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Flopped Show, Great Bookings: Evaluating the Success of a Low-Sales Party

not really about the sales. Maybe its just me, but I would have liked to see her be more focused on the sale- she needs to set the example for the other guests. Its not like she's making a ton of money off this show, so if she isn't putting in the extra effort to make it a successful event, then maybe its not worth it for her.I don't think it's a waste of time for her to have the show- it's a great opportunity to show her friends what she does and what she can do for them. She should continue to have the shows and focus on getting more people to come.I think it's important for her to keep the shows going even if she
kitchen queen
Okay..I had a show tonight and it flopped in sales, but was great in bookings. I had four people show up, I got 3 orders for $68 dollars; but I got four bookings. The host says she has 3-5 more people making orders. What do you think...was it worth the babysitter I had to pay and all the time host coaching.

I did everything that I have done with my other hosts and this is by far the worst sales I've ever seen from a party of mine. I am trying to get her to shoot at least for $200.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about the four bookings, but the host seemed like she could care less whether or not she got any more sales. I think, to her, it was just a good reason for friends to get together.

Okay...opinions anyone??
First....don't be discouraged! Everyone has a show like that at some point in their career, sweetie. Don't let it get to you.

Second, it could be that you just gave this host a great reason to get a couple of friends together, like you thought. (We've all had those, too!) Don't give up on her, though! Call her tomorrow morning and let her know that you had a great time at her show. Explain the host benefits again and let her know that you want to set a goal with her for $300 in sales. Be excited!!! Tell her that you know that she can do this because you want her to get the $40 in free product, not to mention the half-priced item! Have a huge smile on your face for the whole conversation.

Third, call those girls up who were at the show and let them know that you enjoyed them being there. Make sure that they didn't miss out on ordering anything they'll absolutely have to have before their own show.

Fourth, call up the people who weren't able to make it and see if there's anything they need to order or if they know of anyone who would appreciate a call from "an amazing Pampered Chef consultant!" Let them know that you're there for them if they ever need anything.

Good luck! Hope you close out a $350 show for this woman!!!
I agree- with 4 bookings who knows where that will lead. To me $68 and 4 bookings is much better than $200 and no bookings.A great attitude is very important at this stage to motivate the host. Excellent suggestions above.

The only other thing I'll add is to be sure and coach those bookings correctly. Mention more people equals more fun and more free products. You don't want them to aim for 4 in attendance for their shows.
I had a show in April where only one guest showed up! I asked if the host's husband and kids could stay for the demo. The host was a friend of mine and I at least wanted someone to talk to. In the end, the one guest that came spent $80 and booked a show. The host got some more outside orders and we closed around $300-350. I would call the show a success.

I'm a big fan of outside orders. Most of my shows gain $100 or more from outside orders. Just think, if each of those 4 bookings end up with $100 in outside orders, you made $400 off of a "small" show. And that's not even counting any bookings you may get at those 4 shows.

Good luck!!
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trying to stay positiveI am excited that I got 4 bookings, but I don't think my host is too concerned about making any sales goals. I may be way off base, but I think she would be perfectly happy to close her show right now.

I am looking forward to seeing where this show leads me and I am excited about those bookings. Maybe I'll even get a consultant out of this show...there were some people looking pretty interested when I started talking about the business.

I'll keep you all informed.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. You guys are great! :D
Host coaching is key. In my opinion I would have cancelled for a later date until she could get more people. Have her host with a friend.
Let her know before the more successful the show, the more she will recieve.
Wow, four bookings! That is awesome. I actually just had a show almost exactly like yours this week.(except I only got one booking) The mindset of your host seems to be the mindset of alot of the people I know here- a PC show is a nice little get together with friends. Its hard for me to find a host that is driven by getting all the free products, discounts, and half price items they can. It could be the ladies didn't spend that much at your show since they are going to have their own show and want to earn the products themselves. The show I mentioned I just had I closed yesterday and she ended up with $269 in sales. Ask her if she has any family members that would like to order. Is there anyone you know that wanted to order individually? You can contact them and add their order to the show. Aren't you glad these kind of shows don't happen all that often? ;)
Re: cancelling
Dennis said:
Host coaching is key. In my opinion I would have cancelled for a later date until she could get more people. Have her host with a friend.
Let her know before the more successful the show, the more she will recieve.

I don't know that I agree with that. The only time I will reschedule a show for attendance reasons is if the host brings up the subject or sounds really frustrated during host coaching calls because of the low positive response from invited guests. My hosts know that I will be there to do a great show whether they have 2 people in attendance or 20. The number of guests is inconsequential, because I'm there for them.

I also do a lot of host coaching in regards to invitations and attendance. There's not a lot that I won't do to help out my busy hosts and I think that having that attitude makes them feel like it really is a team effort between the two of us. When I'm willing to do a little more work in regards to helping my host with invitations and building attendance, we both win.
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I agreeBrianne~

I completely agree. I don't know that there was any more host coaching that I could do. My host didn't feel upset by the numbers. I would definately not cancel the show due to low attendance. I've had a $287 order from one person before, so even a small number of people can be a good show.

The host called me today with some more orders, so we will see where we get. She's almost at $150....we'll get there together!

Thanks for all the words of encouragement! You all are great.
  • #10
Re: Where did I go wrong?Thanks, Kitchen Queen. I've been in your shoes, and though it doesn't happen often it is a bit frustrating.

Since your host didn't feel upset by the numbers I don't think that you needed to be, either. Not every host is driven to have a $600 show. Some just want to have a little show and get a discount. And you know what? That's okay! My director said that she has one host like this who does a show for her every year. At first she was disappointed, until she realized that every year she had a different set of women at her show. She got a new set of customers every year who continue to order from her.

Good luck with closing the show out! I'm sure you'll get to $150 without breaking too much of a sweat. :)

Related to Flopped Show, Great Bookings: Evaluating the Success of a Low-Sales Party

1. How do I know if I did something wrong while cooking?

There are a few signs that can indicate you may have made a mistake while cooking. These include burnt or undercooked food, a strange texture or taste, or a dish that doesn't look like the picture or recipe described. If you notice any of these, it's possible that something went wrong during the cooking process.

2. What are some common mistakes that can lead to a dish not turning out as expected?

Some common mistakes in cooking include not following the recipe correctly, using expired ingredients, not properly measuring ingredients, not preheating the oven, or not adjusting cooking times for different types of ovens. These mistakes can all affect the outcome of a dish.

3. How can I fix a dish that didn't turn out as expected?

If you've already finished cooking and realize something went wrong, there are a few things you can try to salvage the dish. For example, if it's too salty, you can add a starchy ingredient like potatoes or rice to absorb the excess salt. If it's too spicy, you can add a dairy product like sour cream or yogurt to tone down the heat. You can also try adjusting the seasonings or adding more liquid to balance out the flavors.

4. What should I do if I don't have all the ingredients for a recipe?

If you're missing an ingredient for a recipe, it's best to try and find a suitable substitute. For example, if a recipe calls for buttermilk and you don't have any, you can make your own by combining 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar. You can also try searching for alternative recipes that use similar ingredients or adjusting the recipe to work with what you have on hand.

5. Is it possible to prevent mistakes while cooking?

While mistakes can happen in cooking, there are some things you can do to minimize them. Make sure to read the recipe thoroughly before starting and gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment. Double-check your measurements and follow the instructions closely. And if you're trying a new recipe, it's always a good idea to read reviews or watch a tutorial beforehand to get a better understanding of the process.

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