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Dealing with a Bounced Check | Tips for Managing Customer Payments

cash a check. If you're not a customer of the bank, they might not be willing to do it. It's not a good sign when the only contact you have is email and phone contact has been disconnected.
Today I checked my account and found that a 264 dollar check a customer write me for a show last week bounced! The bank charged me 19 dollars for returning the check. I immediately picked up the phone to call the customer to try and sort things out only to find out her phone has been disconnected! Not a good sign at all... the only way of contact I have is of email, so I emailed her and then sent an email to the host (was going to close out the show today...luckily hadn't submitted it yet) I just feel so bad for the host because if I can't get this settled it takes the host's 900 dollar show down to 636.

What a way to start the morning! :( How long would you give the lady to contact you back via email?
Hopefully the host will have the # of her friend - what a bummer! At least you found out prior to the show being submitted and shipped (and having that person have the merchandise without paying).
You may want to ask your bank for the check back. Then bring it to the bank that the check was written on.
I am new and not sure what I am going to do when I have out of town checks but so far I bring them to their bank. You usually have to go in and give a thumb print and drivers license.
But until I get a separate account, I am not putting PC checks into my personal account. Just cash!
You can actually call the bank first to see if there are funds available. Good thing you found out before the orders were placed. If you have the money to cover them you could always have the order shipped to you and then give the customer 3 weeks to pay. If no payment within three weeks, then you can send them back to HO for free.
Whenever possible, I take EVERY check to the bank where it is drawn ... I try to verify funds over the phone but some banks are very picky on this! Some will not verify funds unless you are a customer, others will verify funds but not cash the check.

I'd put it back on the host and have her contact her friend. I would not cover somebody 's order, especially one of that size. When their phone is disconnected as well, the two of those together are a bad sign.
One note, in my metropolitan NY area the bulk of our banks will charge you a pretty nasty fee to cash a check at their bank if you don't also have an account. I found this out first at Chase.

Thought it might be of some interest to some who wanted to try this as I wanted to too! :(
I just encountered my first bounced check in almost 4 years this past week. The show was submitted and product received by host. The check was for $51.33 and the bank has charged my account $20.00! I called once and left a message, the second call she answered and said she would send me a money order tomorrow. I, of course, told her she owed me an additional $20 for the bank fee. Hopefully she will send the money. What got me....no apology. Seriously!!!!! Writing a check that has insufficient funds is a crime!
pkd09 said:
I just encountered my first bounced check in almost 4 years this past week. The show was submitted and product received by host. The check was for $51.33 and the bank has charged my account $20.00! I called once and left a message, the second call she answered and said she would send me a money order tomorrow. I, of course, told her she owed me an additional $20 for the bank fee. Hopefully she will send the money. What got me....no apology. Seriously!!!!! Writing a check that has insufficient funds is a crime!

She was probably just really embrrassed.
dkitten13 said:
One note, in my metropolitan NY area the bulk of our banks will charge you a pretty nasty fee to cash a check at their bank if you don't also have an account. I found this out first at Chase.

Thought it might be of some interest to some who wanted to try this as I wanted to too! :(

UMMM, how is that even legal? Anything to make a buck I guess.
  • #10
Krista Burson said:
UMMM, how is that even legal? Anything to make a buck I guess.
it's no different than being charged a service fee when you take money out of a different bank's atm. they charge you too.
  • #11
There are a lot of banks that charge a fee to non-customers. The bank I work at will not charge a fee for an "on us" check for non-clients at least!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Wadesgirl, I was wondering if I fronted it and end up returning it to HO would the host have to pay the difference for her product that she got based on the higher rewwÀrds? How would that work and what do you say to HO to return it? I am sorry I just never knew you could return the whole order if needed and didn't know the logistics of everything? I am meeting with the host later today and hopefully will have a better feel of the situation then.
  • #13
I don't think they will make her pay the difference, the show is already submitted and done. Any guest can return anything for a complete refund up to 1 year. If they do it within 30 days, PC pays for the shipping back to them. I use this as a great deal if someone is wishy-washy on a certain product.
  • #14
I had my first about a month in...that was Nov 3rd and I still dont have the cash for the order. My bank charged me $10 to return it and I am hoping to recover the entire amount. Although I try to always be polite, I will not be very polite if she chooses not to give me the $10 my bank charged me...I just cant believe its been over a month now and it is a priority for the guest!

Related to Dealing with a Bounced Check | Tips for Managing Customer Payments

What is a "First Bounced Check"?

A "First Bounced Check" is a check that has been returned by the bank due to insufficient funds in the account. This means that the check cannot be processed and the payee will not receive the intended funds.

What are the consequences of writing a "First Bounced Check"?

The consequences of writing a "First Bounced Check" can include fees from both the bank and the payee, as well as potential damage to your credit score. Additionally, the payee may choose to no longer accept checks from you in the future.

What can I do if I have written a "First Bounced Check"?

If you have written a "First Bounced Check", the first step is to contact the payee and apologize for the inconvenience. You should then make arrangements to pay the amount owed, including any fees that may have been incurred. It is also important to keep track of your account balance to avoid any future "First Bounced Checks".

Can a "First Bounced Check" be reported to the authorities?

In most cases, a "First Bounced Check" is not considered a criminal offense and will not be reported to the authorities. However, if the check was written with fraudulent intent, it may be considered a crime and could result in legal consequences.

How can I prevent writing a "First Bounced Check" in the future?

To prevent writing a "First Bounced Check", it is important to keep track of your account balance and ensure that you have enough funds before writing a check. You may also want to consider using online banking or automatic bill payments to avoid any potential mistakes. It is also a good idea to always have a small cushion of funds in your account to cover unexpected expenses.

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