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Geico: Cavemen vs Gecko - Which Do You Prefer?

In summary, the conversation was about the Geico commercials and which characters people preferred - the cavemen or the gecko. Some people found the cavemen hilarious while others preferred the cute gecko. There was also a mention of the Allstate squirrels and a funny story about a squirrel attack at Bok Tower. It was also mentioned that there are plans to turn the cavemen into a television show.
Silver Member
So, for those of us who watch tv, do you like the Geico Cavemen, or the Gecko better?
I love the cavemen...they are hysterical. The gecko has an annoying voice, though he is cute. My DH hates commercials, but I watch the Geico ones when they come on.
Sorry - it's late and I'm kinda silly...hence, this post!
You could make this a poll. I vote for the Cavemen!
I've never seen the cavemen...maybe they don't have those commercials up here.

Man, stop posting such fun threads! I'm supposed to be doing our income taxes :cool:
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Yeah, and I'm supposed to be in bed!!!!! Good luck doing your taxes!! I have to stop creating these so late at night!
I love the cavemen. I really liked the old gecko, but this new pompous a$$ one I can't stand.
I think the cavemen are hilarious! I also love seeing the gecko though!
The Caveman- And did you notice they started the campaign by running those out of order -the one where it is so easy a caveman can do it. Man I almost died with the airport one. Just his body expressions and his face. It was hilarious.
Niether. My fave is the squirrels. Just like real life lol.
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  • #9
I had forgotten about the squirrels....they were cool, too! BUt the cavemen just make me laugh! I kep watching to see if they're going to make new commercials with the cavemen.
  • #10
OMG! The squirrels were AWESOME! But if I had to choose a "Serial" Geico Commercial, I definetly vote for the Caveman. :p I love the ones where he's in the Therapist office. LOL
  • #11
I love the Caveman.......

I thought the Squirrels were an Allstate Commercial...."Life Comes At You Fast"...but maybe I'm thinking of a different one?
  • #12
I'm going against the grain here, but I like the gecko! He is just too cute! The cavemen are alright, but I like the gecko better!
  • #13
I don't know what kind of commercial it is (I know it is not Geico), but I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard when they showed the commercial of the dad with his son on the roof and the boy is all harnessed to clean out the chimney with a toilet brush!! Too funny!
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
I love the Caveman.......

I thought the Squirrels were an Allstate Commercial...."Life Comes At You Fast"...but maybe I'm thinking of a different one?

You're right....the squirrels are Allstate. :p They are still hilarious!!

Kinda takes you back to the day of, "Bud" Wiese" "Er"...... :p
  • #15
I vote for the gekko, but the cavemen are funny.

The Allstate squirrels always remind me of the time my mom was attacked by a squirrel. Seriously. A squirrel ran up her leg while we were at Bok Tower in Florida. It startled her. She fell down and rolled down a hill. Once we made sure she was okay, we all started laughing. It was about 8 years ago. Mom still doesn't find it funny. I get my sense of humor from my dad.
  • #16
raebates said:
I vote for the gekko, but the cavemen are funny.

The Allstate squirrels always remind me of the time my mom was attacked by a squirrel. Seriously. A squirrel ran up her leg while we were at Bok Tower in Florida. It startled her. She fell down and rolled down a hill. Once we made sure she was okay, we all started laughing. It was about 8 years ago. Mom still doesn't find it funny. I get my sense of humor from my dad.

I find that very funny! I am picturing Bok Tower...which is sorta a quiet, serene place (Very pretty though!), and here comes this Crazy Squirrel who attacks a helpless older lady, and they end up wrestling down a hill......so much for quiet reflections amidst the beautiful music!:D :D :eek: :D :D
  • #17
Did you know they are considering making the Cavemen into a television show?
  • #18
We're pretty sure it was an organized plan. The sight of his grandma rolling down a hill screaming caused my son to drop the bag of nuts he was holding. A swarm of squirrels decended on that sack. I figure the one who attacked Mom was sent as a distraction. They probably divvied up the spoils late and gave the attack squirrel his cut. Hence, the Allstate commercial.
  • #19
raebates said:
We're pretty sure it was an organized plan. The sight of his grandma rolling down a hill screaming caused my son to drop the bag of nuts he was holding. A swarm of squirrels decended on that sack. I figure the one who attacked Mom was sent as a distraction. They probably divvied up the spoils late and gave the attack squirrel his cut. Hence, the Allstate commercial.

My toddler just asked...."What you waffin bout mommy? What funny?" Not sure how to explain a Squirrel Theft Ring to him!
  • #20
Let him keep his innocence for a few more years.
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  • #21
Kathytnt said:
Did you know they are considering making the Cavemen into a television show?

WHAT?!?!?!?! Obviously I did not know that! I don't know if I could handle 1/2 hour of them...but I would watch at least a couple to see how they are. Thanks for the heads-up on that one!
  • #22
Yeah, it's supposed to be set in modern-day Atalanta, I think.
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  • #23
That should be interesting...I'll have to keep my eyes open for that!
  • #24
why does this just make me think of the Caveman Lawyer skits from SNL?

Related to Geico: Cavemen vs Gecko - Which Do You Prefer?

1. What is the premise behind the Geico "Cavemen vs Gecko" commercials?

The Geico "Cavemen vs Gecko" commercials are based on the idea of a rivalry between the company's iconic cavemen and gecko mascots. The cavemen, who are portrayed as sophisticated and modern, are constantly trying to prove their superiority over the beloved gecko.

2. Which mascot do most people prefer, the cavemen or the gecko?

There is no definitive answer as to which mascot people prefer, as it varies from person to person. However, the gecko tends to be more popular and well-liked due to its friendly and charming personality.

3. Are the cavemen and gecko actually competing for business in the commercials?

No, the commercials are meant to be humorous and lighthearted. In reality, both the cavemen and gecko are just mascots for Geico and do not represent any real competition within the company.

4. How long have the "Cavemen vs Gecko" commercials been running?

The first "Cavemen vs Gecko" commercial aired in 2004, and the concept has been used in various ads since then. However, the rivalry between the two mascots has become less prominent in recent years.

5. Will Geico continue to use the cavemen and gecko in their commercials?

While Geico has not made any official announcements, it is likely that the cavemen and gecko will continue to make appearances in the company's advertising. Both mascots are recognizable and beloved by audiences, making them effective marketing tools for Geico.

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