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Expert Tips for Hosting a Successful Cooking Show: A Q&A with Linda

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of conducting successful cooking shows as a consultant. Suggestions are given on how to structure the show, including when to do booking and ticket game slides, as well as talking about the recipe and doing a demo. The importance of showing a variety of products and allowing customers to touch and try them before purchasing is also emphasized. The length of the show and the importance of going with the flow and being comfortable are also mentioned.
Silver Member
I'm not sure if this is in the right post.

I have a question. I am in my 4th month as a new consultant. I would like some input on how you do your cooking shows. Do you have an outline that you follow. For example, After all the intro's and thanking the host when do you do booking slide and the ticket game. Also when do you talk about the recipe and do your demo? At what point do you start wrapping things up and close your show?

Thank you
Just wondering how much info to throw at you. :D How many shows have you attended prior to becoming a consultant? How many have you done now as a consultant? Has your recruiter or director gone over this with you? Do you happen to have a copy of the training DVD or the Cooking Shows in Action DVD? They have excellent examples there, basically showing you great shows from start to finish. Do you have access to Consultant Corner? I think the cooking shows in action segments are also on there.But to answer your question...here's what I typically do:Welcome, thank the host, show the Season's Best that I'm giving her as a thank you...pass it around. (If it's an interactive show, I skip that and do it later)Go over the recipe and do the demoThen when the recipe is cooking or is done (depending on what it is), I will tell them what the specials are for guests and also the upcoming host specials. I tell them about Round Up for the Heart and how I will help them regarding the tax and everything at my full service check out. Then when they are eating, I do the booking slide (if they are eating, they won't be talking or busy writing on their orders, so they are more of a captive audience :D) I do a door prize drawing. And sometimes I'll do a drawing of a ticket (during my demo sometimes I give out tickets for those who participate and help me, or I give out tickets every time they say "got it, love it or love it...gotta get it." Then I tell them I'm here to help if they have any questions. I'll be cleaning up a bit, but feel free to grab me if you're ready to get checked out. I've only done the ticket game for recruiting one time. I did it before the whole booking slide thing was promoted, so I just did my typical explanation of hosting benefits and then did the ticket game--all at the end when they were sitting down and eating/filling their forms.
i would suggest to do whatever you are comfortable with. I have been doing Shows for over 2 years - so I am able to go-with-the-flow, KWIM?

You could do Introductions, Thank the Host, demo, and then wrap-up. I think they recommend to keep a show about 1 hour (give or take a few)....

You can PM me if you need more info. :)
I just go with the flow...I bring lots of tools so I show a lot of stuff...I have had good comments and excellent sales by showing a lot of our products....Customers have told me that they sometimes go to shows and the only thing they do is watch the consultant do the recipe and eat. The appreciate to view, touch and try the products before buying. This alos saves time for me from sending products that don't satisfy the customer's needs when it arrives. I usually do a second recipe that I have also prepared somewhat ahead of time and sometimes bring along a potato to demo the UM, a lemon to zest and score, an apple to wedge and core, I like gadgets so I use them ans sell them....My shows usually last about 2 hours tho but customers sure enjoy themselves and even stay longer to chat, chat and chat some more among them....I have a ball and make money at the same time.

So bottom line: no outline followed...

Hello Linda,Thank you for reaching out with your question about cooking shows. As a seasoned consultant, I can offer some insights and tips on how I structure my shows.Firstly, it's important to have an outline or agenda for your show. This will help keep you organized and ensure that you cover all the important aspects. I typically start with introductions and thanking the host, then move on to the booking slide and ticket game. These are great ways to engage guests and encourage future bookings.Next, I like to talk about the featured recipe and do a live demonstration. This allows guests to see the product in action and get excited about trying it for themselves. I find that this is also a good time to mention any current promotions or specials.Towards the end of the show, I like to do a quick recap of the products and their benefits. This is a good opportunity to address any questions or concerns guests may have and highlight the value of the products. I also make sure to mention the opportunity to host their own show and earn free products.Finally, I wrap up the show by thanking everyone for attending and reminding them of any upcoming events or specials. I also make sure to collect orders and follow up with guests who expressed interest in hosting a show.I hope this helps give you an idea of how to structure your shows. Remember, every consultant may have their own unique style, so feel free to adapt and make it your own. Best of luck with your shows! Happy cooking!Best,

Related to Expert Tips for Hosting a Successful Cooking Show: A Q&A with Linda

What is a "Q About Show Outline"?

A "Q About Show Outline" is a tool provided by Pampered Chef that helps consultants plan and organize their cooking shows. It includes a timeline of events, recipes to be demonstrated, and tips for engaging guests.

How do I access the "Q About Show Outline"?

The "Q About Show Outline" can be accessed through your consultant account on the Pampered Chef website. Simply log in and navigate to the "Show Planning" section to find the outline.

Can I customize the "Q About Show Outline"?

Yes, the "Q About Show Outline" is fully customizable to fit your specific show needs. You can add or remove recipes, adjust the timeline, and include your own personal touches to make the show unique.

Is the "Q About Show Outline" only for cooking shows?

No, the "Q About Show Outline" can be used for any type of Pampered Chef show, including virtual shows, fundraisers, and catalog parties. It can also be adapted for other types of home parties or demonstrations.

What if I have questions or need help with the "Q About Show Outline"?

If you have any questions or need assistance with the "Q About Show Outline", you can contact Pampered Chef's customer service team or ask your upline consultant for guidance. There are also tutorial videos and resources available on the website to help you get started.

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