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Did you receive the best conference tip?

In summary, the speaker provided advice on how to be successful in business. They said to be persistent and ask everyone for help, and to focus on the customer. They also shared an advice on how to strike up conversation with people.
Gold Member
Did anyone receive a good conference tip that they would like to share? I love good tips.:D
Get excited! Believe in yourself and ASK EVERYONE to be part of this wonderful business!!! All they can say is no. Nothing scary about that.
I took a class in Wave 1 co-taught by Stephanie Richardson. I've always struggled finding something that fit me for the 30 second commercial. Stephanie reduced it to 10 seconds and I have it now--I stole it from her. So when people ask what I do I will say "I help women gain their identity back."
Two things I brought home "Just Ask" and "Pick up the phone!"
Both of those things are hard for me, but I've been working on the 3-2-1
ever since I got home. One day at a time.
Lyn Conway's workshop: Contact With Confidence was AWESOME.
YOu should check out her website & sign up for her free email tips!
My biggest thing was to just get over myself. If people say no....who cares?? We need to weed through MANY no's before we get to many yes's!
SusanBP0129 said:
Lyn Conway's workshop: Contact With Confidence was AWESOME.
YOu should check out her website & sign up for her free email tips!
My biggest thing was to just get over myself. If people say no....who cares?? We need to weed through MANY no's before we get to many yes's!
Thanks-I was in that class at conference. I just signed up.
Pick Up My Phone Every DaySet aside one chunk of time each WEEK to do ALL Host Coaching callsLes Hewitt - if you change four bad habits a year, look where you will be in 10 years! changing a bad habit takes a minimum of a month and can take more - depending on how long you have been doing the habit - GET HIS BOOKS!!!
Thanks for the tips
Implement the 321 by waking up and wearing 3 rubberbands on your wrist. WHen you talk to a live person, take one rubberband off at a time. DON'T go to bed with them on!!! You MUST make those calls!!!:D
  • #10
PampMomof3 said:
Implement the 321 by waking up and wearing 3 rubberbands on your wrist. WHen you talk to a live person, take one rubberband off at a time. DON'T go to bed with them on!!! You MUST make those calls!!!:D
Good idea.:rolleyes:
  • #11
Yeah, I have one left on and I just don't feel good tonight. I need to do it though. I can't fail on the first day.:(
  • #12
I do already pick up the phone daily but the biggest thing i have come to learn and my ah ha moment is/was...the most successful do customer care calls and are passoinate about this and offer the business opprotunity to everybody like it was breathing. I will now look at this area of my business a whole lot different. Thank you Wave 3 Sell the DREAM SPEAKERS, that were at 9 am to 10:15 in 504.
  • #13
My ah-ha moment was when the speaker said," sell the kit as a actual product, not as a kit" in other words we could say, "the best product in our line is the starter kit" and don't mention the price of the kit until later after you have sparked interest.
  • #14
The tip I gave was: "Make it about them" - and have fun!
  • #15
My aha moment was a quote by Scottie Brister given at General Session (something along these lines) "If you have a single doubt in your mind, you have already failed" Looking back on my business I can see where that has applied to everything from the trip incentive to earning directorship...
  • #16
I was in Wave 1, and I walked up to people that had "New Director" pins on because I would like to become a director. I hate getting out of my comfort zone and this helps me get out of it.

This woman (I don't remember her name) said she went to Leadership and Tai Cunningham did a workshop on recruiting. Tai basically said to the woman "you will become a director on April 1st" and by golly, the woman became a director by April 1st. It was just a shift in focus and she realized what she needed to do. Ask everybody and be intentional about recruiting.

If you really want it, it will happen.

So, now that I said that...I need to make it happen by October, 2007!!!
  • #17
Kristi- Thanks about the rubber bands. It's also a conversational piece to see if anybody asks you why you are wearing rubber bands :)!!! Thus, you can talk about Pampered Chef.

Here's what Teresa Brown (earn 6 TPC catagories - Holy cow) does to strike up conversation when she's out and about

THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: who do you know who sells Pampered Chef? Have a conversation! Get the door prize slip filled out, give them a mini catalog and send them a season's best cookbook.
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  • #18
luvs2cook said:
Here's what Teresa Brown (earn 6 TPC catagories - Holy cow) does to strike up conversation when she's out and about

THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: who do you know who sells Pampered Chef? Have a conversation! Get the door prize slip filled out, give them a mini catalog and send them a season's best cookbook.

I am confused by this - you send them out to people who SELL Pampered Chef? Huh?
  • #19
dannyzmom said:
I am confused by this - you send them out to people who SELL Pampered Chef? Huh?

that one confused me too. lol
  • #20
Okay...sorry about my confused post.

When she's out and about, she asks people if they have a consultant; if not, she gives them a mini catalog and has them fill out a drawing slip. She then sends them a season's best.

Does this make sense now???
  • #21
luvs2cook said:
Okay...sorry about my confused post.

When she's out and about, she asks people if they have a consultant; if not, she gives them a mini catalog and has them fill out a drawing slip. She then sends them a season's best.

Does this make sense now???

ahhh...gotcha. But, how does she strike up the conversation?
  • #22
Compliment them on something they are wearing, jewerly, hat...whatever but be sincere.

I was at my dentist's office having my teeth cleaned and started to chat with the dental hygenist and asked her if she has a PC consultant. She said "no" and then I gave her a drawing slip along with a mini catalog. She might have a catalog show for me in September.

I need to feel more comfortable about being out and asking total strangers about PC but I'm not there yet. I had two opportunities to ask people and I didn't do it.
  • #23
The tips that I learned are from : Sell The Dream workshop: Sell the Dream not the deal
Do you believe this is a dream job? Contact with Confidence workshop- Talk to yourself- Call yourself and leave a message on your voicemail, listen to how you come across to people...
never assume
Pay attention-
Really Listen --- The poker face and pay attention to what is being said
Becoem a friend finder magnet Booking Galore- Always imply that you are busy, relate to people, have fun... confident and proud of what you do!!! When going over host and guest specials use dollars and cents .... Time Mgt & OrgHost coach in the car----- novel idea huh???
The rule of two
Make a check list to take to each show--- Novel idea???? OHIO System-
O-once RSVPR- recuritting leads, people before paper
S- sales, bookings,etc
V- very important messages
P- Performers, teams etc..... Remind yourself daily and define the outcome!!!
  • #24
mommyhugz1978 said:
The tips that I learned are from : Sell The Dream workshop: Sell the Dream not the deal
Do you believe this is a dream job? Contact with Confidence workshop- Talk to yourself- Call yourself and leave a message on your voicemail, listen to how you come across to people...
never assume
Pay attention-
Really Listen --- The poker face and pay attention to what is being said
Becoem a friend finder magnet Booking Galore- Always imply that you are busy, relate to people, have fun... confident and proud of what you do!!! When going over host and guest specials use dollars and cents .... Time Mgt & OrgHost coach in the car----- novel idea huh???
The rule of two
Make a check list to take to each show--- Novel idea???? OHIO System-
O-once RSVPR- recuritting leads, people before paper
S- sales, bookings,etc
V- very important messages
P- Performers, teams etc..... Remind yourself daily and define the outcome!!!
Please, will you expand on this?
  • #25
JAE said:
Please, will you expand on this?

Which part???? I have two out of my four notes posted..... but I can expand on that but I need to know which part?
  • #26
PampMomof3 said:
Implement the 321 by waking up and wearing 3 rubberbands on your wrist. WHen you talk to a live person, take one rubberband off at a time. DON'T go to bed with them on!!! You MUST make those calls!!!:D

;) Oh my, as I read this I thought OW, I would be popping myself with those rubberbands until I made the 3 contacts. Just think I will be making more contacts than ever so I will quit hurting myself!! LOL!!! :D
  • #27
Please expand on OHIO and RSVP mostly Thanks.
  • #28
Kristi~ I love your tip, I am going to try that myself, Thanks
Donna~ I agree, that was an aha moment for me as well...sometimes it is very hard for me to BELIEVE in myself and what I can do...change your thinking! WE CAN DO IT!

I am still trying to think of my best tip...so far i think it is as simple as this from Jillian Eisenberg (WOW) "pick up the phone, the phone is your friend!"
Love that!
  • #29
luvs2cook said:
This woman (I don't remember her name) said she went to Leadership and Tai Cunningham did a workshop on recruiting. Tai basically said to the woman "you will become a director on April 1st" and by golly, the woman became a director by April 1st. It was just a shift in focus and she realized what she needed to do. Ask everybody and be intentional about recruiting.

If you really want it, it will happen.

So, now that I said that...I need to make it happen by October, 2007!!!

Tai is AWESOME. I have known Tai for a few years but really only know her at conference. She is awesome and has worked her business in an awesome way - I need to follow her method that she did when she was in Germany and had her own contact challenge.

She told herself that she wasn't couldn't go home until she made a certain number a contacts (hmmm, she had the idea years ago!!! I heard this story for the first time 2 or 3 years ago). Anyway she was and the grocery story and like I could picture myself doing exactly like she described it. She said she saw a lady who she wanted to talk to. She looked at her and couldn't bring herself to do it. She went and got some milk (or something) and came back to say something to the lady and then decided I need I ice cream I will go get ice cream and then talk to her but still couldn't do it. I think after many tries and knowing it was getting late, she knew she needed to get home to the kids. She finally walked up the lady and said I am sure you saw me looking at you and I am really sorry. I am not a stalker but I promised myself I would talk to someone about my business and you just looked nice. I know the end of the story went well but can't remember because I am so taken with the fact that hey this person who is as human as the rest of us dealt with the same things as I do!!! I know I need to do this and get out and just meet new people.

(THANK YOU TAI. I hope by the time I see her again at Leadership I can say I went to the store and introduced myself to someone just like she did and I hope that I can I will be director by then too!!)

Long story, but to answer the original question. TIP - be consistent and work your business. Because I work full time and am a single mom of a special needs child, I will do my best to work 3-2-1 but I NOT beat myself up if I do not get the 3 each and every day if I get extra on the other days.
  • #29
BethCooks4U said:
The tip I gave was: "Make it about them" - and have fun!
CONGRATS!! Beautiful name. Enjoy her :)
My mom says all grandkids no matter what number are as exciting as the first!
  • #30
"proud new gramma! (well for the 6th time)
Samantha Betty born 7/18 at 3:08pm central
6lb 14oz and 19 inches "

Congratulations Beth! Beautiful name, enjoy her.
My mom tells me each grandchild is as exciting as the first!
  • #31
mommyhugz1978 said:
Contact with Confidence workshop-

Talk to yourself- Call yourself and leave a message on your voicemail, listen to how you come across to people...
never assume
Pay attention-
Really Listen --- The poker face and pay attention to what is being said
Becoem a friend finder magnet

I need to check my notes because I don't remember this but LOVE this idea!!! I can talk to myself on the way home from work and then check it as well and see if I sound and boring as I think I do! (and I get to talk to myself in a productive way!!! YAY!!!)

mommyhugz1978 said:
OHIO System-

I have not heard of it as OHIO but I have heard only touch (handle) it once and definitely need to live by it. Maybe live would be less cluttered. I glad you posted this and will start this with the 21 days makes a habit and hopefully as I do it clutter will be gone.

Thank you so much for your tips!!
  • #32
JAE said:
Please expand on OHIO and RSVP mostly Thanks.

I took the workshop from Amy Neal.....

The OHIO SYSTEM= she was talking about organizing your office and dealing with clutter... hence


RSVP= She was talking about how to deal with recuirt/booking leads etc... and how to handle things on a daily biases...


I used caps to bold what I was referring too!!! I Hope that helps... other wise you can email me... and I can look back through my notes again!! :)
  • #33
The contact with confidence/ She was talking about Keys to contact with confidence!! I hope that helps!! No problem... I haven't typed all my notes but I will be and have them posted soon on here!!! :)
  • #34
Three of my top tips from Lyn Conway

It's okay to feel fear; just don't act on it.

Never assume people will initiate contact. Nine times out of ten the other person is shyer than you.

Don't try to maneuver the conversation. Don't be in a rush to get to the PC stuff. Be genuinely interested in the other person. Bring up PC when it's natural and appropriate.
  • #35

I really got all of that from Lynn as well.

Another thing is this: "IT'S NOT ABOUT ME!"
As in:
Focus on THEM and becoming their friend...not thinking ahead in your brain about how quickly you can bring up PC....as well as this:
If they don't want to talk to me- that's THEM. Maybe they are shyer than me, maybe they had a crappy day, maybe someone in DS has burned them, whatever....but they are not rejecting ME.
  • #36
pckrissy said:
"proud new gramma! (well for the 6th time)
Samantha Betty born 7/18 at 3:08pm central
6lb 14oz and 19 inches "

Congratulations Beth! Beautiful name, enjoy her.
My mom tells me each grandchild is as exciting as the first!
That is SO true! And actually, the older I get the MORE exciting each one is!

OOPS! Sorry for the hijack.;) ...tip: hug your baby for me! (well it's not really a tip but I can't hug Sam so someone needs to be hugged!)
  • #37
I have a problem with feeling pushy. My "aha" moment this conference was when Lyn Conway reiterated that the definition of pushy is "acting in an aggressive manner." That's not what I do. So I'm not pushy, and it's OK to call people. :)

Related to Did you receive the best conference tip?

1. Did you receive the best conference tip?

As a Pampered Chef representative, I have attended many conferences and have received a variety of useful tips. It's difficult to choose just one as the "best," as different tips may work better for different individuals. However, I am always happy to share tips that have worked well for me personally.

2. Did anyone receive a good conference tip that they would like to share?

Yes, many of my colleagues and fellow representatives have shared fantastic conference tips that have helped them in their business. It's always great to hear different perspectives and learn from others' experiences. I am always open to hearing and sharing new tips!

3. Can you share a conference tip that has been particularly helpful for you?

One of the best conference tips I have received is to network with other representatives and attendees. By connecting with others, I have been able to learn new ideas, share tips, and even collaborate on future events. It's a great way to expand your knowledge and build relationships within the company.

4. How can I make the most out of a conference and come away with valuable tips?

Attending conferences can be overwhelming, but my advice is to come prepared with a goal in mind. Whether it's learning a new skill, connecting with others, or increasing sales, having a clear objective can help you focus on what is most important to you. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and participate in workshops and activities to make the most out of your experience.

5. Are there any tips specifically for new representatives attending their first conference?

Absolutely! My best tip for new representatives is to attend as many workshops and training sessions as possible. These sessions are designed to help you learn and grow in your business. Also, don't be afraid to introduce yourself to other representatives and ask for advice. We were all new at one point, and the Pampered Chef community is always willing to offer support and guidance.

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