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Breaking Down the Drama of ANTM Spring 2010: Raina vs Naduah

In summary, the girls in the house seem to be having more issues than in past seasons. Ren was eliminated yesterday and Miss Jay was brought in to be a trainer/mentor but they have hardly shown him. There is no more "pick a friend" for the challenge prizes. Love to know that it's not just me and Keith watching.
Staff member
Anyone else watching?

I think Raina is a dead ringer for Denise Richards.

I think Naduah had the most amazing look, but she clearly had some issues. I think the bit of modeling she'd done gave her the impression that she had nothing to learn. Unfortunately it meant that she'd developed a lot of bad habits. From her departing remarks she clearly didn't get what they were telling her.
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  • #2
Okay, the drama makes me laugh. I realize it's because it's not happening to me. It reminds me of junior high.

If Ren is so upset with the drama in the house, she could have simply left the room. Running to Brenda and telling her what was said just threw fuel on the fire.
I was amazed at the reason Ren was there in the first place. And when asked why she only did 4 poses and saying "Those were the only 4 I was taught" :eek:
How about having a personality Ren!!

But the whole drama with Brenda and Anslee(sp?) is clearly a case of similiar people that can't stand each other because they're so alike.

Love to know that it's not just me and Keith watching!!
raebates said:
I think Raina is a dead ringer for Denise Richards.

YES!! Agreed!
This batch of girls seems to have more issues in the house than past seasons, although that could be a result of how the show is edited, rather than any actual difference. Doesn't surprise me that Ren was eliminated yesterday. Usually when a girl admits to having vague reasons for being there, she's as good as gone. Way back in an early season, someone said that they were on the show not to become a model, but to get a foot in the fashion industry (she was an aspiring designer), and she was eliminated that week, even though her photo wasn't the worst.I'm disappointed that Miss Jay left the judging panel to serve as a trainer/mentor and they have hardly shown him at all. But I do like that there's no more "pick a friend" for the challenge prizes. It gives more incentive to have a good picture at the photo shoots instead of just encouraging pictures that aren't the worst. (I think there were participants in the past few cycles who tried to stick in the middle of the pack and not be eliminated, rather than trying to have the best picture.)
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  • #6
I agree. I like that the photo winner gets an additional reward.
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  • #7
I'm kind of surprised that they didn't remove Ainsley. I don't think she's listening.
Who got booted? Or is there a place I can watch the episode online? I missed the last 10 minutes of it because my mom came over to play with Abel and I wasn't paying attention!
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  • #9
If you go to cwtv.com you can watch the full episodes. It came down to Anslee and Simone. Simone was sent home.
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  • #10
No way! I liked her... :(
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  • #11
She just couldn't seem to let herself go. She was too controlled.
  • #12
Woohoo!! I'm soo glad Anslee didn't leave. She's far from being my favorite but what she's doing for her family and what she's sacrificing by being away from her daughter...that takes a strong woman. I LOVED the note her daughter wrote.

And Jessica..pardon my French (Don't go there Keith...) but WTF??!!?
  • #13
ShelbyMichalek said:
Woohoo!! I'm soo glad Anslee didn't leave. She's far from being my favorite but what she's doing for her family and what she's sacrificing by being away from her daughter...that takes a strong woman. I LOVED the note her daughter wrote.

And Jessica..pardon my French (Don't go there Keith...) but WTF??!!?

Jessica cracks me up! I found her little hair flip rather sexy, too.

BTW Shelby, we miss you in the chatbox. :(
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  • #14
Can't say I was surprised to see Brenda go las week. I'm a little sad for Alexandra. She seems defeated.

It cracked me up when they left Alasia behind. Has no one evee told her that it takes some time for an elevator to travel down and then back up? And, pressing the button repeatedly doesn't make it go faster.
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  • #15
I've seen that departure coming.

Anyone else completely over Angelea and Alasia? I'm ready for both of them to go home. They both cause too much drama.
  • #16
raebates said:
Anyone else completely over Angelea and Alasia? I'm ready for both of them to go home. They both cause too much drama.

Totally agree. (ANTM is my secret vice...not so secret now);)
  • #17
I have been ready for Alasia to go home for weeks. She's so hypocritical in her behavior/statements about respect. Slightly related- It seems that on whatever competition-style reality show I watch, there's always someone with a big ego/self centered personality. Alasia is one on this cycle of ANTM. Season 7 of Project Runway just ended, and 2 of the big egos ended up in the final 3. After the judges eliminated 1, Mr. Ego had an "I've got this in the bag" expression on his face. It looked like he completely expected the other guy to be eliminated. I had such a feeling of glee when he didn't win. And on the reunion show, some chatter was about how Mr. Ego thought Tim (the mentor, PR's equivalent to Mr. and Ms. Jay) trash-talked the designs, so the editors threw in a montage of Mr. Ego trash-talking all the other designers.
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  • #17
I don't get the station that airs Project Runway, but I love Tim Gunn. He's been on The Bonnie Hunt Show a few times, and I've seen him elsewhere. He has strong opinions, but he expresses them with wit and a clear love of design. I'm looking forward to reading his new book once it's released.
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  • #18
I don't get the station that airs Project Runway, but I love Tim Gunn. He's been on The Bonnie Hunt Show a few times, and I've seen him elsewhere. He has strong opinions, but he expresses them with wit and a clear love of design. I'm looking forward to reading his new book once it's released.
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  • #19
Clearly Angelea is getting too cocky. You just don't do something like that at judging. Krista impressed me this week.I like Jessica and would like to see her stay quite a while longer.
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  • #20
Whoooo hooooo! Doin't the happy dance.Okay, I know it's not nice to cheer at someone else's pain. I'm not glad she's sad. I'm just glad she's gone.
  • #21
I missed it last night...who went?
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  • #22
Alaysia's gone! :)
  • #23
Oh, can't say I am disappointed about that.
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  • #24
I think they punished Angelea by placing her near the bottom for her weird behavior at panel.
  • #25
I wish Jessica had been sent home. I had a feeling it would be Alasia since she was bottom 2 two weeks in a row. She's a very beautiful girl...with curves!! Love that! I am glad that Alexandra stepped up her game. It was hard watching her self-destruct. I'll be glad when eyebrows is gone. Krista is working it out (with her little stick self). Go girl!! Angelea looked like a crack head at judging.
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  • #26
Alaysia is beautiful, and she does have some curves. However, the girl got on my last nerve. She was pushy, loud, and a little insane. She'd treat other people horribly, then just go off on anyone who criticized her in any way. On the other hand, I like Jessica. I think she's a very pretty girl. She also seems somewhat level-headed, if a bit naive. Krista's doing well. She seems to be getting it. Angelea, on the other hand, confuses me. I have to agree with you about Alexandra. I can't see her winning, but I think she could go to the last 2 or 3. She just needs to stop beating herself up.You don't like Raina? I think she's great. I also think she's a dead-ringer for Denise Richards.
  • #27
Rae, I saw your reference the Bonnie Hunt show! Love that show too! If you watch Monday's episode, right after Cat Cora's segment they go to a woman in the audience to do a Listerine dental fact, she's wearing a green floral pea coat. That's my mom :) And then after Jason Dolley's interview, they go to another person in the audience and that's ME :)

But back to ANTM - I'm SOOOOOO over Angelea. I think she looks like a man and is way to egotistical. But I am glad that Alaysia went first. I'm sorry, the lateness thing never got addressed seriously enough by the judges. I really was hoping they had left her when she got stuck out of the elevator. I think Jessica is the prettiest, but I do like the commercial look better. But she also seems the most normal, down-to-earth of the bunch too.
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  • #28
Cool, Elise! I tape the show, so I'll be sure to look for you. I actually tape the show even when I'm home to watch it. You see, The Furry Guy works second shift, so he's home when it airs here at 9 a.m. He insists on talking to me even when Bonnie's on. I know, it's shocking. ;) So, I tape it in case I miss something and want to go back and catch it. I'm a little obsessed, and I'm not sure what I'll do in September when it's gone for good.As for ANTM, I was disappointed, too, that her lateness wasn't addressed. I wonder, though, if the judges actually know about anything that goes on outside of the challenges and photo shoots.
  • #29
Yeah, I'm super sad she's going off the air! I'm usually at work when it's on so I Tivo it every day too! This was our 2nd time going to a taping. We went last October right after my youngest sister turned 14 and was old enough, and then this was the only Friday taping left now that my other sister is in school Mon-Thur.
  • #30
Wow!! Jessica seems like a whiny "B"!! I'm surprised you guys think she's so sweet. Both she and Raina are bratty lil whiners.
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  • #31
I'm beginning to wonder if we're watching the same season. LOL! It's funny what sticks out to one person versus another.Actually, I've found all of the girls fairly whiny and somewhat immature. Then again, they're young. Jessica and Raina's whininess hasn't bothered me nearly as much as Angelea and Alaysia's rudeness and yelling.
  • #32
Yeah, I had a real sense of schadenfreude this week, too. :) I agree that Angela was too cocky at judging. I'm not a big Jessica fan, but was happy with the results this week.
  • #33
raebates said:
Alaysia is beautiful, and she does have some curves.

I think Alaysia's response to being called "curvy" in the Seventeen body shape challenge was funny. And a great illustration why that word isn't necessarily an appropriate politically correct term to use instead of plus-sized. Alaysia took curvy to mean plus, when she's still small, just shapely. And there are also plus-sized people (models included) who aren't curvy - that's why Lane Bryant has jeans available in 3 shapes.
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  • #34
True, Ann. I generally refer to myself as both fluffy and curvy. I definitely have curves. If I weighted 100 pounds I'd have curves. It's the way I'm built. The added pounds I carry account for the fluffy. :)I like to look around sometimes and just admire the vast difference in body shapes. Two women who are the same height, weigh, and size can have completely different shapes. Unfortunately, other than Lane Bryant, too many clothing manufacturers don't realize this.I just thought of Raquel Welch's appearance on The Bonnie Hunt Show. She said that designers today, "don't design for a full crowd in the balcony." I love that line.
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  • #35
I wasn't surprised at the outcome. Jessica is a beautiful girl, but she's been having trouble summoning an edge. I predict that she'll get steady commercial work. At this point I see Krista and either Alexandra or Raina in the final 2. Raina takes amazing photos and Alexandra seems to have suddenly started getting it.Have to admit Angelea's attitude cracked me up. When she was winning she was rubbing everyone's noses in it. Now that Krista's winning she's pouting and complaining about how Krista's acting. Frankly, I don't think Krista's behavior is out of control. I just chuckled at her expression at panel. As each name was called she got more ticked. Next week's episode should be interesting.
  • #36
This has been one of the more disappointing seasons for me...I'm not really loving any of the finalists. At this point, the only person I feel is worth rooting for is Raina. I'm just not a big fan of Krista (though her pictures are admittedly gorgeous) or Angelea.... they both have been down right mean consistently throughout the season. Then again, I'm sure editing has something to do with how they are perceived....
  • #37
Krista's pictures are amazing. I'm glad Alexandra has stepped up her game. I just can't get behind Raina and her fake, "Oh Mylanta" garbage. She doesn't have her own look either. She looks just like Denise Richards, like Rae said. I'm disappointed with Angelea's attitude and behavior. She clearly has self-esteem issues. However, she was friends with Krista and should be happy for her friend and not threatened by her. I'm sad to see their friendship going away with Krista's success on the show.
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  • #38
I can understand why people think Raina and her "Oh, Mylanta" are fake. I don't necessarily think so, though. You've met me. I'm absolutely genuine, but I'm over the top. There are a lot of people who think I'm fake because I'm so animated and perky.
  • #39
Frankly, I'm surprised Jessica lasted as long as she did.There seems to be a lot more emphasis this season on the personality clashes among the contestants. I don't think I like it. It's one thing to show friendliness and the qualities that clients look for (or not - like the snootiness or overinflated egos we've seen often). But, other than creating drama or viewer preferences for certain participants, the in-house conflict is unnecessary.
  • #40
chefann said:
Frankly, I'm surprised Jessica lasted as long as she did.

There seems to be a lot more emphasis this season on the personality clashes among the contestants. I don't think I like it. It's one thing to show friendliness and the qualities that clients look for (or not - like the snootiness or overinflated egos we've seen often). But, other than creating drama or viewer preferences for certain participants, the in-house conflict is unnecessary.

The show has gone seriously downhill. Back in the early seasons there were more contestants that actually seemed like models. But seriously..Alasia lasting as long as she did too? Puh-lease.

I think even Tyra knows what a joke the show has become. Notice how she changes up her "Previously on America's Next Top Model" thing at the beginning of each episode? She sounds crazier and crazier each time. One time, instead of saying "So she was sent home!", and said "Bye Bye Alasia!" and she used to always say, "X girls remain..who will be eliminated tonight?" and now she changes it each time. One time she goes "Who in the heck do you think's gonna be eliminated tonight?". Really, Tyra?

And lastly, notice how the opening theme song has slowly morphed into being all about her instead of just showcasing the contestants?

Okay this is lastly...why have we never seen any real CoverGirl commercial with the models after winning?
  • #41
leftymac said:
And lastly, notice how the opening theme song has slowly morphed into being all about her instead of just showcasing the contestants?
So you watch The Soup? They frequently (at least 60% of their episodes) point out how self-centered Tyra is. Both on ANTM and on her talk show. They show clips of her talking about "when I was on a shoot..." and focusing on herself. It's pretty funny. And they have a clip they use from the talk show of Tyra pointing at herself and saying, "Me!" Whenever DH and I catch her doing something self-involved on ANTM, we say "me!" the same way. :)

Related to Breaking Down the Drama of ANTM Spring 2010: Raina vs Naduah

1. What is the drama between Raina and Naduah on ANTM Spring 2010?

The drama between Raina and Naduah on ANTM Spring 2010 stemmed from their different personalities and attitudes towards modeling. Raina was seen as the more confident and determined contestant, while Naduah was often portrayed as arrogant and resistant to criticism.

2. Is Raina similar to Denise Richards?

Many viewers have commented on the resemblance between Raina and actress Denise Richards. Both have similar features and a strong, confident presence on screen.

3. Did Naduah have potential as a model?

Naduah's unique look and previous modeling experience did give her potential as a model. However, her stubbornness and inability to take constructive criticism hindered her growth and ultimately led to her elimination.

4. What did Naduah's departing remarks reveal about her?

Naduah's departing remarks showed that she had a sense of entitlement and believed she had nothing left to learn in the competition. This attitude likely stemmed from her previous modeling experience and caused her to develop bad habits that the judges were trying to correct.

5. Is anyone else watching ANTM Spring 2010?

As a representative of Pampered Chef, I cannot comment on the viewing habits of individuals. However, ANTM Spring 2010 was a popular season of the show and had a large audience.

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