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Are You Experiencing Product Problems with The Pampered Chef?

In summary, the hosts are having a lot of problems with products that are defective, missing, or broken.
Since January, I have been having several hosts call regarding products that are defective, missing or broken: Classic Batter Bowl lids are cracked; Micro Cooker handle snapped off; Chillzanne looks melted; items missing; Stoneware broken etc.

I am getting embarassed about this and worry about it. It's a hassle for them to have to even have a problem, then have to phone me, gripe, wait for my follow-up, wait for a return label, ship back the item (depending on what it is), and WAIT for a replacement.

I've let home office know, but my questions are:
~Is this common to anyone else?
~Aren't the items checked before being shipped?

It's frustrating and not a part of the job I'd banked on. Honestly I'm on the phone with HO at least once a week regarding a product...
i'm tired of it!!!I have been selling for a year now and never had anything be delivered broken and all of a sudden in just the last week I've had a stoneware broken and get this...the large simple additions platter broken...Those things are kind of hard to break! I have e-mailed home office about this. Since Janruary, I've been getting boxes in that have been throwed around so much that they are dented in and some have even have had rather large holes on them. I've had hosts contact me about this and I'm not sure what to say to them when they call. I sent in a show on mar. 1st and it just got delivered last night(host is very aggravated and thought about not doing a show again b/c of this) and then after these people waited this long for their product there is stoneware that's broken. I'm not sure what's going on, but I e-mailed HO and they e-mailed me back and I responded and I'm waiting on them to e-mail me back so maybe they will get something done about this.
That is so strange because I have only had two problems in the past year. A busted bag of coffee (could have happened during shipping) and a missing small serving spatula, and that is it!! How many different warehouses are there? Could it just be a problem at a certain warehouse maybe? I live in Indiana and my stuff comes from Illinois, but isn't there also a warehouse in California, or did I just dream that up?
Me, too!Glad to hear I'm not the only one! It seems like I spend AT LEAST 15 to 20minutes at every show taking care of complaints. I just hope that they take care of the problem soon.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I'm In Canada...Wondering if our warehouse differs from the US, since I'm in Canada.
I agree!!I got my sample packages today and 1 of the boxes looked like it had been opened! Tape pulled to the side, fortunatly everything was inside and in good shape. The Simple Additions box was banged up too. I did email HO because I thought they ought to know what shape the boxes arrived in. I think some hosts would really wonder what their products have been through if their packages arrived like that.
Same hereI think UPS is the culprit!! I also have had boxes show up that looked like they had been thrown around and stomped on. IT's a shame that they don't care to handle our products with more care, especially since I'm sure we have some sort of contract with them. I had a box with a cookware set show up that looked like it had been opened also, and it was all bent and distorted. I was so embarrassed but I was quick to tell my host that UPS has done a very sloppy job with my boxes, even personal boxes mailed to me. I told them I would email the HO to let them know that something must be done about this. I am waiting for a response. I can't imagine having these boxes show up at my hosts home, how embarrassing. But be sure to blame UPS, not PC. Although PC should really speak up about this to them. We deserve to have nice boxes with our fragile stuff inside.
during christmas we had some boxes delivered that was damaged. i was nice and said its a busy time for them. well when my spring and supply orders came in the boxes were in awful conditon. some even had holes in the side. i just dont understand how they can get so messed up!! how do they get holes in them and how does tape get removed from a box???? i think its time to get another company for delivery!!
  • #10
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  • #11
I get a lot of damaged boxes. UPS does not handle boxes carefully...but neither does other delivery companies or the post office for that matter. They are all in a hurry to get things out so they toss boxes here and there. I have had trouble since Christmas with broken or missing items in my shipments. I think that problem is the warehouse. They are trying to get things out faster and they make mistakes...we all do. But, they have always got right on it and sent the products ASAP. I had a small saute pan that was dented. When I emailed home office, they replied within 2 hours with approval. They sent a new skillet and said not to return the other one.

As for sending a show on the 1st and receiving it on the 14th...this is in the guidelines printed by PC. They tell you to allow 2 weeks from submission to receive your show. They have just been super fast lately. I have sent a show and it was shipped out the next day. I don't know why your show took the full 2 weeks. There could have been a problem with backorder, out of stock, or maybe problems with someones credit card or debit card. Be sure to tell your guests that it normally takes 2 weeks to receive the products. Then when it arrives early they are extremely happy.
  • #12
I have only been doing this for 4 mths. Every show that I have done has had something broken or missing. It seems that I spend more time on the phone doing product adjustments then with my hosts. Here we are telling everybody what great products that pampered chef has, maybe we should add when you get it. My FIRST show was missing a can opener and 2 chillezon rectangle servers. I really had to talk that person into having a show and then to have this happen. She was not a happy camper. My fourth show took the prize though. She found her show upside down in a snowbank. Thankfully all her stuff was there so we had a good laugh for that one.
  • #13
I too received two boxes yesterday that looked like they had been thrown around. Luckly there was nothing broken or damaged. Also plan to call the home office and inform them.
  • #14
i can understand that people make mistakes and all that but this is my thought. these people get paid to fill these boxes correctly. its not a matter of "oh they fix it". it hurts our business when our hosts open the boxes they have been anxiously waiting on only to find something broken and missing. it doesnt matter if t hey send it out the next day the point is they still have to wait to enjoy using it!! it makes it alot harder to get them to book or order again after seeing there products missing and broken. i think they really need to tighten up and get things back in order.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Here, here, gals!
  • #16
It's not just UPS!We live on Guam and can only get our orders through the USPS....the past few shipments have been horrible! Boxes opened and re-taped, holes, broken products, etc! It is embarrasing, but I do have to say, I think the warehouse has something to do with it too, some of the products have arrived completely damaged, with no box! (A really good customer had a LG Micro Cooker thrown in w/o the box and it was warped!)
  • #17
FYI, the Lg Micro Cooker does not come in a box neither does the sm.
  • #18
the show that took two weeks was b/c someone screwed up the address...not sure what happened with it...in pampered partner the address is correct but HO somehow did not have the right address and then it screwed up UPS...the host finally got the rest of her show last night and come to find out there was a broken stone( I think I told everyone that the last time i posted) but anyways I received a show today ice cream dippers out of the box and missing items...i don't understand what's going on!
  • #19
Chef Kearns said:
FYI, the Lg Micro Cooker does not come in a box neither does the sm.

My bad!:D

Also, our last show was shipped to the Host's address even though we had put it in for ours "Host C/O Me".....
  • #20
It is not UPS here. UPS doesn't pack the merchandise into the boxes.They are not responsible for missing products or parts. I think it is the warehouse.

I received a PC shiping box intact on the outside; however, the Simple Addition large squares were smashed inside the padded box. The outside of the SA boxes were dented. When I picked up the boxes, they rattled, and the squares were broken in a hundred small pieces. The towels ordered were also missing.

Yes, PC replaced the items in a timely fashion, but it was my time used to adjust the problem. Maybe the warehouse employees are disgruntled because damaged product seems to be happening more often.
  • #21
I wonder too if this isn't a problem for consultants living further away from the warehouses. It would make sense that the further a box travels, the more banged up it can get. Fortunately (although not so much on the business end of things) I live in Illinois which as most of you know is right near headquarters. I've actually thought of taking a field trip up there one day...LOL! Anyway, my boxes always arrive in perfect condition. I have had other boxes delivered from CA for example that were smashed. When that happens, I would complain to UPS. I hope things get better for you all soon! I can imagine that is extremely frusterating.

  • #22
My boxes always arrive in perfect condition. However, lately, my shipments have been missing SEVERAL products. For example, I had two shows arrive at my house the same day. One was missing bamboo tongs and mini serving spatulas. The other was missing a small bar pan and mini chillzanne bowl. This happens with almost every one of my shows (at least one product missing) I did the product adjustments online and it was easy enough, but that was a week ago and they JUST shipped out this morning (and who knows when they'll be here since UPS tracking system is so freaking annoying and NOT updated). They need to A) stop reusing tracking numbers B)Have the tracking system updated EVERY step of the way. I have a package out there that has been showing only "BILLING INFORMATION RECEIVED" for almost two weeks. It arrived yesterday and I checked the # again just to see and it STILL doesn't show as delivered.
  • #23
It's frustrating!!It is so frustrating with cutting boards that are still on hold. It's bad enough with the reusable tracking numbers I don't know when the boxes are coming but not to have the complete order is frustrating.
I have tried to explain to my guests and hosts it will be another 2 weeks until I get them because they were not prepared for such a big response to the FREE cutting board.
I see they have added another item to April guests so they won't run into the same problem again. Either free party plates or a FREE casual cookbook. That might be a great idea every month they offer something FREE.
PC is very generous to hosts and guests but sometimes they don't seem very professional to work with, because of all the excuses I have to make for missing items, broken items, wrong items that need to be adjusted, etc
I hope they do better in the months to come.
  • #24
I thought I was the only one...who was having issues with the packaging. Glad to see others are too. Well, not really, but glad I'm not the only one. Most of mine have been arriving with the tape off, broken, torn ,etc. But today, I had two boxes arrive with holes in them, and one pretty banged up. I'm afraid to see the status of what's inside.

My last host told me her garlic press cleaners were broken on two of the presses. I laughed to myself, thinking she just didn't know how to put it on. Wrong - sure enough. They were broken right in half. Not the cleaner broken off. The entire base of the cleaner snapped in half! :eek:

I have a regular UPS man. Regular enough to the point that he knows to go to the maintenance man when he delivers packages. I met him personally too. So he knows I'm the "pampered" one. :p

Could it be in the distribution? I'd ask the UPS guy, but he's been coming too early in the day for me to ask.

I'll be sure to say something to HO.
  • #25
Shipping to wrong address
kitchencop said:
Also, our last show was shipped to the Host's address even though we had put it in for ours "Host C/O Me".....

I could be wrong, but I have had this happen before and it ended up being operator error (mine) not TPC. :D

If you change the host address after you have already pulled her in, you need to make sure you go into the "Special Shipping and Info" box. This makes something happen behind the scenes in PP and pulls in the new address. I also am always sure to double check the address when I am balancing. I had one show deliver to a hosts OLD ADDRESS because I somehow missed checking the address on the balance and didn't realize about the Special Shipping button (I was still pretty new!)

Hopefully this helps it not happening in the future!!!
  • #26
kristenskitchen said:
I wonder too if this isn't a problem for consultants living further away from the warehouses. It would make sense that the further a box travels, the more banged up it can get. Fortunately (although not so much on the business end of things) I live in Illinois which as most of you know is right near headquarters. I've actually thought of taking a field trip up there one day...LOL! Anyway, my boxes always arrive in perfect condition.

I also live in IL, about an hour away from the HO, and have had plenty of problems lately also. I had one box with a Stoneware Fluted Pan and SA Striped Rectangle Platter just shattered. What a mess! Plus a missing Steak Knife Set....THEN when they shipped a new platter, the packing slip said rect. platter, but inside the box was a small striped square! :mad:

This having to do adjustments on adjustments crap is driving me nuts!
  • #27
I had 3 shows delivered yesteday and all 3 had problems. I did a product adjustment and took care of it, but it is a pain. When I got my samples in - my boxes were in terrible shape. I took pictures of them in case something was damaged on the inside. Everything was fine on the inside.

I also had a customer tell me that her last home show (not PC) that the UPS guy just threw her order over her privacy fence (which is 6 ft tall)

I'm glad I'm not the only one with problems.
  • #28
I also have had a couple of problems but not with UPS. My outside box was in perfect condition but two of the boxes for scoops looked awful. One was torn open and the other looked like it had been through a lot. I was embarassed to give these to put my customer in this condition.

My other problem was a broken square but none of the other simple addition pieces were broken that were in the same box.

Go figure!
  • #29
Ok, I'm kind of annoyed. Last month I ordered a pack of 100 catalogs for spring. Last week I took some out for a show and realized that a bunch of them had a TON of pages missing (from 13 to 36 or something). I counted and figured out that I had 47catalogs that were missing pages. So I send an email to HO and they do a product adjustment for me. They said I would be receiving a replacement catalogs in a week or so. So today the UPS guy drops them off and I count them. They sent me only a pack of 25 catalogs to replace the 47 that were bad. So basically I'm out 22 catalogs? Not a huge deal but I did pay for 100 and now I only end up with 78. I'm so annoyed.
  • #30
Pampered Princess:

I would email HO again...no need for you to be short ANY of the catalogs that you purchased!!
  • #31
Lots of problems here tooLadies

I agree and want to say that I'm also having lots of problems. Out of my last 10+ shows I've only had one order arrive without anything missing or broken, however, that order did end up with their cutting boards on back order. I even had one order arrive without any bags for the host to put the guest orders into. Now, I know that's a packing error and not UPS' error.

I've e-mailed the HO about this and got a silly little "thanks for letting us know" reply from them, but it didn't fix the problems because they are still happening. I get tired of making excuses and saying sorry for something beyond my control, there are times it makes we wonder whether I really want to be a consultant for a company that has such poor quality control.
  • #32
What's funny is I bought the essential set and one of the small white squares was broken. Well, I called it in and they sent me the black triangle today instead of the white square. How did that happen???:rolleyes: ;) So of course I called it in again and they are coming to get the black triangle back and send me a white square. Way too funny.:p
  • #33
Just a little input here from a very experienced packer. I worked in shipping and recieving for the U.S Air Force for 7 years. My job was to pack, ship and recieve parts for aircraft and other assorted supplies. Some of these items were in the tens of thousands of dollars range. My point being, that they taught me how to pack items for shipping so that they would not get broken in transit.

Having this background in shipping, I can tell you that PC does some of the worst packing I have ever seen! Every time I see how they've packed their boxes, I'm amazed that everything inside isn't completely mangled and broken! I've even threatened to take a trip to HO and teach their packers how to pack.;)

If the boxes were packed correctly, using the proper cushioning materials, the boxes wouldn't be arriving with holes in them and broken products. It's a known fact in the shipping industry, that UPS, FedEx, USPS etc. handle their shipments very roughly. It is the responsibility of the shipper to pack their boxes accordingly. I can tell you, that there is no way any of the above carrriers would pay a claim against them from PC, because the boxes are improperly packed.

Keep complaining to the HO, it is their responsibility to make sure the items arrive in one piece... and they are doing an awful job. Maybe if they keep hearing complaints, they'll consider packing their boxes correctly!
  • #34
Shipping w/ UPSWhen I read this thread I was worried that something would happen to my order. BUT it didn't !!! My boxes were in perfect condition!!! Nothing was broken or missing!! :) For all of you who are having problems I hope they fix them soon!!
  • #35
I have been having similar problems, broken stoneware, missing pieces, and all kinds of other problems. The broken items could possibly be UPS but I am thinking that if PC packed these things better they might not be getting broken. My sister ordered a replacement piece for her simple additions entertainment set and they sent the dish in a small box...no packing material, nothing...needless to say it didn't break but she wouldn't have been excited if the second piece came broken as well.
  • #36
I had a GOOD host who will no longer do shows because of how her order came. She called HO and they gave her a pizza cutter as a "I'm sorry you had problems" gift but that doesn't fix the problem. If she ever decides to have another show I will have it shipped to me so she doesn't see how it comes.

I think they should get someone in to teach them how to pack the cartons too!
  • #37
I didn't get anything damage so far but I do have problemes with UPS and specialy when they hire a sub contractor to do their job, latly they didn't even check the delivery address on the boxes and my customer order got delivered to a consultant living 45 min away it took over 1 1/2 week before something was done about it. The help I got from suport service was great but I really think tha PC should use the power they have to tell them(UPS and theire sub-contractor) to do the job right because I hade so many problems before this one with theire sub-contractor and to me it looks like it's ok for them to do what thety do since they don't have any penalty.
  • #38
sweet said:
I didn't get anything damage so far but I do have problemes with UPS and specialy when they hire a sub contractor to do their job, latly they didn't even check the delivery address on the boxes and my customer order got delivered to a consultant living 45 min away it took over 1 1/2 week before something was done about it. The help I got from suport service was great but I really think tha PC should use the power they have to tell them(UPS and theire sub-contractor) to do the job right because I hade so many problems before this one with theire sub-contractor and to me it looks like it's ok for them to do what thety do since they don't have any penalty.

Hi With all the problems with lost/damaged items I have a question? Are we allowed to place personal orders and keep an inventory of items that are popular with our guests and sell them those? Just so they are not waiting and frustrated? Kind of like having our own gift certificates on hand?
  • #39
pampermeRai said:
Hi With all the problems with lost/damaged items I have a question? Are we allowed to place personal orders and keep an inventory of items that are popular with our guests and sell them those? Just so they are not waiting and frustrated? Kind of like having our own gift certificates on hand?
If you did that the warranties would not transfer. PC discourages us from having inventory. We are not supposed to resell items that we get a reduced price or free.

Read over the Recipe for Success.
  • #40
BethCooks4U said:
If you did that the warranties would not transfer. PC discourages us from having inventory. We are not supposed to resell items that we get a reduced price or free.

Read over the Recipe for Success.

Is it best to just have the items delivered to us and then wedrop them to the host?
  • #41
pampermeRai said:
Is it best to just have the items delivered to us and then wedrop them to the host?
I do that if the host wants me to or says that they are uncomfortable with leaving the boxes at their door because they work during the day or if I have concerns about payment. Just be sure that the first address line says "c/o your name". If you don't do that the booking benefits will be denied and you will not get commission on any order placed with the host show discount. PC will think that she lives at your house.

Susie Host
c/o Mary Consultant
123 My Street
Any Town, State zip
  • #42
I'm trying to figure out how my last show the products got delivered to her house!! I knew she was going into the hospital for a C-section the week after her show. So I told her I would have her show shipped to me and I would sort through everything for her. With having a new baby she can use her rest. Yesterday she called me and said her order arrived. I double checked in PP and my address is what I had listed for her....so I have no clue!!!
  • #43
I had the same thing happen!I have no clue how it happened either! I had my address in both screens for the host info and it still went to her house! I don't even know how they had her address because there is no record of it on my end. When I called HO to see if I was missing a step somewhere, the gentleman that answered insisted that it was impossible for that to happen. He said that I ally sent it before I put in my information. I am 150% positive that I did NOT do that, it's kinda hard to send an order % ally". I tried to tell him that I KNOW that wasn't what happened but he just kept saying that was what I did. It started to irritate me, I don't like when someone tries to tell me I did something that I know for a fact I did not do, so I just thanked him and hung up. Hopefully it doesn't happen again! Glad to know I am not the only one!
  • #44
I recently had a customer call me and tell me the 2 large bar pans I gave to her were warped...so now I have to go through the whole exchange process
  • #45
happened to me alsoI just had the same thing happen...my host was really pissed about it....i thought it was ups's fault but somewhere between my pp and ho it got screwed up...hope this does not happen again.
  • #46
My problem is all together different. I just had a hostess call and ask if PC had changed its policies, I said not that I know of why. She tells me there are no bags in her boxes to give the orders out. Now I have to call other connsultants in the area to see if they have any extra. She was horrified to think she was going to have to hand these orders out in Kroger and Walmart bags!!
  • #47
I had the bag thing happen a lot too last August. Most of my hosts right around that time where not getting PC bags with their orders.
  • #48
In Defense of UPS and PC, I have to say that I have been extremely satisfied with the prompt, deliveries. I generally submit orders Sun. nights, or Mondays. They are shipped by 5PM Tues., and this past week, arrived here
in Western, NY State by Wed. noon. My host was thrilled to have her show
ready to deliver on Thurs. I have done 30 shows and had approximately half of them come to me, because of the number of women who work and I am home days. I check every item for flaws etc. Thank God, even with some pretty beat up boxes, the packing was sufficient to protect everything.
I noticed that those of you who show your State locations, all seem to be in the South, thus taking longer to get there, and perhaps having different carriers than those of us who may be delivered over the road. Do you think all UPS is over the road from HO to your area? or does some go via airlines that could be the real culprit?
  • #49
reesefamily5 said:
I had the bag thing happen a lot too last August. Most of my hosts right around that time where not getting PC bags with their orders.
PC has been hiring a lot of co-workers (that's what they call HO workers) and I think some of these troubles are because they're new.

Quality control in the shipping and packing areas would help I'm sure. :rolleyes:
  • #50
I agree that the problem seems to be with UPS. I've had boxes arrive at my house wet ( we have a covered porch) torn, and even opened and poorly resealed. Not just PC shipments personal orders too. I have also contacted HO, so they are aware of the problem many times over.

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