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How Can Asking Everyone Lead to More Bookings?

In summary, Becky is a successful businesswoman who does not rely on awards or door prizes to determine if someone is interested in a show. She asks everyone who checks out her show if they would like to book and follows up with those who say no. She also has a sign next to her checkout area that says "If I fail to ask you to book a party, you get free shipping". This reminder is important to her because she wants to be able to serve everyone.
Gold Member
I know for some this is like breathing, but for many of those who are new, and are struggling with getting bookings -

ASK EVERYONE! Never assume someone will not be interested in a show, and never never never go by what your door prize drawing slips say! I don't even look at mine until after I'm done taking orders!

My show on Monday - One lady, who had said no to a show, booked for February. She said no initially, because she thought it had to be an evening show, and she has 2 special needs children who need a lot of care and structure in the evening. When I told her we could do a Saturday brunch show, she booked immediately! If I hadn't asked, and followed up, she would have left without booking!

My show last night - I got 2 Feb bookings, and 1 March booking. 2 of those bookings had also said no to booking, but when asked - booked! One didn't realize she could book for March, and one was worried because her kitchen is being remodeled. Took care of that by saying I could do the show in her dining room or living room. She booked! Oh, and actually, the 3rd booking was an older lady who sat near the back of the room and didn't make eye contact or anything during the show. I could have just written her off as not a good candidate - but because it is my practice to ask everyone when they check out - I asked her....and she booked!

I have just been struck again how the basics of this business are the things that will bring us the most success. I don't offer extra incentives (and who needs to with Feb's host bonus?:thumbup: ):thumbup:

I have been most successful just by being consistent with 3-2-1, and asking everyone at shows to host! Give it a try!
So true, Becky! Stick to the basics and success will follow!
This is a great rule! I need to break out of my shell and make sure to do this at every show!
Helpful Hint: I always let guests know that the booking benefit for their host is up to six months. So if now is not the time, how about a summer show with our new recipes?
redsoxgirl said:
This is a great rule! I need to break out of my shell and make sure to do this at every show!

You know how to break out of your shell? Put a sign next to your checkout area that says "If I fail to ask you to book a party, you get free shipping". Bet you would start asking everybody then!
Thank you for the reminder, Becky!
thanks for pointing out that there is no "secret".
I know Im on the late freight replying to your post, but just wanted to say that I will be very consious of asking everyone from now on about booking a show. Thank you for the tip
wadesgirl said:
You know how to break out of your shell? Put a sign next to your checkout area that says "If I fail to ask you to book a party, you get free shipping". Bet you would start asking everybody then!
What a great idea!!! I'm really bad about asking everyone at my shows. I'm generally pretty comfortable with doing the show, but am AWFUL at asking for bookings, host coaching and customer care stuff. I sorta just wait for the bookings to fall in my lap so this would be something that would really force me to do that.

Thanks for the great idea! :D
  • #10
You are so correct. Asking everyone is so important for bookings and offering the opportunity.

I make a point of not looking at the drawing slips before everyone checks out. That way I do not prejudge anyone. I met the newest Consultant on my team at a show on January 20. I asked her if she would like to take home some information about the opportunity and she said yes. Had I not asked her, she would have not joined this month, because she marked no on her slip.

  • #11
Lovi it!!
wadesgirl said:
You know how to break out of your shell? Put a sign next to your checkout area that says "If I fail to ask you to book a party, you get free shipping". Bet you would start asking everybody then!

I love this idea!!! Thanks, I'm making my sign right now!!

Debbie :D
  • #12
ChefBeckyD said:

Yes!!!! My motto is persistence pays off and so I literally ask everyone. My wife thinks I'm crazy but I dont' assume people will like or dislike our products. I've always believed that the worst thing they can say is "NO". And I always look at a "NO" as "Not Now" until they tell me to quite bothering them (which I've yet to have happen--yet). :D
  • #13
Thanks for the reminder Becky......
  • #14
vtodd71 said:
Yes!!!! My motto is persistence pays off and so I literally ask everyone. My wife thinks I'm crazy but I dont' assume people will like or dislike our products. I've always believed that the worst thing they can say is "NO". And I always look at a "NO" as "Not Now" until they tell me to quite bothering them (which I've yet to have happen--yet). :D

So true Todd!! You get what you ask for!

Do you guys know the #1 reason why people book a show?

I bet your thinking:

Free products
help friend
etc etc....

NOPE it's because you asked! So ask everyone!!!!!!!:)
  • #15
I needed this tip too. I always forget if people say they are remodeling their kitchen that it can be a no demo show. People talk about those shows and they are very successful. I need to make a point to ask everyone if they want to host. I too tend to ask if they show interest or ask me. Very bad, I will get better.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
I was just congratulating ChefShawna on her booking success - due in part to her commitment to asking everyone.

That started me thinking about another story I have about asking everyone.

June, I had a great, loyal host who had a show. ($971 in sales)
Her 89 yr old Grandma attended the show. Because it is my policy to ask everyone, I asked her if she wanted to book a show. To my complete and utter amazement, she did!

In July, Grandma had her show.($850 in sales) Her daughter, upon seeing how easy it was for her 89 yr old mother to host, decided to book.

In October, she hosted her own show. ($401 in sales) Her co-worker booked.

In November, the co-worker hosted her party ($725 in sales). A young girl with a new (5 week old) baby booked a show for December.

In December, she hosted her show ($540 in sales) and on December 31st, she signed her agreement and became a member of my team!:D

All of this started because I didn't assume or prejudge, and asked Grandma Esther if she wanted to have her own show!
  • #17
Becky, I thought of you the other day at my show because I had a customer that was elderly (not sure of the age) and she ordered over $100 of product. I thought of you because at first I wasn't going to ask if she wanted to host, but then I thought, Becky would! So I did. She didn't want to, but at least I asked!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #18
sfdavis918 said:
Becky, I thought of you the other day at my show because I had a customer that was elderly (not sure of the age) and she ordered over $100 of product. I thought of you because at first I wasn't going to ask if she wanted to host, but then I thought, Becky would! So I did. She didn't want to, but at least I asked!:D


that's so funny! But good for you! The more you practice asking everyone, the easier it will get - and you will see results!
  • #19
I do have to say it's amazing how many people don't ask. It's really easy to do it. I don't even look at the door prize slips, I just ask. Then when I get home, I look at the slips. If anyone checked anything else, it gives me a reason to check back with them.
  • #19
I LOVE the sign idea of free shipping, I just sent my director the booking idea. LOL
  • #20
great tips. thank you
  • #21
I'm fairly good at asking everyone, but not so good a following up when they say "No."

So... what is the wording you use when you ask them to book a show? Then what do you say if they say no? How do you ask why without sounding pushy or rude.
  • #22
sfdavis918 said:
..... but then I thought, Becky would! So I did. .....
LOL! I guess we need some bumper stickers with WWBD? on them now! Too funny (and I will absolutely be thinking of you two at my shows this weekend when I ask everyone!) Thanks.
  • #23
katie0128 said:
I'm fairly good at asking everyone, but not so good a following up when they say "No."

So... what is the wording you use when you ask them to book a show? Then what do you say if they say no? How do you ask why without sounding pushy or rude.

If someone says "No" when I've asked if they want to book a show, I ask them do they mean "No" as in "Never" or "No" as in "Not right now." It may seem blunt but 9 out of 10 times they will say "Not right now." I kept following up with this one lady for almost 4 months before she finally booked. She was just a very busy person and wanted to wait until things calm down.

If they say "No" as in "Never" I ask them if I can follow up with them in the future in case they change their mind. I've only had one refuse me to follow up with them. I've never asked anyone "Why" they don't want to book a show. I guess I felt THEN I would feel like I'm being pushy. I hope this helps!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
katie0128 said:
I'm fairly good at asking everyone, but not so good a following up when they say "No."So... what is the wording you use when you ask them to book a show? Then what do you say if they say no? How do you ask why without sounding pushy or rude.
I use the "3-Pile" method. I ask them if they had a good time, did they get to taste the food, etc....then, I ask them if they were interested in taking home some info about doing what I do (first pile), then I ask them if they are interested in having their own cooking or catalog show? (host packets are 2nd pile) Then I ask them if they would like to take a recipe card home. I have found, that when I ask them if they would like to host - if they say no, they will give me a reason why, or they will say "no, not now". If they give me a reason why - then I can talk to them about that. If it's "No, I can't until after little league is over", or "No, I work to late at night to have a show on a weeknight," No, I have too small of a house", etc.....then I can try to overcome those objections by giving them options. If they say "No, not now", then I do ask if I can check with them in the future. They will most likely either say yes, or they will say something to the tune of "I have your info if I want to..." I respect that, and I won't ask again. (I will still do CCC though).If their answer is no, than I thank them for coming, and let them know that if they ever change their mind, or know of someone who would like to host a show - I'd be glad to help them out.(Actually had a lady call me one time a couple weeks after a show to tell me that her DIL wanted to have a show because of this.)
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  • #25
wadesgirl said:
I do have to say it's amazing how many people don't ask. It's really easy to do it. I don't even look at the door prize slips, I just ask. Then when I get home, I look at the slips. If anyone checked anything else, it gives me a reason to check back with them.

I thought about this just yesterday. I need to re-do my DPDS for that very reason. Because to be honest, most of my actual bookings have marked "no" on their slips. I think it is just programmed to put "no" on the paper, even if they really want too. made me really start looking at how many possible team members have slipped thru my fingers at the beginning of my biz, because I thought they would mark yes if they were interested. JUST ASK!!
  • #26
amy07 said:
I thought about this just yesterday. I need to re-do my DPDS for that very reason. Because to be honest, most of my actual bookings have marked "no" on their slips. I think it is just programmed to put "no" on the paper, even if they really want too. made me really start looking at how many possible team members have slipped thru my fingers at the beginning of my biz, because I thought they would mark yes if they were interested. JUST ASK!!

I'm not good with names so I just don't even look because I can never figure out who is who anyway! It just makes me ask that way instead of automatically taking No as No.

Related to How Can Asking Everyone Lead to More Bookings?

1. What is the "Very Best Booking Tip" for Pampered Chef parties?

The very best booking tip for Pampered Chef parties is to always host your own party and invite your friends and family. This not only allows you to experience the products and benefits of hosting a party, but also gives you the opportunity to earn free products and discounts.

2. Can I host a Pampered Chef party even if I am not familiar with the products?

Yes, absolutely! Our consultants are trained to help you and your guests learn about the products and how to use them. Hosting a party is a great way to discover new and useful kitchen tools.

3. How many people do I need to invite to my Pampered Chef party?

We recommend inviting 10-12 guests to your party. This ensures a fun and lively atmosphere, and gives you and your guests a chance to try out different products and recipes.

4. Can I earn rewards for hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Yes, as a host, you can earn free products and discounts based on the sales from your party. The more guests who attend and place orders, the more rewards you can earn.

5. What types of parties does Pampered Chef offer?

Pampered Chef offers both in-person and virtual parties. In-person parties allow you to gather with your friends and family in person, while virtual parties can be hosted online, making it easier for guests to attend from the comfort of their own home. Both types of parties offer the same benefits and rewards.

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