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Hosting an Online Bridal Shower: Gift Registry Tips & Ideas

You can find the instructions on our website, PamperedChef.com. Usually, the bride creates the password and gives it to the consultant.
I am doing my first Bridal Shower and she wants to do it online. Does she do her gift registry as her wish list? Any ideas on how to make this a go?
I currently have a bride doing this. In order for her to complete a gift registry, it has to be posted on the main Pampered Chef website under "Gift Center." This is where guests can go to view her registry. They can also purchase the gift there. BUT....if you also want to make it a Pampered Bride show (all online) where she gets the host benefits as well, she will need to instruct guests to contact YOU directly (either via phone, email or your own personal website) to place an order. If they do it through the main Pampered Chef website, it can't get added to a show. I guess the disadvantage to compiling orders as a show is that she won't get any of the gifts until after the show closes.

The bride I have who's doing this doesn't mind because she'd rather get the free products and other host benefits. Does that make sense? So what I did is I had business cards printed for free through vistaprint.com and modified the text to say something like "The Pampered Chef Gift Registry" and instructions on how to look online to VIEW the bride's registry, but how to contact ME to place an order.

I hope this answers your question. THis is how I'm having the bride do a Pampered Bride show online. I did encourage her to do a real Pampered Bride show because they're so fun, but she had several showers already planned.
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  • #3
Pampered Bride OnlineThank you for the answer. It does help. So, if she makes out a wish list, others that go online would not be able to see it, correct? So the only way for them to view her gift registry is through the main pc webpage?...If that's true that's too bad for us as consultants, as some people probably would just order from there!

Thanks again!!
If she does make her wish list/registry on the PC website, others CAN see it. That's how they log on to see what she wants. They wouldn't be able to see a wish list through YOUR website. Even if her guests purchase items from her registry off pamperedchef.com, YOU as the consultant do get the commission for it. So, either way, we would get commission. The main difference is that if guests purchase off the main website, the orders can't be compiled and counted as a whole show so the bride gets host benefits.
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  • #5
Again, your answer helped..Now, for probably the obvious...she just goes to the main pc website and enters all info in under gift registry..correct?...The other I understand...and think she will probably not care if she has a show or not, but I will explain again the benefits...Thank you so much for helping.
I just entered the items from the bride's wish list myself. I'm not sure if there is a way for her to go do it. From what I can tell, the consultant has to initially set it up. WHen I set it up, I created a password for her and gave it to her. So, now she can go in and edit it herself. Good luck!
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Thank you...I am all set, but I asked her to come up with password...and now have to wait to hear from her!! Should have done what you did and make it up myself!!! :)
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  • #8
Bridal Show InstructionsI have tried to download the instructions to give to brides re: registry. Does anyone do that or do they do their own and if you do what do you do???
Thank you for your help.

Related to Hosting an Online Bridal Shower: Gift Registry Tips & Ideas

1. What is a "Bridal Shower Online"?

A "Bridal Shower Online" is a virtual event where friends and family come together to celebrate the upcoming wedding of the bride-to-be. It is typically organized and hosted online through a video conferencing platform or social media platform.

2. How do I plan a successful "Bridal Shower Online"?

To plan a successful "Bridal Shower Online", you should first decide on a date and time that works for the bride and all the guests. Then, choose a video conferencing platform or social media platform to host the event. Next, create a guest list and send out invitations with a link to join the virtual event. You can also plan fun activities and games to keep the guests engaged and make the event memorable.

3. Can I still have a gift registry for a "Bridal Shower Online"?

Yes, you can still have a gift registry for a "Bridal Shower Online". Many online retailers offer the option to create a registry and share it with your guests. You can also include the registry link in the virtual event invitation.

4. What are some ideas for virtual activities at a "Bridal Shower Online"?

Some ideas for virtual activities at a "Bridal Shower Online" include virtual games such as bridal bingo or trivia, a virtual cooking or baking class, a virtual gift opening session, or a virtual wine or cocktail tasting. You can also have the guests share their favorite memories or well wishes for the bride-to-be.

5. Can I still have a theme for a "Bridal Shower Online"?

Yes, you can still have a theme for a "Bridal Shower Online". You can choose a theme based on the bride's interests or the wedding theme. You can also have the guests dress up according to the theme and decorate their virtual backgrounds to add to the festive atmosphere.

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