering business. I don't have a lot of time to devote to my Pampered Chef business. However, I stay active - sometimes by the skin of my teeth - and hope to one day be able to do this full time. Some months I do a lot, some months I don't even turn a show in. That is what is so great about this business. You work your business around your family. The more you put into your business, the more you will make. That is up to each consultant. I hope this helps.

I think that is one of the AWESOME things about PC....it is SO FLEXIBLE! You can put as much time or as little time into it as you want out of it. If she wants to do this full time, then she is going to need to put more time into it. If she wants to do it part time or as a hobby, then she won't put as much time into it. It depends on her needs and dedication.

I work full time as a teacher and I have 4 kids. My time is precious. I try to use my time wisely. I let hosts know that I can't call them until later in the evening. I do a lot of communication via email as I can do that late. I use my power hour broken up into 15 minute blocks. I take my cell phone and lists to call and do that at kids sports. I do all this because I do about 6 shows a month. In the summer, I don't want to do as much so I don't! Last summer I took 2 months off and didn't do any kitchen shows for June and July.

My point...it will be whatever you want it to be. That is why it is so great!
I have a rep, I love, I'm really intrigued by the biz but hesitate to join 'cause I'm afraid I will become inactive too in the future. I'm going to go to school fulltime in the fall (I"m studying two classes now), I work fulltime (I have to do studying there too to renew my license in July), and I'm a single mother of a high school senior. I obviously need extra money but I don't want to do extra shifts at the hospital as it is very stressfull. Am I being unrealistic by joining PC now in June and hope to qualify and then hope to stay active? What is it to stay active?
Thank you!
ElChef said:
I have a rep, I love, I'm really intrigued by the biz but hesitate to join 'cause I'm afraid I will become inactive too in the future. I'm going to go to school fulltime in the fall (I"m studying two classes now), I work fulltime (I have to do studying there too to renew my license in July), and I'm a single mother of a high school senior. I obviously need extra money but I don't want to do extra shifts at the hospital as it is very stressfull. Am I being unrealistic by joining PC now in June and hope to qualify and then hope to stay active? What is it to stay active?
Thank you!

Have you talked w/ the consultant you are working with about your concerns? I think if you can give it a chance, you'll find the answers to your questions. When you first start, you can host your own show for one of them. Then just get a few people to host (family and close friends). You recover your costs after just the first couple shows. So you really don't have anything to lose.

Each month you need to submit $150 in orders to be considered active. There's no penalty if you go one month w/o meeting that. It's your second month of inactivity which would then mean you would lose your career sales. But then you can just submit $150 in orders again and be considered active again. If you happen to go 6 months of inactivity, then your contract will expire and you would need to re-sign up if you want to be a consultant again.

Best of luck w/ your decision. :)
Thank you, Amanda...
If I had a teammember join under me then what would be my monthly requirements not to lose her in my downline?
To respond to the original post. I am a single mother with a full-time job. When I am busy with Pampered Chef, I spend a few hours a week on the phone with customer care, booking, and downline calls (I have 2 people in my downline). I average 6 shows a month, so tack on another 5 hours per week average to do the shows (including travel) and paperwork (entering orders, printing receipts). So, when I'm really focused on PC, it's about 10 hours a week.

Hope that helps -
Good answer Susan!
This business is very flexible, but not optional! Tell her she can work PC into her life and you can help her, but that it is a business and if she wants anything out of it, she needs to show up to work.
I love Susans Breakdown. So for about 40 hours a MONTH she makes approx. $800

You've gotten lots of advice, my favorite is Listen more, ask questions, and talk less ;)
Good luck and let us know what happens!
I personally spend way-too much time on my business for what I get out of it- but that's because I'm still working on being efficient with my time. (work in progress!)What I am learning though and would tell anyone new (to my team or anyone else's) - don't try to reinvent the wheel! The Pampered Chef resources they give us work just fine!! I've gone BACK to using basically what PC gave us for host packets and recruiting packets, and host coaching, and all of those things that we get caught up in changing or tweaking or making 'prettier'. It wasted alot of my time, and cost me alot more money. As I use the resources and flyers provided/available through Pampered Chef, my job is getting easier and I'm more successful as a result.Doesn't EXACTLY give you a time-answer, but it can, if she just uses what is provided- she'll save alot of time (IMHO).
  • #10
Wow, Susan. I'm impressed with your efficiency. I spend a lot of time. I would do everything others have mentioned. I might add that you can "work" after the kids are in bed - with no babysitter needed. You can do training, make packets, enter shows and all the computer stuff at night.
  • #11
This thread originated in '05, so that's why I just addressed ElChef. :D

Related to Is Pampered Chef Time-Consuming?

1. What are the hours like for Pampered Chef consultants?

As a consultant for Pampered Chef, you have the flexibility to choose your own hours. You can work part-time or full-time, and can schedule events and parties at times that work best for you and your customers.

2. Can I work from home with Pampered Chef?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers a work-from-home opportunity for consultants. You can run your business from the comfort of your own home, and even host virtual parties using our online tools.

3. Do I need any special skills or experience to become a Pampered Chef consultant?

No, you do not need any special skills or experience to become a consultant for Pampered Chef. We provide all the necessary training and support for you to be successful in your business.

4. Are there any sales quotas or requirements for Pampered Chef consultants?

There are no sales quotas or requirements for Pampered Chef consultants. You are free to sell as much or as little as you'd like, and can set your own goals for your business.

5. How do I get started as a Pampered Chef consultant?

To get started as a consultant for Pampered Chef, you can reach out to a current consultant or visit our website to find a local consultant near you. They will guide you through the sign-up process and help you get started with your business.

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