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Explore Bodies in Motion: Is It Offensive or Educational?

In summary, it is an interesting exhibit that is educational and might be disturbing to some people because of the body parts shown.
Gold Member
Can someone tell me what may be so offensive about this exhibit? I don't feel that it's offensive at all, and very educational. I'm probably going at some point while it's in our area through June.

They are doing Bodies in Motion or something like that.
My kids saw this both times it was in Chicago. It's a pretty wild exhibit and, yes, very educational if you're interested in how the human body works.People might be offended by seeing naked body parts. The bodies are exposed so you can see all the muscles - but you can see (ahem) tender parts too.People might also be disturbed by the prospect of turning real human bodies into a kind of twisted art form.
my mom went to it and she thought it was pretty neat
I have heard different things about it... good and bad. I missed it when it was in my area and I wish I could have seen it...

:thumbup:Good: you will always remember it, great learning experience, educational, interesting, neat, interesting to see how the body works etc...

:thumbdown:Bad: not for the squeamish, some "adult content" not suitable for younger kids (although I do believe they have some displays in a separate room), a little creepy... etc
I thought the issue raised with this exhibit was where they got the bodies from. There are two versions of this traveling the country and their was a report that the bodies used came from homeless/or unclaimed bodies and now the people putting on the show are making lots and lots of $$$$. Also there is controversy on the bodies that were donated by the families and if a person wanted their body to be donated to science than how does this qualify.
I work in the medical field and have for 20 years, I have no desire to see this exhibit and I never will. I have always felt that this is another way for some marketing business person to make money off of other people. If a person is that interested in the human body they can take an anatomy and physiology class.
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  • #6
TammyStar said:
I thought the issue raised with this exhibit was where they got the bodies from. There are two versions of this traveling the country and their was a report that the bodies used came from homeless/or unclaimed bodies and now the people putting on the show are making lots and lots of $$$$. Also there is controversy on the bodies that were donated by the families and if a person wanted their body to be donated to science than how does this qualify.
I work in the medical field and have for 20 years, I have no desire to see this exhibit and I never will. I have always felt that this is another way for some marketing business person to make money off of other people. If a person is that interested in the human body they can take an anatomy and physiology class.

no thanks! honostly, i'd like to see it, not read it and take a class that would last months and be probably above my head.

Honostly, I think it will be neat to see. Someone said that they also have bodies of people with different diseases to show what different stuff does to your body, but I don't think that is this one. This one is just the Bodies in Motion I think. They said they get their bodies from a company that supplies them for medical reasons. I think this would capture more peoples attention than reading a book.

As far as adult content, personally, I don't think the human body should just be adult content. Why be ashamed? That just me though. It's not like it's showing them having sex or anything, does it?
I'd love to see this exhibit. My understanding, as posted above, that one of the concerns was how the bodies were obtained. Let us know what you think!
I took my kids to see this exhibit because we talk alot about how what we do affects our bodies. It was very educational!! There were fetuses there and I think that is what has everyone in an uproar. It does show lung cancer, heart disease, and a few other disorders. It is very interesting. I'm glad I went.

Yes, some of the women and men were "exposed", but my kids didn't get the giggles and all that immature stuff because I told them what they were going to see beforehand and we talked after about what they got out of viewing that exhibit.

It is worthwhile to see if it goes to your city.
They even have body parts that you can pick up and hold and see how heavy they are ect. Very cool and yes, very educational. My Kids learned a lot from it. We went to it in Vegas... or maybe it was Denver, i can't remember.
  • #10
Symara said:
As far as adult content, personally, I don't think the human body should just be adult content. Why be ashamed? That just me though. It's not like it's showing them having sex or anything, does it?

No... the adult content is centered around body parts... not what the body parts are doing:blushing:.... LOL
  • #11
I think the muscular and skeletal systems of the human body are amazing! This Exhibit gives a person a great understanding and appreciation for our bodies, IMO. I know you can 'rent' headphones and a remote that will explain things. Everything is labelled in the Showcase, or has a poster with each exhibit. It explains what they did for a living, in some cases-how they died, or what disease affected certain body parts.

The sexual organs are in tact so that could be controversial/upsetting to some.

The main controversy with the Bodies Exhibit is the one with the woman and her fetus. I don't remember the real reason why (obviously, didn't bother me)

My review: AMAZING, if you have even thought about going - THEN YOU SHOULD GO! :)
  • #12
I went to see Body Worlds when it was in Philadelphia, and I thought the woman with the fetus and the other stages of development in utero they had on display was the most interesting and compelling part of the entire exhibit. The woman had a condition and knew there was a high chance she wouldn't survive, and in that event, she wanted her body donated. It said the baby was unable to be saved for whatever reason - I don't remember.
  • #13
I saw this exhibit last summer with my husband in Baltimore, MD, and it was very interesting. I always loved science classes and learning about the human body, and it was very educational. 3 months afterwards, my husband was diagnosed with gall bladder disease and had to have it removed - I knew exactly where it was, what its purpose was, and what the body does when it doesn't have a gall bladder. This was very helpful information to have while going through what would normally be a very scary time with my spouse. I think any knowledge we can gain about our bodies is positive and should be embraced. All of the accusations and "theories" surrounding the sources of the bodies used in the different exhibits are just sensationalized. The one I went to was similar to the one Bell4562 mentioned, and I was fine with it.
  • #14
They didn;t have the pregnant woman at the one I went to, but I hear it is different everywhere because they don't have enough displays to have on every exhibit as there are a few travelling around I guess. My husband saw the pregnat woman one in some other city though. He saw the exhibit first and wanted me to see it because he thought it was so interesting, so next time we were on holidays we came across it and went. He said it was a bit different.
  • #15
One of my girlfriends went & loved it. She warned about the pregnant woman, and the different stages of a fetus being a little rough..
  • #16
This is the first I have heard of this (no TV), and I plan on finding out more. It sounds very interesting and educational. I would love to take my oldest, I think it would be good for him to see.
As to the genital area - kids are going to react the way their parents do. My Mom (how I love her even though ...) would have covered our eyes and talked about how 'dirty' it all was. I don't want to raise my kids like that. It's a body part, just like your finger, it's just a part of your body that belongs to only you.
  • #17
I went and it was sorta interesting.. but several people fainted.. I think it was the smell.. it was a weird smell.. a little disturbing. It made me feel sickish. I felt it was a little distasteful the way they were posed around card tables playing cards.. naked and playing sports etc. I asked them where they got the bodies.. they said they were donated to science and even had cards to sign -to donate yourself to science ....umm no thanks.. The private parts were intact... ok for me .. but I was embarrased for the kids.. and in front of the kids. I was disappointed and wished I had saved my $$ and I have always been a science lover... I also felt I would not want to be displayed that way.. even for the sake of science and education. I just wondered if the bodies were rolling over in their graves at their choice of donating themselves to science..only to be displayed like that.. lol I would not go back again. I couldn't get out of there fast enough!! I still think of the smell....ewww!
  • #18
Belle4562 said:
I went to see Body Worlds when it was in Philadelphia, and I thought the woman with the fetus and the other stages of development in utero they had on display was the most interesting and compelling part of the entire exhibit. The woman had a condition and knew there was a high chance she wouldn't survive, and in that event, she wanted her body donated. It said the baby was unable to be saved for whatever reason - I don't remember.

I agree with you! amazing! There was a huge Disclaimer poster saying that 'some of the contents/displays in this room may offend some people...'
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  • #19
as far as how they are posed, isn't it done that way so you can see exactly what your body is doing in certain positions and acation? I don't think it's meant to demean the person who's body it was.

I hear they last a couple years with that plastic stuff, so I'm assuming after a year or two they have to replace bodies, i just wonder how they decide it's time.
  • #20
I wish I had seen this when it was in Chicago. So many people are uninformed or misinformed about our bodies, and this is a chance to learn more without taking a class. As long as the means by which they obtained the bodies is ethical, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I would even consider donating my imperfect body to the exhibit. (I have signed up for organ donation).
  • #21
I saw it last year in Milwaukee. I personally was of the impression that I would be totally grossed out and sick. My other half was kidding me about it and even made me feel like a complete whimp. We both went through. He sortta ran through, he got squeemish! (My big bad, let's watch Hostel and SAW and laugh through them, never mind the blood and screams, think it's funny, big guy!) And I stopped and looked and well, I was completely fasinated by the entire thing. I really didn't think it was done in bad taste or any of the things that I was "warned" about. In fact, we went through as part of Pat's 15 year aniversary party so we got to see it free. I would definately go see it again even if it meant paying. Amazing to say the least. And yes, the pregnant women was there. I wasn't grossed out but for some reason a feeling of sadness rolled through me. It turned out I wasn't the only one. Several people, men included, left that display in tears. 20/20 did a piece on the exhibit. There were two different companies who had this out. One company would not disclose their sources and that's when the speculations went out that people were kidnapped and killed to put this display together. Before either exhibit was let into the US, all the paperwork was gone over and they had all the necessary credientials, signed donor info and all. So there was nothing illegal or frankenstienish about it. It isn't for everyone but boy, it is something!
  • #22
My husband and I saw it is Cleveland and both were amazed. There were some aspects that I did not feel were appropriate for young children and it was frustrating that there were some unsupervised children (their parents were busy looking and letting the kids do what ever they wanted). There was a place for people to look into signing up to donate their bodies, too.

Related to Explore Bodies in Motion: Is It Offensive or Educational?

1. What exactly is "Explore Bodies in Motion"?

"Explore Bodies in Motion" is a series of videos and educational materials created by Pampered Chef to teach people about different types of physical movements and how they benefit the body. The program was developed with the help of fitness experts and is designed to be both informative and fun.

2. Is "Explore Bodies in Motion" appropriate for all ages?

Yes, "Explore Bodies in Motion" is suitable for all ages. The content is presented in a family-friendly manner and is designed to be educational rather than offensive. However, parental discretion is always advised when it comes to children.

3. What makes "Explore Bodies in Motion" different from other fitness programs?

Unlike other fitness programs, "Explore Bodies in Motion" focuses on the science behind physical movements and how they benefit the body. It also includes a variety of movements and exercises that are suitable for people of all fitness levels.

4. Is "Explore Bodies in Motion" only for people who are already physically fit?

No, "Explore Bodies in Motion" is for everyone, regardless of their current fitness level. The program includes modifications for each movement to accommodate different abilities and fitness levels.

5. How can I access "Explore Bodies in Motion" materials?

You can access "Explore Bodies in Motion" materials through our website or by attending a Pampered Chef cooking show. The program is also available for purchase through our Independent Consultants. Additionally, we offer free resources and tips on our social media channels for those interested in learning more about it.

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