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How can I grow my Pampered Chef business in a new area with no clients?

In summary, Heather has just moved to a new area and is looking for ways to make money. She has had to start her business over twice in the past year due to moving. She has found success by posting flyers, contacting local businesses, and doing open houses.
Hello all-I'm new to the forum and thought I'd get some advice!Hello all-

I'm new to the forum and thought I'd get some advice!

I've just moved to a new area, and I'm trying to boost my business! I'm in the process of job hunting and at the same time hoping that Pampered Chef might be able to supplement our income! The problem is, that I really don't know a lot of people! In fact, I really only have 1 friend and she doesn't like Pampered Chef!

I'm just wondering if any of you have had similiar situations. Have you moved your business and then wondered how you were ever going to get it going in a place that you know no one!? My PC business was never stellar and actually I really was only a part time consultant. Now I want to make a 'career' out of it, but my resources are limited! I need PEOPLE!

How do you get your business off the ground in a place full of strangers!? Any suggestions or recommendations are welcome! Feel free to email me at [email protected] too!

I don't want to give up on PC, and really would love to be able to do this FULL time and make this my career! I love PC and I don't want to give it up!

Thanks! :)

Heather I can totally relate to what you are going through i moved 3 hrs away and knew absolutly no one i admit I have stuggled but what i did to get my self going was I was going to do an open house but a girl from my church mentioned that she loved PC so she did a show instead of me doing a mystery show then i got a booking off of that, it seemed like at everyshow i only got 1 booking and sometimes i got 0 so i had no shows in July and Aug 1 did 1 and then in sept i did the taste if home cookining school and got so many leads i did awsome in Oct and still have people who want shows at the beginning of the year. So what i would suggest doing is find a booth and see if you can get in and then call everyone who says yes After i moved here i told myself that i would give it 6 months and now i am finally doing good. Other people have suggested to wear PC clothing when you go out to the store and to talk to everyone in line I havent done that yet but i wish you good luck in gettin your PC off the ground. If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]
Join your Local Chamber of CommerceHeather,

Try checking out the price to join your local chamber of commerce. I am a member in my town and it is a great resource for all kinds of things. Also, I have read posts on this site about contacting local real estate companies. First solicit the employees as customers/hosts, then ask for referrals from them of new homeowners.

Try placing an ad in your church bulletin and posting flyers on community bulletin boards. You can also leave catalogs in local businesses, laundermats, doctor's offices, hair and nail salons, etc.

Hope this is helpful and good luck!
Moved twice in three months!Heather,
I moved from California to Florida in May and after being there six weeks, we found out we would be moving again within the month (my husband is in the Navy). So we moved to Mississippi two weeks before Hurricane Katrina!!!! I had to start my business over two times in one year PLUS in an area where there was major destruction. I would be happy to talk with you about what I have done to get things going again. I had 5 shows in November and have 10 scheduled for January. Feel free to email me.

Katie Roberts
Independent Sales Director
for The Pampered Chef
[email protected]
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  • #5
Thanks!Thank you everyone for your input! I never thought about leaving catalogs in those places Sk8tmom209! Thanks for the great idea! I am trying to post signs on bulletin boards, I just hope people read those! lol

If anyone has anymore ideas, I'd definitely appreciate them!

Thanks again so much!

You are welcome. Good luck.

Related to How can I grow my Pampered Chef business in a new area with no clients?

1. How can I find new clients after moving to a new area?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, there are several ways to find new clients after moving to a new area. You can start by hosting a launch party to introduce yourself and your business to your new community. You can also reach out to local community groups and organizations to offer cooking demonstrations and classes. Additionally, social media and online networking can be great tools for connecting with potential clients in your new area.

2. How can I market myself as a Pampered Chef consultant in a new location?

To market yourself as a Pampered Chef consultant in a new location, you can utilize social media, create flyers or business cards, and join local networking groups. You can also reach out to local businesses and offer to cater their events or provide cooking demonstrations. Word of mouth can also be a powerful tool, so be sure to let your friends and family know about your business and ask for their help in spreading the word.

3. How can I build my customer base in a new area?

Building your customer base in a new area takes time and effort, but there are several strategies you can use. Consider offering special promotions or discounts for new customers, reaching out to your existing customer base for referrals, and hosting open houses or events to showcase your products. It's also important to provide excellent customer service and follow up with your clients to keep them coming back.

4. What resources are available to help me find new clients in a new area?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you have access to a variety of resources to help you find new clients in a new area. The company provides training and support materials, as well as a consultant website and social media tools to help you promote your business. There are also regional and national conferences and events that you can attend to network with other consultants and learn new strategies for finding clients.

5. How can I differentiate myself from other Pampered Chef consultants in my new area?

To differentiate yourself from other Pampered Chef consultants in your new area, focus on your unique strengths and talents. Consider offering specialized classes or services, such as healthy cooking or meal planning, to set yourself apart. You can also build relationships with local businesses and organizations to offer exclusive deals or partnerships. Most importantly, be authentic and passionate about your business, and your clients will notice and appreciate your individuality.

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