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Maximizing Profits with Pampered Chef: A Guide for New Consultants

In summary, the individual is asking if it is worth it to put in 600 dollars towards their goal of $1250. If they complete four shows within the next 90 days, they will earn two pieces of stoneware free.
I am fairly new! Actually today is my 30th day and my deadline for orders!!!! I am very excited.

I have pushed really hard to try to get to $1250.00 so that I can qualify for everything PC has to offer.

I have already put in about $100 but its worth it due to all the products I got!! Right now I am only up to $600 and my brother (who got me started w/PC) is going to throw in $100 today and my fiance and I are going to have to throw in $500.00 to get it to $1250. If we put in only $100 then we will reach the goal of $1000.00 but that doesn't qualify us for everything correct??

So my question is, is it worth it for us to put in 600.00 total towards this goal? (I know it is for the products but I am speaking in terms of cash rewards wise) If we get 1250 what commission would we earn back on this other than our half kit fee?

Also, are there any other bonuses or earnings we will get that will make this more worth it?

It isn't that its not worth the money when we get all these products but we are just starting out and 600 dollars is a lot for us to just put out right now, so we are seeking someone who can tell us what we will earn back on this?

Also, do they determine percentage by our total sales in our 30 days or per show sales??

Any help would really be appreciated!
Don't spend money to get an incentive unless you do the math and it comes out right. $600 is way high to me.

If I am close to an incentive or goal I will order a gift that I would be buying anyway to put me over but I never spend money unless I absolutely have to.

Go over your list of 100 and expand on it. You know more people than you think you do. And be careful that you don't sound desperate - make it about what THEY can get. You can ask if they can help you but be sure to let them know that by helping you THEY get so much.

Good luck!
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  • #3
Well the issue at hand is that I have already gone over my list of 100 about 100 times. My orders are due today and there is noone else that I can get orders out of. Believe me I have called everyone I know 100 times over since I started. I am at the end of my rope now and there are no other orders.

I didn't work this hard to not qualify. I have a bridal show coming up soon that I am holding a booth at and need to be able to qualify for the bridal registry.

If I don't qualify right now, what do I have to do to get qualified after my 30 days???
How many shows have you submitted? 4 shows at only $150 guest sales count to qualify you too. It doesn't have to be $1250.
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  • #5
I have submitted 3 shows of course all over 150 as they had to be to qualify and now today, if we don't put any money in then it will be another show just over 150. But that doesn't qualify us for anything except for the half back on out kit????
I, personally, I would not pay $600, (almost 1/2 of your 30 day goal ) just to make your 30 days goal, unless I had the money to spend, and I needed what I was buying. What about next month, and the next? You should to be looking long-term, how your business will continue? I know that when I first started, it was all about the Super-Starter packs I wanted, from month to month- I really wish I had concentrated on what would happen AFTER my first 30 days, (getting solid bookings, etc)- I think if I had planned long term, not only would my first 90 days be successful (which they were) but I would not have struggled further along in my business. I wish I had set the foundation in those first few months.
You've got until your 90-day to qualify for the PC dollar incentive. if you qualify within your 30-day, your bonueses double. Nothing happens if you don't. If you've sign between Sept 15 - Oct 20, $1,000 submitted must be within your 30-day to receive 2 stoneware pieces for free.

To qualify within 90-day is 4 shows ($150 in comissionable sales each) or $1250 in comissionable sales total (from day 1 through day 90).

I STRONGLY believe new recruits should not spend $$$ unless they are making $$$. I recommend my recruits, only invest if you are making $$$. IMO

Good luck!
pamperedchef02 said:
I have submitted 3 shows of course all over 150 as they had to be to qualify and now today, if we don't put any money in then it will be another show just over 150. But that doesn't qualify us for anything except for the half back on out kit????

If you submit a $150 show today, that's your 4 shows...you're qualified. Get $100 in PC dollars for qualifying in 30 days...
I thought the half-price kit rebate was for $1250 in sales in 30 days. You will still qualify with 4 shows of $150. I think the only thing you WON'T get is the rebate on your kit -- which is not worth CLOSE to $600.
You'll get $100 PC dollars for qualifying. Plus you'll be be eligible for the bridal registry (I think. we don't have the Bridal Registry is Canada, so I'm not 100% sure on that.)
Personally, I wouldn't spend $600 to qualify. You're in this to MAKE $$, not spend $$.
  • #10
Oh -- commission is paid on the full months' sales. So all your Sept sales were combined to determine your rate that month. This order will count toward your Oct sales & so your commission is yet to be determined.You have 90 days to qualify. 4 shows ($150 or more each) or $1250 in sales, whichever comes first :)HTH
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  • #11
Ok. So if I submit only 750 or 800 dollars max total today, I get $100 PC, and??? My consultant number won't be in the system for others to find, I won't earn any commissions, I won't get half back on my kit, I won't qualify for any other bonuses and most of all, I won't be qualified for the wedding registry or other services right??
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  • #12
Sorry I sent the last post before reading the last one!! Bare with me I am not only new but my recruiter and director have not helped me or explained anything to me. They are both pushing me to get to 1250 today!!!!

All I care about, is qualifying and earning the bridal registry. I really dont' care about the kit fee back, but I do care about qualifying and other bonuses and services as well!
  • #13
pamperedchef02 said:
I have submitted 3 shows of course all over 150 as they had to be to qualify and now today, if we don't put any money in then it will be another show just over 150. But that doesn't qualify us for anything except for the half back on out kit????

So let me hear you right: You have submitted 3 shows. You have another show to put in today. They total just over $1000.

If that's right you QUALIFY with that and you get the half back and the bridal registry benefit on your website. You have nothing to worry about.

Sure if you submit enough to get it to $1250 you get another $100 in PC$$ but if you have to spend more than that it is NOT WORTH IT. Remember that when you hit $1250 before the 90 day date you get $50 PC$$ so you are only talking about a $50 difference.

Again, do your math!
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  • #14
Thats almost right. I won't reach 1000 though. I will submit my fourth show today. Total will be more like, 800!! Not enough!
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  • #15
Should we just put in 200 more to at least reach our 1000?? I really would like to qualify for most of it anyway.
  • #16
pamperedchef02 said:
Thats almost right. I won't reach 1000 though. I will submit my fourth show today. Total will be more like, 800!! Not enough!

Not enough to get the rebate but it IS enough to qualify and get the bridal registry. Why would you spend $200 to get $77.50???
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  • #17
Well I guess as long as I qualify for the bridal registry thats really what we want. What about our consultant number? Will we be found in the system now? I am not spending 200 for half of that kit back. I was doing it because my recruiter told me that if I got 1250 I would get tons of stuff and that I at least had to have 1000 to qualify. I didn't know that I could qualify for other things if I was under 1000.

Thank you guys!
  • #18
Yes, once qualified you can be searched for and have full rights on your website.Grr...I HATE it when directors or recruiters are "pushy" and don't explain things well.They should have let you take your time and let you set up your show schedule you well, not pushed you to get the half-back on the kit and their incentive and not give you a strong start.(Just my pet peeve - I had a recruiter try to do that too...luckily my director is the opposite.)
  • #19
Honestly, the bridal registry is not that big of a deal. I hope you have a better experience at your bridal fair than the majority of PC consultants. Many leaders in PC are now telling people NOT to do bridal fairs--not worth the time and $$ investment. They might register, but then nothing comes of the registry.Sue is wise to encourage you to think beyond your 30 days. Where are your future bookings? How will you have consistent business? You have to focus on more SHOWS, not registries. Registries are just a bonus.
  • #20
You're good when you submit this show tonight. The only thing you'll miss out on is the 77.50 back. For that, you have to get 1k in sales in 30 days.Otherwise, after you submit your show tonight you'll get your free website for 90 days, (if you already paid for it, they'll tack on an extra 90 days), you'll be searchable, you'll get your wedding registry benefits, etc. Today is my 30th day, too! I have 2 shows open and I'm hoping to close one today. I'm sorry your recruiter and director didn't work with you more. I was ready to sign 2 weeks before I did, but my recruiter made me stop and make sure I had bookings before I did it. That way I already had 4 shows set up before I even started. It helped tremendously!Good luck and have fun!!ETA: Maybe the reason they were pushing you so hard is because of what THEY get if you submit 1k in your first 30 days. If you are on the kit credit bonus, your recruiter would get a 100$ check when you hit 1k. If that's their motivation, they should have been finding you orders, too. Don't spend money to make them money ;)
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  • #21
I agree!!! I totally think it was all about what they were going to get out of it. She called today and had me writing down over 600 dollars worth of products to order to qualify!!

I didn't think things sounded right and that is when I wrote on here! I live by this site, not my recruiter or director. I have come to this site since day one and this is obviously where I need to continue to come to get the help needed!!

You have no idea of the relief! I have been STRESSED OUT!!!

Thank you all so much!! I will submit my last show and call it good for the deadline!!!
  • #22
Tara, You made a good point. It frustrates me to see directors and recruiters PUSH consultants to meet goals that are not theirs(the new consultants) , just so the director/recruiter will gain something!!!! I am determinded not do that. I want my team to succeed on their own merits, and at their definition of what a successful business is. I have a consultant on my team, who is a full-time teacher, with 2 boys that are involved in sports, and her husband is a firefighter. Things are CRAZY at their house. I have told her from the beginning, that I want her to work her business at her pace, only she will know what will work for her family. She works it hard during the Summer, and during breaks, and stays active the rest of the time. I spoke to her yesterday, to let her know I was preparing to promote, and all I ask is for her to coninue to stay active- No pressure to kick it up, just remain active, and if she was in trouble, to make sure she let me know, BEFORE it was too late. It is my responsibilty to make sure my team hits the $4000, I do not want to push the team more than they want for themselves- I need to have a strong show schedule myself, and not depend on them to meet MY goals.
  • #23
Yes, Tara reiterated exactly what I was hitting on...they were looking for the bonus!

I have a recruit signing October 10th, but it is NOT due to the bonus, we didn't talk about anything for me and I could care less about a $50 gas card. I want HER to have a strong start and get what SHE needs out of it. A strong start will better ensure success and continuation in the business.

We (my ED and I) did a bookings training with her and she is working on booking shows and has a quick-start box in hand, but we aren't ordering her kit until 1 week before her first show/open house.

Another great idea is an Open House - did you have one?

You should still have one in your first 90 days.

Schedule it for a Friday AND Saturday and send out invites. If people can't stop Friday night, they can usually stop Saturday. Since you are doing demos both times, you may have enough for 2 shows.

Also, how are you inviting - are you mailing or actually TALKING to people. Personal contact is key!

Hang in there and do this for YOU and at YOUR PACE and you will do great!

I am saddened by those who HAVE to rely on CS to be their source of everything. I fortunately can get everything off of CS from my cluster or my ED. CS is just extra to me. :)
  • #24
pamperedchef02 said:
I agree!!! I totally think it was all about what they were going to get out of it. She called today and had me writing down over 600 dollars worth of products to order to qualify!!

I didn't think things sounded right and that is when I wrote on here! I live by this site, not my recruiter or director. I have come to this site since day one and this is obviously where I need to continue to come to get the help needed!!

You have no idea of the relief! I have been STRESSED OUT!!!

Thank you all so much!! I will submit my last show and call it good for the deadline!!!

Oh my goodness, I would have asked her how that was being paid for? Was she going to chip in HER $100 for that?????

Related to Maximizing Profits with Pampered Chef: A Guide for New Consultants

1. How do you figure out the correct portion sizes for Pampered Chef products?

At Pampered Chef, we follow a standardized portion size guide for all of our products. This guide takes into account factors such as nutrition, serving recommendations, and customer feedback to determine the appropriate portion sizes.

2. How are the prices of Pampered Chef products determined?

The prices of Pampered Chef products are based on a variety of factors, including the cost of ingredients and materials, production costs, and market research. We strive to offer high-quality products at a fair price for our customers.

3. How does Pampered Chef calculate the nutritional information for its products?

Our team of nutrition experts carefully analyzes the ingredients and cooking methods used in each Pampered Chef product to determine its nutritional information. We also use third-party lab testing to ensure accuracy and transparency.

4. How does Pampered Chef ensure the safety and quality of its products?

Pampered Chef has strict quality control measures in place to ensure the safety and quality of our products. This includes thorough testing and inspection of ingredients, as well as regular audits of our manufacturing facilities.

5. Does Pampered Chef offer any options for special dietary needs?

Yes, we understand that many of our customers may have special dietary needs or preferences. That's why we offer a variety of products that cater to different dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian options. We also provide information on allergens and potential cross-contamination for all of our products.

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