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Director My Love Hate Relationship With...

In summary, a consultant received a lead from a woman who had moved from out of state and needed a replacement for a broken stone she had ordered through HO. The consultant was unable to assist her as HO could not find her order, and the woman ended up hanging up on her. Other consultants shared their experiences with difficult leads, and one consultant suggested that HO add a clause to the consultant agreement to refrain from acting on the urge to harm difficult leads. Another consultant shared that they had a similar experience with a local customer who spread lies about her for not helping replace a 3-year-old stone without a receipt. The conversation then turned to the frequency of HO leads, with some consultants receiving more than others.
HO Leads!!! I got one today that marked she was interested in biz and hosting show... turns out she moved from TX and broke a stone and called HO to replace it. They could not find her order... so she wanted to know how I was going to handle that for her!!:bugeye: Uhmmmmmmmmmmm I'm not... you want to host a party?? No she doesn't...Does she know the name of the consultant who sold her the stone?? No she doesn't... Does she know when she purchased it...No she doesn't...WASTE of time!! She ended up hanging up on me!!! And don't get me wrong I was nice, polite and offered everything I could to help her!
Wow! Some people just can't see themselves!
Probably HO couldn't find it because she put it on an order with someone else to save on shipping. :rolleyes:

Such a bummer when those leads are like that. I've had my share of those too. :(
Chef Kearns said:
Wow! Some people just can't see themselves!

I'm going to have to remember that line! LOL!!

{{{{{hugs, Jenni}}}}} We've all had those flakey leads but that doesn't make them easier.
My favorites are the ones who expect me to mail stuff back for them and they didnt' even buy it from me. They get their panties in a wad when I tell them they have to ship it back themselves. I just tell them if they purchase something at Target they can't return it to Walmart, or better yet expect Walmart to come pick it up from them, LOL.
Sounds like she is used to throwing a fit and having people cave and give her what she wants. [sarcasm]How dare you and corporate not bend over backward and just give her something for free because her parents failed big in the "how to raise a polite responsible adult" catagory and she's now a spoiled brat![/sarcasm] LOL
I had a lead this week wanting a chicken recipe
she had our cookbooks lost them in a move, she wanted a new cookbook.
I was asking question after question to narrow it down
her replies uhhmmm i bought it after 2000,
it had chicken in it
oh and garlic
baked in oven (I asked on a stone or cookware) her answer on my old cookie sheet
AFTER 30 minuted long distance with her....I find the recipe and she says thats it can you just send me the copy i never really used the cookbook.
After reading these and with my own experiences...I think that HO should add into the consultant agreement....and I agree not to follow through on the urge to kill some people that rightfully deserve it!!:angel:

Jenni, I had a similar experience but with a local customer. She did not hang up on me but spread around to her friends that I didn't want to bother helping her...which was a total lie. What I did not do was help her replace a well over 3 year old stone to which she had no receipt or clue who or where she bought it from!!

Luckily the good ones out weigh the bad ones!!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Ann, I wish I could say the good one outweigh the bad ones for me lately. Looking back on my list on CC, 9 of 14 in the last 3 months have been nothing or worse yet people with problem mad at me! So it is my turn for a good one right??!!! :sick:
  • #10
Yes, you are LOOONNNGGGG over due for a good one!!!!
  • #11
I get online sales, but it's super rare to get a lead who's wanting to buy something, host a show or inquire on the business opportunity over here. 14 in 3 months is amazing! I think I've had 3 in the last year! LOL
  • #12
pcjenni said:
Ann, I wish I could say the good one outweigh the bad ones for me lately. Looking back on my list on CC, 9 of 14 in the last 3 months have been nothing or worse yet people with problem mad at me! So it is my turn for a good one right??!!! :sick:

Wow you got 14 HO leads in the last 3 months? I am lucky to get 2 in a month. Mine are not all good either. Mostly people wanting to buy something but did not want to pay direct shipping and expecting me to deliver.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
There are at least 8 other TL and Directors in my area to who are getting leads. We are in Southern CA, so the population is high compared to other areas.
  • #14
cookingwithlove said:
Wow you got 14 HO leads in the last 3 months? I am lucky to get 2 in a month. Mine are not all good either. Mostly people wanting to buy something but did not want to pay direct shipping and expecting me to deliver.

I get this one quite often. "Oh, well, I thought you could just tag it onto another order". :rolleyes: My online leads come from about a 60 mile radius, but they all seem to think that I must live down the street, and can just drop it off on my way by.

Qty. does help though. Last month, I had 7 online leads - from those, I got 1 show booked (already held) 1 recruit lead (says she's signing at the end of the month - I'm choosing to believe her.) and 2 orders...so 4 of the 7 panned out. I also got 14 online lead orders on my website.

This month, so far, I've had 4 online leads - 1 catalog show and future team member, 1 who wanted a jello mold that PC no longer carries, and 2 who have never responded...although I think on may have turned into an online lead order. Oh - and I've also had 11 online lead orders (3 yesterday!).

I've never had a month with less than 5-6 online leads...some good, some bad. But I think if I only got one or two a month, I would be much more frustrated with the bad ones.
  • #15
I am very lucky when it comes to HO leads. Either there are a lot coming in or there aren't very many TLs or Ds in the area who are eligible to get them. In November, I had 7 (that's been about my average each month). 4 were to purchase Products, 1 was for the opportunity (never returned my calls) and 2 were for shows (one booked for January). This month I have had 14 online orders (so far) from people through the lead system. Each month I get $300-$500 in online sales. Last December I did $700. Like I said, I'm VERY LUCKY! :love0010:

A few months ago, I got a lead for purchasing products from an Avon rep. I think I might have posted about this one... When I called she told me she had been up all night because she couldn't sleep and wanted a Mini Measure-All. But she didn't want shipping charged. I told her she could pay the shipping or have a show and get free shipping. She said no to both. She said as a person in direct sales she KNEW I could comp her the shipping. I said that that was true, but that I, like her, am in business to make money and by comping shipping on a $6 product, I would lose money and that's not something I am willing to do. (We had talked about it at length before we got to the point where I said that). She ended up NOT ordering. Shocking!
  • #16
finley1991 said:
A few months ago, I got a lead for purchasing products from an Avon rep. I think I might have posted about this one... When I called she told me she had been up all night because she couldn't sleep and wanted a Mini Measure-All. But she didn't want shipping charged. I told her she could pay the shipping or have a show and get free shipping. She said no to both. She said as a person in direct sales she KNEW I could comp her the shipping. I said that that was true, but that I, like her, am in business to make money and by comping shipping on a $6 product, I would lose money and that's not something I am willing to do. (We had talked about it at length before we got to the point where I said that). She ended up NOT ordering. Shocking!

Couldn't sleep because of a mini-measure all cup? Maybe she is with the wrong direct sales company!! Did she at least have some sort of understanding about losing money if you paid the shipping for her?
  • #17
Chefbeckyd said:
I get this one quite often. "Oh, well, I thought you could just tag it onto another order". :rolleyes: My online leads come from about a 60 mile radius, but they all seem to think that I must live down the street, and can just drop it off on my way by.

This is my issue too. While not quite 60 miles away, it could be a good 45 min drive to drop something off. I am not complaining. I have has some great leads, include a few consultants that are doing great.
  • #18
baychef said:
Couldn't sleep because of a mini-measure all cup? Maybe she is with the wrong direct sales company!! Did she at least have some sort of understanding about losing money if you paid the shipping for her?

LOL... no... she said she'd find another consultant who was *willing to help her*. Whatevs!
  • #19
finley1991 said:
LOL... no... she said she'd find another consultant who was *willing to help her*. Whatevs!

To which it would have been tempting to say...call me back when you find someone who will spend $5 or more just so you can eat up their profit!
  • #20
My home office lead for the day!I was actually looking for a consultant that I met at Lakota East Craft Show this year. Her sister makes "Taggie Blankets" I bought one for my 6 month old daughter and it got lost and I need another one! I thought the site would provide a list of consultants and I'd recognize the name... I will keep your contact info just in case I need products in the future!
-LXXXgotta love em!
  • #21
OUCH!!!!!! Goodness! :mad:
  • #22
cincychef said:
My home office lead for the day!

I was actually looking for a consultant that I met at Lakota East Craft Show this year. Her sister makes "Taggie Blankets" I bought one for my 6 month old daughter and it got lost and I need another one! I thought the site would provide a list of consultants and I'd recognize the name... I will keep your contact info just in case I need products in the future!

gotta love em!

OMG! We need to do an annual award for the most ridiculous waste of a HO lead. That's crazy! I haven't had a crazy one in a while. I've been getting online HO order leads almost every day. Some are nuts like $6 or $7 items, but some are relatively decent. One not too long ago was a biz lead, but she hasn't responded after our first conversation.

The one about the Taggie Blankets is priceless. AT LEAST some of the others are about PC in one way or another. That has NOTHING to do with it or a product or ordering anything. Holy cow.:mad:
  • #23
Oh my gosh Chantelle! That one is so crazy it's almost funny! (((hugs))) for having to deal with her!!!I also think the one who couldn't sleep because she needed to buy a measuring cup is a little weird too! Shop-a-holic??? ;)
  • #24
I received a lovely one yesterday. It was a "purchasing products" lead. I emailed the lady, and she replied with an inquiry as to whether it was safe to take the stoneware pie plate from the freezer and put it directly in the oven. I emailed the use and care to her with a little note about extreme temperature change.
  • #25
I'm thinking that maybe they need to add a tab on the corporate website for "product use questions" or something ... and it could link to the use and care??? Sure would save these wasted leads.
  • #26
quiverfull7 said:
I'm thinking that maybe they need to add a tab on the corporate website for "product use questions" or something ... and it could link to the use and care??? Sure would save these wasted leads.

I agree... but then I wonder if a lot of people wouldn't follow up on those... it would be nice if they could do that and have those questions directed to the Solution Center instead of us...
  • #27
finley1991 said:
I agree... but then I wonder if a lot of people wouldn't follow up on those... it would be nice if they could do that and have those questions directed to the Solution Center instead of us...

I think that's what she was saying.
  • #28
Just got one about a minute ago and my first thought was, "Oh man... she's going to want something by Christmas... wants me to have it on hand and will be pissy when I tell her I don't carry inventory." Nice attitude, eh?

So I suck it up and go to call her... here is the number she provided: (586) 999-9999. Okay....

I feel like e-mailing her and saying, "I'm sorry I can't call you to help you with your request since you gave me a bogus phone number..."

That reminds me of a lead I got a few years ago... when I called, the number was to the local IHOP... and no, she didn't work there.

I think I need some coffee...
  • Thread starter
  • #29
I have had a few of those with fake numbers too.. so do not get that... THEY contacted us and want something!!! Hello... how can I help you if you lie to me!!
  • #30
Colleen, for idiots like that, may I suggest a stronger remedy?!?!?!:approve:
  • #31
baychef said:
Colleen, for idiots like that, may I suggest a stronger remedy?!?!?!:approve:

Ann, while I am equal opportunity, isn't a bit early for me to be hitting the bottle? Well, it is the holidays after all! :p
  • #32
finley1991 said:
Ann, while I am equal opportunity, isn't a bit early for me to be hitting the bottle? Well, it is the holidays after all! :p

I repeat...for IDIOTS like these...LOL!!! Holiday or not, they can drive you to drink!! I mean a REAL reason for us to drink MORE!!:party:
  • Thread starter
  • #33
If I get one more person before Christmas who wants a $5 to $10 item but does not want to pay shipping I am going to scream!!!
  • #34
(((hugs))) ladies! We just don't get that many inquiries over here. Sporatic sales, but not many requests for us to contact them. Although one of the TL on my team called super excited a couple of days ago that she got her first one, called back and the girl is wanting to sign! She's happy!!!
  • #35
pcjenni said:
If I get one more person before Christmas who wants a $5 to $10 item but does not want to pay shipping I am going to scream!!!

Hear ya! Just had another lead - lady wants a measure-all cup as a gift for Christmas...wants me to find one for her since I don't have one on hand. :rolleyes:
Every lead I've had in the past week has been a version of this.
  • #36
I just got one kind of late tonight, so I'll call her tomorrow. I can't WAIT to see what product she wants to purchase 5 days before Christmas!
  • #37
pamperedbecky said:
I just got one kind of late tonight, so I'll call her tomorrow. I can't WAIT to see what product she wants to purchase 5 days before Christmas!

But it's not too late (maybe). I sent in a show last night and it is already shipped and slated to be delivered tomorrow!!

I have had plenty of leads like you are talking about. I'd rather have the purchaser than the dead lead any day. Of the purchasers though, the ones I hate are the ones where they don't share info because then it's just a carrot dangled that I can't reach. Sure the sale is nice (but I can't believe how many people buy a $6 OR LESS item that way :eek: ) but follow up is key! If I have an email I send a thank you, offer my services, give tips on what they got and tell them that unless they tell me not to I'll add them to my NL. No one has told me not to add them and almost half have come back and at least ordered again.
  • #38
Yes...it is time to think of stocking stuffers! I try to put the word "stocking stuffer" in my shows when using products such as the easy opener and petite bamboo spoons!! But it certtainly does not prevent such orders like these.

Here is a request I had from a former HO lead this past week....
I'd like to order a set of bamboo cooking spoons and the circular stirring spoon with 2 inner circles (what I ordered before I had a rep).

I have e-mailed back that I really need the item numbers and have not heard back!!! Explained how to get the numbers, etc. I think the second item is the Mix and Chop but God only knows which set of cooking spoons she needs!!:confused:
  • #39
bethcooks4u said:
But it's not too late (maybe). I sent in a show last night and it is already shipped and slated to be delivered tomorrow!!

I have had plenty of leads like you are talking about. I'd rather have the purchaser than the dead lead any day. Of the purchasers though, the ones I hate are the ones where they don't share info because then it's just a carrot dangled that I can't reach. Sure the sale is nice (but I can't believe how many people buy a $6 OR LESS item that way :eek: ) but follow up is key! If I have an email I send a thank you, offer my services, give tips on what they got and tell them that unless they tell me not to I'll add them to my NL. No one has told me not to add them and almost half have come back and at least ordered again.

The ones I've had only want the product if I have it on hand, and they don't have to pay shipping for it. :rolleyes: That's why they are contacting a consultant instead of just ordering it themselves.
  • #40
bethcooks4u said:
But it's not too late (maybe). I sent in a show last night and it is already shipped and slated to be delivered tomorrow!!
I submitted my surprise catalog show this morning around 10am and it's showing that it shipped today! WAHOO!!!!!! :D
  • #41
That's great news!!! :)
  • #42
I would think it was the Mix and Masher
  • #43
She must have changed her mind...I have not heard back from her. I have done the "guess what they mean" thing before and I have gotten burned by the exchanges!

Related to My Love Hate Relationship With...

1. How can I handle a customer who has a complaint about a product I didn't sell them?

In this situation, it is best to direct the customer to our customer service team. They will be able to locate the order and assist with any replacements or refunds.

2. What should I do if a potential host doesn't want to host a party or place an order?

If a potential host is not interested in hosting a party or placing an order, it is important to thank them for considering and offer other options such as becoming a preferred customer or referring them to another consultant.

3. How can I handle a customer who doesn't remember the name of the consultant who sold them a product?

If a customer doesn't remember the name of the consultant who sold them a product, you can try searching for their order using their name, address, or other information. If this is not successful, it is best to direct them to our customer service team for further assistance.

4. What should I do if a customer has a complaint about a product I did sell them?

If a customer has a complaint about a product you sold them, it is important to listen to their concerns and address them as best as you can. If necessary, you can offer a replacement or refund according to our return policy.

5. How can I handle a difficult customer who becomes upset or hangs up on me?

In situations where a customer becomes upset or hangs up on you, it is important to remain calm and professional. If necessary, you can escalate the situation to your team leader or direct the customer to our customer service team for further assistance.

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