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Director Notice Something Missing From the Cn?

In summary, there seems to be a lack of information about a Sellathon for new products in November. However, there are suspicions that the company may be focusing on recruiting in October and holding off on announcing the Sellathon until later in the month. Some consultants are disappointed about the lack of recruiting bonuses for the rest of the year, but others are hopeful that there may still be a Sellathon in November. The National Executive Director has not been able to provide any clear information about the situation, leading to confusion and frustration among consultants.
  • #51
(((hugs))) Ann! I hope you can re-gain your title ASAP!
  • #52
Jolie_paradoxe said:
At ULA, they mentioned that the avg number of shows submitted by consultants is 1.6 shows a month! We were also told months ago that the 2 show promo would continue and that they would continue to target c-tls extras...why? To hopefully motivate everyone for more productivity...which in turn meana we get paid as and better paychecks. I don't think its money driven. I think the company is trying to help is get more motivated team members until it clicks that our biz can be more than just free bags.

Another thing ive noticed is that most have low numbers Dec and Jan. I think the company wants to give us some fire to do whatever it takes to end and start string. Free for all is a smart word choice...imiea free goodies vs sellathon which to means sounds like work.

JUst mt initial thoughts based on posts.

It really does come down to attitude and do we want it enough.

I totally agree with what you have said, But like someone else stated, in certain areas of the country we cannot control the weather. I for 1 usually have Great Januarys, but last year I had all but 1 postpone on me. Luckily for me they pushed their shows to Feb. which gave me great double points, but even last Feb. was also very bad weather & had a few push to March! ;)
  • #53
Ginger428 said:
I totally agree with what you have said, But like someone else stated, in certain areas of the country we cannot control the weather. I for 1 usually have Great Januarys, but last year I had all but 1 postpone on me. Luckily for me they pushed their shows to Feb. which gave me great double points, but even last Feb. was also very bad weather & had a few push to March! ;)

Even in the south we have issues with the weather in Jan and Feb. We get ice storms and when it snows it paralyzes everything. I'm from WI and much less weather here shuts everything down for much longer.
  • #54
baychef said:
The "not sharing until the last minute" does bug me as well. .

I had this same conversation with my NED the other day. I still don't have my CN and with the Monday holiday, I won't get it until the 11th at the earliest....grrrr! (I know I can read it on-line...but I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!! I hate sitting in front of my pc all day every day, I want it in pretty colors in my hands....either stop sending it all together and make me print it myself or send it to me in a timely fashion so that I can actually USE the tips to better my month! whew, feeling a little better now...lol! She said that this should be the last month that we see such late deliveries and that HO doesn't want us to have them before the 1st. She said that the reason is that they don't want to announce the recruiting promos early. In my opinion, what difference is is going to make...really? I can't imagine that this is such a huge percentage that it makes THAT much of a difference. They are either going to sign-up or they aren't, who cares when or which promo they sign under...and supposedly there aren't any more for a while.
  • #55
I re-edited my post now that I'm at a computer. I agree that we should be given more notice. We can't prepare if we aren't aware. We should be able to plan our next few months and knowledge will help. I think there have been lots of things coming our way...lots of promos and incentives tossed our way, which is great. But last minute gives me a sense of stress rather than the urgency the company is hoping for. It is forcing everyone to do those actual contacts....did you know calls, but doing it every month makes it repetitive and sometimes like we're nuisances on high alert all the time.

Also, the weather is definitely a problem. I've read that for the past 2 years. You get hit hard and then lose all the shows you worked so hard to get. It would be nice if the company had an action plan for those. Just my recommendation, and I don't know if it's even a good one as I have personally not gone through it. But remember all those ideas being sent last year from sales managers and our upper line...the call in catalog shows? Could you prepare the hosts to have those outside orders ready and mention that in the event of weather, we'll X and Y. That another party can be rescheduled for later, but that the "show must go on" for the one scheduled?

Not sure. I do feel for you all in snow country, that's just another frustrating variable to add to the mix. I think they'll do what they typically do for Nov/Dec for Dec/Jan. As in December will be sellathon and Jan will be an added item for 2 shows by the 15th with the potential to earn PCD with sales.

Not sure...just theorizing. :)
  • #56
Remember how last Jan. you had to submit 2 shows (I think that was the requirement) to be able to earn the double points in Feb? That was a new twist. Wonder if or how that will play into SAT for this Jan. I remember the Jan.'s that were double points months.

I'm feeling like the new product packages for the spring aren't going to be that big. This was nice big Fall new product season. Spring typically isn't as big. Maybe there's not going to be that much to earn? I certainly hope not!

Funny how they instituted the seasonal marketing guide but still have to give us the Dec. host specials before the marketing guide comes out. Is that strategy working?
  • #57
Jolie_paradoxe said:
I re-edited my post now that I'm at a computer. I agree that we should be given more notice. We can't prepare if we aren't aware. We should be able to plan our next few months and knowledge will help. I think there have been lots of things coming our way...lots of promos and incentives tossed our way, which is great. But last minute gives me a sense of stress rather than the urgency the company is hoping for. It is forcing everyone to do those actual contacts....did you know calls, but doing it every month makes it repetitive and sometimes like we're nuisances on high alert all the time.

Also, the weather is definitely a problem. I've read that for the past 2 years. You get hit hard and then lose all the shows you worked so hard to get. It would be nice if the company had an action plan for those. Just my recommendation, and I don't know if it's even a good one as I have personally not gone through it. But remember all those ideas being sent last year from sales managers and our upper line...the call in catalog shows? Could you prepare the hosts to have those outside orders ready and mention that in the event of weather, we'll X and Y. That another party can be rescheduled for later, but that the "show must go on" for the one scheduled?

Not sure. I do feel for you all in snow country, that's just another frustrating variable to add to the mix. I think they'll do what they typically do for Nov/Dec for Dec/Jan. As in December will be sellathon and Jan will be an added item for 2 shows by the 15th with the potential to earn PCD with sales.

Not sure...just theorizing. :)

I agree. I can not get the reason for all this last minute stuff - well, actually I do. They don't want us to wait to work for the next thing instead of the current thing and they are trying to create excitement and urgency. But IMHO all the secrecy creates is frustration and people waiting because something better might be there next month. Ugh. Just tell us in a timely manner. Actually most of the time I don't mind not knowing but this sell a thon thing really upset me since it was the same for at least five years. Change it but at least tell us "watch for something new". As far as not sending the CN because of the recruiting promotions - most people sign when it's best for them but others have been upset "if I had known I would have waited a couple days as I'd rather have had that one (or) I would have signed earlier with that special if I had known".

I don't have my October CN either yet... Like Linda I like to be able to sit down with it. I miss stuff with the online version.
  • #58
Right there with you Beth. I want to know because I can just plan better. As you state, people will sign when it's best for them. The promo should be a bonus rather the reason to. I know we need to be working our current month, etc...but it's a bit more scatter brained learning at the last minute. I won't be sharing that fact with the team. Funny thing is that they think I'm holding out on the info because it used to be that D's and above knew before everyone.

In addition, when someone works their biz and becomes a leader....it is usually because they have been working the 3-2-1 and understand the need for consistency. We also know "THIS month is the month to host, to sign, to order" because we know that the promo is just an extra. Soooooo...I would assume that we would not be holding out for 2 or 3 months down the road because we saw an awesome promo up ahead.

There will always be people who "jump the gun" or who complain because "shoulda, coulda, woulda". I just try and realign the picture....the gripers will always be that...whether they had been informed or not. But as you stated, most just sign because the timing was right.

I do wish we could be kept better informed and be given all the info quarterly. Helps us in our short term and long term goals. SAT is huge for everyone and this shift SHOULD have been announced during the Fall Marketing Guide release.
  • #59
I know! My team is always thinking I am holding back info on them. I have sent only positive spins on this to my team (see the email I sent back a page on this thread). I am frustrated knowing that they will be complaining about it and I do agree with them to a point. I have no problem with change I just want to know about it in a timely manner.

I have one who is already saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and my response to her was that they are always mixing things up to keep things fresh and that they used to do the SAT in Dec/Jan and it worked great then too. It's just too bad they did it the same way for 5 or 6 years and everyone grew to expect it and then when they changed it they didn't think to give us a clue that it would be changing, that's all.
  • #60
Well my December and January will be interesting as I have to have 'female' surgery 12/21. I typically take the last two weeks of December off and will this year too. Trying to get all my Christmas fun stuff and baking, plus a wedding I am going out of town for 12/17....Will be down for about 2-3 weeks before I can do a show again, though will have BTB meeting in my house 1/5/12. I am looking forward to some down time...guess I'll be working the phone on pain meds LOL...who knows what could happen!
  • #61
CK, I've heard of Drunk Dialing ... guess you'll be entertaining people with your Drugged Up Dialing. ;) I hope your procedure & recovery go well.
  • #62
ChefCKHall said:
Well my December and January will be interesting as I have to have 'female' surgery 12/21. I typically take the last two weeks of December off and will this year too. Trying to get all my Christmas fun stuff and baking, plus a wedding I am going out of town for 12/17....Will be down for about 2-3 weeks before I can do a show again, though will have BTB meeting in my house 1/5/12. I am looking forward to some down time...guess I'll be working the phone on pain meds LOL...who knows what could happen!

I sure hope that everything goes as planned. I'll be praying for you!!
  • #63
Adding my prayers for you. You're a rock star and I know you'll still manage a better month than most. The cool thing about our biz is that you can take a break and heal as needed. Be good to yourself and go for those loopy calls. I'm on pain pills daily and it's entertaining for my customers. ;) Also part of the reason I seem so scattered. My mind is quite phenomenal when not under the influence. he he
  • #64
Not that this is new info... here is what my D sent us regarding the move in SAT...

"It seems to me that November is our highest sales month of the year and always has been due to additional holiday sales, so why not rather incentivize a month (or two) that needs extra sales?"
  • #65
Hi Ladies,

I'm new to this board - just promoted 10/1/11. :woohoo: I'm also curious about how they will be handling the earning of new spring/summer products this year, but I'm actually thinking a little different than some on this thread. I actually wonder if they will make it easier to earn the products than in the past.

For example, look at how easy they made it for Team Leaders and below to earn free conference last year - $5000 in 2 months - very do-able for a consultant with a somewhat consistent calendar.

Also, think about how easy they've made it to earn all the little incentives, like the bags. In the past, we had to submit 2 shows by the 15th. Now, it's just 2 shows in the entire month.

I guess I don't think they are going to do anything that will discourage consultants - I think they are trying the best they can to encourage consultants (by consultants, I mean Team Leaders and below) to bump up their average number of shows from less than two where it is now, to 3, 4, or even more.

I'm sure I still have my "rose-colored glasses" on right now, so maybe that's why I'm not too upset about this, but I guess I will be shocked if they make this harder, rather than easier. I mean really, they even changed the name from "Sell-A-Thon" to "Free-for-All" The "ALL" part of the name suggests to me that they are going to make it more acheivable for everyone - especially those that may have felt it was out of their reach in the past.

Also, I think someone may have mentioned this before, but I'm not expecting a huge new product line. Considering they introduced over 50 new items valued at over $800 this fall, I'm guessing it will be a much smaller package to earn.

Anyway, just my thoughts - I could be totally off base:) But, needless to say, I'm curious and I want to know NOW!!:roflmao:
  • #66
krahema said:
Hi Ladies,

I'm new to this board - just promoted 10/1/11. :woohoo: I'm also curious about how they will be handling the earning of new spring/summer products this year, but I'm actually thinking a little different than some on this thread. I actually wonder if they will make it easier to earn the products than in the past.

For example, look at how easy they made it for Team Leaders and below to earn free conference last year - $5000 in 2 months - very do-able for a consultant with a somewhat consistent calendar.

Also, think about how easy they've made it to earn all the little incentives, like the bags. In the past, we had to submit 2 shows by the 15th. Now, it's just 2 shows in the entire month.

I guess I don't think they are going to do anything that will discourage consultants - I think they are trying the best they can to encourage consultants (by consultants, I mean Team Leaders and below) to bump up their average number of shows from less than two where it is now, to 3, 4, or even more.

I'm sure I still have my "rose-colored glasses" on right now, so maybe that's why I'm not too upset about this, but I guess I will be shocked if they make this harder, rather than easier. I mean really, they even changed the name from "Sell-A-Thon" to "Free-for-All" The "ALL" part of the name suggests to me that they are going to make it more acheivable for everyone - especially those that may have felt it was out of their reach in the past.

Also, I think someone may have mentioned this before, but I'm not expecting a huge new product line. Considering they introduced over 50 new items valued at over $800 this fall, I'm guessing it will be a much smaller package to earn.

Anyway, just my thoughts - I could be totally off base:) But, needless to say, I'm curious and I want to know NOW!!:roflmao:

Welcome! :welcome:
I don't think the general feeling is that they are making it harder. I know for me the ONLY thing that bothers me about it is that they didn't tell us. A timely heads up that something that has been the same for at least 5 years is changing would have been nice.
  • #67
krahema said:
Also, I think someone may have mentioned this before, but I'm not expecting a huge new product line.

Great post! And Welcome! :welcome:

You are correct... traditionally, the spring line has been smaller than the fall line. But again, PC changes up their traditions sometimes!!!

I'm thinking in a new direction and am excited to promote this to my team... assuming it is Dec & Jan for the Free for All... I have a lot of new and excited consultants who are LOVING the free things they are earning (and receiving the boxes of things they didn't even know they earned!) I'm hoping it will help them get the New Year off to a fantastic start!
  • #68
Welcome! And congratulations on your promotion!!! :D
  • #69
:welcome: and congratulations on your recent promotion!!:party:

We need your rose colored glasses so don't be afraid to put them on!! One of the parts of the PC business is seeing this business through a fresh pair of eyes. Sometimes we all need to get a few things out but all views are welcome and appreciated!
  • #70
Thanks everyone for the nice welcomes! I agree it would have been nice for HO to have shed some light on the subject a little more in advance :) I'm wondering if they are a little "gun-shy" right now, after just dropping the news on us about Conference. But hey, maybe they should have done it like "ripping off a bandaid" - just give it to us all at once!

Edited to add:

Just caught this wording on today's Newswire:

"Inside Tip: This holiday cut-off is later than ever, so make sure you book a full December and then a strong January. It can help you earn free Spring products! Stay tuned for details in you November Consultant News."

I wonder if they received so many inquiries that they realized they needed to say something?
  • #71
Welcome and Congrats!! Glad you are sharing your view because it's good to see things from different angles. It's good to be able to share your thoughts, good or bad and get a different view point. Makes us better leaders because we'll have all the same beliefs from our team members.

I think they did include it due to the chatter on the boards and inquiries.
<h2>1. What is the Sellathon for new products in November?</h2><p>The Sellathon for new products in November is a special event for Pampered Chef consultants to promote and sell the latest products before they are officially released to the public.</p><h2>2. When is the Sellathon for new products in November happening?</h2><p>The exact date of the Sellathon for new products in November may vary each year, but it typically takes place in the first or second week of November.</p><h2>3. How can I participate in the Sellathon for new products in November?</h2><p>To participate in the Sellathon for new products in November, you must be a Pampered Chef consultant and sign up for the event through your consultant dashboard. You will also need to have a certain sales quota met in order to participate.</p><h2>4. What are the benefits of participating in the Sellathon for new products in November?</h2><p>The Sellathon for new products in November allows consultants to get a head start on promoting and selling the latest products to their customers. It also offers exclusive discounts and incentives for consultants who meet their sales goals during the event.</p><h2>5. Where can I find more information about the Sellathon for new products in November?</h2><p>You can find more information about the Sellathon for new products in November on the Pampered Chef website or by reaching out to your upline or fellow consultants. You can also keep an eye on the company's social media pages for updates and announcements about the event.</p>

Related to Notice Something Missing From the Cn?

1. What is the Sellathon for new products in November?

The Sellathon for new products in November is a special event for Pampered Chef consultants to promote and sell the latest products before they are officially released to the public.

2. When is the Sellathon for new products in November happening?

The exact date of the Sellathon for new products in November may vary each year, but it typically takes place in the first or second week of November.

3. How can I participate in the Sellathon for new products in November?

To participate in the Sellathon for new products in November, you must be a Pampered Chef consultant and sign up for the event through your consultant dashboard. You will also need to have a certain sales quota met in order to participate.

4. What are the benefits of participating in the Sellathon for new products in November?

The Sellathon for new products in November allows consultants to get a head start on promoting and selling the latest products to their customers. It also offers exclusive discounts and incentives for consultants who meet their sales goals during the event.

5. Where can I find more information about the Sellathon for new products in November?

You can find more information about the Sellathon for new products in November on the Pampered Chef website or by reaching out to your upline or fellow consultants. You can also keep an eye on the company's social media pages for updates and announcements about the event.

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