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One Month Since Show, and Still Unable to Get Host to Close!

In summary, the consultant is concerned about the host's lack of response in closing the bridal shower show. They have been trying to contact the host for days and have not received a response. The consultant believes that the show needs to be closed in order to ensure customer satisfaction and would like to contact the customers to let them know their orders are on the way. They are also concerned about the host's well-being and offer to help in any way possible. The consultant also reminds the host that there is a deadline for closing January shows and suggests involving the bride in the process to help close the show.
AZPampered Chef
Silver Member
Long story short, I did a bridal shower on January 10th. The host (bride's mom) has pushed off closing the show week after week, and when I talked to her on Sunday I told her we really need to close it so her friends and family could get their orders, as well as the bride. She was supposed to call me that evening with the final orders plus what she/the bride wanted for free, 1/2 price, etc. NO CALL. I've called her every night since then, plus sent an email, with no response.

I actually am concerned that there may have been an accident or something, because she has always been one to answer the phone, until now.

However, if she's trying to blow me off, I am pretty much done with chasing her around and want this show CLOSED.

Here is an email that I am working on, and want to send it to her today. Please let me know if you have any additions or corrections, or if you have any alternative suggestions on how to handle this.


I have been trying to reach you, and haven't had any luck, so I hope everything is ok with you and your family. I just left you a voicemail on your cell phone, but wanted to clarify the message because I think I was rambling a bit.

I feel that we really need to get this show submitted to ensure the customer satisfaction of your friends and family. While many of the orders were for Liz and her bridal shower, there were also some personal orders as well. Also, I would like contact the customers just to let them know that thier orders are on the way--this is something that I could do, or let me know if you'd prefer to do it.

If I don't hear from you tonight, I can use XXX's wish list to pick out her Free Products. If I do it this way I won't select any half-priced or discounted items, and you won't be able to get those in the future.

Of course, I'd much prefer to have you make the choices. Hopefully, we can connect sometime today so you can give me any additional orders that you may have and let me know what free, half-priced, and discounted items you would like.

I know that it's been a very hectic month or so for you and your family, and I don't want to add to your stress. Conversely, I'd like to help you get this done, and then you will have another thing to check off of your list!

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help! I hope to talk to you soon.

You might also want to let her know that January shows have until Feb 15th to close - after that they will be a Feb show and she will lose the extra FPV that she earned in Jan. The HO makes NO exceptions to this rule.
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pamperedlinda said:
You might also want to let her know that January shows have until Feb 15th to close - after that they will be a Feb show and she will lose the extra FPV that she earned in Jan. The HO makes NO exceptions to this rule.

Great point....I added that to the letter. Thanks!
I think it sounds good. It sounds considerate but not mean or pushy, and that you are a consultant who strives for happy customers. I hope it all works out for you. I agree with what Linda said, it'll help light a fire under her to realize there is a real deadline for those added perks, so it's good that you added something about that. :)
AZPampered Chef said:
I feel that we really need to get this show submitted

I would suggest changing to "We need to submit this show by Feb. 15 or you and your guests won't get the January show benefits."

to ensure the customer satisfaction of your friends and family. While many of the orders were for Liz and her bridal shower, there were also some personal orders as well.

Also, I would like contact the customers just to let them know that thier orders are on the way--this is something that I could do, or let me know if you'd prefer to do it.

I would suggest "As a part of my service as your consultant, I like to contact all of your guests after their order has arrived to ensure they are happy with them."

Also, I would suggest contacting the bride. Maybe she can help you close the show. She may be able to talk to her mom, or she may even know what to order to close the show.

Related to One Month Since Show, and Still Unable to Get Host to Close!

1. Why is my host still unable to close their show after one month?

There could be a few reasons for this. It's possible that your host is busy and hasn't had a chance to finalize their orders yet. They may also be waiting for additional orders from friends and family. It's important to follow up with your host and offer assistance in closing their show.

2. Can I still earn my commission if my host doesn't close their show within one month?

Yes, you can still earn your commission as long as the show is closed within 45 days of the original show date. If it has been longer than 45 days, unfortunately you will not receive commission for that show.

3. How can I encourage my host to close their show sooner?

One way to encourage your host to close their show sooner is by offering them an incentive, such as a free product or discount, for closing their show by a certain date. You can also remind them of the benefits of hosting a show, such as earning free products and discounts for themselves.

4. What should I do if my host is unresponsive and still hasn't closed their show?

If your host is unresponsive, try reaching out to them through a different method of communication, such as a phone call or text message. You can also offer to help them with the ordering process or offer to close the show for them. If all else fails, you may need to consider closing the show without your host's final approval.

5. Is it common for hosts to take longer than one month to close their show?

While it is not uncommon for hosts to take longer than one month to close their show, it is important to follow up with your host and remind them of the deadline. Some hosts may need more time to gather orders or may forget about the show, so it's important to stay in communication with them to ensure the show is closed in a timely manner.

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