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Are you ready to take your Pampered Chef business to the next level?

In summary, the winning vote was for Sunday Nights, 11PM Eastern/8PM Pacific. The first class starts Sunday night (Oct 3rd)! So if you wanted to play and you are not confirmed on the list, please e-mail me at [email protected] with your real name & your CS username ASAP so that I can add you!!!
  • #51
Doodlbug329 said:
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?

I am a brand new consultant, so at the end of this course, I would like to be continually booking shows, doing 2 shows per week and really getting my business going!!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?

At the end of 2010, I would like to be earning $1000 per month, and staying consistent with my business.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?

At the end of 2011, I would like to have moved up within the company as a team leader or director, and I would love to have earned enough money to return to culinary school part time or more!!

Congrats on starting your business and we're excited to have you here on Chef Success!!!!!!
  • #52
Don't want to be left out!! Will have to listen to playback. My email address is [email protected]
Vickie Lavell
  • #53
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
I would like to have 3-4 parties a month constantly.Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?
Have my sales to $1000/month and have my name out there :)Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
Have two recruits and have constant bookings.
  • #54
where do we call in? Nothing in my email, sadly!
  • #55
scottcooks said:
where do we call in? Nothing in my email, sadly!

Dial-in: 1-712-432-3030
Conference code: 373283
  • Thread starter
  • #56
elyrian: I'll PM you.

Scott, I'm so sorry! I put you in the system, but clicked the wrong "buddy group", that's why you didn't get the e-mail that I sent out. I've corrected it & you should receive all future e-mails related to this class.

Thanks Debbie!
  • Thread starter
  • #57
crzywth7 :thumbup: You've been added too
  • #58
So sad. I did make some calls (to mostly grumpy folks on a Sunday evening) to make used of my time, left messages, no bookings yet.
  • Thread starter
  • #59
I feel bad! I had so many requests all coming at me from different directions, most with missing info so I was having to request the basics. I've just been innundated with requests over the last couple of days! I hope I have it all straight now. I counted & found someone else not on the group e-mails (pdean98) and that's now been corrected too. Hopefully I have everyone on there now that requested to be on the e-mail list!
  • #60
I would love to join this class!!! I so need it! My director is no help at all!

My e-mail address is [email protected]. I will try my best to participate on the calls (hoping to be able to stay awake that long ;) ). Otherwise I will then do the playback. (Will need playback info for last night's class) sorry I didn't get to this until now. Got Greg's e-mail on Friday, but had to unplug the computer over the weekend to clean up water in the basement.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
I would like to be consistent with making 3-2-1 and have a full calendar. (At the very least, 6 shows a month, booked and held).

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?

I'd like to end the year with a full and consistent calendar and be at least a Team Leader, on my way to directorship.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
I'd like to walk as Director, and make enough so that I don't have to work anywhere else.

My main challenge to help me make these goals is consistently working on my business through time management.
  • #61
I would love to get the information on how to get in on this training too! :)
  • #62
Is it too late to get in on this? I was unsure what it was in the beginning, but it looks like extra training which I am always up for!! If it is too late, that's ok, I'll read everyone's postings to get motivation. My e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks in advance!!
  • #63
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?

I would like to have the rest of the year booked with 1-2 shows a week.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?

I would like to have 2 recruits and be more confident at my shows and with making calls. I would like to have a $1000 show!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?

I would like to go on vacation!! I would like to keep my calender full and make at least $650 a month. I would like to be a director!!
  • Thread starter
  • #64
jla8279 - you should have a PM from me from several days ago that says to e-mail me at [email protected] with your real name & Chef Success username. It's soooo much easier to click the "add contact" button there than trying to re-type them all ... and less likely that I'll make errors when I'm transposing, as I can't copy & paste e-mails from CS, they come up in a fashion that won't let you copy! :(

sherri lynn - I just entered you & when I went to send you an e-mail there were 3 of you! Apparently, I've already added you to the list 2 other times possibly from other methods of requests? I deleted all but one so you won't get double or triple copies of everything that I send to the group. If you are not seeing my e-mails, add me as a contact on your e-mail list & then check your spam folder! ;)
  • #65
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?To have my calendar booked until at least the end of the year!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?
To have at least one recruit and become a Senior Consultant.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
To be a Director (and walk at National Conference!)
  • #66
Ok My Goals are as follows!!!!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
I would like to have a full calendar and be comfortable with making all of my Customer Care Calls!!!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
I would like to be able to cut back my day job to working part time so that I can start a family!!!! Yay!
  • #67
Thank you, Sheila! I am so glad that I found out about this class!

My goal is to fill my calendar every month!. I want to do a minimum of 8 shows every month.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of the 5 week course?
I will book at least 8 shows a month through the end of this year and maintain this pace in the future. I would also like to promote to Team Leader.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?
I will promote to Director and earn the trip to Toronto, at a minimum.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
I will promote to Advanced Director by Conference 2011, and walk across that stage! I want to be able to show people, especially my family that you CAN make a great living in direct sales!
  • #68
:chef:My goal is... to have at least one show per week.

Where would I like to be with my business at the end of the 5 week course? I really would like at least 1 show per week, minimum of 4 per month and to be able to do that steadily.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010? I would like to have $3000.00 in comissionable sales by Dec. 31.

Where would you llike to be with your business at the end of 2011? I would like to go to Conference 2011, be on my way to earning a trip, promote to director and definitely have my 15,000.00 in sales by the end of next year. I want to prove to myself, friends and family that I can do this and be successful at it!
  • #69
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?

I want a full calendar with at lease $500 shows.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?

I would like to have 1 recruit per month.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?

I would like to go on vacation!! I would like to keep my calender full and make at least $650 a month.
  • #70
Ugh! My life has been very hectic since I decided to participate. Had to pick up shifts at work to cover some call-outs. I just printed out all the materials, and planning on listening to the call tonight. Better late than never!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course? I will have a show schedule of 3 or 4 shows monthly with a minimum sales of $1250.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010? At the end of 2010, I will have promoted to Team Leader, consistently meeting the requirements, preparing for Directorship.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011? I will have promoted to Director and continue to build my team, changing lives.
  • #71
I would like to listen to the playback if at all possible! My email is [email protected] thanks!
  • #72
My goal is to have at least 12 shows a month! Even 8 would be great! I can't seem to stay consistent.
I'm hoping to learn to be more consistent/better host coaching & maybe add to my team. I currently have 2 active consultants.
Thank you Sheila!
  • Thread starter
  • #73
Stacey, I added you & e-mailed you. ;)

You're welcome Kathy!
  • #74
My life is hectic as well - this is job #3, but I want it to be a success, so I am giving it my all.

These are my goals:
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course? I would like to be more conformable talking about Pampered Chef with people and making my 3 contacts a day - PICKING UP THE PHONE!!!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010? At the end of 2010, I would to have about 3-4 shows a month and at least 2 recruits. My monitary goal is to bring in more money into our debt snowball. :thumbup:

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011? I am not sure yet... is that OK? I am still so new to this business that I am not sure where I am going.
  • #75
My Goals:

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
To have my calendar full through January 2011.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?
I would like to have a more consistent show schedule starting to form.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
Strengthening my show schedule so that I have at least 3-4 every month and starting to work on building my team wide and deep.
  • #76
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course? I will have 2 shows per week and have made more out of the box calls.
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010? I will have my January booked and host pkgs delivered the first week of the month
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011? I will have more recruits and I will be better prepared to train future recruits
  • #77
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
Have my calendar booked with 4 shows in Nov and Dec each.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2010?
Making 3 contacts a day EVERY day, 6 shows booked for January and at least 2 catalogs shows booked for Feb (baby #1 due on Feb 3rd)

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
Consistent daily/weekly/monthly routines for my PC business (3-2-1) so there is a steady flow of business and recruit leads, not the feast or famine I have now :)
  • #78
Is it too late to join this? I need it... I am going through the Pampered Chef Blues~~
  • Thread starter
  • #79
Sorry, we have already completed session 3 of 5 & will be doing session 4 on Sunday.

I recommend that you talk to your upline to see if they have a class starting soon. You will get much more out of it if you are doing it with a group & reporting back after each session with your progress. ;)
<h2>1. What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Are you ready to take your Pampered Chef business to the next level?</h2><p>The five most frequently asked questions about taking your Pampered Chef business to the next level are:<ul><li>What is the date and time of the first class?</li><li>How do I sign up for the class?</li><li>What are the assignments before starting the class?</li><li>Where can I find the forms for session 1?</li><li>What should I expect to learn from this 5 week course?</li></ul></p><h2>2. What are the details about the Sunday night call and who is participating?</h2><p>The Sunday night call will be held at 11PM Eastern/8PM Pacific and the first class starts on Sunday, October 3rd. Those who are confirmed to participate include Adriana, Amy, Anita, Anne, Ashley, Barb, Bethany, Brenda, Carol, Bree, Candice, Catalina, Cathy, Colleen, Cookie, Danielle, Deb, Debbie, Donna, Ericka, Ginny, IC, Jan, Josette, Julie, Kathy, Kris, Lani, Latosha, Laura, Laurie, Leslie, Linda, Liz, Lorenzo, Marghi, Martha, Melissa, Mitzi, Myra, Nicole, Noelle, Paula, Pnina, Rebecca, Roarke, Samantha, Scott, Shakeerah, Shani, Sherri, Stacey, Sue, Teera, and ? (waiting for email address). </p><h2>3. Who is listening to the playback and who voted for other days/call-ins?</h2><p>Those listening to the playback include Amanda, Amy, Betty, Bob, Christina, Darlien, Dawn, Debby, Elia, Erin, Gina, Gloria, Harold, Heidi, Karen, Karynne, Katie, Kristin, Laura, Laurel, Lorraine, Meighan, Melissa, Michelle, Nikki, Patty, Randi, Sarah, Stephanie, Taja, Tanya, Terri, Theresa, Vickie, Yolanda, ? (Fidget), ? (pdean98), Doreen (waiting for email address), and Becky (waiting for email address). Those who voted for other days/call-ins but are welcome to participate in the Sunday night calls or playbacks include Carolyn, Debbie, ? (jla8279), Malinda, and Julie.</p><h2>4. What are the pre-session assignments and forms for Session 1?</h2><p>The pre-session assignments are to print and complete the following forms before calling in: Ready, Set, Play! and List of 100. The forms for Session 1 are Participants: Step Up Your Business and Post Your Goals!</p><h2>5. What are the goals for this course and how can I subscribe to the thread?</h2><p>The goals for this course vary for each participant, but some common ones may include increasing monthly paychecks or achieving a Director position by the end of the year. To subscribe to the thread, go to the Step Up Your Business forum created by Greg and click on "Forum Tools" and then "Subscribe to this thread." You can choose how often you want to be notified of new posts on the forum. </p>

Related to Are you ready to take your Pampered Chef business to the next level?

1. What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Are you ready to take your Pampered Chef business to the next level?

The five most frequently asked questions about taking your Pampered Chef business to the next level are:

  • What is the date and time of the first class?
  • How do I sign up for the class?
  • What are the assignments before starting the class?
  • Where can I find the forms for session 1?
  • What should I expect to learn from this 5 week course?

2. What are the details about the Sunday night call and who is participating?

The Sunday night call will be held at 11PM Eastern/8PM Pacific and the first class starts on Sunday, October 3rd. Those who are confirmed to participate include Adriana, Amy, Anita, Anne, Ashley, Barb, Bethany, Brenda, Carol, Bree, Candice, Catalina, Cathy, Colleen, Cookie, Danielle, Deb, Debbie, Donna, Ericka, Ginny, IC, Jan, Josette, Julie, Kathy, Kris, Lani, Latosha, Laura, Laurie, Leslie, Linda, Liz, Lorenzo, Marghi, Martha, Melissa, Mitzi, Myra, Nicole, Noelle, Paula, Pnina, Rebecca, Roarke, Samantha, Scott, Shakeerah, Shani, Sherri, Stacey, Sue, Teera, and ? (waiting for email address).

3. Who is listening to the playback and who voted for other days/call-ins?

Those listening to the playback include Amanda, Amy, Betty, Bob, Christina, Darlien, Dawn, Debby, Elia, Erin, Gina, Gloria, Harold, Heidi, Karen, Karynne, Katie, Kristin, Laura, Laurel, Lorraine, Meighan, Melissa, Michelle, Nikki, Patty, Randi, Sarah, Stephanie, Taja, Tanya, Terri, Theresa, Vickie, Yolanda, ? (Fidget), ? (pdean98), Doreen (waiting for email address), and Becky (waiting for email address). Those who voted for other days/call-ins but are welcome to participate in the Sunday night calls or playbacks include Carolyn, Debbie, ? (jla8279), Malinda, and Julie.

4. What are the pre-session assignments and forms for Session 1?

The pre-session assignments are to print and complete the following forms before calling in: Ready, Set, Play! and List of 100. The forms for Session 1 are Participants: Step Up Your Business and Post Your Goals!

5. What are the goals for this course and how can I subscribe to the thread?

The goals for this course vary for each participant, but some common ones may include increasing monthly paychecks or achieving a Director position by the end of the year. To subscribe to the thread, go to the Step Up Your Business forum created by Greg and click on "Forum Tools" and then "Subscribe to this thread." You can choose how often you want to be notified of new posts on the forum.

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