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Is My Performance as a Host Getting Worse?

Ok, I have been doing PC 6 months now and I think I am getting WORSE at doing my shows...maybe I am getting too complacent?

Although I do host coaching and am constantly reminding hosts to use the whole invitation pack, send reminder calls/emails, my attendance is horrible recently, I am talking 4-5 at a show. I am forgetting to talk about the host benefits and I try to chat about recruiting but feel silly when I know that all 4 people attending don't care about signing up. I feel like my shows are all over the place....I thought I was supposed to be getting better at this? I am averaging 1 booking per show and my show sales are averaging 3-400...at a push. It has been the same since Feb....am I in a rut?

I am going to pull out my cue cards from my first show ever and revamp now I know the ropes. Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated!

I am hoping my Friday show will boost me out of this sinkhole....20 RSVP'S so far....hehehe

you are in a rut. Sounds like you need some reflection time to figure out what you want out of this again...and most of all...what you love about it.
Change what will make the difference for you and only you can say what that is.
Make it fun...do a theme show, SOMETHING to boost your own spirits about it.
We all go through slumps. Don't beat yourself up. Is there a clustermate or nearby consultant you could ask to sit in on one of your shows? A trusted friend can often offer great constructive suggestions. Or, observe someone else's show. You can get wonderful ideas from someone who's on the upswing.At the very least, review some of the CDs, DVDs, etc. you've received from HO. Back to the basics works in sports and in PC, too.
I think your doing good! Average one booking and 3-400 dollar shows? That seems consistent to me. Don't feel silly about recruiting chats, not at all. You never know! A seed may be planted that night and it will be thought about again!!! You need to be sure to talk about the host and guest special when telling them what is in their guest folders, or talking about their catalogs and order forms. Make it a habit to mention it right then. Maybe slip the guest special in their guest folder or tuck it in the catalog and you will know you need to talk about it if it is in their hands!
I don't think your in a rut, that's my personal opinion. Averaging one booking.....especially if your at least having one show a week is a very consistent show schedule!!
Are you doing one show a week? If not, get that list of 100 out and start making some calls!!
Be blessed!!
What is great about everything I read in your post, is that you are aware that YOU can/want to do more!:) To me, that is so important, because now you will do what it takes to increase sales/attendance. Asking for suggestions here is a great first step. And hey, you do have a very promising next party.
Good luck and let us know how Friday turns out!

I have felt this way too. I've been doing PC for a little over 2 years now and I still go back to watch the "your first cooking show" video I got in my kit. Sometimes it helps to go back to the basics and then you say "oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Chin up girly, it's going to be ok! You'll be back in the saddle in no time!:D
I would suggest mailing invitations for your host. You can ask for postage reimbursement or write off the expense. Just make the focus of your host coaching ATTENDANCE. I have been doing this consistently for the past few months and I always have 10+ at every show.

I always tell my host she has two main jobs--invite as many people as possible (at least 40 is our goal) and remind them all to come! Because without people we have no party!

Give it a try!
mistym said:
I am talking 4-5 at a show. I am forgetting to talk about the host benefits and I try to chat about recruiting but feel silly when I know that all 4 people attending don't care about signing up.
Check your attitude...how can you say you "know" they don't care about signing up? I thought that about my sister for two years until she came to me one day and said "can I sign?". I thought she was way too busy with her full time job, full time life, etc. Try reading each day, Jeffery Gitomer, John Maxwell, Belinda Ellsworth, go to maxsacks.com and click on article archives.
It'll come back.
chefshelley59 said:
Check your attitude...how can you say you "know" they don't care about signing up? I thought that about my sister for two years until she came to me one day and said "can I sign?". I thought she was way too busy with her full time job, full time life, etc. Try

At the show I signed under there were 3 of us. My friend the host signed up and a couple weeks later I signed under her. She did a bit more than the required shows and dropped out and I've stayed on as a hobbyist. I can say that looking at us there was no way for the recruiter to know we'd sign, I showed little interest in anything other than buying a few products, but when she asked my friend & I talked and decided to join together (seperately but to both sign).
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Well, I went and re vamped my show outline, I will take the idea of the host having only 2 jobs and I will certainly check my 'tude! Having sat down and really focused on why I want to do this, I revamped my show outline and made a decision to do up an index card before every show to remind myself what "tricks of the trade" I am thowing in that particular night.
I am definitley going to throw in some more recruiting points, I have made a point of talking about it before I even do my recipie as well as in the closing of my show.
There was an interesting file which I read here using the fishing for whales analogy:
Catching a fish is like an order...it will feed you for one night
Catching a shark is like a booking...it will feed you for a few months
Catching a Whale is like a recruit...it will feed you for years!

This stuck and helped me refocus on recruiting.

So, things are looking up and I am feeling better about things....thanks for all your input...

  • #11
Glad you are feeling better. Good for you for taking positive steps.
  • #12
Let us know how your show goes. I KNOW you will do just great!!!
  • #13
hi misty
i would strongly suggest you try to mail out the invites as well, offer her $1 in extra free product if she mails you her guest list and stamps by a certain date. then put the items on her order at her discount % or 1/2 price items if she doesnt use them all. I also place them in an envelope with her return address so they dont get lost in the "junk mail" pile.

I also use stickers on the invites from The Booster- www.thebooster.com
I put 2 stickers to increase attendance eg. bring a friend recieve a gift, bring 2 recieve free shipping
I put 1 sticker for bookings and 1 sticker for recruiting
By doing this everyone invited gets a booking and recruiting seed planted not just those who attend.

And as much as most of us hate doing it, or just dont do it, including myself when i get really busy with life. :rolleyes: You have to Hostess Coach!!!! I have a check list that i laminated and its on my fridge, every hostess gets put on it and im constantly reminded that i have to call them or whatever is needed.

i also think your booking and sales average is good and consistent, your just below the cdn average for sales, which i think is around $500. Remember if your doing 4 $400 shows in a month your earning $368 OR $23/hr if it takes you 4hrs per show. Not too shabby:)

pm me if you like and i can scan my check list and email it to you

hope your show tonite went well

  • Thread starter
  • #14
hey guys..had my first show after revamping my outline. Went well although I only have one booking so far but the good news....(oh besides the fact that it was a $1000.00 show) is that I have 2 possible recruits. One looks serious and one is a maybe! So yay me!

Thanks for the support. I was just driving home and I thought..hmmmm... who will care about how well my night went???...I KNOW!! my fellow cheffers will...hehehehe

Thanks folks....

  • Thread starter
  • #15
Wow you REALLY revamped your show! Great job!!! :D
  • #16

Here is a new show idea... my cluster calls it a "Pamper Your Business" and all you have to do is you make your contact in that office the host and you bring in an already made treat of some kind and do a little demo of the products and leave the treat and the order forms... and let your host work the order forms for about 4-5 days and then come back and figure out how much free products they get and you get a great sale!!!
  • #17
That is sooooooo AWESOME! We knew you could do it!!!
  • #18
mistym said:
hey guys..had my first show after revamping my outline. Went well although I only have one booking so far but the good news....(oh besides the fact that it was a $1000.00 show) is that I have 2 possible recruits. One looks serious and one is a maybe! So yay me!

That is great, way to go.
  • #19
Yay for you, Misty!
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  • #20
errrr..get this....had a show last night as well...only 3 people showed up, all three want to sign?!?!?! Thats 7 possible recruits in a month. I am a little wary of one of them as she came right out and told me she only wants the kit for the money and then she is done...hmmmm..I am am going to search for kitnapping threads now...

I have shifted my focus to recruiting and I guess this is the payoff! Ok, now to focus on attendance and I should be set!

Thanks for all the support!

  • #21
What did you do to revamp your show?
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  • #22
well, I took some advice from a fellow cheffer and wrote out all the reasons why I do Pampered Chef. This brought my focus back.
I then sat down and made a new show outline and included specific points that I need to talk about...like....."talk about recruiting here", "talk about hosting here" etc etc. I talk about recruiting 3 times now at least as well as hosting. I think some of the best lines I use I got from this site! I ask them if they have a bill they would like to pay off..for me it is my mortgage payment. Usually someone has some bill they would love to pay off quicker. I make sure i tell them how flexible it is and how if they only wanna do 2 shows a month fine, but if they want 10 then that is fine too.

I have been doing it for 8 or so months, so I based my outline how my shows generally go and then made sure that I have some places inserted to talk about recruiting and hosting.

I was really missing the structure a show outline provides. On top of the outline I make a cue card per show and tailor it too what I games, recipie and information I am doing for that particular show. This makes my parties varied but still follows my basic outline.

I am glad I started this thread as it has really helped me out..thanks to everyone for contributing

  • #23
First off, Great job Misty on revamping your shows and on all the new recruit leads! Also, I just wanted to say that your thread inspired me to go write out my own goals and show outline. I've never had an outline for my shows, and I'm always disappointed afterwards at all of the things I forgot to mention. Hopefully this will help! Thanks!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
awesome! I am sure it will help. Let me know how it works out for ya!
  • #25
Thats great! Keep up that attitude and you'll be looking for a ladder to climb down from instead of out of that hole :D

Related to Is My Performance as a Host Getting Worse?

1. How can I determine if my performance as a host is getting worse?

One way to determine if your performance as a host is getting worse is to track your attendance, bookings, and sales over a period of time. If you notice a decrease in these areas, it could be an indication that your performance is declining. You can also ask for feedback from guests and hosts to get a better understanding of how your shows are being received.

2. Why am I experiencing a decline in attendance at my shows?

There could be several reasons for a decline in attendance at your shows. It could be due to lack of effective promotion, not utilizing the invitation pack, or not sending reminder calls or emails. It's important to evaluate your marketing strategies and make adjustments as needed to attract more guests to your shows.

3. How can I improve my performance as a host?

To improve your performance as a host, you can review your show scripts and cue cards to ensure you are covering all important topics such as host benefits and recruiting. You can also attend host coaching sessions and seek feedback from experienced hosts. Additionally, constantly updating and revamping your show material can also help improve your performance.

4. Is it normal to experience a decline in performance after a few months of hosting?

It is not uncommon for hosts to experience a decline in performance after a few months of hosting. This could be due to becoming too complacent or getting into a rut. It's important to constantly evaluate and improve your hosting skills to avoid this decline and keep your shows fresh and engaging.

5. How can I boost my performance and get out of this "sinkhole"?

One way to boost your performance is to set specific goals for yourself, such as increasing attendance or bookings, and actively working towards achieving them. You can also seek guidance and advice from experienced hosts, attend training sessions, and constantly evaluate and improve your hosting skills. Additionally, promoting your shows effectively and staying organized can also help improve your performance as a host.

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