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I Need Help Signing a New Recruit

In summary, Terri's director is out of pocket and can't help her sign a new recruit. Terri has to get her new recruit's agreement in before the Oct. 15 deadline. Terri has no idea how to submut this on line. She can go online and check out the agreement and complete it. Terri's new consultant is using host kit credit which will credit her show. Terri has everything squared away and her new consultant's kit is on the way.
Help me- someone please.
My director is our of pocket due to a death in the family so I can't bother her right know. I just signed my first recruit - YEAH for me. But I need to get her agreement in before the Oct. 15 deadline. I have no idea how to submut this on line. She had a starter show which was 457.00 in sales. She discounted her kit to $50.00. So how is all this done.

Sent you an email. Contact me with any questions!
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Here's my email

[email protected]

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  • #4
DZmom said:
Sent you an email. Contact me with any questions!

How do i check messages on here :rolleyes:
Up in the upper right hand corner under where it says welcome, you can click on Private Messages to check those. Then click on the individual messages to read them. I haven't quite figured out the easiest way to reply directly to someone this way. I've clicked on "quote" after the private message and done that, or I've started a brand new message. HOpe that explains it well enough!

Congrats on signing a new recruit!! Does she have a computer? If so, she can go online and check out the agreement and complete it. All she'll need is your consultant number to get started. Good luck!! Post any other questions if you have them. :)
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  • #6
Thanks Becky,

No she doesn't have a computer at home, yet and is out of town. She has already signed the agreement on paperform and its already for me to submit.

Do i just mail it? How do I credit her show? I need to make sure that it gets in before the Oct. 15 deadline and she needs her kit SOON. :confused:
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  • #7
Sorry another question, since i have all her information, can i go online and fill everythign out and submit it that way?????
So, has her show already been submitted? It takes a couple days for them to process it for the kit credit to be available. ON the paper form, there is an option in the payment information section to list she's using host kit credit and it asks for her show number.

Technically we're not supposed to do online agreements FOR someone else, but I know it's been done. Since they have to check the "I agree" (or whatever) confirmation at the end and it's their name on the agreement that's why they are supposed to do it. I know people have done it though, but I think you have plenty of time to send the agreement in. YOu can send it and request confirmation that it got there if you'd like. Feel free to call HO and see what they say, but I think you have plenty of time. Plus you may want to make sure they've processed her show so the kit credit is ready to use. HOpe that helps!
I did just that the other day. My new consultant wanted her kit ASAP, so I went online and filled out the form and used my credit card (my new consultant didn't have one, she just gave me the cash).I did that on Wed and her kit is on the way to her!
  • #10
Or you could fax it in!
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  • #11
THanks Everyone for all your help - As usual i knew i could count on you. I have everything squared away.

Related to I Need Help Signing a New Recruit

What is the process for signing a new recruit?

The process for signing a new recruit typically involves several steps. First, the recruiter will need to identify potential candidates and reach out to them. Then, the candidate will need to go through an application and interview process. Once they are selected, the recruiter will need to provide them with information and paperwork to complete, such as contracts and forms. Finally, the new recruit will sign the necessary documents and officially become part of the team.

What documents do I need to provide to the new recruit?

The specific documents that need to be provided to the new recruit may vary depending on the company or organization. However, some common documents that may need to be signed include a contract, confidentiality agreements, and any necessary forms for tax or employment purposes. It's important to make sure all necessary documents are provided and clearly explained to the new recruit.

How can I ensure the new recruit understands and agrees to the terms?

To ensure the new recruit understands and agrees to the terms, it's important to clearly communicate the expectations and requirements during the application and interview process. When providing the necessary documents, make sure to thoroughly explain each one and answer any questions the recruit may have. It's also a good idea to have them sign and initial each document to acknowledge their understanding and agreement.

Is there a deadline for signing a new recruit?

There may be a deadline for signing a new recruit, depending on the company or organization's policies. It's important to communicate any deadlines to the new recruit and make sure they have enough time to review and sign all necessary documents. If there is a deadline, it's best to provide the documents and information as soon as possible to avoid any delays in the recruitment process.

What should I do if the new recruit has questions or concerns about the signing process?

If the new recruit has questions or concerns about the signing process, it's important to address them promptly and clearly. Be patient and understanding, and answer any questions they may have. If necessary, you may need to refer them to a supervisor or HR representative for further assistance. It's important to make sure the new recruit feels comfortable and informed throughout the signing process.

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