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Need Prayers for Hopeful Adoption

and it doesn't involve starving yourself, punishing yourself, or depriving yourself of the things you love. The solution? Easing your way into a more healthy eating plan by gradually reintroducing healthy foods one by one. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now and have been to every doctor under the sun. We've even had a bunch of tests done and they all say there's nothing wrong with us. We're starting to think that maybe we're just not meant to have kids. But then I meet this woman and she's already pregnant with twins and she's thinking about adoption. I don't know if I can go through with it, but I'm
This is one of my first post here so I know I don't know that many of you. But I need some prayers of support. DH and I have been trying to have a child of our own for nearly two years now. No luck. Dr "thinks" I have PCOS but will only confirm this by doing outpatient surgery and so not feeling that right now.

But I have met a woman who is pregnant with twins and thinking about adoption. She has narrowed it down to 10 families and we are still in that group. I would just like for you all you to pray for her for strength, and for us so that we might be able to make our family.

Prayers said for God's perfect will to be done.
More prayers said. Good luck, and please keep us posted!
Sending prayers your way.

One of my closest friends was diagnosed with PCOS (and many other health issues) when she was 14....she hasn't used birth control in over 17 years.......and after starting paperwork for overseas adoption, found out she was pregnant!! She gave birth to a very healthy baby boy who is now 8 months old.


My daughter (she's 19) was diagnosed with PCOS about 2-3 years ago. While she knows that it may interfere with her giving birth to a baby, she also KNOWS that God will give her the family she wants so badly - no matter how that miracle happens whether it's through adoption or some other way.

Keep your faith strong!
Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you!! My DH and I can't have a baby the traditional fun way either. We are still looking into and weighing all of our options but adoption is one of them. Adopting twins would be AMAZING and I wish you the best of luck!!
My prayers go out to you. I found out when I was 5 years old that I couldn't have children. Although I had known all my life I would never be able to carry a child of my own, I also knew God had a plan and that someway, somehow I would be a mother. That gift was given to me 5 1/2 years ago. Never lose the hope and faith.

My husband and I adopted through Lifetime Adoption (Adoption Help for Adopting a Baby or Unplanned Pregnancy). I happened upon their website purely by accident, or fate. I was looking up something about Shakespeare and oddly enough their link came up in the mix. Next thing I know, we were filling out an online application. We signed with them on January 24, 2004 and EXACTLY 4 months to the day later our son, Tyler, was born.

I hope God richly blesses you and my prayers will go up for you.
We will be praying for you! We are currently in the midst of two adoptions. We are foster parents and brought both of our children home from the hospital. Our oldest, Taeton is 18 months and baby Azariah is 5 months. Just keep praying yourself, too, like others have said God has a plan, and remember that this process is definitely a rollercoaster for your emotions.
I have PCOS and cannot IMAGINE a doctor saying it can only be confirmed through surgery! Have they NOT HEARD of a blood test??! The "Syndrome with 6 Names" can lead to a lot of other issues ... get to a reproductive endocrinologist and get yourself tested!That said ... said a quick prayer for the adoption. It's been almost a month since your post on this. Any news?
  • #10
It took us 22 cycles to get our first child. I would not wish infertility on my worst enemy! It was horrible!!! (((fingers crossed))) that you find a solution to your empty arms either through a pregnancy of your own or adoption. ;)

I have a friend who's doing a new PCOS diet that has had some successful results for other PCOS women, usually in 7 months, they are ovulating again. She's been on it for 7 weeks now & said even if it doesn't get the PCOS thing straightened out that the new eating plan is making her feel much healthier and she's planning to stick with it. She likes being more alert and energetic. Here's an e-mail that she just forwarded to me to share with you (if you want to do more research):

Dear, ....

If you're like many people who find it impossible to give up sugar and/or carbohydrates, you won't be surprised to learn that addiction to these foods stimulates the same brain circuits as drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Fortunately, there is a way to wean yourself off unhealthy foods without shocking your system and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

In "20 Great Weight Loss Tips," Dr. Andrea Lee explains why losing weight is more about overcoming food addiction than the outmoded willpower. Dr. Lee studied Psychology and Exercise Science at the University of Alaska and graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ.

"20 Great Weight Loss Tips" (.pdf)

Dr. Lee has been advising patients about the benefits of losing weight in her clinical practice, formerly in Phoenix, AZ and now in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area.

Now she's ready to share her unusual but effective weight loss tips with you.

Next week, our HealthLine Reports focuses on food that is truly, both delicious and healthy, with a variety recipes and meal plans from Dr. Sari Cohen. Her recipe for "Mojito Slow Cooker Chicken" and other meals using whole foods are helpfully broken down by carbs, calories, protein and fats by serving.

Best wishes,

Dr. Heather DeLuca
Consulting & Advisory Teams
Insulite Laboratories
[email protected]
PCOS | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • #11
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I have PCOS - my OB/GYN did not feel the need to do further testing as I exhibit more than enough of the symptoms. If your doctor has not recommended Metformin, many clinical trials have shown positive results with this medication designed for diabetes (since PCOS creates an insulin resistance and hormone imbalance). I'm not trying to conceive, in fact I take birth control in case immaculate conception occurs (hehe) but its helps stabilize the insulin/glucose, keeps my skin acne free & well help start ovulation should the day come when I decide I wish to try to have a family & come off of Birth Control.

The metformin is also shown to help lower the miscarrage rate since that increases with PCOS...many advantages to something so simple as a diabetic medication.

Best wishes...you're in my thoughts.

Related to Need Prayers for Hopeful Adoption

What is "Need Prayers for Hopeful Adoption"?

"Need Prayers for Hopeful Adoption" is a phrase commonly used by individuals or families who are in the process of adopting a child and are seeking support and encouragement through prayer.

Why do people ask for prayers for hopeful adoption?

The adoption process can be a long and emotionally challenging journey. Asking for prayers allows individuals to feel supported and know that others are rooting for them and their adoption journey.

How can I show support for someone who is in the process of adopting?

There are several ways to show support for someone going through the adoption process. You can offer to pray for them and their adoption journey, provide emotional support and encouragement, and offer practical help such as fundraising or running errands for them.

Are there any specific prayers for hopeful adoption?

While there are no set prayers for hopeful adoption, individuals may pray for guidance, strength, and a successful adoption process for those going through it. Each person's prayer may be unique to their own situation and needs.

Can I offer prayers for hopeful adoption even if I am not religious?

Yes, you can still offer thoughts, positive energy, or well wishes for someone going through the adoption process, even if you are not religious. Your support and encouragement can still be a source of comfort and strength for them.

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