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Is This What You Expected from a HO Lead?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the effectiveness of the home office lead system for Pampered Chef consultants. Some directors have had success with the leads, while others have had frustrations with uninterested or unresponsive leads. The average number of leads received per month and the success rate for turning leads into shows or recruits varies depending on the area and how the leads are handled. The leads are only given to directors and above, and some leads end up being customers who do not want to be contacted for further follow-up. Overall, the effectiveness of the lead system is debated among the directors.
. . . they're all not want you expect/want them to be!

Well, this one takes the cake!

He puts in the info he wants to host a cooking show and was referred by a friend. (His wife was a Tupperware dealer in the past ~ I'm going to send him a thank you for your interest, send opportunity information for his wife!)

What he was looking for a LARGE group meeting of consutlants ~ so he could do a income tax presentation!!! What a joke..a wasted HO lead on this?

I wanted to say to him ~ "are you KIDDING ME?"

I agree that not all leads are "sweet and easy". I'm a relatively new director and have received approximately 16 home office leads since being eligible for these. I have diligently followed up on all of them. Not counting bridal registries, I have gotten exactly 2 orders and 1 show from those leads thus far.

I've had THREE that either erroneously or intentionally provided wrong info so I could not contact them; I've had FOUR who said they didn't realize they were getting into a lead system and that they had their own PC consultant "thank you very much"; and the rest have requested catalogs, needed to purchase a replacement part, need asisstance with a return, etc.

I know my day will come when a magical big show or recruit will drop from the lead-sky but for now, I just patiently plod on with contacting leads and trying to turn them into something!
O.k. - so for all you directors out there...
On average -
how many leads do you receive a month?
how many are show leads vs. recruiting leads?
how many show leads turn into shows?
how many recruiting leads turn into recruits?
If you had to pay for these leads, would they be worth it?
My director had two HO leads last month. One was looking for a consultant she met at a fair, the other was trying to get her to join BNI. Definitely not all it's cracked up to be!
katie0128 said:
O.k. - so for all you directors out there...
On average -
how many leads do you receive a month?
how many are show leads vs. recruiting leads?
how many show leads turn into shows?
how many recruiting leads turn into recruits?
If you had to pay for these leads, would they be worth it?
It all depends on how many directors are in your area and how large a geographical area HO considers "your area".

Some months I only get 1 or 2 and I probably have never had more then 5 or 6 in a month. At least half are no lead at all and a good number of the others either just take the catalog and disappear.

Of the rest:
Show leads - probably about 60% happen - and some of them become recruits (maybe 30-40%)
Interest in product - probably half order something ($0.75 - $50 usually)
Recruit leads - probably about 50% sign up and at least half of them don't go past their qualification even though they do go through the same training and meetings as those met at shows.
Most leads start out as "information about PC" but in the conversation they become show/recruit leads.

It all depends on who you get and how you handle them. I personally think that the lead system is an enhancement to my business and I treat leads the same as if I met them at a show or in any other way. It does get frustrating when you get a series of dud leads in a row though.
And some we don't even get as leads... they want to purchase so they go right through and buy. It's awesome to get those unexpected orders, but if they opt for not letting us see their personal info to follow up, we can't do that and even build any customer loyalty.

I had one recruit lead that I followed up with... she had actually already signed with another consultant, she just wanted to see if I would send her different info from PC or if we all sent the same stuff to potentials. UGH!
Who do they give the leads too, directors or FDs??
Only Directors and above.
I got a lead last week and she was just trying to sign up under her friend's consultant so she could do her friend's show.
  • #10
finley1991 said:
And some we don't even get as leads... they want to purchase so they go right through and buy. It's awesome to get those unexpected orders, but if they opt for not letting us see their personal info to follow up, we can't do that and even build any customer loyalty.
These count as a lead for us even when they don't let us see who they are. Sure we get the sale but some are very small. One I got was for the citrus peeler - it cost her over $7 with shipping and tax for that $0.75 item and it cost me a turn in the lead rotation.
  • #11
I've had 5 leads in the last 5 months and not a single one of them has led to a show or a recruit.

I have gotten a bunch of sales, though--probably close to $500 total. As someone else pointed out, they often don't share their contact info, so you can't do any follow up.
  • #12
I have actually signed a fair amount of HO leads, but most leads never amount to anything. I had one this month that I talked to for a couple of weeks. She told me that she had tried to get a hold of her past consultant, and had never heard back. She said at this point she would be signing with me anyways since I was the one that had been helping her. I told her I would come to her house last Monday to bring her a quickstart box, when I called to tell her I was on my way she told me that the other consultant had finially gotten back to her and she was going to sign with her. So not only did I lose the HO lead, the other consultant is one of the 2 other directors in town and she would still be on top of the list for the next lead.

I do really appriciate the HO leads I get, but like everyone else has said they just don't all pan out
  • #13
I'm a Home Office lead and I'm all it's cracked up to be :D j/k!
  • #14
I do have a few. like you, that have turned out to be great!
  • #15
kaceyleigh2 said:
I'm a Home Office lead and I'm all it's cracked up to be :D j/k!
You're the one we're all hoping for!:love:

I am also a home office lead and I have recruited a couple of leads that I have been given. It's great to have someone on the team that is so excited that they sought us out!!
  • #16

Greetings from the Home Office! We are pleased to forward you this new lead from a customer who recently visited our Web site. The information below is what the customer has entered on the online form.

Lead Number 1129817

Customer Name: Kristina Fretter
( I deleted the address information from this posting)
Here is the information the customer selected from the Web form:

I would like more information about ...

* The Pampered Chef Business Opportunity

How did you hear about The Pampered Chef?

* A Friend

Tasered woman arrested again
Adam Wright | The Chronicle-Telegram
See video of Kristina Fretter getting tasered.

SHEFFIELD LAKE — A Sheffield Lake woman who gained notoriety last year when she was shot with a Taser inside the Sheffield police station found herself in handcuffs again Tuesday night.


Kristina Fretter, 32, was charged with handling a firearm while intoxicated and domestic violence after she allegedly loaded a shotgun while drunk after a violent spat with her live-in boyfriend.

Sheffield Lake police were called to Fretter’s Elmwood Drive home about 10:25 p.m. and were met by Brendon Naylon — Fretter’s boyfriend and father of her 6-year-old daughter. Naylon came running toward them from the backyard, police said.

“She’s inside loading a shotgun,” he yelled at the officers, according to a police report.

Naylon told officers he came home from work about 9 p.m. and sat down to eat dinner. He and Fretter began arguing about scratches she found on Naylon’s face, and Fretter threw a glass candle holder at him, striking him on the head.

Police noticed a large “goose egg” bruise just above his right eyebrow, the report said.

Fretter then launched herself toward Naylon and the two began wrestling, with Naylon trying to hold her down and Fretter pounding and scratching at him, the report said.

Naylon went outside, but when he returned to the home minutes later, he found Fretter loading the shotgun, according to the report.

He escaped outside again and saw the officers.

Their daughter was upstairs sleeping during the confrontation, the report said.

The officers yelled at Fretter to come out of the home, and Fretter walked outside and sat on a nearby lawn chair. Officers noticed a strong odor of alcohol, and her eyes were bloodshot and her speech slurred, according to the report.

Inside, officers found a Winchester Model 12 pump shotgun with two 12-gauge shells next to it on a couch. Fretter was so intoxicated, she couldn’t get the shells into the gun, which is why she didn’t face more serious charges, police said.

Once at the station she was uncooperative, the report said. As of Wednesday night, she was in the county jail awaiting today’s arraignment.

In November, Fretter was stunned with a Taser while in handcuffs in the Sheffield Police Department booking room after being picked up for drunken driving. The officer who fired the Taser, Edward Long, resigned, and charges were dropped against Fretter in exchange for her promise not to sue the village.

In May, she was charged again for driving while intoxicated in Sheffield Lake and, just five weeks later, she was charged for driving drunk in Sheffield. She was uncooperative with police in both incidents, police said.

On line ordering 24/7 at
  • #17
I couldn't even type that big enough!
  • #18
Guess you won't be calling her back...
  • #19
Lesson learned - Google every lead's name before contacting!:D :yuck:
  • #20
Now that tops the cake!
  • #21
home office leadsYou're right there!!! It was just sooo funny, one morning last week I was reading the front page article of our newspaper and I saw her name...I thought to myself...that name sounds familiar so I ran in and checked my "lead binder" and sure enough there it was...her picture was in the article and everything!!!! I couldn't believe it...but other than her, I have gotten some great leads that have led to recruits and some wonderful hosts!!!!
Thanks HO for this great perk!
  • #22
and with that one... you have one heck of a story to tell
  • #23
I promoted July 1st. Since then I have gotten 8-9 leads. 2 placed an order, 1 was a registry, 2 signed and 3 I'm still trying to reach who say they either want a show or a catalog.
I never thought to google any of them. Some are from out of state. But within 45 minutes.
  • #24
Wow. That is crazy!!
  • #25
Oh my!:eek: WOW!

Twice when I put an ad in the paper responders were what appeared to be "low life" (wouldn't be surprised if they were arrested and who knows what) but the hope was that they would lift themselves out. We never know what trials they have been through and how we can help. Neither signed. At the interview it was obvious that they were looking for get rich quick deals. But I have no stories to even come close to this one!
  • #26
That is way too funny Karlene! Wow, with a personality like that can you imagine what her shows would be like....LMAO! Everyone would be afraid NOT to order from her. LOL
  • #27
karlene said:

Greetings from the Home Office! We are pleased to forward you this new lead from a customer who recently visited our Web site. The information below is what the customer has entered on the online form.

Lead Number 1129817

Customer Name: Kristina Fretter

Now ladies! You know we shouldn't judge anyone! She might need our biz for bail money! :D
  • #28
finley1991 said:
Now ladies! You know we shouldn't judge anyone! She might need our biz for bail money! :D

Thanks for the laugh Colleen!:D
  • #29
finley1991 said:
Now ladies! You know we shouldn't judge anyone! She might need our biz for bail money! :D
Thanks for the laugh, Colleen! Your posts are usually right on target, and some great business advice. It's good to see you getting silly. :balloon:

She could do Cellblock Cooking theme shows - no knives, just a hot plate, etc.
  • #30
chefann said:
Thanks for the laugh, Colleen! Your posts are usually right on target, and some great business advice. It's good to see you getting silly. :balloon:

She could do Cellblock Cooking theme shows - no knives, just a hot plate, etc.

Thanks Ann! I know I'm WAY TOO SERIOUS most of the time. I'm working on trying to lighten up but sometimes it's a struggle! :D
  • #31
Gives a whole new meaning to Cook and...BOOK I am so glad you started this thread! I just received the list of names last night from past consultants. It will be interesting to see how many really pan out to be anything. I live near a military post so I am sure that many of the leads on my list that have the post address will have moved by now.

Karlene...your story was so sad...but so funny!!! I had never thought of Googling someone before but I will now!!
  • Thread starter
  • #32
  • #33
chefann said:
Thanks for the laugh, Colleen! Your posts are usually right on target, and some great business advice. It's good to see you getting silly. :balloon:

She could do Cellblock Cooking theme shows - no knives, just a hot plate, etc.

Nope - no hot plate either...
I'm thinking LOTS of salads and no-cook recipes!

Related to Is This What You Expected from a HO Lead?

1. What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef cooking show?

Hosting a Pampered Chef cooking show is a fun and easy way to earn free and discounted products. As a host, you will also have the opportunity to learn new cooking techniques and recipes, and share them with your friends and family.

2. How do I become a Pampered Chef host?

Becoming a host is simple! Just contact your local Pampered Chef consultant and they will help you set up a show. You can also visit our website to find a consultant near you.

3. What is the average size of a Pampered Chef cooking show?

The average size of a Pampered Chef cooking show is 8-12 guests. However, we can accommodate larger groups for special occasions or events.

4. Can I host a Pampered Chef cooking show if I don't know how to cook?

Absolutely! Our consultants are trained to provide cooking demonstrations and help you and your guests learn new techniques. Hosting a show is a great way to improve your cooking skills while having fun with friends.

5. Can I still host a show if I don't want to sell Pampered Chef products?

Of course! Hosting a show does not require you to sell any products. Our consultants will handle all sales and orders. Hosting a show is a great way to earn free and discounted products without any pressure to sell.

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