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Need Advice...director Bully~ Kind of Long

In summary, your friend is having a tough time because of a bully consultant and she may have to make a decision about whether to stay friends with her or not.
I need some advice please....
I signed up when I went to a party at my neighbors. I had been thinking about doing PC for about a year and had gone to a ton of parties but really didn't care for the consultants ( too pushy). I really liked this consultant so I signed with her. Another friend is hosting a party with me on 4/10 and she has a friend ( who I also know through her) who is also a director. This gal calls my friend and started yelling at her asking her why she didn't have me sign with her and told her she better not have any parties with me, she can only use her. My friend is now freaking out and may cancel the party because she is afraid it will ruin her friendship. This gal apparantly has 12 people under her, so she is not hurting for business and I don't understand why she can't be understanding of helping a friend out with her business. Another friend of mine is doing a catalog party and she is neighbors with my director who told her to go ahead and ask the neighbors so I could have a good party and she wanted to help me out. ( That is a good director). I am really mad at this other director/accquaintance for putting our friend in this situation, but I am ot sure how to handle it. I have not talked to my director yet about this. My friend has been friends with this gal since grade school, but what kind of friend bullies someone like that. I also heard she started calling other mutual friends telling them not to book with me if I call them.:mad:
Boy this is a tough situation. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. I would take what was told to you w/a grain of salt. Maybe the director wasn't a bully and your friend just wants to make it sound like she was so she can cancel her show w/you. It still may be the other directors fault, but she may have just made her feel quilty about it and not been a bully. Or she may have just said it in a joking matter. I know if I had a close friend I might just tease about them booking w/another consultant.

If she truly is a bully, then your friend needs to the make the decision of what she wants to do. Explain to her that it is her choice who she uses for her shows. Also explain you would really appreciate her helping you get your business started and if she wants to go back to her other friend the next time, you would understand.

I'm sure it is not a good situation for your friend to be in. She doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings.

Good Luck!
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I do know this girl and she is a bully, in fact I am expecting to hear from her myself. I have stewed about this all day. I know this girls sister really well, but we lost touch a few years ago when our boys went to different Jr. Highs.
I don't know her well, but I have been around her at parties and she is a bully so I am not surprised and my friend doesn't handle stress or pressure well :(
Don't let this other director push you around! Sounds like you probably didn't want to sign with her in the first place. And SHE never asked you apparently, why is that the friend's job? If your friend wants to do a party for you, then she has the right to do a party with whom ever she wants.
Just like we "don't own customers" we also "don't own recruits and leads". You had the right to sign with whoever you felt would be the best fit for you. and our hosts have the same right in choosing a consultant to work with.

I had a similar situation when I started. My recruiter lives across the street from my best friend. Even though we had been friends for years before she moved there, it was always an issue about who the friend could host with. My recruiter just decided to hang up her apron, so the problem is finially solved, but I've been at this for 4 years.
I think your friend will have to make the decision. If it were me, I would cut the cord from this other consultant if she called me and told me that I can only do biz with her. That is my opinion. If the consultant were to call me, I would let her know that I have my reasons for not signing under her and they are none of her business. If she pursues it further then let her know that you do not want to run your biz the way that she does and let it go. I cannot stand bullies and this makes me appreciate my director so much more!
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Thank you all so much. My friend is very non-confrontational and since they have been friends since grade school, it is hard for her. Our boys are best friends and our husbands are good friends so I can see where it is hard for her. If this director were a true friend she wouldn't bully her. I just can't believe she has 12 people under her acting the way she does. She is also having an open hosue Monday and told our friend she was not allowed to bring me. Like I would want to go anyways!!!My director is awesome and I am so glad I waited until I found the person I wanted to sign with.:)
Your friend can have her party with whomever she chooses. I have had MY customers/hosts book with other consultants to help their friend out and some even called me and said "don't be mad". My response is always "By all means! Help your friend out but I hope you still consider me your consultant." All have remained faithful.

When I recruit someone their friends automatically become the new consultant's customers even if they have been with me since the beginning of my business. That's only right. If the recruit decides PC isn't right for them the customers come back to me because they see how I conduct my business.

What goes around comes around. Shame on that director. Send your friend here to read what we are saying in response to your post - she'll quickly see that her other friend isn't being fair to her - certainly not being a friend.
Also want to add the comments that this is NOT how fellow consultants/directors should be acting and I'd report it to your upline and if it continues, call HO, they would not tolerate that!Customers have the right to choose who they purchase with and/or do shows with. I have customers who OFTEN purchase from other consultants too...it's all in who is working their business and who gets to them. Be the positive part of the story, don't get wrapped up in the trouble, portray a positive image, stay out of the gossip and you will gain their respect in the long wrong.
  • #10
I feel bad because I have 2 friends/co-workers who are BIG PC junkies. They also both had the same consultant for years. When I startred last summer, 1 of them called the other consultant and "broke up" with her almost right away. The consultant seemed to be understanding though and told her she was always avbl. if she needed her. The second women booked a party with me from the 1st woman's show. I have kind of mixed feelings about it, they were her customers, but they are my friends. I guess if everyone only bought from their first consultant, it would be very difficult for anyone new to start a business.

Related to Need Advice...director Bully~ Kind of Long

1. What should I do if my director is bullying me?

If your director is bullying you, it is important to address the issue directly. Start by clearly and calmly communicating your concerns to your director. If the behavior continues, you may need to involve HR or a higher-up manager for assistance.

2. How can I handle a director who constantly belittles me?

If your director is constantly belittling you, it is important to stand up for yourself and not allow their behavior to affect your self-esteem. You can also try talking to them and expressing how their actions make you feel. If the behavior persists, it may be necessary to involve HR or a higher-up manager.

3. What should I do if my director takes credit for my work?

If your director is taking credit for your work, it is important to address the issue immediately. You can speak to your director and let them know that you are not comfortable with them taking credit for your work. If the behavior continues, you may need to involve HR or a higher-up manager to resolve the issue.

4. How can I handle a director who plays favorites?

If your director plays favorites, it can create a toxic work environment. It is important to stay professional and not engage in any negative behavior. You can also try talking to your director and expressing how their actions make you feel. If the behavior continues, it may be necessary to involve HR or a higher-up manager.

5. What steps can I take if my director is making my job difficult?

If your director is making your job difficult, it is important to document their behavior and any instances that have caused issues for you. You can also try talking to your director and expressing how their actions are affecting your job performance. If the behavior continues, it may be necessary to involve HR or a higher-up manager to address the issue.

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