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Can Someone Share the Email for the 2010 Single Conference?

In summary, the Pampered Chef® is holding a National Conference in Chicago next July. The agenda includes training for new Directors, networking events, and the final event of the conference. The registration fee is $200, and online registration will open in April.
Gold Member
I'm at work and can't access my email. Can someone post the email with more info?
i haven't recieved the email yet, but the PCnewswire said one conference from July 12-15th.
Here's the email . . .

The great news is that we’ll be holding one Conference that everyone attends, rather than three Conference sessions.

Just imagine a single Conference where you can network with more people, see all of the top performers being recognized for their accomplishments, and hear from workshop speakers from across the country.

The Pampered Chef® Meetings team has been working hard with both McCormick Place and our Conference hotels to make this possible. As a result, we’ve secured the space we need at McCormick Place, and we’ve been able to double or triple our room blocks at all of our Conference hotels. Next July, Chicago will seem like a Pampered Chef® kind of town when thousands of you join us at National Conference 2010!

I know you probably have some of questions, so let me answer a few:

What are the dates?
Monday, July 12 through Thursday, July 15.

What is the agenda?
We’re still working through the detailed agenda, but here is what you need to know:

Monday, July 12: Pre-Conference Day (times are approximate)
Registration open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Home Office tours
First-Time Attendee Orientation Sessions
Optional Director Buffet Lunch (available noon – 1:30 p.m.)
Director Training Event (2 p.m. – 4 p. m.)
New Director Reception (4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
Upper Level Dinner (7 p.m. – 9 p.m.)
Tuesday, July 13 – Thursday, July 15: National Conference
Events begin at 8:30 a.m. daily
Final event of National Conference ends at 1 p.m. Thursday, July 15.
When will registration open and what is the registration fee?
Online registration will open in April. The fee is $200.

You can start to save for National Conference by signing up for Conference Club. Sign up today!

Can McCormick Place and the hotels really handle everyone?
Yes, in fact, given the number of new Consultants joining The Pampered Chef® in 2009, we expect more attendees at National Conference 2010 than we had at our three sessions in 2009. Our plans will accommodate everyone!
Wow - I just read the email - I am SO excited!!!
I can envision it now... just like I hear those "other" confrences are HUGE and CRAZY intoxicating! :p
Wow! What will we do without all of those requests for e-mails of the new products, requests to not share until Wave 3 is over, etc? LOL It's going to be exciting and a bit of a madhouse, I'm sure, as they work out the kinks. They had better put more time between workshop sessions again! I'm trying to picture all of us in the theater for general sessions. Really, they're going to fit us all in there? Or is there another, bigger space in McCormick? Very excited that I don't have to cross fingers in the hopes of being in the same Wave as someone under a diff. Exec.

And glad to hear that the consultant base is growing.

Did this e-mail only go out to Directors and above?

So when did this e-mail come through? 4 days rather than 3 and well, not majorly thrilled with that idea as of yet as that means one extra hotel night bill to pay for. That means an extra $200 plus possibly. Yikes!
John - I didn't get the e-mail, either. On the plus side for you, lots more male consultants for you to potentially room with. Not sure if that's an issue for you or not. I know it is for other male consultants.
I like the idea but that means I have to take 4 or 5 days off of work. Hmmm...
  • #10
Nope not a problem but still, an extra night to pay for and one more day off work. HMMM is my comment as well.
  • #11
pampered1224 said:
Nope not a problem but still, an extra night to pay for and one more day off work. HMMM is my comment as well.

Well I know I'll go still but that's half of my vacation time for the whole year!
  • #12
So excited, this is going to be so fun for all of us to be together. For sure will have to have a Meet n Greet for all of us too. WAHOO, bring it on!!!
  • #13
pampered1224 said:
So when did this e-mail come through? 4 days rather than 3 and well, not majorly thrilled with that idea as of yet as that means one extra hotel night bill to pay for. That means an extra $200 plus possibly. Yikes!

Just book an extra show per month until then and that will more than cover the extra expenses 1 extra day at NC will cost :)
  • #14
I guess one good thing is that I'll earn it for free so I can use my conference club money to cover the extra night or two.
  • #15
Holy cow! Imagine how big the CS meet up is going to be?! We'll need a big place! LOL
  • #16
wadesgirl said:
I guess one good thing is that I'll earn it for free so I can use my conference club money to cover the extra night or two.

Can you use your conference club money to pay for your hotel? I am going to earn free conference registration also and didn't know what else I could use my club $'s on.
  • #17
It looks like the stuff on the "first day" is all director stuff. So consultants like us, I'm assuming, don't need to be there until the 13th. However, my cluster has always come in the day before anyway because activities start first thing in the morning, and it gives us a bit more time to enjoy Chicago.I can't imagine all of us in that theater either ... it was filled to capacity last year. I am kind of guessing that they might have different general sessions for us, just like they have different workshops. For instance, one cluster may have general session at 8:30 and workshop 1 at 10, the other cluster may have workshop 1 at 8:30 and general session at 10.The 30th anniversary? Conference club is a joke for me since there is no way I make enough to save enough to cover all those expenses! I am praying that I don't have to replace my car again this year, and thus will have enough money to pay for the trip. And also ... at a family wedding, I found out that my cousin lives 30 minutes from downtown Chicago! So I am seriously thinking of turning this into a family vacation, going down to visit Julie on the 12th or weekend before, zipping down to Chicago for the actual conference (I may give her some money just to drop me off at a hotel and pick me up) and head back to my cousin's place afterward. Her husband is a pastor at a church out there, and it would be interesting to hear him preach.
  • #18
I'm just a regular consultant and I got this email at 4 o'clock CST.
  • #19
I love HO. How wonderful and thoughtful to modify conference so all cheffers can go at the same time. ;)
  • #20
Wow! I love the idea. Finally a chance to meet some of those Cheffers who are always in another wave.
  • #21
Becca_in_MD said:
Wow! What will we do without all of those requests for e-mails of the new products, requests to not share until Wave 3 is over, etc? LOL It's going to be exciting and a bit of a madhouse, I'm sure, as they work out the kinks. They had better put more time between workshop sessions again! I'm trying to picture all of us in the theater for general sessions. Really, they're going to fit us all in there? Or is there another, bigger space in McCormick? Very excited that I don't have to cross fingers in the hopes of being in the same Wave as someone under a diff. Exec.

And glad to hear that the consultant base is growing.

Did this e-mail only go out to Directors and above?


There are other, bigger spaces at McCormick.

There are parts of McCormick that you've never seen, if the only time you've been there has been for PC Conference. It can handle much bigger than that!
  • #22
I am so happy about this that I can crap rainbows right now! SOOO excited!
  • #23
OK, not to be Debbie Downer, put just imagine the lines!! (bathrooms etc.)
  • #24
Wow! When I attended my first conf. I came away thinking that "now I see the big picture"! I have a feeling I ain't seen nothing yet!!!!!!!!!
  • #25
When I first read it, I thought Wow!! I think it is a fabulous idea. I am so excited that I am telling my team to start saving now.
  • #26
I think this is a great idea! Yes, I'm sure that there will be some kinks to work out but you have to know that HO is trying to be as prepared as possible. And, I'm sure that they've thought out the bathroom lines, etc.

The conference schedule starts earlier on Day 1, but ends at 1:00 p.m. on Day 3. I think that's a great idea!

Here's a map of McCormick:http://www.mccormickplace.com/pdf/LocatorBrochure.pdf

Think of how much better this conference is going to be! Everyone together!
  • #27
i am super excited to start hearing about 2010 conference!! however those dates are making me feel very uneasy, i have already committed myself to taking a group of highschool girls to the national abgirls conference and for some reason i think it is the same week :( i am hoping i am wrong.
  • #28
Have any of you been to the McDonald's at McCormick? Have you seen the two huge rooms on either side? Those two rooms alone are three times the size of where we have breakfast!! Not to mention everything in the new West Wing that we have never even been in!! It is the new part across the street from the South Building. So... yep, we ain't seen nothing yet!!! Plus don't fret, there are also probably a ton of bathrooms we don't know about!!
  • #29
John, I'm more worried about bathrooms for you if they turn almost all of the mens rooms into ladies rooms! They'll have to give you a treasure map to find the ones that are still truly for men!

Walking shoes will be a must.

They already said buffet lunch for directors. I imagine it will be more "quick and easy" meals. With the change in career plan, there's lots of room for changes in how they do recognition, etc.

With one conference, we're not tied to an Exec who may no longer be an Exec once conference comes around or vice versa.

Yup, we truly will see the big picture.
  • #30
pampered1224 said:
Have any of you been to the McDonald's at McCormick? Have you seen the two huge rooms on either side? Those two rooms alone are three times the size of where we have breakfast!! Not to mention everything in the new West Wing that we have never even been in!! It is the new part across the street from the South Building. So... yep, we ain't seen nothing yet!!! Plus don't fret, there are also probably a ton of bathrooms we don't know about!!

Very true. In fact, I've always known of some bathrooms that others didn't know about...so I've rarely stood in line at Conference. ;):D
  • #31
I am so excited about this!! I can't wait. However, I am a downer on the part where I am also getting married in 2010 and my PC show money is going to pay for wedding stuff and honeymoon in London. I really want to do both though!!! I would LOVE to meet everyone from on here!!
  • #32
pamperedpals said:
Can you use your conference club money to pay for your hotel? I am going to earn free conference registration also and didn't know what else I could use my club $'s on.

They reimburse you any money that you don't use from conference club. So you can turn around and use it for what ever you want. I'll save mine for the hotel.
  • #33
Just wanted to sneak in here that DebPC and I will be planning a big ChefSuccess party during the conference 2010 :)
  • #34
that's great, let us know when!
  • #35
I know this will be amazing. It will be very crowded in the meeting rooms and general session wonder how they will do that. Can't wait to be there.
  • #36
That's fantastic!
  • #37
Wow I'm so excited! I wasn't able to make this past conference and was looking forward to next year's. Now I'm looking forward to it even more. That Chefsuccess party sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait. Thanks Greg and Deb.
  • #38
Dina Atnip said:
I know this will be amazing. It will be very crowded in the meeting rooms and general session wonder how they will do that. Can't wait to be there.

We have only been in a small part of the McCormick Center during PC conferences - McCormick is HUGE, and I'm sure we won't feel crowded there.

I'd be more concerned about the hotels - especially the elevators.
  • #39
I agree with Becky. We have just scratched the surface of McCormick Ctr. I found out the hard way!
  • #40
can't wait to see how Merrill will handle all of us!!! LOL
  • #41
Admin Greg said:
Just wanted to sneak in here that DebPC and I will be planning a big ChefSuccess party during the conference 2010 :)

That is soooo great! I didn't make it to the MNG this year and really missed it.
  • #42
kreaser said:
can't wait to see how Merrill will handle all of us!!! LOL

With 3 times the staff & 3 times the stuff I hope!
  • #43
pampered1224 said:
So when did this e-mail come through? 4 days rather than 3 and well, not majorly thrilled with that idea as of yet as that means one extra hotel night bill to pay for. That means an extra $200 plus possibly. Yikes!

I'm not majorly thrilled either! As a matter of fact, I already told my director that I probably won't go this time. Not only an extra hotel night, but, for those of us who work another job, it means taking off work another day!

NOPE... I probably won't go this time!
  • #44
I know that attendance has declinded for conference. My first year I went they fill both levels of the Arie Crown Theatre. Last year (my third year) they didn't even open the balcony. I don't blame them for putting everybody together, hope PC and all the vendors are up for the challenge!
  • #45
Just curious what are the rest of you thinking as far as the first day? I'm thinking of getting my plane ticket early this year but don't know whether to go early the 12th or go the 11th and stay somewhere less expensive the first night? Thanksjj16
  • #46
I am planning on getting there on the 11th. I won't get a different hotel because then I would have to pay for a cab to move to the conference hotel and it just seems more hassle than it's worth. I always go a day early and around check in time so I can decompress and enjoy chicago before the hustle and bustle of conference :)

My question is, can you imagine all of us going after the surprise boxes? Oh my LOL Like it's not crowded enough one wave at a time but all three at once? YIKES LOL
  • #47
Fluffy215 said:
I am planning on getting there on the 11th. I won't get a different hotel because then I would have to pay for a cab to move to the conference hotel and it just seems more hassle than it's worth. I always go a day early and around check in time so I can decompress and enjoy chicago before the hustle and bustle of conference :)

My question is, can you imagine all of us going after the surprise boxes? Oh my LOL Like it's not crowded enough one wave at a time but all three at once? YIKES LOL

Hmmm, maybe they won't have surprise boxes - or they'll have specific times alloted for different people to pick them up. They haven't always done surprise boxes - that's a fairly new addition to conference.

Related to Can Someone Share the Email for the 2010 Single Conference?

1. Can you please provide the email for the 2010 Single Conference?

The email for the 2010 Single Conference has been sent out to all registered attendees. If you are unable to access your email at work, we recommend checking your spam or junk folder. If you still cannot find the email, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

2. I am at work and cannot access my email. Can someone share the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference?

We understand that you may not have access to your email while at work. The email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference includes important details such as the event schedule, location, and any updates or changes. We recommend reaching out to a colleague who has access to their email to forward the information to you.

3. Is there a way to access the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference without using my work email?

Yes, you can access the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference by logging into your personal email account or accessing it through a different device. Alternatively, you can also check our website or social media pages for updates and information about the conference.

4. Can someone post the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference on a public platform?

We apologize, but we are unable to share the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference on a public platform. The email contains sensitive information that is only meant for registered attendees. If you are unable to access your email, please refer to our website or social media pages for updates and information about the conference.

5. I have not received the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference. What should I do?

If you have not received the email with more information about the 2010 Single Conference, please first check your spam or junk folder. If you still cannot find the email, please contact our customer service team for assistance. We will ensure that you receive the necessary information and updates about the conference.

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