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Director Are You Attending the Duska Mills Training in Rochester this Weekend?

In summary, the training this Friday and Saturday in Rochester is being offered by an upline SD. Some of the attendees plan to attend, while others have other commitments. SD recommends that new recruits ask people about the business opportunity and also ask customers. New recruits should also set goals and not focus on what they think they can do, but what they really want. Types of consultants include Hobbiesist, Part-time Consultant, and Fast Track Consultant. New recruits should promote into management once they know what the potential customer is willing to do. The Deep Covered Baker is a popular product that is being offered by the company. New recruits are advised to not talk about the business during the show.
I'm wondering if any of you are going to the training this Friday & Saturday in Rochester???
I'll be there :)
I would have loved to, but I already had shows booked those 2 days and I run our soccer program and it is our last day of it.
Have fun!!!
I was hoping to go, as well - but it is a 5 hour drive for me and I had other commitments over the weekend. :( I believe my upline SD will be there.
Does anyone have notes from this event? She is an amazing business woman!
The gift of time is priceless
Recruiting is not an option, Promoting is!
Ask people – Just make it something that you do
Ask EVERY Host 4 times about the business opportunity!
Ask EVERY Customer! Especially outside orders and on-line orders!
Our job is to provide information about the opportunity
Are you trainable? I can help you.
Set goals not on what you think you can do, but what you really want!
Types of Consultants (Share with new recruits)
Hobbiest: 1-2 Shows a month (doesn’t make money)
Part-time: 4 Shows (makes money)
Fast Track: $1,200 -$1,500 month – 9-10 Shows
Promote into management.
Once we know what they want, what are they willing to do?Don’t cook at your Shows! Bring the recipe prepared and ready to go into the oven!Sell the daylights out of the Deep Covered Baker!
Chicken Fajhitas – chipotle rub kick! So west not so much!
30 minute chicken
Chicken & Rice, 4 breasts, rice aroni on top 25 min.
Molten lava cake – spoon out don’t flip over
Tiny pasta casserole, jar and a half of sauce, hamburger meat, fiesta cheese soup, water, 28 minHave customers use highlighters! Make them want more than they can afford! Walk them through the cat during demo! No, really, you want to highlight that! Teach customers to brown 6 lbs of meat not 1!Egg Mc Muffin: whisk one egg in prep bowl microwave 1 minute flip onto English muffin.Use bar pan for pancakes: mix batter night before place in Batter Bowl in fridge. Butter bar pan and bake 350 for 18-20 minutes. Slice using pizza cutter or cut with cut n seal layer with sausage wrap, put if freezer for quick on the go breakfast!How many of you have a Slow Cooker?! How many of you LOVE that you have to preplan your meal 14 hours before you eat?! The DCB is your new crockpot!Make families #1 again!BE CONSISTENTLY GOOD AT THE BASICS OF THIS BUSINESS!How many of you at the end of the day stand in front of the open fridge and wish it would just please spit out DONE!How many of you say time for dinner to the family and the head for the door?!Don’t talk about the biz during the Show!Talk about Bookings! Make them want EVERYTHING!Create a need/desire to:
find time
to work a business
to book a partyBE INTENTIONAL ABOUT YOUR SHOW!Use name tags, have everyone write what they would do with an extra $500Opening: Welcome, thank Host. Most people don’t realize that simply by holding 1 Show a week in this business you can earn an income of about $500 a month. Watch what I do tonight, think about what it could do for you and your family.Powerful close: Did you have fun tonight? Did you highlight everything in your catalog? Great! There are 3 ways for you to get those products with The Pampered Chef. But first, (hand out door prize slips) turn your door prize slip over, don’t write anything yet, and list 5 questions you’d like to ask me about a Pampered Chef business. Like….How much money do you make?.....How many Shows do you hold each week?.....Do you earn trips….How would I get trained? Okay go! The first one done will win a prize! Then read and answer the questions of the first one done. Is there any other question that I can answer for anyone?How many of you work full time? How many of you if your boss asked you to work 3 hours extra on one day a week if he paid you an extra $500 a month would do that? Okay, now what if he asked you to work an extra 6 hours a week and he would pay you an extra $1000 a month and send you on a FREE vacation?! How many of you would do that? That’s what I’m asking you to do, only I’m not your boss!Now let’s turn your door prize slip over. Now I told you there are 3 ways to get our products.3 ways to get our products:- 1st, my favorite, this apron. Some of you may be interested in MAKING money! You can join my Team. It’s easy to get started, I can sign you up tonight! You won’t be alone. I’ll be here to help you along the way. Please let me know you’d like more info by checking yes or maybe.Some of you don’t want to make money, but you’d like to SAVE money! Host a Show! My average Host earns over $100 in FREE products! Let me know you’re interested by checking yesAnd maybe some of you just like to SPEND money! I want to be your Consultant! I’ll take care of you. Be sure to provide me with your email info and contact infoThen….LOOK OPENLY AT THE DOOR PRIZE SLIPS! Don’t go hide in a corner! If someone has checked yes to more info about the biz , walk over to her and give her the “Come Join Us” booklet! Yes, right there with her friends around her! Say, “Deb, I noticed that you checked yes to more info about our business. I’d like you to look this over for a few minutes. (Be sure to flip the booklet over and show her what comes in the Kit) then say. : Be sure to check out what comes in the Kit, it may change what you order tonight.” THEN WALK AWAY! What’s going to happen? Her friends are right there and will start to encourage her! A few minutes later go back over and say, “So, Deb, what do you think?” AND LISTEN! Great, I’ll get the form to order your Kit. I’ll be right back.
After she’s complete the form and signed up on line (yes, at the Show!) Make an appointment for the Welcome Training. It’s at this Welcome Training that you’ll give her the Quik Start box. DO NOT GIVE IT TO HER AT THE SHOW! She’ll feel overwhelmed just by the weight of it as she leaves.Then before they leave ask them 3 questions:Deb, before you go I just have 3 questions for you.
What sparked your interest in The Pampered Chef?
How would that benefit your family?
What quality do you have that would make you a good Consultant?You’ve just given them all the answers to questions that hubby or friends that weren’t at the Show will ask!I will invest in you if you’re willing to invest in yourself!Before you meet again have them work on the following:
list of people they know (list of 100)
available Show dates
set aside phone timeDo you have questions on why you should sign? Or how to get started?Ask for what you want! Duska makes all of her phone calls between 9 and noon. So ask people where they can be reached during those hours! If they can’t be reached then get a number for 5-7pm call on your way to Shows!Have new Consultants push harder in the first 30-60 days then they can cruise at 90!Training is what you do to Consultants who don’t know anything. Coaching is holding them accountable to what they already know.We don’t have to be the one with all the answers!Women don’t set goals because we’re afraid of failure!Because we don’t set goals, we’re never happy because we’re never satisfied!Watch “Facing The Giants” movieSet business hours. Business hours = PHONE TIMEIt’s not our Hosts or our Customers responsibility to return our calls. GET OVER IT!70% of our products are under $25We have a solution to offer people!
Place a sticker with outlet instructions on the back of your business cards
Don’t be afraid to be a business owner.
Take down the Closed sign!Picture a large plane taking off……it takes a lot of fuel to lift off but once you’ve reached the altitude you’re cruising.Personal business not where you want it to be? Plan a Mega month and book as many Shows as possible! Want to consistently book out 2-3 months with 8 Shows each month. Do a Mega month of 16 Shows! We all hate to call for bookings! What if you planned to call everyone you knew for 30 days? Would you do it if it enabled you to never have to do that again? Go for it! Have new Consultants do that too!
Morphia, Thank you for posting. I am printing as we speak, and sending to my team as well.
Duska just made me cry again.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Morfia.....were you there???
I was just getting ready to type up my notes & share.
She was AWESOME & for a $25 investment I got SOOOO much more......I'm with you b/c I cried too....she is so relatable & SUCH a down to earth person & SOOO willing to teach & SHARE!!
WOW I'm changing my business & I'm looking forward to GROWING :)
WOW!!!! Great info - did anyone record it? I'd love to hear her speak about this.
  • #10
I wanted to go, but I really have to get parties in. I need of :money::money:
Morfia...where do you live? PM me!!!

I so wanted to go and get some team members to go, but they can be stuck at home people. SO thankful you shared the notes. One more of many reasons why I just love :love0010:Morfia!!!:candyheart: (in a PC sisterhood kinda way:chef:!!)
  • #11
oh yeah~! I am on the "I LOVE MORFIA" bandwagon with you Ann! Actually, I love everyone on this site~such good info comes from you all!
  • #12
Wow, thanks SOOOO much for sharing! That was awesome!:)
  • #13
OK love me but a very good friend of mine shared them with me--NO i was not there-but she promised to take good notes for me--It was 6 hours away from me--
  • #14
Well it is a little over 3 hours away from me, but I only have weekends for parties. If the party had cancelled, I would have gone but as it turned out, it was a good party.

We still love you even though the material didn't come directly from you. As I welcomed our newest director on DS this week I claimed that this site was full of great people with great ideas. I know this because I have stolen every one of the great ideas I come across!!:devil:
  • #15
Great Interviews 2008
My co-presenter is Executive Director (should make it by July 1st) Duska Mills from San Antonio, TX . Duska has been with the company for 4 years and currently has 47 in her first line. The last two years, she has earned TPC in 5 categories and was the 2007-2008 Circle of Honor Achiever for Developing Directors. Her best business tip is set goals, set business hours and set a pace for others to follow!

Duska ?
Most of you know how to inform people about this business and you even know ways to invite people to join your team. However, what I find is one of the main reasons consultants do not recruit is their lack of confidence in knowing what to do next. The focus of this workshop is to teach you things to do and words to say so you will have the confidence to help potential recruits to a ?yes?.
? Why Use the Come Join Us Book ? One of the main reasons I love PC is they invest their time in creating systems to make our jobs easier. They collect great ideas from all the top achievers, then put materials together that we can all use so we can duplicate those same high results. One of the biggest mistakes consultants make during an interview is ?vomiting at the mouth? ? we talk and talk and talk, until we have talked so much we have talked the potential recruit right out of the business. The key to a successful interview is asking questions and listening!!! This book was designed to do just that. It will help lead you through a successful interview while always staying in control of the process.
? Setting up an Interview ? Tip at your show ? if they are ready to sign ? sign them at the show (this is not an earth shattering decision it is okay to move quickly ? plus it is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission!). If they need more time to look over some information and think about it ? then I like to ask these three questions and schedule a follow up within 24-48 hours.
What was it you saw or heard tonight that interested you in learning more about the business?
How would starting a PC business benefit you and your family?
What qualities do you think you have that would make you a good consultant?

The purpose of these questions is to help them gain confidence in their decision before they go home and talk it over with their spouse or family. (Give an example). Once they have answered these questions, affirm what they said ? and schedule a follow up within 24-48 hours.
TIP ? the reason we always say 24-48 hours is because people lose 10% interest every day. So if you wait 10 days to call them ? guess what ? they are no longer interested!
? Interview in Person or Phone ? You have to do what is best for you! Both can be done successfully. With my schedule, I do all of my interviews over the phone. Just know if you do an interview over the phone, there are a few tips to ensure success.
1. Make the calls when it works for you and your schedule ? have business hours!
2. Ask them if they are available the next day to talk during your business hours and what number can you reach them during this time. This will help you in every aspect of your business.
? Steps to Recruiting interview
1. Get Acquainted ? explore the potential recruits needs and desires and how PC could impact them and their family.
2. Explore the business - Invite Objections or Obstacles ? rather find out now versus later!
3. Guide them to a Decision ? yes, no, think about/maybe later
? TIP - whenever you start the interview ask them if they want to know more about why they should become a consultant or how to become a consultant. If they want to know how ? move forward with signing them up and getting them started ? again it is okay to move quickly if they are ready to go!
? 5 Habits Remarkable Recruiter ? the main thing that separate great recruiters is habits! It is not who they are, but what they do!
1. Works business with consistency ? consistent shows gets you a steady stream of recruit leads.
2. Always Smiling ? a reflection, not a technique. This is one of the main things that attract people to this business whether it is a host or consultant.
3. Active, Not Passive ? active recruiters ask everyone. They look/seek for people who need this business. They do not get stressed over ?no? because they are confident the next ?yes? is just around the corner. Passive recruiters just look for the red flags or wait for someone to ask them
4. Focuses on others more than themselves ? they understand it is not about you it is about them!
5. Stay in control of the process ? driver vs. passenger analogy - you call someone for a follow up call ? they say they can talk but they think they are really too busy for the business. Do you just say ok bye????? The just got in your driver?s seat. Your job is the explore how PC could change their life
Prospect - ?Since I met you at the show, I?ve thought about it and I just don?t think I am going to be able to do this? I am just so busy right now.?
Consultant ? ?I hear what you are saying, and I can certainly relate to the feeling of busy. I want to get back to that, but do you mind telling me what it was about the party that even triggered your interest in wanting to know more about The Pampered Chef business?? ?. Listen
? Why do is it so important to get acquainted? Most of the time you are interviewing people you do not know very well. They have to feel comfortable with you! Build rapport through compliments and having a common ground (give examples). Get to know your prospect by asking questions ? let them talk. Successful recruiters recruit from their hearts not from their heads. This is how you really help other people and it will be the difference in your business!

Turn over to Karin to talk about those 5 getting acquainted questions.

Duska -
? Getting to a decision ? focus on helping them get to some sort of a decision ? help the fence sitters off the fence!
? Yes ? once they have decided to join ? I congratulate them and let them know PC and I will be here to help them every step of the way. I then go through 5 quick things for them to do to get started quickly.
1. Pull out their calendar and decide when they want to have their kickoff show ? within 2 weeks.
2. Have them think of one or two people they can call to collect catalog orders (prefer someone outside of where they live ? one of the catalog shows can be theirs). Both need to be completed by their kick off show
3. Help them start a guest list to invite to their party. This sounds much less intimidating than a list of 100 people to call to ask for a show. At my welcome training I will give them the words to say to ask for parties!
4. Set up a Welcome/Getting Started Training time with me within a couple of days (Quick start box).
5. Have them go online and we will do the agreement while we are on the phone together.
? No ? this typically means I am interested but now is not a good time - be sure to ask ? not now or not ever? Most of the time they just need us to follow up with them in the future.
1. The first thing I try is to get to a decision of booking a party - ?I appreciate your honesty, and I hope you will let me know if anything changes in the future? I would still love the opportunity to work with you? can we reserve a date in (month) to have a party so you can have a fun night with your friends and earn a free shopping spree.?? I have several consultants on my team that signed once they had their party after they saw how excited their friends were to have their own party.
2. If they have just booked a party ? then I will work to set up a time with them to follow up. Ask them ? ?when would you like for me to follow up with you? (explain why you ask it this way).
? Follow up is key ? give an example of a recruit on my team.
? Follow up system (recruit binder). Also take notes so you can remember why they wanted you to call them later!!!

? Maybe/Think about it ? keep something in mind, the first objection you hear may not be the real reason ? sometimes you have to dig alittle deeper so you can overcome the real objection.
  • #16
MorePART 2

1. Maybe/Think About it ? no specific objection given. My goal when this happens is to try to get to the objection so I can try to overcome it before we end the interview. ?I m in the business of helping people, if today you tell me no I do not want to start a PC business, then I would thank you for your honesty and ask to book a party. If you tell me yes then I would commit to mentoring you in your new business and help you every step of the way, but when you tell me maybe you want to think about it I do not know how to help you. If you will talk through with me what you need to think about maybe I can help you as you work to make your decision.? Typically what I find when I say this is I can get to the real objection. Most of the time they are just scared or insecure.
1. If they are scared ? I will walk them through the support PC and I will be providing ? give them my sky diving analogy.
2. If they still need to think about it ? you can suggest several different ways to follow up
? Have them join you at your next show
? Have them join the team meeting
? Have them book a decider show in the next 10 days.
? Schedule a follow up call
2. Excited Maybe/Think About it ? if they show a lot of excitement, and you have overcome their objections, but they are the kind of person that just needs to sleep on it ? that is fine. The key is set up a follow up call the next day ? remember every day they will lose 10% interest. I also like to have them take this time to start making a list of their 1st potential host.

? Other Objections ? hesitations or concerns are normal. When someone has an objection that means they are thinking about it ? it is a good thing! I have a question that I ask no matter what the objection is that will help determine if it is a real objection or just a nice way for them to tell me no. ?If I can show you a way??.? Would you want to move forward with starting your PC business? I am 100% confident that I can help anyone who wants to start this business. If their desire is big enough they will be willing to find a way!!! If it is not, then the answer to that question will be no or another objection ? you can then determine how you want to move forward ? you keep control of the process. I like to say, ?It sounds to me that maybe PC might not be a good fit for you right now?, maybe a better option would be for us to work together by having you host a party. Sometimes, when you try to take it away from them, they will realize they want it and find a way! Let?s review the top 4 objections and how to respond
1. I am too busy ? ?If I could show you a way to fit this business into your schedule would you want to move forward with starting your business?
? If they say yes ? ?in the next 6-8 weeks do you think you have 4-6 times you could leave your house for about 3 hours to do a show??
? If yes, ?great, most consultants do anywhere from 2-6 shows pr month, looks like you could too.
? If no, ?is that the case in July and Aug or how does your Sept and Oct look?? A lot of times, it is just a timing issue ? if this is the case, then I will try to either book a party in Sept or schedule a follow up call.
2. I don?t know anyone - ?If I could show you a way to think of people you know and even meet new people would you want to move forward with starting your business?
? List of 100 ? you already started this when you went through the come join us booklet ? I will work with them to try to come up with 20-25 names ? this will help them see it is easy and helps me understand if they really do not know anyone. Plus, 1 in every 4 says yes ? so this first list could net them 4 shows!
? If they really do not know anyone, I will work with them ideas on how they can meet people (Pamper a Business, Meet your neighbors party, etc).
3. Don?t have the $155 - ?If I could show you a way to come up with the money to start your business, would you want to move forward with starting your business? I offer 4 suggestions:
? Clean a friend?s, family members or neighbor?s house
? Have a garage sale
? Ask 2 friends or family members who would attend their kickoff show and purchase products, to invest in them versus the products. (example of a consultant on my team)
4. My husband will not want me to do this - ?If I could show you a way to approach your husband with information and a plan, would you want to move forward with starting your business?? Then dig alittle deeper on why they think their husband will not agree so you can help them come up with the right information or plan to share with their husbands. If needed, I will offer to speak to the husband or even send him copies of my commission checks. Husband?s biggest issues are time and money ? you can help them come up with creative ways to overcome his concerns.
? Kids ? have a plan on who will watch the kids
? Kit cost ? have a plan on how they will pay for the $155
? The key is to try to help her be confident in why this would be a good fit for her and her family so she can approach him - ask him to let her try it for 30-60 days
? Regardless of what the objection is - using the ?if I can show you a way? question will help you stay in control and keep you focused with your heart versus your head! Recruiting is about helping others achieve their dreams and overcome their fears ? we have to be confident that this business can meet anyone?s needs or desires and that we have the ability to help them along the way! It really is quite a privilege!

Action Steps
1. Practice, practice, practice ? everything you say has to come from your heart ? the more you say it the more real it will become. Commit to doing 5 practice interviews in the next two weeks.
2. Keep learning ? knowledge is power. Take the online training course: Recruiting Interview and the Table Talk Teleclass: Simple Successful Recruiting Interviews and Responding to Objections.

Related to Are You Attending the Duska Mills Training in Rochester this Weekend?

1. Who is Duska Mills?

Duska Mills is a Pampered Chef consultant based in Rochester, NY. She is an expert in kitchen tools and cooking techniques, and she loves to share her passion for cooking with others.

2. What services does Duska Mills offer?

Duska Mills offers in-home cooking demonstrations, online cooking classes, and personalized consultations to help you find the perfect Pampered Chef products for your kitchen needs.

3. How can I contact Duska Mills?

You can contact Duska Mills through her Pampered Chef website, by email, or by phone. Her contact information can be found on her consultant page on the Pampered Chef website.

4. Does Duska Mills offer any discounts or promotions?

Yes, Duska Mills often offers special deals and promotions for her customers. You can check her Pampered Chef website or contact her directly to learn about any current promotions.

5. Can I host a Pampered Chef party with Duska Mills?

Absolutely! Duska Mills loves to host in-home cooking demonstrations and parties where you and your friends can learn new recipes and try out Pampered Chef products. Contact her to schedule a party today!

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