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How to Restart Pampered Chef Business

In summary, restarting your business can be done by doing a Mystery Host Open House, calling past hosts, and cold calling.
Michelle K
Hi I need to see if anyone has any ideas how to restart your business or maybe just give it a jolt. I have been selling PC since Aug. 2000 I have lost 2 directors in this time and now have a director that lives in California she is really trying to help get me a hospitality director for me I really love going to meetings to get inspiration. My question is how do I restart my business? I have kept a float all this time and have never(so far) gone in active I seem to have really high shows when I get shows but my problem is getting shows and I am like everyone I hate to cold call people. I do have a list of all the people that have done shows in the past for me and have come to my shows but how do I go about calling someone I have not spoken to in say 3-4years? Or should I just start from scratch with new people? Thank you so much for any help you can offer I really need to do 2shows a week for the income and would like to become a director since I do not have one now.

Thanks :eek:
Restarting your businessHi Michelle,

I've been there! I did enough to stay active, but then needed to jump-start my business again. I did a couple of things to get myself going. First, I had a Mystery Host Open House, and in the invitation I stated that I was focusing on restarting my business. I invited everyone - past hosts, past guests, friends, family, neighbors, etc (go back to your list of 100 for ideas). I offered extra incentives for booking (an extra half price item up to a $40 value), for placing $50 orders (free $10 item), for bringing a buying friend (free $10 item), etc. It did cost me a little bit, but it got me back on track. Next, I called hosts I haven't talked to in a few years. A good ice breaker is to ask them about the products they purchased, and then tell them about the new host program. Finally, I did some cold calling as well (I started with customers that previously purchased $50 in product), and I have to admit it certainly is not my strong suit, and there were some rejections, but I also had some that booked and had great shows.

Good luck!
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Thanks for the help. I think I will try to do the Mystery Host party I was thinking maybe at the end of July since I will be out of town next week. I am also going to try to call some of my most recent customers (within the last 4months) and see how they like their PC products. I have to admit my customer service has not been good over the years. It was not something I really thought of to call after they got their orders to call and see how they liked them boy I wish I would have known about customer care 4years ago! Well wish me luck on those cold calls I have to make.
Good luck!It does get easier with time ;)
Hi, Michelle!

If you have the CD "Customer Care: Taking Care of Business" I would suggest listening to it, as it has a lot of great ideas for making those "out of the blue" calls and reconnecting with customers. I've been with PC for 5 years and my business the last two years has been all about getting the bookings, since my family moved to a new area, so I've let other areas of my business slide. Now I'm trying to reconnect with customers in a positive way to get my business back where I want it to be. This CD has lots of great words to use.

Good luck and keep us posted on how you're doing!!
I do have a list of all the people that have done shows in the past for me and have come to my shows but how do I go about calling someone I have not spoken to in say 3-4years? Or should I just start from scratch with new people?

I would call my past hosts first. I'd say something like this:

Hi, this is Michelle with The Pampered Chef. I was calling because it had been a while since your last show. I had so much fun meeting your friends and family and I know you enjoyed getting all the free products.

Did you know that The Pampered Chef has a whole new host program that is even more generous than before! My average host gets about $___ in free products! Plus there are so many NEW PRODUCTS since your last show. I have a few dates open in July. This month I'm making Dazzling Dessets. I'd love to come and teach you and a few friends how to make the ______. Can I tell you about the dates I have open?

GOOD LUCK, but get on that PHONE!! Start with old host and then go back to your list of 100.
You could also send letters to your old hosts and perfered customers, leting them know you had taken a break and are now back. This also gives you and excuse to call and follow up and see if they need anything, ie catalog, show, etc.

Good Luck :)

Related to How to Restart Pampered Chef Business

1. How do I get started with restarting my Pampered Chef business?

To restart your Pampered Chef business, the first step is to reach out to your Pampered Chef consultant or team leader. They can provide you with the most up-to-date information and support to help you get back on track. You can also visit the Pampered Chef website to access training materials and resources.

2. What are some tips for successfully restarting my Pampered Chef business?

Some tips for successfully restarting your Pampered Chef business include setting realistic goals, staying organized, and consistently reaching out to potential customers. It's also important to utilize social media and online platforms to showcase your products and connect with potential customers.

3. How can I reconnect with previous Pampered Chef customers?

If you have a list of previous customers, reach out to them through email or social media to let them know that you are restarting your Pampered Chef business. Offer them a special discount or promotion to entice them to make a purchase. You can also host a "comeback party" to reconnect with multiple customers at once.

4. How can I attract new customers to my Pampered Chef business?

One way to attract new customers to your Pampered Chef business is by hosting online parties or events. This allows you to reach a larger audience and showcase your products in a fun and interactive way. You can also offer incentives for customers who refer their friends or family to your business.

5. Are there any incentives or rewards for restarting my Pampered Chef business?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers various incentives and rewards for consultants who restart their business. This may include free products, discounted business supplies, and special training opportunities. Be sure to check with your consultant or team leader for more information on these rewards.

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