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Can Starbucks Help Save My Sales and Bookings?

Invite all your friends, family, co-workers (if you have another job), past guests, and past hosts, also invite anyone whom may have been on your calendar at one point be canceled. Give away the host benefits at your show.If you do this, you will have a much better chance of getting people to book.
Ok, I have called and called and called and called...i can't seem to book any shows..
I think people are going to stop answering there phones if I call anymore.

I have had so many people lately to cancel! It has just been a slump for me.

any idea's!
BookingsI have tried many things. I am having a Famous Phone Sale tomorrow. I hope I get some response. I gave the flyer and extra catalogs to a recent host to take to school and leave in the teachers lounge. I am going to put flyers around town ( I am a little late for doing that, but it can't hurt). I am probably going to do a craft fair this spring. What made a huge difference was the "24 Bookings in 24 Hours". I did it last September and got 9 cooking shows and 2 catalog shows. And it's been a spiral of bookings from that. I offered a shopping spree, but you don't have to. I also did a Catalog Mystery Host show last November. I got $800+ in sales. Some of my hosts dropped out, but I was quite pleased with the end result. I just saw a thread for one for March a day or two ago. I hope some of these ideas are new to you and that they help!


  • Famous Friday Night Phone Sale.doc
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  • FamousFridayGroceryStoreFlyer[1].doc
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  • 24BOOKINGSIN24HOURS[1].doc
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  • 1000CatalogShow[1].doc
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Thanks for the flyers Tammy!
Jeni I think these things can happen from time to time. It's slow for me too, but I've also chosen to slow my schedule down due to things going on at my full-time job. Keep your chin up!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
you all are awesome...
I am in a dry spell as well. My March host had cancelled and she was the only one I had on my books. But since she is planning her wedding, I am hopeful she will do the wedding registry.

One thing I tried was sending an email to all of my past hosts and guests letting them know what the host special was for April. Figured I would jump ahead since I only do weekend shows and the next couple of weekends are a bit busy personally. I am having the fear now of going inactive if I don't get April shows.
Tammy, don't you loose a lot of money with all the prizes you give away? I'd like to try something like that but I'd be worried about keeping the whole thing organized.
I can't get it together for "Fabulous Friday", but I am trying a "Terrific Tuesday" so I can put the order in before the 15th for the HWC products.
Not really
2crazyboys said:
Tammy, don't you loose a lot of money with all the prizes you give away? I'd like to try something like that but I'd be worried about keeping the whole thing organized.

Considering you get a discount, you can write these things off in taxes, or you get freebies to give away, I usually don't lose money on giving gifts. I just make sure I give gifts that are either inexpensive for me or something that I have and don't want.
Example: Order a sample package with items at 50% off and then give them away as gifts. It's cheaper for you and your host gets a freebie.
Debbie :D
  • #10
Fabulous FridayYou can give away anything you want. I chose new items, with the hope it would spark more interest. I am really looking for bookings. And to me it is worth loosing some of my commission. I don't do giveaways all the time, but when your in a lull or your business is not where you want it to be you have to do something.

As far as being organized, it has been a work in progress. Most of my previous customers I called were from last spring. I didn't have my website then. I hope this will at least get them to go to my site and see all the new products.

Last May I sat outside my local Stop 'N Shop (grocery store) with my pink products to get some contacts. I ended up with $180 in sales the first time I did it. The second time it was only about $80 worth. I got one booking that followed through and she was my first $1000 show. You never know. You could do it April and take pre-orders for the pink products.
  • #11
host your own show. Make it a Mystery host show. Invite all your friends, family, co-workers (if you have another job), past guests, and past hosts, also invite anyone whom may have been on your calendar at one point be canceled. Give away the host benefits at your show. I have had great luck with every mystery host show I've had.

I'm getting ready for my Spring kick off Mystery host show right now.
  • #12
I'm in a slump. But, I figured this would happen after having my second son in Jan. I intend on getting more shows I just haven't been motivated. Monday & Thursday nights are out for me too... I have one show this month and the one is fine for right now b/c of my family's schedual. I keep telling myself next month...
  • #13
I love the 24 shows in 24 hours I am going to try that when I get more past hosts.
  • #14
It maybe time to start talking to strangers! Ask the cashiers, teachers, fastfood workers, etc. everyone you meet. Ask if they'd be interested in hosting a PC party.
  • #15

Have you thought of doing your own show?? That might help your sales and get bookings as well....

jasonmva said:
I am in a dry spell as well. My March host had cancelled and she was the only one I had on my books. But since she is planning her wedding, I am hopeful she will do the wedding registry.

One thing I tried was sending an email to all of my past hosts and guests letting them know what the host special was for April. Figured I would jump ahead since I only do weekend shows and the next couple of weekends are a bit busy personally. I am having the fear now of going inactive if I don't get April shows.
  • #16
jodistrauss said:
I can't get it together for "Fabulous Friday", but I am trying a "Terrific Tuesday" so I can put the order in before the 15th for the HWC products.
Jodi just remember our Personal websites will be DOWN on tuesday for maintenance. ARGGhhhhh I was going to do that too and decided on a NON-Open house for Tuesday. I think i will TRY a WACKY Wednesday. I need it before the 15th also.:)
  • #17
The websites will be down from midnight to 3 am (CT). So unless you know a lot of night owls, it shouldn't affect you.
  • #18
Miss Cori said:
I love the 24 shows in 24 hours I am going to try that when I get more past hosts.

I didn't only ask hosts. I asked some of my best customers too. It's a great customer appreciation tool also!
  • #19
I am in a total booking slump! Although, ironically I will have my best month this month from Shows carried over from FEB $4500K+ month. But I usually get 1-2 per show but in the last 3 I have gotten ZERO! So now I wait until my next show on the 24th and hope I can get 1 or 2 and then my next show isn't until April 14th with a vendor event and another show still undecided on a date for April but that's it!! I know I really need to get on the phone this month, which I have just started this week but nothing from them so far! :(

Good luck to all who are in the same boat!
  • #20
jodistrauss said:
I can't get it together for "Fabulous Friday", but I am trying a "Terrific Tuesday" so I can put the order in before the 15th for the HWC products.

THAT'S the spirit Jodi!!!
  • #21
I went through a slump,last fall...I was getting the sales but no one booked. I started listening to some of the$2 CD's Pampered Chef sells on the supply list.

They are the best.

I found that people want Theme shows and fun.

Instead of going on and on about how much host get free, I talk about how fun it is to get together for a cooking class that we get to leave owning products not just knowledge! Then I compare it to the local cooking classes that people are paying big bucks to attend.

I have been offering soup shows, St Patrick's shows, Mexican Fiesta's, Death by Chocolate, etc...

One tape said a theme is any recipe and how you market it.

Last month I had 11 shows and sales of $7,300.

This month looks even better.

I wish there was a way to conference call through Chef Success. There is so much more I could add.
  • #22
Chefgirl2 said:
I went through a slump,last fall...I was getting the sales but no one booked. I started listening to some of the$2 CD's Pampered Chef sells on the supply list.

They are the best.

I found that people want Theme shows and fun.

Instead of going on and on about how much host get free, I talk about how fun it is to get together for a cooking class that we get to leave owning products not just knowledge! Then I compare it to the local cooking classes that people are paying big bucks to attend.

I have been offering soup shows, St Patrick's shows, Mexican Fiesta's, Death by Chocolate, etc...

One tape said a theme is any recipe and how you market it.

Last month I had 11 shows and sales of $7,300.

This month looks even better.

I wish there was a way to conference call through Chef Success. There is so much more I could add.

Just keep typing Elaine.......:D
  • #23
There was a CD Have show with WOW...it knocked my socks off! Fariel Yan and Karen Logston gave so many tips about cooking, baking, veggies, chocolate food prep and safety. I keep it in my car and jump to the different segments on what I'll be making that night...People Love quick tips!

When I started incorperating them into my show I held their interest more.

I also started taking less to my shows. I used to take a full show to go, a book bag, Carry All Tote and a jammed packed TTA plus a stone full of some prebaked dessert.

Now I am taking only a TTA not too packed, the Show to Go and in my carry All Case I have binders and door prizes. That's it. If I do need to prebake something it will also go. I let the host know to call everyone the night before the show. Her excuse is the consultant said she will give a gift to everyone that brings a friend or an order. That has helped my bookings. That guest knows no one other than her friend.

Less is better. I say if there is something you want to see let me know and I can bring it to the next show.

Host coaching is 90% of my bookings. I have her think about the upcoming monthly specials. Who of her friends might appreciate them? I sell the sizzle of that product and make her want them.

I also tell my host to make a huge wish list and a huge guest list. She needs to over invite because only 1/3 to 1/4 will actually come.

Then, when she makes her save the date calls I tell her she has to market her show correctly. She can't say "I have to have a pampered Chef show." It is "I am having a Pampered Chef show! This girl is sooo much fun, there are 47 new products and we are going to make __________ (usually it was a theme that made her decide to book). We'll have a blast and she is gives a gift for every order or friend you bring!"

I have her ask guests that say they can't make it if they want to place an order and if they want to have their own show and get a ton free while having fun! Thinking about booking the month she wants that bonus.

I always do the 3 call host coaching calls.

Most Importantly I have never missed a Team meeting or conference call.

When I was going through my bookings slump I called my Director and took action.

Years ago this same slump happened. I was bellyaching about it to my director...She wrote in red marker a note that is taped on my wall behond my computer. It says:

It is not their job to call you.
It is your job to call them.

Simple. I have been doing the 3-2-1 since conference (3 new contact calls a day = 2 shows a week = 1 recruit a month) and it is amazing! Except I am more like 4-3-2!
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  • #24
Wow -- Elaine...maybe I need to buy some of those CDs. I've been thru a few slumps myself.

I'm in a bit of a booking slump. I've got lots of "potentials" for upcoming months, but my April calendar only has ONE show on it right now, and that's a booth.

I've still got 3 more March cooking shows left to do, so I'm hoping and praying that I'll get some FIRM April and May shows. I'm afraid this May will be a let down compared to my May last year (did two HWC fundraisers, and don't have ANY this year yet).
  • #25
No luck with my Fab Friday sale! Oh well at least I will get the HWC products, just no Apron! :(
  • #26
Sorry to hear that Heather. I was afraid of that happening to me as well. Luckily, my Feb. 25th cooking show host decided to have a catalog show with the new catalog. I'm sure it won't be as high as her cooking show ($941), but she's hoping to get enough for me to turn in a show. We'll see...she has until Tuesday.
  • #27
Thanks Sherrie ya just never know until you try! My 1st one at least qualifed as a show! Ohwell maybe next time around?

And ya just never know about catty shows either, who know's it could end up being your highest show! I had one gal do $1400 last season!!
  • #28

Thanks for taking the time to share with us. Some really great tips and reminders...
  • #29
No problem...oh they say to always book at the show...I left my calendar at home tonight. :eek:
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  • #30

You should do your own CD. I would love to hear how you do a show. Sounds like you have everything down to a science. :D

Thanks for the great ideas!
  • #31
chefann said:
The websites will be down from midnight to 3 am (CT). So unless you know a lot of night owls, it shouldn't affect you.
Thanks ANN, I missed or didn't read the times. I just panicked when I saw Tuesday That is a relief. No Night Owl shows for me:eek:
  • #32
I also didn't have any luck with My Famous Friday Sale. I won't have any shows this pay period unfortunately.
  • #33
Yes, you can have amid-month paycheck!You all, don't give up! There are Spring Flings and festivals starting everywhere. Ask to set up at a bank. I have two girls in my downline doing that this week. What about talking to the local coffee shop? I had a Starbucks person mention it to me, but when I called back they said one of the workers sold PC and she was doing it.

Have an open house. Even if you own none of the new products - we have 47 new items that rock and the catalog shows them perfectly!!!

You can do this! The trifle bowl is amazing and even the color coated knoves are a hit! I have a catalog show that is just under $700...and they aren't even trying!

Just market yourself and have some fun!! The catalog is beautiful and really sells the products! Let everyone know how great the March host bonuses are and how if they have a show now they can really rake it in with future bookings! Get excited!

I would love to see who is going to just up and open their doors by Thursday.

Have a come as you are party and invite any and everyone. Tell them bring a friend get a gift. When you call be enthusiastic and sell that this will be a fun party. Most importantly keep it simple. Call to invite them. Then call and remind them.

You can do this!!
  • #34
Bumping this up.... I am looking forward to my Terrific Tuesday sale tomorrow. But, I am having trouble coming up with clues/products. I am creativity challenged. Can anyone help me out with some great ones??
  • #35
Elaine, you can set up at a Starbucks?? Please tell details!
  • #36
jodistrauss said:
Bumping this up.... I am looking forward to my Terrific Tuesday sale tomorrow. But, I am having trouble coming up with clues/products. I am creativity challenged. Can anyone help me out with some great ones??

I just went to the Product Use and Care part of the PC Website and made questions from the descriptions. Hope this helps!
  • #37
GREAT idea!!! Thanks!!
  • #38
lisacb77 said:
Elaine, you can set up at a Starbucks?? Please tell details!

The are always looking to give back to the community. I was going to do a fundraiser show for the charity of their choice on a Saturday morning. That is until the coworker said she sold PC.

Still, there are 1,000's of Starbucks...with the 25% Help Whip Cancer fundraiser I bet all of us could get at least one going.

Related to Can Starbucks Help Save My Sales and Bookings?

1. How can Starbucks help save my sales and bookings?

One way Starbucks can help is by hosting a "coffee and cookware" event at a local Starbucks location. This will not only expose potential customers to Pampered Chef products, but also create a fun and relaxed atmosphere for booking future shows.

2. I have been calling and calling, but can't seem to book any shows. What can I do?

Instead of relying solely on phone calls, try utilizing social media and email to reach out to potential hosts. You can also offer incentives, such as a free product or discount, to encourage bookings. Additionally, consider hosting a virtual party or offering online ordering options to reach a wider audience.

3. People keep canceling on me. How can I overcome this slump?

First, try to understand the reasons behind the cancellations. Is it due to scheduling conflicts, lack of interest, or other factors? Once you have a better understanding, you can tailor your approach to address these issues. You can also focus on building relationships with your current customers to encourage repeat bookings and referrals.

4. How can I prevent people from getting annoyed with my constant calls?

Vary your methods of communication and timing when reaching out to potential hosts. Instead of calling every day, try alternating between phone calls, emails, and social media messages. You can also ask for permission to follow up at a later date if the person is not interested in hosting a show at the moment.

5. Do you have any other ideas for boosting sales and bookings?

Consider hosting a themed party, such as a holiday or seasonal-themed cooking show. You can also collaborate with other local businesses for cross-promotion or offer special promotions and discounts to attract new customers. Don't forget to utilize your personal network for potential hosts and customers as well.

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