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Oh No! Mouse Sighted in My House - What Do I Do?!

In summary, the mouse was seen in the living room two nights ago and then on the kitchen counter just a minute ago. The individuals are concerned about what to do about the mouse and are considering poison, live traps, or the peanut butter trap.
Gold Member
OH! I am sooooooooooooo freaked out right now! Two nights ago, I saw a mouse in our living room. I was looking for my DSS lost library book, so I went to move the couch and it ran along the baseboard. DH and I tried to look for it to get it out of the house, but couldn't find it. I put out those sticky boards behind both couches out there. Nothing has stuck to them yet...

Then, just a minute ago, that little creature was on my KITCHEN COUNTER!

What the heck am I supposed to do now?? We have a dog, Evan (3 years old) and an obviously LAZY cat....so I am concerned about using poison. Plus...don't they go somewhere and die then and then STINK?

EEEWWWWWW! I am sooooooooooooooooooo grossed out!

Please tell me we can take care of this ourselves and not have to pay for an exterminator!

Eeewww. Gross. Yuck. Goosebumps. Cooties. Blegh!
I work for a pest control company (in the office) and we use bait blocks, but we put them in a container that is specially designed that ONLY MICE can get in! So your dog and cat would be safe, and even if they did ingest it, depending on their weight, it shouldn't cause any problems. I know that we always used the snap-traps when I was growing up, but that's so depressing to see their little heads get smooshed in and stuff... Ugh. Good luck with your mices! Sorry this is happening to you! They freak me out just as much!
KellyTheChef said:
Eeewww. Gross. Yuck. Goosebumps. Cooties. Blegh!

Ditto this... and I use poison from the farm supply store that says they go back out to find water so I'm probably not much help. Only every had one not make it out once and yes... it stunk. Sorry. Have you tried regular traps with peanut butter wrapped with scotch tape? I know... WAY too much practice here with mice...
Well, our cat is not lazy but she never saw ours. WE joked she was going to get fired from her job!

We used the sticky traps, but put some peanut butter in the middle of it. That has worked for us twice.

Also, if you can find the hole in which it entered in, take some plain brillo and seperate it and fill the hole with the wire part, the mice hate that.

Try the peanut butter trick. Let me know.
First - he's finding something in your house that's making life easier/comfy/better than outside. Scour your house for any food remains.

Next - remove any food source that you can find for him. Don't just think food either. Do you have a stack of old papers anywhere? They like to eat that.

Finally - make your trap irresistable. Load it with peanut butter. I know the snap traps sounds mean, but really, do you want to be nice? :D If you use a live trap, then turn him loose outside, where do you think he's gonna go after you set him free?

We live in the country so we have to do with this on occasion. Not a lot, but definitely more than my liking (once is more than my liking!). :D

Hope this helps. I HATE mice. I HATE mice!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I will try the peanut butter thing Vanessa...

I have NO IDEA where they are coming from. We live in a mostly rural town, and have fields very close to us, so mice are not new around here...just freaking the crap out of me!
I live on a farm and mice are common around here...although for the record, I HATE mice, they gross and freak me out!!!
We had two mice about a year ago, we got a Raid trap that is supposed to be like a little "hotel"...where you put the peanut butter in and then they are supposed to go in and it literally "traps" them in, well, don't get that one, it never worked!
We just got the little poison pellets and it worked like a charm, we found where the droppings were (GROSS GROSS GROSS), and put the pellets there when we went to bed and they never came back...although we did find a small hole in our wall where they were coming in...we patched it up and so far have not had a problem.
I don't know if I could do the actual traps, sometimes it does not kill them, but it makes them suffer and then you see them writhing around and you have to dispose of them..I'd rather just not see that, as much as I hate, despise mice, I couldn't see one half alive...know what I mean?
Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
If peanut butter doesn't work, use bacon. We had a run in with mice and they completely ignored the peanut butter but were attracted to the bacon smell each time. Make sure you close up any openings where they can enter your home. I feel your pain with this.
At our old house we used poison. We found one big ole fat one outside all dehydrated. Before the poison, the exterminator used the sticky traps. I didn't like those so much as the mouse was screaming on it! DH took it outside and made it sleep with the fish (remember the Mafia remark!).
Personally, I am all about calling the exterminator but then again if I can pay someone to do something yucky that I don't want to do then I am on it!

Totally OT-I had to remove a tick from Ollie (2.5 YO chocolate lab) today. It was a HUGE step for me!
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  • #10
chefsteph07 said:
I live on a farm and mice are common around here...although for the record, I HATE mice, they gross and freak me out!!!
We had two mice about a year ago, we got a Raid trap that is supposed to be like a little "hotel"...where you put the peanut butter in and then they are supposed to go in and it literally "traps" them in, well, don't get that one, it never worked!
We just got the little poison pellets and it worked like a charm, we found where the droppings were (GROSS GROSS GROSS), and put the pellets there when we went to bed and they never came back...although we did find a small hole in our wall where they were coming in...we patched it up and so far have not had a problem.
I don't know if I could do the actual traps, sometimes it does not kill them, but it makes them suffer and then you see them writhing around and you have to dispose of them..I'd rather just not see that, as much as I hate, despise mice, I couldn't see one half alive...know what I mean?
Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

I think (hope!) this is a new thing...as I have NOT seen any evidence of mice yet other than seeing one two times! I know if I am seeing them, they are here wether I have seen poop or not! I will be on the lookout for droppings and I will figure out a way to use the poison. I didn't realize that they leave to drink water, so hopefully they won't die in the house!

Thanks also for posting about the bacon...so I know if peanut butter doesn't attract them, I will do that!

Keep any and all ideas coming! I am just disgusted right now!
  • #11
We found our droppings behind our microwave. EWWWWWW.....
And if they need to drink water make sure your sink is clear of any dishes...double ewwww....LOL
  • #12
Luckily I haven't had one in my house so far, but did have at least one in the garage last winter. Didn't see any this past winter (thank God)! My old cat was always put in the garage at night, but died almost 3 years ago. He was such a good mouser. He would get any in the garage and would also get outside sometimes and bring dead ones back to the porch for us. I'm sure my new cat would probably never catch a mouse! Funny thing is she has her claws and he didn't (front).

My Grandfather would always catch them in the house by making a little box w/a hole. He'd put peanut butter on the trap. He swore by it, but I haven't tried it. He said they just can't resist going in a small hole. We've used the pellets in the shed and they worked great.

This past year we didn't put any pellets in our play house. We just use it for storage now since my kids are too old to play in it. Anyway, I was taking out all the yard stuff - pots, chairs, etc. I could smell mice (awful) and could see the evidence of them, but didn't see any live ones until.........!!! I had a stack of large flower pots which I slowly pulled apart. The last two I couldn't get apart and there was some bedding in it! I dumped it out on a burn pile we have still no mice and then pulled the two pots apart. I then looked down at the pot on the bottom and baby mice were crawling up the sides trying to run away!!!:eek: I immediately dropped the pot and went running and screaming away from it yelling, "Mice, Mice, Mice." My daughter was laying out in the sun in the middle of the yard and of course jumped up asking where! I have since left the door on the play house open so a stray cat we always see around us can get them - if they go back! I don't think the babies would survive, but they didn't look too far from getting out of the nest. End note - I did wear a mask and rubber gloves while I took things out of the play house! Those rubber gloves went in the trash (and they weren't the pretty pink PC ones)!

My husband says he wished he could have had a video of me screaming, yelling and waiving my arms. He said we probably could have won some money on America's funniest videos!

We have a field behind us so it's no surprise we have mice. I love animals and hate to kill mice, but I don't want them in my house! We sometimes have a hawk looking for them in the back yard, but I don't know if he has ever gotten any. I'm sure the mice are doing much better now that my old cat is gone (I still miss him so much and not just because he was a mouser)!

Good luck with getting rid of the little thing. Bad news is you probably have more then one!
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  • #13
I know you just got tons of advice but here is mine...1. Go to Walmart
2. Get these: http://www.victorpest.com/store/product.asp?dept%5Fid=51&pf%5Fid=M130&mscssid=U3LBVANVK6UH8JTGFN7Q5090LSBAFKD6
3. Fill with peanut butter in the upper portion.
4. When caught you squeeze and put in the garbage - they are very safe around pets.
5. When you catch one, reset the traps...mice ALWAYS are in pairs.
6. If all else fails stop feeding the cat, since it isn't earning its keep!
  • #14
I live a log house that is about 170 years old. I have mice. In fact, on quiet Winter nights, you can hear them in the little freeway system they have built inside the logs. Mice in the country are just a fact of life.Even with two Scottish Terrierists (bred to be ratters) and three cats, one of whom is an expert huntress, we still have the little buggers.I tried snap traps but kept finding them attached to Scotty beards - Scottish Terrierists like peanut butter, too!So I use the little plastic, box live traps, baited with peanut butter, then give the interlopers swimming lessons. If you just release them outside, they'll be back in your house before you are.They also like old cars - dryer sheets keep 'em out of there.
  • #15
ROFLOL at your "terrierists" with snap traps on them. I guess my dogs don't get the traps because I put them on the counter next to the stove, the fridge or under a bookshelf full of cookbooks. Big dogs can't get in there.Agreed on the don't let them go, they WILL come back and fast! They KNOW where they've found warmth and food.
  • #16
Typically, they'll stay close to walls and in small spaces, so put the traps along baseboards and behind things (like the couch, fridge, etc). Check them a couple of times a day - and keep putting them back out until you don't catch any for a week or so. If you have a trap down and there's no activity by it, move it to some place you think is in their typical path. DH and I had some mice in our previous house, but the live traps (set with peanut butter) worked. We did the same as KG and gave the critters swimming lessons in a bucket, while still in the traps. Somehow, they never managed to learn to swim fast enough. (Sorry - morbid sense of humor here.) Check that all your pantry items are still sealed - including pet food. Make sure your utensils are completely clean before you put them away - I found droppings in my utensil drawer because I had put away a measuring scoop without washing it (it has just been used for sugar to make lemonade - you can be sure I don't do that anymore!). And they can fit in the teeniest spaces. Check under your stove. It's warm and close down there, just the type of place they like.
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  • #17
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I live a log house that is about 170 years old. I have mice. In fact, on quiet Winter nights, you can hear them in the little freeway system they have built inside the logs. Mice in the country are just a fact of life.

Even with two Scottish Terrierists (bred to be ratters) and three cats, one of whom is an expert huntress, we still have the little buggers.

I tried snap traps but kept finding them attached to Scotty beards - Scottish Terrierists like peanut butter, too!

So I use the little plastic, box live traps, baited with peanut butter, then give the interlopers swimming lessons. If you just release them outside, they'll be back in your house before you are.

They also like old cars - dryer sheets keep 'em out of there.

Uh-oh. This may be a problem! My dad has two old and very well loved (worth a lot too) cars in our garage...he is planning on moving them in a month or so when the weather is warm and dry. Never even thought of this...he may open up the one (that's covered with a car cover) and find nests! The other car, I can see inside, and I don't think they are in there.
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  • #18
janetupnorth said:
I know you just got tons of advice but here is mine...

1. Go to Walmart
2. Get these: http://www.victorpest.com/store/product.asp?dept%5Fid=51&pf%5Fid=M130&mscssid=U3LBVANVK6UH8JTGFN7Q5090LSBAFKD6
3. Fill with peanut butter in the upper portion.
4. When caught you squeeze and put in the garbage - they are very safe around pets.
5. When you catch one, reset the traps...mice ALWAYS are in pairs.
6. If all else fails stop feeding the cat, since it isn't earning its keep!

I will let him know he's on warning here...lol!

Thanks for the tips!
  • #19
That's why I put one on my counter next to the stove when they appear. They seem to use the counter to get behind the warm stove.I NEVER had mice in my house when little so imagine my surprise meeting them for the first time in the northwoods! I turned on my oven to bake, was mixing on cake on the stovetop (I have a flattop so it gets used as a work surface) and the bugger came OUT OF THE HEAT VENT UNDER THE KNOBS. I am not "girly" and don't scream normally but this thing scared the crap out of me! I shrieked pretty loud. Then regained my composure and went on a mission for the buggers...and convinced DH to let me get a cat...
  • #20
We had mice 2 years ago, going under our house.

~MOTH BALLS~ they don't like the smell!! We put them in the holes around the house and their gone and haven't come back. My sister had them in her house and put moth balls in her basement. POOF there gone!!!
  • #21
rennea said:
We had mice 2 years ago, going under our house.

~MOTH BALLS~ they don't like the smell!! We put them in the holes around the house and their gone and haven't come back. My sister had them in her house and put moth balls in her basement. POOF there gone!!!

Eww...neither do I! I had an aunt that used them ALL the time and I grew up hating them...
  • #22
We've had mice issues as well. Take a look (hope my first attempt at posting a pic works) at what I found when I went to plug my Kitchen Aid into the wall socket!! Talk about freakin' out!

  • #23
pattikake said:
We've had mice issues as well. Take a look (hope my first attempt at posting a pic works) at what I found when I went to plug my Kitchen Aid into the wall socket!! Talk about freakin' out!


I'm amazed you had the presence of mind to take a picture!:eek:
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  • #24
janetupnorth said:
Eww...neither do I! I had an aunt that used them ALL the time and I grew up hating them...

Blech! My mom used them all of the time. She thought they hid the smell of ciggarettes. Ugh, nope. :yuck: :yuck: You just have a nasty mix of moth balls, ashes, and butts. She would add them to the sweeper bag, and sprinkle the flakes in the bottom of the trash cans.

Because of her using them so often, I hate the smell of moth balls too, but it's worth a try to get rid of these guys!
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  • #25
pattikake said:
We've had mice issues as well. Take a look (hope my first attempt at posting a pic works) at what I found when I went to plug my Kitchen Aid into the wall socket!! Talk about freakin' out!


Was he stuck? I can't think of how you could get the camera quick enough to catch him in a picture!!
  • #26
Well, by the time we found him, he had electrocuted himself. We were in the middle of a kitchen remodel, which is why there wasn't an outlet cover. And I didn't see him until my hand was right there ready to plug in the Kitchen Aid. Ick!
  • #27
KellyTheChef said:
........other than seeing one two times! I.....
You sure it's the same mouse? Could be more than one. Sorry, I know that isn't what you want to hear.

We had a mouse several years ago and used the sticky trap to catch it.

Now, what really freaked me out was when I found a snake in the house :eek: that really got me! It was a small one and I killed it with a butcher knife :D Then I got worried and was afraid he was a baby and his momma was gonna come after me. I never did sleep too well inthat house afterwards.
  • #28
Krispie KritterWell, okay, since you brought it up...Mice like the range because it's a nice, warm place. Here's a mouse that decided that the range was a nice, warm place until it started to get a little too warm and maybe he ought to vacate the premises. (It took me awhile to figure out why the smoke alarm kept going off.)Gives new meaning to the term, Krispie Kritter.
(That's the drip pan under the large burner and that long, stringy thing is his tail.)
  • #29
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!
  • #31
I live out in the country and my home is surrounded by fields, so mice running through our house are a common thing, although after 3years, I still can't get used to it. I unfortunately have a husband that believes the snap traps are the best way to go. We've found that peanut butter works well, but they also seem to love tootsie rolls too!! I feel so horrible when I hear those traps snap and I have never been able to go and look at them. I always make my husband take out the traps. We did however one year get THREE Mice Snapped on ONE TRAP:yuck:
  • #32
KellyTheChef said:
Blech! My mom used them all of the time. She thought they hid the smell of ciggarettes. Ugh, nope. :yuck: :yuck: You just have a nasty mix of moth balls, ashes, and butts. She would add them to the sweeper bag, and sprinkle the flakes in the bottom of the trash cans.

Because of her using them so often, I hate the smell of moth balls too, but it's worth a try to get rid of these guys!

ROFLOL!!!! This is killing me today! :D Balls and butts...what a combo... ;)
  • #33
The early bird gets the worm.But the second mouse gets the cheese.
  • #34
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Electrocuted and burnt to a crisp. I need to go shower...I am SO creeped out.
  • #35
KellyTheChef said:
Uh-oh. This may be a problem! My dad has two old and very well loved (worth a lot too) cars in our garage...he is planning on moving them in a month or so when the weather is warm and dry. Never even thought of this...he may open up the one (that's covered with a car cover) and find nests! The other car, I can see inside, and I don't think they are in there.

Kelly, Don't forget to check the engines for mouse nests. When I went in for my last oil change a while back the garage cleaned my air filter and found popcorn, chicken and raisins in my car's oil filter. This being the car I drive every single day. The mice were hiding in my garage. Mouse nests can wreck major havoc on a car engine, open the hood and look for nests before you start them up!!

My dad always said to give them instant potato flakes....this is gross...they eat them and they are salty so they go look for water and they drink water and the flakes expand and they explode from the inside out...sorry for the grossness. I use snap traps.
  • #36
Hmmmm...less danger for pets, too.
  • #37
I have had plenty of experience with mice inside and outside. I had car issues and after $300 worth of tune ups, they couldn't figure out what was going on so they dug into my engine and found mice nests but no mice. They had bite into my electrical wiring which was making my engine misfire. Nice!

I had one in my last apartment. The trick is to find the route they take and set the trap along that. I noticed one running along a certain wall so I set some traps along the way loaded with peanut butter. Just as I was about to fall asleep that night I heard it snap. It was really gross to hear it shaking in the trap but then it was gone. I had to get gloves on and not even look as I picked it up!

I think I would rather have mice than what we have in our place right now! We have some kind of larger animal in our bathroom. Hoping it's a stray cat that found a way in from the floorboards but possibly a racoon or a possum! I really don't want to go home tonight and I'm freaked out to be in the bathroom by myself. Long story but we just made the discovery this morning when we thought the cat was getting in to the food bucket that was stored in the bathroom cabinet. Until my husband saw the cat behind him!
  • #38
I don't live in a rural area and we still have mice. They went away for a few years when our new neighbors moved in with several outdoor cats. Those cats were very good mousers. Last year, two of their cats died and our mouse problem has returned.

We use the poison pellets, hidden discretely behind the stove and fridge where the kids can't get to them. We don't have furry pets so that's not a concern. And I never saw them on my counters. I think I would have to wash down the whole kitchen with bleach. Yuck! When the kids were very small, we used the glue traps but the first time we trapped a mouse in one of those, it squeaked and squeaked and I thought I was going to be sick. I had DH go out immediately and dispose of it and I switched to poison the next day.

I'm campaigning for adopting a rat terrier, but DH is against it. If it gets really bad this summer, I'm overruling him.
  • #39
KellyTheChef said:
OH! I am sooooooooooooo freaked out right now! Two nights ago, I saw a mouse in our living room. I was looking for my DSS lost library book, so I went to move the couch and it ran along the baseboard. DH and I tried to look for it to get it out of the house, but couldn't find it. I put out those sticky boards behind both couches out there. Nothing has stuck to them yet...

Then, just a minute ago, that little creature was on my KITCHEN COUNTER!

What the heck am I supposed to do now?? We have a dog, Evan (3 years old) and an obviously LAZY cat....so I am concerned about using poison. Plus...don't they go somewhere and die then and then STINK?

EEEWWWWWW! I am sooooooooooooooooooo grossed out!

Please tell me we can take care of this ourselves and not have to pay for an exterminator!

Eeewww. Gross. Yuck. Goosebumps. Cooties. Blegh!

Most people don't know that dogs are better at catching mice than cats. I learned that when we had a FAMILY of mice living in our crawl space.

The most sanitary way to get rid of them is not with those torterous glue pads- but little black enclosed traps that kids and animals can't get into, and you just need a little bit of peanut butter, pull back the trap, and close the little door. Once it snaps, go to the trash, and pull the lever and you don't ever have to see or touch the mouse.

You will see their tail sticking out of the trap however. We caught about 6 or 8 in our garage before I realized that they must be somewhere in the house that is level with the garage foundation....and sure enough they were eating and living high off the hog in our crawl sapce. We never go there it is just storage. They ate through 2 Eddie Bauer sleeping bags, lots of clothes, fabric, crafts, books, tapes, stationary, decorations, baskets...

After setting traps in the crawl space and in the closet leading to the crawl space, and along the walls in our lower level- we haven't see one since!

I named them as we killed them. #1 was Chalupa Larry...Then Taco Bob, Burrito Betty, Churro Lucy...you get the idea. :)

Best of luck. I got those black traps at a hardware store for about $1.89 per piece.
  • #40
KellyTheChef said:
I will try the peanut butter thing Vanessa...

I have NO IDEA where they are coming from. We live in a mostly rural town, and have fields very close to us, so mice are not new around here...just freaking the crap out of me!

We live in a suburb, but have wooded areas, parks and tall grassy fields within 2 blocks of our house. That's where they come from. In the winter I take the dogs for a run thgough those fields, because with the snow and tall grass, it is quite the leg workout for man and beast...our female retreiver will stick her nose in the snow and come out with a mouse. She's amazing.

We didn't have food that was drawing the mice to our home- we had their version of the Ritz Carlton!

Funny story When I worked for Wells Fargo doing mortgages I worked in a bank. I had one of those really nice tower laser printers. Well one day I came in and ALL my jellybeans were gone from my candy dish. The bankers were little candy whores, so I just figured they waited until I had left for the day and chowed down on my entire dish of jelly beans.

So I get all settled and am preparing to print a Good Faith Estimate and fax it off to someone and my printer won't work- it made this terrible noise. So I pulled out the bottom drawer and ALL my jellybeans and quite a bit of mouse poop was sitting in the bottom paper tray! I had such a laugh. Those little critters HAD to be hard at work all night because there was a good 2 cups of jelly beans in that paper tray! So I moved the letter sized paper to the top tray and the legal sized to the bottom, and that kept them out of my printer. All candy had to be taken off my desk, and they blamed me for the mouse problem- I was upset because I was not the only one that ate at their desk, and I'm quite clean.

Other times I'd find the foil wrapped chocolate Santa's all over my desk with little teeth marks in them, and other foil wrapped candies, depending on the season. I finally got a candy dish with a lid!

Fast forward a month or so, and the guys bathroom starts having plumbing issues- Yup, you guessed it- they were nesting in the wall by the plumbing in a closet, and the PVS plumbing pipes and the sheetrock and the closet had to be replaced.

THat'll teach them to tell me that me and my jellybeans are causing a mouse infestation!
  • #41
Hmmmm, think any of these tips will help me find the hermit crab that's lost in my house?
  • #42
The best mouser is neither cat nor dog, but a ferret. We had one for awhile, and Squeaky was single-minded when he got on the trail. He even ate them - except for the heads. Not real nice to step on in the middle of the night, but better that, I guess.
  • #43
janetupnorth said:
Eww...neither do I! I had an aunt that used them ALL the time and I grew up hating them...

I don't like the smell of moth balls myself but I would rather smell moth balls then leave with disease ridden vermin:yuck:
  • #44
If you have a critter in your home, like a possum or a 'coon, just call animal control right away. DO NOT fool with him, yourself.Having been bitten by a raccoon, I can tell you that spending the night in the ER is not only less than fun, the cost of rabies treatment is the down payment on a new Cadillac.
  • #45
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
If you have a critter in your home, like a possum or a 'coon, just call animal control right away. DO NOT fool with him, yourself.

Having been bitten by a raccoon, I can tell you that spending the night in the ER is not only less than fun, the cost of rabies treatment is the down payment on a new Cadillac.

And about as painful as that down payment is...;)
  • #46
Actually, it's not that bad. The old-fashioned needle that they used to use is long gone. But I will tell you that I got one in each arm, each leg, each butt cheek, and several around the tooth holes. Since those were in my finger, and there are a lot of nerve endings in fingers, that was not real comfortable. But not as bad as it was a few years ago.
  • #47
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Actually, it's not that bad. The old-fashioned needle that they used to use is long gone. But I will tell you that I got one in each arm, each leg, each butt cheek, and several around the tooth holes. Since those were in my finger, and there are a lot of nerve endings in fingers, that was not real comfortable. But not as bad as it was a few years ago.

That's good to know! I had a friend back in the day that had to get quite a few of them in the abdomen area. Is that how they used to do it back in the 80's?

BTW- I just read in several places that of the average household pets, that dogs were better mousers than cats. I guess they figured that not too many people had ferrets! :)
  • #48
Ferrets are a riot! They are so flexible it's like they have no skeleton at all. When they run, their hind feet are right behind their front feet, so they resemble a running horseshoe. Most of them like shiny things, and will steal jewelry and metal things. Their booty gets taken to hidey holes, usually under a dresser or other piece of furniture. Squeaky (he was named for the ferret in the old Budweiser commercials) didn't care for shiny stuff, he liked plastic. If anything of ours was missing, we'd just go look in his usual hiding places.The best ferret toy ever, though, was 15 feet of dryer vent. He spent hours running from one end of the tunnel to the other.
  • #49
I had to laugh when I saw this thread. Although I haven't seen any in my house for a few years , today while waiting in line at Home Depot one ran right across my foot!
Yes I screached (maybe a little too loud :) )
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Guess what I just caught?

Yep! I should take a pic and upload it, but I don't want to spend time on it!

I found him in my stove drawer, then he took off. Later on, I heard him in my bottom cupboard, so I moved some stuff out of there, and put in one of those sticky traps with peanut butter on it. Within 2 minutes I could hear the little guy squeaking! Right now he's outside on top of the garbage can. DH is here and wouldn't drown him. I told him, that it would just come back inside if he got off of there, but he said no way. I said, OK, but if I catch ANY MORE they are getting drowned! I'll just throw the entire thing in a bucket of water upside down.

Ewww! I hope it was just a freak accident and he got in here and was stuck... I can't stand the thought of more of them running around getting into our stuff!
<h2>1. What should I do if I see a mouse in my house?</h2><p>If you see a mouse in your house, the best thing to do is to try to trap it and remove it from your home. You can use humane traps or sticky boards, but make sure to check them regularly and release or dispose of the mouse appropriately.</p><h2>2. Will using poison harm my pets?</h2><p>Using poison to get rid of mice can be dangerous for pets, especially if they ingest it. It's best to avoid using poison if you have pets in the house. Instead, try using traps or other humane methods of removal.</p><h2>3. What should I do if the mouse is on my kitchen counter?</h2><p>If you see a mouse on your kitchen counter, try to stay calm. You can try to trap it or gently shoo it out of the house. Make sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the area afterwards to prevent any potential contamination from the mouse.</p><h2>4. Can I take care of the mouse problem myself?</h2><p>It is possible to take care of a mouse problem yourself, but it may require some patience and persistence. You can try using traps or other methods of removal, but if the problem persists, it may be best to call a professional exterminator.</p><h2>5. Will the mouse die somewhere and leave a bad odor?</h2><p>If the mouse is poisoned, it may die somewhere in your home and leave a bad odor. This is why it's important to try to remove the mouse alive or use other methods of removal. If you do use poison, make sure to dispose of the mouse's body promptly to avoid any unpleasant smells.</p>

Related to Oh No! Mouse Sighted in My House - What Do I Do?!

1. What should I do if I see a mouse in my house?

If you see a mouse in your house, the best thing to do is to try to trap it and remove it from your home. You can use humane traps or sticky boards, but make sure to check them regularly and release or dispose of the mouse appropriately.

2. Will using poison harm my pets?

Using poison to get rid of mice can be dangerous for pets, especially if they ingest it. It's best to avoid using poison if you have pets in the house. Instead, try using traps or other humane methods of removal.

3. What should I do if the mouse is on my kitchen counter?

If you see a mouse on your kitchen counter, try to stay calm. You can try to trap it or gently shoo it out of the house. Make sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the area afterwards to prevent any potential contamination from the mouse.

4. Can I take care of the mouse problem myself?

It is possible to take care of a mouse problem yourself, but it may require some patience and persistence. You can try using traps or other methods of removal, but if the problem persists, it may be best to call a professional exterminator.

5. Will the mouse die somewhere and leave a bad odor?

If the mouse is poisoned, it may die somewhere in your home and leave a bad odor. This is why it's important to try to remove the mouse alive or use other methods of removal. If you do use poison, make sure to dispose of the mouse's body promptly to avoid any unpleasant smells.

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