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Director New Web Updates: Troubleshooting Tips for Consultants | NED's Latest Info

If they do need to write, please make sure they include their name and Consultant number, as well as the Show # and host name. That makes it easier for IT to check their specific situation.
Gold Member
This came in from my NED:

After I emailed you last night I also sent an email to Doreen, letting her know about a few things I’d been hearing about, so I wanted to pass on some information that might be helpful to all of you.

There was a concern from someone that a potential consultant trying to sign up couldn’t get passed entering her phone number, so I thought possibly nothing was getting through; here is Doreen’s response:

Agreements are coming in on the new Web. In fact, the first one came in within a couple minutes of the site going live! That being said, there have been a few problems reported. On agreements, for entering phone number, have her do it with just the numbers, and no dashes or parentheses - area code plus the 7 numbers. For example, 6309168637. If that doesn't do it, we need to know.

Regarding shows not being able to be entered, and evites not being able to be sent:

I’m aware of the e-vite situation, which seems to be sporadic, but I think the problem has been identified, which means it can be fixed. What I am puzzled by is what you wrote about some Directors not being able to even add a Show to the new Web site. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the Director didn’t click the PUBLISH button on the Show page, since that’s the trigger to set it up on the site. We will be more explicit about that in the instructions if necessary!

In another email to me she further said:
1) Ask if they have completed both the Create a Show (which sets up the basic info such as date, host info, etc.), AND the Show Page tab (including clicking the PUBLISH button), which is what sets up the Show on the PWS. I just learned from an ULD that she hadn't done that step which is what tripped her up.

2) Remind them to take the tutorial Tips for Managing Shows in the new Web. It walks them through the steps.

I also asked Doreen if problems persist for an individual, what should they do:

And if they're still having problems, yes, they should definitely write to NewWeb. And if they do need to write, please make sure they include their name and Consultant number, as well as the Show # and host name. That makes it easier for IT to check their specific situation.

Doreen assured me that they will get everything working smoothly. In addition, I also spoke with Jean’s assistant this morning, and she also assured me that they are definitely aware of everything and are working feverishly to get everything resolved. Thanks again for your patience.
  • Thread starter
  • #2
Tips for putting a show online:

If you are still unable to get a show on your new website, here’s a tip that has been shared that might work as a temporary fix:

Go to your old PWS and pull up a closed show with no orders. Change the contact info, the show dates, etc. and set up your future shows this way. Kind of a back end way of doing it, but it works and the host and guests don't have any trouble seeing one another, entering the orders, seeing the specials etc.
Things might be looking up! I was able to add a catalog show, fundraiser, and wedding shower and then add myself as a guest and send an evite. I even got it! Wahoo! HO is making progress!!

Has anyone tried to do a supply order? My cart area is acting weird. First I just saw the cart, then I saw options of personal cart, supply cart, show cart. Now I only see the cart again. Is it me or are there still issues with this area?And when I tested it the outlet price adjusted to consultant price in the supply cart but the personal cart didn't reflect my discount.
sandilou2 said:
Things might be looking up! I was able to add a catalog show, fundraiser, and wedding shower and then add myself as a guest and send an evite. I even got it! Wahoo! HO is making progress!!


I tried this just now, I was able to add myself to one show and send the evite but not on a second show. Said, "consultants cannot add themselves as guests on their own show".
cookingwithlove said:
Tips for putting a show online:

If you are still unable to get a show on your new website, here’s a tip that has been shared that might work as a temporary fix:

Go to your old PWS and pull up a closed show with no orders. Change the contact info, the show dates, etc. and set up your future shows this way. Kind of a back end way of doing it, but it works and the host and guests don't have any trouble seeing one another, entering the orders, seeing the specials etc.

Ok, Wendy...I feel stupid but how can you have no orders on a show that has been closed?

I have no shows to submit right now and I have one more to help a consultant with before I start putting mine in. Still on the old system for now but will be switching soon.

Thank you and your upline for sharing this information. It really helps.:chef:
  • Thread starter
  • #7
On your old website.... you can use one of the shows that is now closed and change the host information. I don't always get outside orders on shows so you may have one too.
Use a show with no online orders. Not on P3 where the show was entered and submitted, but on your PWS where outside online orders are.
This is something from a PC loop. Very interesting read.

Yesterday a friend of mine was placing a small order so I sat with her while she created an account on the new web, selected me as her consultant, then placed her order.By today the order still wasn't showing up on my shipment status so I called CS and they found that it had been assigned to another consultant (in KY where it was being shipped and I'm in OH)!!! I spoke to tech support and he said that it isn't possible for orders to be redirected like that - said she must have done something wrong! I watched her every step and I know she did nothing wrong! CS had told me it couldn't be canceled but the tech support guy called them and was able to get it canceled, then asked me to call in once she gets the refund and have them watch as I place the order so they can make sure it is directed correctly. She did not go through my website - she went through the main website (new) to create her account and then shop.
  • #10
Has anyone got there contacts to migrate yet? It looks like its working and I get a message that it was successful, but they are not on the new web. :confused:

  • #11
sandilou2 said:
Has anyone got there contacts to migrate yet? It looks like its working and I get a message that it was successful, but they are not on the new web. :confused:


I had the same results. Said it was successful but the only contacts on the new web are the hosts whose shows I have set up there.
  • #12
I did mine yesterday. Got doubles of everyone. Oh yeah:(
  • #13
Yesterday a friend of mine was placing a small order so I sat with her while she created an account on the new web, selected me as her consultant, then placed her order.By today the order still wasn't showing up on my shipment status so I called CS and they found that it had been assigned to another consultant (in KY where it was being shipped and I'm in OH)!!! I spoke to tech support and he said that it isn't possible for orders to be redirected like that - said she must have done something wrong! I watched her every step and I know she did nothing wrong! CS had told me it couldn't be canceled but the tech support guy called them and was able to get it canceled, then asked me to call in once she gets the refund and have them watch as I place the order so they can make sure it is directed correctly. She did not go through my website - she went through the main website (new) to create her account and then shop.

Man I would be emailing Jean and Marla so fast their head would spin on this one. Holy Cr*p.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
I just tried to submit a show on the New Web and it kept telling me that the Host's cc card could not be run and to input a different number. I called the host and she swore up and down that there was money in the account and that she had just used it.

Long story shorten... I ended up submitting the show through P3. I did get a declined card, but not from the host, it was from a guest. Could be another glich there with the new web.
  • #15
cookingwithlove said:
I just tried to submit a show on the New Web and it kept telling me that the Host's cc card could not be run and to input a different number. I called the host and she swore up and down that there was money in the account and that she had just used it.

Long story shorten... I ended up submitting the show through P3. I did get a declined card, but not from the host, it was from a guest. Could be another glich there with the new web.

I would call tech support.

On the subject of migrating: I had sent notes to the new web email about this. The latest update said it was working. It tried again today and it still SAID it worked but it didn't. I called tech support. He said it could take a while for it all to show up but he had me send my P3 data in to check anyway and he was sending that to "them" and then he'll get back to me...
  • #16
I have two shows entered on the new web and one show I can't get the monthly host special to show for my past host with a discount and the 2nd one I opulent get the past host discount of 10% off to work for a past host, even though. I entered the host number. Called tech support on both. At my show yesterday I had everyone give me their cc info twice so I could reenter the show if tech support couldn't fix
  • #17
Now when i try to log in on the new web it says my password is wrong. I am 100% sure I have my password and consultant number correct. We have also been having Internet issues today with our provider today. Soooooo frustrated. Time for a glass of wine and a movie and step away from computers and iPads - I guess until Monday.... Ugg! I'll go into withdrawal I am sure!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
I am laying in bed awaking and thinking about this new web. Am I right... You Have to subscribe to a website to submit orders? I have a few consultants that still do not have a website. They only submit shows every couple of months. So for these hobbiest they will have to get a website. Is this right?
  • #19
No. They do not need a website. They just need access to the Internet to submit. They won't have the app but otherwise it will be like now for them. Instead of P3 they'll use the PC website.We are submitting orders though pc.com not our pws.ETA *like now, except they can't put orders in a show unless they are online.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Thanks Beth. For some reason I had it in my head that they had to subscribe to a website to submit orders.
  • #21
bethcooks4u said:
Now when i try to log in on the new web it says my password is wrong. I am 100% sure I have my password and consultant number correct. We have also been having Internet issues today with our provider today. Soooooo frustrated. Time for a glass of wine and a movie and step away from computers and iPads - I guess until Monday.... Ugg! I'll go into withdrawal I am sure!

Waiting to call tech support. It says my password is wrong - I know the consultant number AND password are both correct but now it has said it enough times that I'm sure I'm locked out. So I say "forgot my password" and what do I get back? "Email address doesn't match records". Great! :yuck: :cry: So I do a "find your consultant" search and guess what?! "No consultant found". Seriously?!

I can get on the old consultant site with my # and old password. I can get on my new PWS. I just can't sign in and evidently no one can find me unless they already have my PWS address which luckily is on everything I hand out - if they have that! URRRGGGGG! :sick:

Hopefully when I get through to them it will be a quick fix.
  • #22
I have a new consultant that had her first party in April. We have been trying to close it out but we are getting the same thing.

They had better put this all on hold before the company's reputation goes down the drain.
  • #23
I am so frustrated! I have tried to migrate the contacts.. no luck. I have a consultant that we have been trying to get reactivated since last week...just getting the run around... nothing they tell us to do is working!
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  • #24
Jenni, Hugs to you. I am very frustrated too.

Can anybody send evites from the new web? It still does not work for me.
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  • #25
I take that back. I can send evites. It just took awhile.
  • #26
My evites are hit and miss. Some people get them, others don't. I'm trying not to panic, but this is just not working! Seems like they take one step forward and two steps back!
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  • #27
I invited myself to a show using a pseudo-name. I clicked on the invitation so I could shop online. I added something to my cart and I click “add to show” I get to a page where I have to create an account. All of this make sense. But after I create an account, it asks me to enter my consultant information. Why is this even here in this step? What if someone is invited to my show, but her consultant is not me. Does the order go on the show? I know I can skip this part, but it make it looks like it has to be done. I put my name as the consultant and then I am sent back to my webpage.

After I do all of this, the original item I wanted to order is still not in my cart and anything I continue to order is not associated with a the party from the invitation. So I log out then go back to the original invitation. I select the item and now it is associated with the show. This is not easy and very confusing.

I can see lots of people making mistakes when ordering.
  • #28
Wendy, did you email that scenario in? They need to hear of every detail that is wrong or doesnt make sense. That loop is rediculous. Let the customer order on the party, then register as part of entering contact info and payment. A customer is not going to log in a second time. How hard is that? It's like the developers have no clue how this works....and I still can not log in and can not be found on a search. Not happy.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
I just sent it. I was on hold with HO for over 30 minutes and couldn't take it any more.
  • #30
Yes, please let HO know everything...I do not like the fact that new consultants have no choice but to use the web based with so many errors going on.
  • #31
baychef said:
Yes, please let HO know everything...I do not like the fact that new consultants have no choice but to use the web based with so many errors going on.

And I don't like the fact that we can't set up shows on our old PWS:mad: I know I am behind and I haven't completed all the training although I did take some and I haven't even attempted to import my contacts or use the new web much at all. I spent most of one day setting up the new website, all because I got a surprise catalog show and when I went to set it up online couldn't use my old pws. Then I had to let the host know that she had to invite her sister who wanted to order online because it was too much work to explain that we have 2 websites right now. Then she had to add an account to add her sister, took a day or two then the sister added her account and couldn't get her order added to the right show. I ended up just having her email me her order, I was out of time to figure it out and had to just tell them we had a big upgrade and I couldn't figure out what was wrong :cry::cry: This is very frustrating, I don't want the host to quit getting orders and I am stuck using the new web which I don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole!!! I have too many other things in my life making me crazy to deal with this right now (and I know others do to, not trying to be selfish here)
  • #32
I agree, Chantelle! I would recommend to anyone who has not set up their new web to wait -- you can't go back once you do and its not working right. I sure wish I could go back! I was just too excited. :(

  • #33
sandilou2 said:
I agree, Chantelle! I would recommend to anyone who has not set up their new web to wait -- you can't go back once you do and its not working right. I sure wish I could go back! I was just too excited. :(


Even if you wait you can not set up new May shows on the old pws. It forces you to use the new web. I haven't even tried to type a show on the new web.
  • Thread starter
  • #34
This was posted by another director in my group:

After being unable to submit a show this weekend I called corp today to try and find the issue.
1st glitch found) If you enter the Name or email of a guest incorrectly it can't be fixed. They're working on changing that.
2nd) Make sure you start numbering your shows where you left off in P3! I guess I missed the memo, but shows will not submit if you had a previous P3 show with the same number.
3rd) Split payments are not working correctly!!!! If you receive cash/check AND a credit card payment, the system is charging the entire balance on the card. I'd suggest collecting only cash or only credit. If you've already done a split payment, contact the finance department to make sure your guest gets charged correctly.
  • #35
cincychef said:
Even if you wait you can not set up new May shows on the old pws. It forces you to use the new web. I haven't even tried to type a show on the new web.

I think you can if you don't set up and publish your new site. Once you do that, no more going back to the old site for shows. I have a Relay for Life Fundraiser set up on the new site. DEEPLY concerned! :sick: I was hoping I could go back to something I knew worked -- no luck.

  • #36
Okay, I held off as long as I could and am just now cleaning my contacts. I have over 400 duplicate contacts!! Urgh! Anyway...I have some May shows that are set up in my old PWS, but I had not started a show for them in P3. I can no longer start a show in P3, but I have not yet migrated my contacts (I'm only 1/2 way through cleaning up the duplicates). How will I handle my shows? Do I have them do paper receipts a the show then input the orders on the new web at home???? HELP!!
  • #38
Chef Kearns said:
Okay, I held off as long as I could and am just now cleaning my contacts. I have over 400 duplicate contacts!! Urgh! Anyway...I have some May shows that are set up in my old PWS, but I had not started a show for them in P3. I can no longer start a show in P3, but I have not yet migrated my contacts (I'm only 1/2 way through cleaning up the duplicates). How will I handle my shows? Do I have them do paper receipts a the show then input the orders on the new web at home???? HELP!!

Why can't you start a show in P3? I just added 7 or 8 last night.
  • #39
Guest listAm I missing something - where can a guest list be imported?
  • Thread starter
  • #40
jennyl said:
Am I missing something - where can a guest list be imported?

It cannot at this time. I asked Technical today and they are working on it.
  • #41
Did anyone listen to the recorded call from Jean and Marla last night?
  • #42
baychef said:
Yes, please let HO know everything...I do not like the fact that new consultants have no choice but to use the web based with so many errors going on.

I REALLY did not want to post anything, because I don't want to be a Debbie Downer....BUT!!!!!!!!! Not only are they messing up the new site, but now they are messing up the old as well!!! :grumpy: They took away all my shows & online orders for May!!! :yuck: UGH!! AND the biggest problem is I can't get through to Anyone!! :help:
  • #43
cincychef said:
Did anyone listen to the recorded call from Jean and Marla last night?

I did and I need to listen again with a note pad. Lots of info. I recommend everyone call in. The email says the call is just available until the 25th. They did say we will get some of it in writing.
  • #44
The biggest thing I got from it.

1. They say new consultants aren't having trouble in the new web and love it...not sure I'm buying that one. My new consultant (signed FRI). wasn't able to get her website set up today while at my house b/c it gave her an ERROR in RED : the site you requested IS available: and wouldn't let her continue!! UGH! Plus, she still isn't showing up a a consultant and we can't find her 30/90 end dates.

2. NO more host as a guest. Period! Apparently you weren't ever supposed to use the spend $150 on this special and get a hostess 60% off item too. I've never offered it at a show b/c it takes away from the current host but I have used it this past grill pan special month and did get a "catalog" show b/c of it.

3. Referring back to #2 my only complaint with this is what about the host booking off herself? I was always told this was ok and that you could have them host every 6 months or as often as you'd like. This would prevent that from happening in the furture.

4. Some items being reported, such as above, are working correctly they are just preventing the abusers from abusing the system. Such as using personal credit cards. Sounds like there is something in place to keep that from happening.

That's what I remember.
  • #45
"Referring back to #2 my only complaint with this is what about the host booking off herself? I was always told this was ok and that you could have them host every 6 months or as often as you'd like. This would prevent that from happening in the furture."

Barb, I've got a call into my sales manager (and have an email drafted to send too), not only do we have an issue with hosts booking off their shows ( i do this frequently), but what about that bomb show, where you only have 100 in orders, and the host has to add to it to get to $150... Not to mention if the host is short by a few dollars to get to the next level.

I also, offer incentives if a host has 3 bookings, and if she has 3 bookings i give her a $25 item at her 3rd show. The host will rebook just for that... I'm really concerned with this one, my repeat business is tied to this, and the hosts love the benifit

Related to New Web Updates: Troubleshooting Tips for Consultants | NED's Latest Info

1. What is the main concern regarding potential consultants trying to sign up on the new web updates?

The main concern is that some potential consultants are having trouble entering their phone number during the sign-up process.

2. What is the solution for entering a phone number during the sign-up process?

The solution is to enter the phone number without any dashes or parentheses, using only the 10 digits (area code plus 7 numbers). For example, 6309168637.

3. What is the issue with show entries and evite sending?

There have been sporadic issues reported with show entries and evite sending. However, the problem has been identified and is being worked on to be resolved.

4. What could be causing some Directors to not be able to add a show to the new web site?

The only possibility is if the Director did not click the "PUBLISH" button on the show page, as this is necessary to set up the show on the site. This will be made more explicit in the instructions if needed.

5. If problems persist for an individual, what should they do?

If a consultant is still having issues, they should write to the NewWeb team and include their name, consultant number, show number, and host name in their message. This will help the IT team to check their specific situation and resolve the problem. Rest assured, the team is working to get everything running smoothly.

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