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Is It Possible to Do PC Full-Time Alongside a Full-Time Job?

In summary, if you are making at least $4000 a month from your PC business, you can quit your full-time job and do it. However, you will need to promote to AD and submit $6500 in sales each month to do so.
Silver Member
Has anyone here done PC along-side a full-time job until they were making enough to quit?

I would love to do PC full-time but I would need to make at least $4000 / month in order to do so. If I promote to AD and submit $6500 in sales each month, I could do it.

My problem is, I don't have the time right now to do 10-12 shows per month or to even make all the calls I'd need to make to get them on the calendar!

I find that when I do have 10 shows booked, 4 of them cancel because I don't have the time to properly host coach.

Part of it is my own fault in that I don't schedule my time well. I'm trying to do that more...but doing $6500 in sales and developing directors and recruiting and qualifying at least 15 people each year seems so daunting.

If you have done this or you know someone who has, I'd love to hear from you!
I don't have any experience with working full time and TPC.

If you were to quit your full time job do you really need to make $4000 a month? If you take into consideration that you won't be commuting, you won't need professional clothes, won't need lunch money....etc.

Can you cut your expenses anywhere? I took a workshop on dept free living quite a while ago and it is amazing how much money you can save a month by cutting back on a few things. Do you have cable TV; can you use a different package that is cheaper? Can you change your car/home owners insurance to save a little? Do you eat out for lunch much, or have Starbucks? Can you change your phone to save some there? Groceries are a huge expense that can be cut back. By generic or store brands, clip coupons for ONLY the items you already use. Plan your meals around groceries that are on sale for the week.

Buy your clothes on clearance or at garage sales...it is amazing the stuff you can find a garage sales! I LOVE Born shoes and Coach purses, but I buy them all at garage sales. My shoes are over $100 in the store that I pay $5 (they look like they have not been used) and my purses are $300-500 that I pay $20-50 at garage sales. All of my clothes come from garage sales except underwear! I pay $1 for Levis that are in brand new condition. I clothe my kids for the school year for less than $40 for each of them. They wear all name brand, Gap, Levis...etc.

If you have access to a farmers market, or yard space for a garden, can or freeze your veggies. Go to the farmers market just as they are packing up to leave, offer them a deal to buy all of their produce. One year our garden flopped, my hubby offered a booth at the market $20 to take all of their sweet corn, it lasted us all winter! Yes, it takes time, but it is better for my family, it tastes delicious and it saves me a ton of money....I also enjoy it. I just finished making 11 jars of grape jelly from the wild grapes that grow on our barn!

I know this isn't what you were looking for, but maybe it will help.

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  • #3
That does help, thank you! I'm currently working on paying down my debt. I'm hoping to go cash-only and be debt free within 5 years.

If I think about my take-home pay right now + PC income, it's only $3000/month net, so realistically...by the time I'm making that, I will not have as much debt so my payments will be lower and I will have more money to myself.

You're right about the other stuff too - I won't be paying $100 / week in gas and food for lunches, etc...

I think my biggest fear is the fact that my calendar is so inconsistent. One month I'll do $6000 in sales and the next month $2000. This may be the only month I end up less than $2000 but still....the inconsistency scares me.

Plus my team is quite 'young' right now - there are some that do $1-2000 each month and there are some that do nothing...I just need to build more so that I have more that are actually active!!

If only my boyfriend would agree to getting rid of the cable. We're on the cheapest package possible right now. I don't think we need it but he does.
Leggy has experience in this area.

My ED and I have worked on this and I too would have to be at minimum, and AD. However, my situation is that I am an island of my own!! I am not married, I pay child support and so it is me and only me that has to have the health benefits (NY state is costly with the PC insurance) and I also have about 6 years to go to be able to make a good level in my retirement system. By that time, I feel that age may catch up to me where I may not be able to do parties as effectively. Physically, that is.

I too am not comfortable with the inconsistency with parties and income.
Winnipegk said:
That does help, thank you! I'm currently working on paying down my debt. I'm hoping to go cash-only and be debt free within 5 years.

Check out www.daveramsey.com. My DH and I used his plan and wiped out ALL our debt in one year. You can do it! Our debt free date was 8/2/08 and we are loving it!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Wow! One year?? I've read Total Money Makeover and it was really inspiring...but one year??? Wow!!! I have about $40,000 in debt right now and I feel like 5 years is pushing it. eeeek!I get so excited thinking about just doing PC. Honestly - it's all I think about while I'm at work. I wake up early on the weekend to do PC work but I have a hard time getting out of bed to go to my "real" job. That tells you something, eh?
To hijack this thread even further....

The class that I took has you pay the minimums on all dept (car, credit cards, house) except for one. I would pick the one that has the least amount on it. You add up all the payments that you would've paid on all the others and add it to the one you picked. When that one is paid then you take the payment that you were paying on it and add it to the minimums of the next one.

So, lets say that you owe $2000 on a credit card. Your minimums are $50. If you really cut expenses in all other areas and put all of that "extra" onto your credit card and you can then pay $250 every month. You will have your first card paid off in 8 months. Then, lets say you owe $7000 on your car and your minimum is $200. You then add the $250 that were paying on your credit card onto the car payment so your total payment is now $450. You will then have your car paid off in 15 months.

Using this plan, most people can be dept free in less than 10 years, inlcuding a mortgage.

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  • #8
Wow paying off the mortgage seems so huge but it's also very exciting!
At Leadership last year, I attended a workshop where Don Funt was one of the speakers. A gal asked a question about how to book 10-12 shows a month and he said '8 is enough.' She responded, 'yeah okay, but if you want to book 10 or more shows...'. Again, he answered '8 is enough'.

It suddenly dawned on me what he meant. Eight shows a month gets you in front of enough folks to have decent sales and sufficient leads to both maintain 8 shows and grow your team. It also keeps the host coaching managable and good quality.

My goal is now 8 cooking shows, 4 catalog shows, and 1 fundraiser per month. It's doable yet sets some limits. I'm not steady with that yet, but I learning how to get there. And the truth is that when I have more that 8 cooking shows, I don't quite enjoy things as much.

I know there are folks out there who do 20 shows a month...my hat is off to them, but it isn't for me. I want to give my hosts quality coaching, give my guests a quality show, provide my team quality support, and grow my team. This 8+4+1 formula makes that possible for me. (Or so I'm hoping :blushing:)
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  • #10
legacypc46 said:
At Leadership last year, I attended a workshop where Don Funt was one of the speakers. A gal asked a question about how to book 10-12 shows a month and he said '8 is enough.' She responded, 'yeah okay, but if you want to book 10 or more shows...'. Again, he answered '8 is enough'.

It suddenly dawned on me what he meant. Eight shows a month gets you in front of enough folks to have decent sales and sufficient leads to both maintain 8 shows and grow your team. It also keeps the host coaching managable and good quality.

My goal is now 8 cooking shows, 4 catalog shows, and 1 fundraiser per month. It's doable yet sets some limits. I'm not steady with that yet, but I learning how to get there. And the truth is that when I have more that 8 cooking shows, I don't quite enjoy things as much.

I know there are folks out there who do 20 shows a month...my hat is off to them, but it isn't for me. I want to give my hosts quality coaching, give my guests a quality show, provide my team quality support, and grow my team. This 8+4+1 formula makes that possible for me. (Or so I'm hoping :blushing:)

I would love to do more catalog shows but I can't seem to get people to do them - and when they do, they take the books and run - I never hear from them again!

I had a good show last night - 2 bookings...it makes me feel better because I've been having so many shows without bookings lately. Let's hope the rest of my shows this month hold.

I was thinking again today how I didn't want to get out of bed, but as soon as I started thinking about everything I could be doing for PC I was wide awake and considering calling in sick so I could do that stuff!! Bad, eh
  • #11
DebbieJ said:
Check out www.daveramsey.com. My DH and I used his plan and wiped out ALL our debt in one year. You can do it! Our debt free date was 8/2/08 and we are loving it!
OMG DEB!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!I'm also on Dave's plan and took his financial peace course this past spring. Best thing that I have ever done.I've been living on cash-only since last November. 2nd Best thing I've ever done!Leggy--- Love the "8 is enough"... I think sometimes when we have a slow month, we think, "No problem, I'll make up for it by doing 75 shows NEXT month!" When reality, two a week allows you to have a life and even work another job... and still most likely hit EVERY incentive offered.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Do you ever book more just to be sure you hold and submit 8? I have a high cancellation rate even when I do proper host coaching. Not sure why but it's something I need to look at. But anyway....I've always had the mentality that I should book 10-12 in order to actually submit 8...what do you think of that?
  • #13
Winnipegk said:
I have a high cancellation rate even when I do proper host coaching.

Do you send the invitations for your hosts? My cancellation rate dropped to almost ZERO when I started doing that.

They say that the reason most people cancel is because they don't want to tak the time to do/mail the invites.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
finley1991 said:
Do you send the invitations for your hosts? My cancellation rate dropped to almost ZERO when I started doing that.

They say that the reason most people cancel is because they don't want to tak the time to do/mail the invites.

I've heard that....and I've considered it but it seems like it would be more stressful to me! I tried it for a month and not one host gave me her guest list. They just said, "oh don't worry, I would rather call everyone anyway"

?? what do you say to that? I guess I need to know how to present it better.
  • #15
I am finding that as much as I love Dave Ramsey, I must not be disciplined enough to follow his plan and succeed. If I was, I would not go to conference or go on the trips I earn. In all honestly, if I earn a trip and I want to go on it...it is a SANITY break.

And with conference? I hate the trip there and back, but I get too much out of it to not go. My sacrifice is never having gone to Leadership (I SO want to go to Denver but can't afford it).

I have been able to stabilize my debt but not make a huge dent in it. I already have the second job. With the two jobs I have now, it is not possible physically or mentally to bring on a third.
And I already know that Dave Ramsey would say I am making excuses, etc. and so be it.

For me being the bread winner and depending on no one but me for health insurance and retirement and paying child support...doing PC full time is just too big of a risk for me right now to be comfortable with.
  • #16
baychef said:
I am finding that as much as I love Dave Ramsey, I must not be disciplined enough to follow his plan and succeed. If I was, I would not go to conference or go on the trips I earn. In all honestly, if I earn a trip and I want to go on it...it is a SANITY break.

And with conference? I hate the trip there and back, but I get too much out of it to not go. My sacrifice is never having gone to Leadership (I SO want to go to Denver but can't afford it).

I have been able to stabilize my debt but not make a huge dent in it. I already have the second job. With the two jobs I have now, it is not possible physically or mentally to bring on a third.
And I already know that Dave Ramsey would say I am making excuses, etc. and so be it.

For me being the bread winner and depending on no one but me for health insurance and retirement and paying child support...doing PC full time is just too big of a risk for me right now to be comfortable with.

Ann, I was on the Dave Ramsey plan when we took the cruise last April. We budgeted for our expenses and of course PC took care of most! We watched our bar tab and didn't buy hardly any souveniers. It can be done!

The biggest thing is to budget and cut your expenses. Minimize eating out and other spending.

It can be done!
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
It can be done!

YES! I went to the last 2 conferences and Leadership and paid CASH for everything (including the hotel). As Deb said, you budget. And really, it doesn't take that much discipline if you're really committed to getting out of debt. For me, it's a no-brainer. I want out of debt so bad, I won't even touch a credit card. And I found after following the plan for a few months, it got so much easier!
  • #18
Winnipegk said:
I tried it for a month and not one host gave me her guest list. They just said, "oh don't worry, I would rather call everyone anyway"

?? what do you say to that? I guess I need to know how to present it better.

I don't make it optional. Period. Here is what I say when they set the date: "I am going to e-mail you a guest list form. I will need it back by (5 days out) to hold your date for you. I will take care of sending your invitations so all you'll need to do is pick your friends, pick your menu and pick out what you want free." If they give you any flak, just say the first part. I need your list to hold your date.
  • Thread starter
  • #19
finley1991 said:
I don't make it optional. Period. Here is what I say when they set the date: "I am going to e-mail you a guest list form. I will need it back by (5 days out) to hold your date for you. I will take care of sending your invitations so all you'll need to do is pick your friends, pick your menu and pick out what you want free." If they give you any flak, just say the first part. I need your list to hold your date.

Ok sounds good...now what do you do about those people that want a 'tenative' date but book anyway? those are the ones that i find cancel...you know, they're not really sure if they want to have a show but they'll pick a date to help their friend, etc.... do you ever get that?

not trying to be a debbie downer, I really want to try this out but I want to be sure I don't waste my time.
  • #20
Winnipegk said:
Ok sounds good...now what do you do about those people that want a 'tenative' date but book anyway? those are the ones that i find cancel...you know, they're not really sure if they want to have a show but they'll pick a date to help their friend, etc.... do you ever get that?

not trying to be a debbie downer, I really want to try this out but I want to be sure I don't waste my time.

If they won't set a solid date or give you a guest list... there is your answer. And honestly, I don't set 'tentative' dates. If they want it, they set the date and if I have their list within 5 days, the date is solid. If they don't, they know I will offer it to someone else. And I tell them that.

I guess maybe you should ask yourself why you're letting people set a 'tentative' date? Are you telling them it's okay to do that? Or are you giving that impression? If you're not serious about getting the date, they won't be either.
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  • #21
finley1991 said:
If they won't set a solid date or give you a guest list... there is your answer. And honestly, I don't set 'tentative' dates. If they want it, they set the date and if I have their list within 5 days, the date is solid. If they don't, they know I will offer it to someone else. And I tell them that.

I guess maybe you should ask yourself why you're letting people set a 'tentative' date? Are you telling them it's okay to do that? Or are you giving that impression? If you're not serious about getting the date, they won't be either.

Yes, you're probably right...I don't know if I'm giving them that impression. If they say 'no not now' i let them know that their friend will benefit from any show booked within the next 6 months, but we have to get a date on the calendar today - how does that sound?

Usually people say no.

Honestly...I'm getting desperate! I don't have enough shows on my books at ALL and I am leaving shows with no bookings and I don't know why.
  • #22
I don't mail invites (way too much of a procrastinator :eek:), but I do my initial host coaching in person 99% of the time. My cancellation rate after that is pretty much zero (except for emergencies). I also deliberately coach for $1000 shows (learned from my director, who is amazing with her hosts). A little over 20% of my cooking show hosts get there.

Not pretending to have any secrets or special touch...but word choice and packaging has made a huge difference for me. If anyone wants, I'd be happy to do a 'mock coaching' on one of our DCS calls or maybe we can have a separate call just on coaching and swap ideas?
  • #23
legacypc46 said:
I don't mail invites (way too much of a procrastinator :eek:), but I do my initial host coaching in person 99% of the time. My cancellation rate after that is pretty much zero (except for emergencies). I also deliberately coach for $1000 shows (learned from my director, who is amazing with her hosts). A little over 20% of my cooking show hosts get there.

Not pretending to have any secrets or special touch...but word choice and packaging has made a huge difference for me. If anyone wants, I'd be happy to do a 'mock coaching' on one of our DCS calls or maybe we can have a separate call just on coaching and swap ideas?

I vote yes!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
pamperedlinda said:
I vote yes!

Me too!

and how do you get in on these DCS calls???
  • #25
me three!!!
  • #26
legacypc46 said:
I don't mail invites (way too much of a procrastinator :eek:), but I do my initial host coaching in person 99% of the time. My cancellation rate after that is pretty much zero (except for emergencies). I also deliberately coach for $1000 shows (learned from my director, who is amazing with her hosts). A little over 20% of my cooking show hosts get there.

Not pretending to have any secrets or special touch...but word choice and packaging has made a huge difference for me. If anyone wants, I'd be happy to do a 'mock coaching' on one of our DCS calls or maybe we can have a separate call just on coaching and swap ideas?

Oh please!!! oh please!! Marsha is always telling me she coaches to $1000 and I don't see how that is any different from regular host coaching :eek:. I am anxious to hear it in action.
  • #27
Kate/Morfia - Would this be doable via the set-up we've been using?
  • #28
Not Kate or Morfia here, but I don't see why not. We would have to make sure everyone has a role (be it the host and consultant) and then the rest of us just hush until they are done!
  • #29
chefmeg said:
Not Kate or Morfia here, but I don't see why not. We would have to make sure everyone has a role (be it the host and consultant) and then the rest of us just hush until they are done!

Morning Meg! I was just deferring to them because I don't have a conference call capability and Morfia is way more efficient than I am.

It it's okay with Linda, maybe she could play the role of host and we could do it the evening of September 28th (if she and I haven't drank too much of Ann's wine!).

---just realized we've totally hijacked this thread---sorry!----
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  • #30
That's ok!So...these calls...can anyone join? :)
  • #31
legacypc46 said:
Morning Meg! I was just deferring to them because I don't have a conference call capability and Morfia is way more efficient than I am.

It it's okay with Linda, maybe she could play the role of host and we could do it the evening of September 28th (if she and I haven't drank too much of Ann's wine!).

---just realized we've totally hijacked this thread---sorry!----

That would make it more entertaining than informative - LOL! We'd better set an alarm so we don't forget to call in too.
  • #32
Winnipegk said:
That's ok!

So...these calls...can anyone join? :)

Can you call in if you're in Canada? :confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #33
pamperedlinda said:
Can you call in if you're in Canada? :confused:

I don't know...I'd be willing to try! How does it work? Is it a conference call line that you use a code to log into??
  • #34
pamperedlinda said:
Can you call in if you're in Canada? :confused:

that is a question for Kate! She set the calls up, so she would know....but I think if you can call the States, you shouldn't have a problem getting in on the calls.

Winnipeg! we have been doing Director calls in a conference type format since our NC. They are usually every other week and are really good for holding each other accountable. I hope you can join us!
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  • #35
That would be fantastic if I could join in! I hope it's accessible from Canada! I can call into the conference calls for the TeleClasses that are held in the US, so here's hoping!
  • #36
So, Sept. 28th at 9pm Eastern?
  • Thread starter
  • #37
bethcooks4u said:
So, Sept. 28th at 9pm Eastern?

Awww I have a show that night!! :( Oh well...maybe next time...if I can actually call in!
  • #38
I can't do the 28th... it's my dad's 80th birthday.
  • #39
Maybe Kate could record? The only reason I suggested the 28th is because I may be at Linda's that evening. I head out for Florida the morning of the 27th. She's such a sweetie; she's letting me stay-over that night. (Truth is, I've been wanting to see her kitchen ever since she posted a cake photo on CS last year and her cabinets were in the background...I'm a kitchen junkie!)

Otherwise, it can wait...I just wanted to make the offer. : )
  • #40
legacypc46 said:
Maybe Kate could record? The only reason I suggested the 28th is because I may be at Linda's that evening. I head out for Florida the morning of the 27th. She's such a sweetie; she's letting me stay-over that night. (Truth is, I've been wanting to see her kitchen ever since she posted a cake photo on CS last year and her cabinets were in the background...I'm a kitchen junkie!)

Otherwise, it can wait...I just wanted to make the offer. : )

Hey Kris - just for you! (please pardon the mess)

  • #41
Love it! We looked at the map last night and I plan to come down 81 so as to pass by Atlanta. Should I bring a bottle of New York wine to show our solidarity with Ann? :)
  • #42
legacypc46 said:
Love it! We looked at the map last night and I plan to come down 81 so as to pass by Atlanta. Should I bring a bottle of New York wine to show our solidarity with Ann? :)

81 what?

We can absolutely have solidarity!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
WOW! That kitchen is AMAZING
  • #44
Winnipegk said:
WOW! That kitchen is AMAZING

Thanks! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my kitchen :love0010: it's the reason we built this house.

Here's the view from behind my island. I love my house! One of these days I'll get it finished (I need a tile backsplash, mantle, pictures on my walls, curtains in the breakfast room, dinning room furniture.....the list goes on!)


  • #45
pamperedlinda said:
81 what?

We can absolutely have solidarity!

I'm taking I-81 down thru VA...versus I-95. Will eventually get to I-75. :)

Beautiful home Linda. I know how you feel. I can't wait to finally live in mine! Only about a week longer. Yeah!
  • #46
Aw Leggy, if you were coming I-95, we could do lunch! By taking I-81, you bypass me in Richmond...............how about I have a glass of wine in solidarity with you, Linda and Ann!

Linda, I am seriously drooling over that kitchen and the view! We have talked about remodeling our kitchen but so far, it is only talk!
  • #47
Hey Meg, guess you're just going to have to come visit Orlando. :)
  • #48
depending what the announcement for the trip is on November 3rd, you could have a whole house full of DCS'ers!

Related to Is It Possible to Do PC Full-Time Alongside a Full-Time Job?

1. How can I balance working for Pampered Chef full-time with a full-time job?

It is possible to do Pampered Chef full-time while also working a full-time job, but it requires good time management skills and dedication. It may also be helpful to have a flexible work schedule or to work part-time at your full-time job in order to have more time for Pampered Chef.

2. Has anyone successfully done Pampered Chef alongside a full-time job until they were able to quit their job?

Yes, there are many consultants who have successfully built their Pampered Chef business while also working a full-time job. With hard work and determination, it is possible to reach your income goals and make Pampered Chef your full-time job.

3. How much income do I need to make from Pampered Chef in order to quit my full-time job?

The amount of income needed to quit your full-time job will vary for each individual and their personal financial situation. Some may need to make $4000 per month, while others may need less or more. It is important to set realistic income goals and work towards achieving them.

4. How can I manage a high sales goal and other responsibilities, such as hosting coaching and recruiting?

It can be challenging to balance all of the responsibilities of running a successful Pampered Chef business, but proper time management and organization can help. It may also be helpful to delegate tasks to others, such as having a team member help with hosting coaching or recruiting.

5. Do you have any tips for someone who wants to do Pampered Chef full-time but is struggling to manage their time?

It is important to schedule your time wisely and prioritize tasks. Make a daily or weekly schedule and stick to it. It may also be helpful to set small, achievable goals for each day to help you stay on track. Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks to others if needed.

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