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Humor How Old is This Pizza Crust Mix?

In summary, my mom found an old Pizza Crust Mix box that says "Special Introductory Size!" and has the old "The Pampered Chef Pantry" logo on it. It is mostly brown and from 1997. She is not going to use it, but is always teasing her on how much expired food is in her pantry.
Gold Member
So my mom is cleaning out her pantry today while I'm visiting her and guess what she found? A very old looking box of Pizza Crust Mix. The is mostly brown and has images of trees and what I'm guessing is Doris' house in the background? It says "Special Introductory Size!" and has the old "The Pampered Chef Pantry" logo on it. Any guesses on how old it is? Not that she's going to use it. But we are always teasing my mom on how much old and expired stuff is in her pantry! Such a shame to see so much food go to waste!!
You should take a picture of it....that would be fun to see, it's before my time, I've only been selling for 6 and 1/2 years, but buying for long time but don't remember that package, but then didn't really buy pizza crust mix either before I was consultant, lol.
1997?(and a few more characters so my message won't be too short!)
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I took a picture w/ my mom's iPhone, but can't seem to get it to e-mail to me successfully. I tried twice and it's been longer than 30 min and they still haven't hit my inbox. I can't figure out how to upload it here using her phone. Is there a way?
I saw the title of this thread and thought I'd find a picture of me!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Hmm, maybe I could take a picture w/ my MacBook's camera? Mac people, anyone know how I turn the sucker on to take a picture? I've only used my computer's camera once and it was using FB. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Ah, I found the "Photobooth" app on my MacBook. So here's a funny thing...it takes a mirror image photo. So just use your imagination and flip it over or get a mirror. Ha Ha Ha


  • Photo on 2012-04-12 at 16.24.jpg
    Photo on 2012-04-12 at 16.24.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 575
2000 is when the logo changed. I imagine it's around 98-99 that's when the pantry items came out, but you had to order separately and the host did not get credit.
I thought Executive Cookware grew on the Pantree. Hmmm.
  • #10
I'd keep the box. Who knows it could be worth a lot some day. People pay big bucks for much stranger things.
  • #11
LOLSurely there's an expiration date on there SOMEWHERE???
  • #12
was it really in 2000? My mom has some spices with that logo on it and I know she hasnt been buying that long. I started in 05 and she was buying about 1 yr before that
  • #13
Sheila said:
LOLSurely there's an expiration date on there SOMEWHERE???
I've looked and never found one - unless it's back down there, where I can't see it.And don't call me Shirley.
  • #14
I have an old catalog from '98 and 2003. The pantry product is in both.....so we had it as far back as '98. It was on the back of the FW'98 catalog as "new". It was not IN the catalog as items, it just says to contact your consultant for a taste.
  • #15
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I've looked and never found one - unless it's back down there, where I can't see it.

And don't call me Shirley.

Someone up above knows your expiration date but he's keeping it a secret to keep you on your toes! LOL

And I'll try not to call you Shirley anymore, but I can't make any promises ... LOL
  • #16
Oooh! I was close ... it could be as old as 1999! LOL
  • #17
Sheila said:
Someone up above knows your expiration date but he's keeping it a secret to keep you on your toes! LOL

And I'll try not to call you Shirley anymore, but I can't make any promises ... LOL

I suspect I'm past my due date, but I've had a couple of renewals. Obviously, my work here isn't done yet - I've got lots more people (besides Cheffers) to annoy.
  • #18
Welcome back KG, we've missed your humor.
  • #19
Jennie4PC said:
was it really in 2000? My mom has some spices with that logo on it and I know she hasnt been buying that long. I started in 05 and she was buying about 1 yr before that

Yes that was the big announcement in 2000 at National Conference, we were shocked it had been a chef's hat the hen was sitting on and they just got rid of the hen and kept the hat.
  • #20
If I had worked at HO as a marketing type, I wouldn't have been able to change the logo. I would have been too chicken.

Related to How Old is This Pizza Crust Mix?

1. How do I determine the age of my cookware or kitchen tools?

The best way to determine the age of your Pampered Chef cookware or kitchen tools is by checking the item's product number. This number can usually be found on the bottom or handle of the item and can be searched on our website for the manufacturing date.

2. Does the age of my cookware affect its performance?

No, the age of your cookware does not affect its performance. As long as the cookware is properly cared for and not damaged, it should perform just as well as when it was new.

3. Is there a warranty for older Pampered Chef products?

Yes, all Pampered Chef products come with a lifetime guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship. This guarantee applies to all products, regardless of their age.

4. Can I still purchase replacement parts for older Pampered Chef products?

Yes, we offer replacement parts for most of our products. If you are unable to find the part you need on our website, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

5. How do I properly care for my older Pampered Chef products?

The care instructions for older Pampered Chef products are the same as for our current products. Wash with hot, soapy water and avoid using abrasive cleaners or utensils. Always follow the specific care instructions for your product to ensure its longevity.

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