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Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game - Boost Your Business Today!

In summary, Jeaneen Rosales, a phone trainer, taught how she uses this method to increase her business. She cuts out pictures of products between $20 and $30 value and puts them each in a little box from the dollar store with some tissue paper. After she talks about host benefits and does her recruiting commercial, but before doing the door prize, she tells the guests that there's just one more thing she'd like to go over. She then puts a sticker or something on the back of one of the catalogs, which she reveals to the guests after the 3 box thing is done. If someone else volunteers, then she lets them off the hook so that people don't feel too much stress or pressure.
Gold Member
Have any of you heard of this idea? I just listened to a 20 min. phone training call where Jeaneen Rosales taught how she's using this method and having tremendous success.

Anyone ever try it?

Here's the basic idea:
She cuts out pictures of products between $20 and $30 value and puts them each in a little box from the dollar store with some tissue paper. After she talks about host benefits and does her recruiting commercial, but before doing the door prize, she tells the guests:

"There's just one more thing I'd like to go over. Did everyone have a good time tonight? Great. I have one more gift for the host as a Thank You for opening up her home and inviting me and you here. I have 3 boxes here. (put on the table near them) I'll be honest. This is a game that actually helps my business. It's definitely something that you can help her win this extra gift. In each of these boxes, there's a product that about $20-$30. (then jokingly say how they aren't really the products, just a little picture of them. :) )

I'm going to let Suzie Host pick one of the boxes. Now, if anyone of you already knows that you'd like to host a party, raise your hand. (usually there's someone who will raise their hand). Great! Suzie, you can open it....(then stop her) if one more person would book a show." (If there's no one volunteering, then you let them off the hook a little bit and mention that it includes catalog shows, too.)

If you get the 2nd volunteer, then you let the host open it. She'll be so excited about it. Then you say, "Suzie, I'll give you that gift at the close of the 3rd show." Then you see if someone else volunteers. If no one does, you mention that it can be within 6 months.

She usually gets all 3 bookings that way. If not, then she lets them off the hook so that people don't feel too much stress or pressure. She'll say, "Well, let's go ahead and see what you picked. I'll work with you about getting those 3 bookings. There's people that couldn't make the show, so we'll see what we can do."

She tells them that at check out, she'll be asking if anyone was interested in booking. She said the funny thing is, that if no one originally volunteers, at check out people do. People sometimes are shy at volunteering in front of people. But in check out they'll say that they want to help the host get that free product. The time that everyone thought no one was going to book, she ended up getting 4 bookings during check out.

She also will put a sticker or something on the back of one of the catalogs, which she reveals to the guests after the 3 box thing is done, means that that person just won a "free cooking show". She explains what that means. Then usually that person is excited about it and will agree to it, too.

Anyway, the call gave a few more details. And she had people ask her questions about different scenarios and what she does. It was a really neat idea.

So....has anyone else heard of this or tried it? I think she originally said someone else gave the idea at a Conference and at first she was skeptical. But then she tried it and was amazed at her results.
No but it sounds fantastic!!!!
I have heard of taking small, bright (glittery bags with paper in them) really dress them up! Can be up to 5. Set them around the room where the show is held and inside you put small thank you gifts inside. Anyone that wants to book a show may choose a bag and so when they book it, written down etc. they may open their gift.
I read this idea online somewhere but I never tried it. I have a big Help Whip Cancer fundraiser next week at work, so I may try this to get some bookings for June and July. I will let you know if it works for me.
On the other side of this....

Just reading the description of this made me feel tense inside. I've been to parties where this was done. (Discovery Toys, and a Jewelry Party) and felt so manipulated. I HATE that kind of unfair pressure, and it makes me more determined not to book. However, I'm probably in the minority, since I hate home parties anyway. :D (I know, I know...what am I doing in this biz, right?)
I'm with you, too, Becky. Guests already know they're helping the host get free product. Do they really need to feel the pressure to help her get more? On the other hand, the past host can play a roll in getting those bookings to stick so if this is another carrot to help her encourage the current host, maybe it's a good thing.

Maybe it's b/c I'm tired, but the whole description was a little confusing to me.

Looking forward to hearing the results of people who try it.
Maybe it would make a difference in how it is presented. I don't know for sure but I have also been to numerous home parties where the pressure was awful-having been through that I try to make certain that doesn't happen at my shows. I want a Host to truly be excited and want to have a show period-not to feel pressured.
Yeah, I'd feel pressured and probably wouldn't purchase as much because I'd feel that the consultant was trying to manipulate me.
I agree with Becky and Dave. Just reading the post I was feeling pressured inside, but I'm not saying it's a bad post Amanda nor is it a bad idea. I guess it just depends on the kind of person you are as a consultant. Some people would know how to word it and get a few laughs out of people so they won't feel pressured (Like my Director ;) she's awesome!), but me...I am TERRIBLE with words most of the time! I think for ME to do something like that, it would only hurt my business and possibly...my Host. :(
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Listening to the way she did it and the tone she used, it really did sound much better than the way I wrote it up. I wish you all could hear it so you could get a better feel for the way it goes. But I too worry about making people feel uncomfortable. She says that so many people have success with it and she's grown her team so much (by people getting 4 bookings at a show, she uses that opportunity to recruit the host and give her those shows.) So it makes me curious to see if it really would work. I really do think that it depends on your personality. I could easily see how this could go badly.I went to a Tupperware party where the consultant played the game where she gave out prizes that had slips of papers in them. Some said, "You win this!", "Win this and a Show", and some said "You win this and can pick again!". The rule was that to play, you had to be willing to do what it said. Well, with her and her personality, it came off fun and exciting and almost everyone played. Then I went to another Tupperware party w/ a different consultant. She tried to do it, but NO ONE decided to participate. It completely backfired and I felt so bad for the consultant. But, it was her personality. She came off completely bad and it seemed like "now I want you to book a show....PLEASE?!!!" Whereas the first girl sounded like, "Wow, this is so much fun! Look at all these cute little gifts and all the fun things you can do with them. Now we're going to play a really fun game. You never know how many of these you can end up with tonight!" bubbly, bubbly, fun, fun, that's how she came across.But anyway....all that to say, I agree w/ everyone's concerns. That's why I was curious to see if anyone has done it and what their results were.
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
On the other side of this....

Just reading the description of this made me feel tense inside. I've been to parties where this was done. (Discovery Toys, and a Jewelry Party) and felt so manipulated. I HATE that kind of unfair pressure, and it makes me more determined not to book. However, I'm probably in the minority, since I hate home parties anyway. :D (I know, I know...what am I doing in this biz, right?)

I agree. Before one candle party I attended the consultant asked the host who she thought would be most likely to book and she said me. I was quite taken aback and I did not book. I don't believe in placing pressure on the host and guests like that.

I do however remind the host that the booking benefit is amazing and I ask her if she will ask those who can't attend if they want to have a party and earn products for free but I don't press her on it. I want it to be fun and no pressure for her. Happy hosts make for great referrals and future business.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
:D You know...this thread is the perfect example. I listened to her do it and I thought, "Wow! That sounds really great! That could work, I think. I could see how that could work. Maybe I should try it." Then I explain it and everyone hates the idea. Just goes to show that it's all in the way it's presented, and the presenter. :blushing: :D
  • #12
BethCooks4U said:
I agree. Before one candle party I attended the consultant asked the host who she thought would be most likely to book and she said me. I was quite taken aback and I did not book. I don't believe in placing pressure on the host and guests like that.

I do however remind the host that the booking benefit is amazing and I ask her if she will ask those who can't attend if they want to have a party and earn products for free but I don't press her on it. I want it to be fun and no pressure for her. Happy hosts make for great referrals and future business.

At a workshop at conference last year, the presenter talked about how she host coaches to get her hosts to line up a couple of bookings before the show. That is one aspect I have feebly only tried with a couple of hosts. Beth, it sounds like you put it nicely. I do let them know about upcoming host specials and that they get to take advantage of it at shows booked from theirs, but many times I feel like they've forgotten about it when I tell them the concrete bookings from their show.
  • #13
babywings76 said:
I went to a Tupperware party where the consultant played the game where she gave out prizes that had slips of papers in them. Some said, "You win this!", "Win this and a Show", and some said "You win this and can pick again!". The rule was that to play, you had to be willing to do what it said. Well, with her and her personality, it came off fun and exciting and almost everyone played. Then I went to another Tupperware party w/ a different consultant. She tried to do it, but NO ONE decided to participate. It completely backfired and I felt so bad for the consultant. But, it was her personality. She came off completely bad and it seemed like "now I want you to book a show....PLEASE?!!!" Whereas the first girl sounded like, "Wow, this is so much fun! Look at all these cute little gifts and all the fun things you can do with them. Now we're going to play a really fun game. You never know how many of these you can end up with tonight!" bubbly, bubbly, fun, fun, that's how she came across.

EXACTLY what I was trying to say earlier! :thumbup: That would be ME!
I'm not being mean to myself by saying that it's just...my personality is not bubbly and fun in front of an audience. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am a happy person and it shows at my shows, but...I dunno. Maybe the more I do the business the more comfortable I will get in front of people and maybe I'll be able to do something like this. Thanks for sharing Amanda. :)
  • #14
babywings76 said:
:D You know...this thread is the perfect example. I listened to her do it and I thought, "Wow! That sounds really great! That could work, I think. I could see how that could work. Maybe I should try it." Then I explain it and everyone hates the idea. Just goes to show that it's all in the way it's presented, and the presenter. :blushing: :D

Aww, I don't hate the idea. I think it really does WORK for a lot of people who are in this business!! Obviously! ;) I think with how long you have been a part of this business Amanda and how your personality is (from what I have seen so far ;)) you could REALLY pull it off!!
Heck, I'm even considering giving it a try when I have a little more experience under my wing. :chef:
  • #15
I think as a guest, I wouldn't be too excited about it. However, at my last party when I was talking about hostess rewards, etc, several of the guests kept saying, "So, if I book, what does Liz (the current hostess) get?" So, I think that may have been a good incentive.
  • #16
ChefBeckyD said:
On the other side of this....

Just reading the description of this made me feel tense inside. I've been to parties where this was done. (Discovery Toys, and a Jewelry Party) and felt so manipulated. I HATE that kind of unfair pressure, and it makes me more determined not to book. However, I'm probably in the minority, since I hate home parties anyway. :D (I know, I know...what am I doing in this biz, right?)

I agree completely.
  • #17
I went to a Lia Sophia party where the lady did this. Except you got to pick jewelry out her her "retired items" box
  • #18
Good morning everyone! We do this at our shows - some are successful and some are not - just depends on the mood of the guests. We wrap one gift - usually a quick stir pitcher or tool turnabout - wrapped very pretty, with a large bow and gift tag. We explain the gift at the beginning of the show and place it in a spot where everyone can see it throughout the show (yes, tempting!). We go over the hostess (and guests) specials and how Susie Hostess can earn the wrapped gift. With the first show booking, Susie can remove the bow. Second show booking she can remove the gift tag that entitles her to 30% off one item (priced $30 or below) redeemable at her 3rd show booking. Third show booking she can open the gift! Susie Hostess is very excited to receive the gift and you've got 3 bookings! :D
  • #19
I've also been to shows where this was done and felt a little put-off. This is what I tried and it worked well for me. Since EVERYONE knows the host is getting free and discounted products for having her show anyway, I would wrap 4 or 5 products (valued at $5-$15) in pretty paper or bags and carry them in a basket to my shows. Sit the basket in the middle of the table or somewhere prominent. When I talked about the host specials for the upcoming months, I explained that not only could they get all the great host perks when they held their show, but they could choose one of the gifts in my basket for booking a show in the following month. This helps to keep my bookings in close. The rule is that they must set their date & hold the show on the original date. I will bring the gift they have chosen and they will get to open it at their show. This gives the guests something fun, free, and exciting for them, but helps the host, too. You protect yourself by taking the gift to their show, so if they would happen to cancel or change their date, they don't get the gift.

I would take cute stickers and write the future host's name on it and have them place it on the gift they want. Of course, you will need to replenish your gift basket for each show because the bookings will increase!
  • #20
rmbash - I like your idea and think it would be more effective than a gift just for the host. Here is another twist on the original idea:

Why not have two gifts cards in each bag, one that says Current Host and one that says Future Host. They could both be smaller gifts, around $5-$15. And don't tell the guests about the Future card. When they see that the 1st person to schedule got a gift as well, I would think that they might all want to book. Definitely give the future host their gift at their party, which could play into repeating the process for more future bookings.

I agree that it would depend on how it's presented, but I think I might try it with the two gifts and see what happens.


9 miles north of Podunk, OK
  • #21
babywings76 said:
She also will put a sticker or something on the back of one of the catalogs, which she reveals to the guests after the 3 box thing is done, means that that person just won a "free cooking show". She explains what that means. Then usually that person is excited about it and will agree to it, too.

What exactly is the free cooking show? I'm still very new to PC:confused:
Can someone explain what that means?
  • #22
A "FREE" cooking show is one where you, the consultant, buys the ingredients for the dish you will be making. This gives the host a break in the cost of the party! And hopefully more money to spend with you!
  • #23
Sometimes too it means you mail out the invites for the hosts and provide their plates, napkins and cups...it just depends on how you decide to define it.

Related to Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game - Boost Your Business Today!

What is the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer?

The "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer is a special promotion from Pampered Chef that helps consultants boost their business by hosting a fun and engaging game party. Consultants can earn rewards and incentives by booking three parties through this offer.

How does the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer work?

To participate in the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer, consultants must first sign up for the program through their back office. They will then receive access to a game party script and training materials to help them successfully host their game party. Once they have three bookings from the game party, they are eligible for rewards and incentives.

What are the rewards and incentives for participating in the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer?

The specific rewards and incentives vary depending on the current promotion, but examples may include free products, discounts, or bonuses. Consultants can check their back office for the current offer details.

Is the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer available to all Pampered Chef consultants?

Yes, the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer is available to all Pampered Chef consultants in good standing. However, the offer may not be available in all countries or regions. Consultants can check their back office for availability in their area.

Can I still earn rewards if I have more than three bookings from the "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer?

Yes, if a consultant has more than three bookings from the game party, they can still earn rewards and incentives. The "Get 3 Bookings with a Simple Game" offer is a minimum requirement, and consultants are encouraged to book as many parties as they can through the game party promotion.

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