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Maximizing Success: Tips for Hosting a Successful Pampered Chef Party in Arizona

In summary, Kevin is a new Pampered Chef consultant who is hosting his first party with an Italian theme. Despite inviting 70 people, he has not received any RSVPs. He has reached out to various groups, but no one has committed to attending or purchasing products. He is seeking advice on how to generate interest and sales from potential customers. The suggestion is made to make reminder contacts through methods such as phone calls or emails, with a link for easy ordering for those who cannot attend.
Kevin Ranoldo
Hey everyone, Kevin Ranoldo here! I'm new to Pampered Chef and have my first party, an Italian night theme, set up for this comming Tuesday (the 10th). I'm really excited to get started entertaining and selling the PC products and have invited about 70 people. The probem I am running into is out of the 70 people I invited, not a single one of them has RSVP'd that they are going. I have reached out to my FB friends, my coworkers, my wife's coworkers, my friends at church, and while several of them were interested in the fact that I was doing PC, none of them commited to going to the party I have set up. I'm trying to not get discouraged and focusing on the fact that I won't be making a million dollars in my first month. What I would like is some advice on how to get people interested enough to actually buy the product from me and not just get excited and say they will or take a cataloge then forget about it. Has anyone had anything similar to this happen to them. I should probably clarify that I live i Arizona, yet virtually all of my friends and family live 2500 iles away on the east coast. In addition, I do not have a large circle of friends here in Arizona where I live. I need to get my buisness to people who will buy but how can I do that and be sure they will buy and aren't just saying they will?Any advice will be helpfu!
Grace and Peace,
Kevin Ranoldo
People are HORRIBLE about RSVPing. It's not just you and this party, so don't take it personally. I mail invitations for all of my parties (won't hold a cooking party without a guest list) and am willing to make a pre-party contact (phone call or email) as a reminder. People easily forget even if they planned to attend.So, I suggest that you make a reminder contact. I've just started using "phonevite" for reminder calls. For the first 15 years of my business, I made those calls one-by-one. An email is easy to send, be sure to include the party link so those who can't attend can quickly place an order.
Hi Kevin,First of all, congratulations on starting your Pampered Chef business! It's always exciting to see someone pursue their passion and start their own business.I can understand your frustration with the lack of RSVPs for your first party. It can be disheartening when you put in so much effort and don't see the response you were hoping for. However, don't let this discourage you. It's important to remember that building a successful business takes time and effort.One thing you can do is to reach out to your friends and family again and remind them about the party. Sometimes people need a gentle reminder to RSVP or to show up. You can also offer incentives for those who do RSVP and attend, such as a free product or a discount on their purchase.In addition, consider expanding your reach beyond your immediate circle of friends and family. You can try promoting your party on social media, such as creating a Facebook event and inviting people to it. You can also partner with local businesses or organizations to promote your party. For example, you can offer to do a cooking demo or provide samples at a local farmer's market or community event. This can help you reach a wider audience and attract potential customers.Another tip is to focus on the value and benefits of the Pampered Chef products rather than just trying to make a sale. Share your personal experiences with the products and how they have improved your cooking or made your life easier. People are more likely to buy when they see the value in what you're offering.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from your upline or fellow Pampered Chef consultants. They have experience and can offer valuable insights and tips on how to grow your business.I hope these suggestions help and wish you all the best with your first party! Keep pushing forward and don't give up. Success will come with persistence and hard work.Best of luck,

Related to Maximizing Success: Tips for Hosting a Successful Pampered Chef Party in Arizona

1. What type of products does Pampered Chef offer for kitchen use?

Pampered Chef offers a wide range of kitchen products including cookware, bakeware, kitchen tools, food storage containers, and cutlery. We also have products specifically designed for entertaining and outdoor cooking.

2. How can I find recipes to use with my Pampered Chef products?

We have a variety of recipes available on our website and in our catalogs that are specifically created to be used with our products. You can also join our online community where our consultants and customers share their favorite recipes and cooking tips.

3. Are Pampered Chef products dishwasher safe?

Most of our products are dishwasher safe, but we recommend checking the product label or instructions to be sure. Our stoneware products are not dishwasher safe, but they are very easy to clean with warm water and a nylon scraper.

4. Can I buy Pampered Chef products in stores or only through a consultant?

Pampered Chef products are only sold through our independent consultants. You can host a cooking party or place an order through a consultant, or you can also purchase products directly from our website.

5. What is the return policy for Pampered Chef products?

We have a satisfaction guarantee on all of our products. If you are not completely satisfied with a product, you can return it within 30 days for a full refund or exchange. Our consultants are also available to assist with any product questions or concerns.

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