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Rant -26.5 Actual Temp and We Still Have School!

In summary, the temperature is dropping and the school buses are not running yet because it is too cold.
Gold Member
Brrr...even my truck whined today...

There is a fire started in the stove...

I have more layers on than I can count!

...but I can't believe they are letting the little ones go to school!

There BETTER not be stupid parents making their kids walk/wait to meet the buses!
We are currently at 7 degrees and school is in which is very normal for NW Ohio.
Wow Janet, they must be worried about using up their snow days... Maybe?? I just got in from waiting at the bus stop with DD. It was "only" 7F, and I am freezing! I can't imagine -26.5F. YIKES!
It's 0 here right now, and feels so cold. I can't imagine -26!

DS doesn't have school today, but it's because of Parent/Teacher conferences. DH and I have to go to school instead, and DS gets to go hang out with Grandma D!
BRR!!Our temp got into the upper 30s on Friday, and it almost felt like shirt sleeves weather. But it's back down to 7 today. I hope your kids don't freeze solid at school, Janet!
hey hey! we are at 11 already!

I know what you mean about the upper 30s I was roasting, my coat even found its way into the back seat of my car. I laughed to myself when I did it because just a few months prior in warmer temps, I was pulling my coat out because I was freezing!
hi!! It's -50C (-58F) here with the wind!! Yay! haha
  • Thread starter
  • #8
We RARELY close school but I thought maybe a delay. Now that the sun is out actual temp is -16.I think they kept it on because we are supposed to get up to 9 today.I started the truck early, heated it up good...bundled the kids in layers and snowpants and off we went.I did come across one kid walking into school with thin running pants on, carrying his snowpants saying, "I'm freezing". I was thinking...no kidding, if you were my child those snowpants would be ON YOUR BODY!Luckily I never have to argue with my kids...they willingly wear snowpants EVERYWHERE!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Winnipegk said:
hi!! It's -50C (-58F) here with the wind!! Yay! haha

Stay warm...I don't even want to know what our windchill is!

Brr...keep that cold by you!

This is when we joke about where that global warming is...
  • #10
janetupnorth said:
Stay warm...I don't even want to know what our windchill is!

Brr...keep that cold by you!

This is when we joke about where that global warming is...

I just wanted to stay home today so I could have a bath and sleep in my warm bed!!
  • #11
Oh my gosh Janet I totally missed the "minus" sign! Just thinking about it makes me cold. Is this temp normal for your area? I know in NW Ohio we have been having some very cold temps this month and we have another cold snap coming again. People are having issues with bursting pipes in their homes and our community is having problems with water main breaks. Stay safe and as warm as you possibly can.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
pkd09 said:
Oh my gosh Janet I totally missed the "minus" sign! Just thinking about it makes me cold. Is this temp normal for your area? I know in NW Ohio we have been having some very cold temps this month and we have another cold snap coming again. People are having issues with bursting pipes in their homes and our community is having problems with water main breaks. Stay safe and as warm as you possibly can.

Nope, not normal, just happened last year and this year in January. I'm in northern WI which isn't nearly as far north as northern MN!!!! ...and nothing like Canada.

We are at -15 right now...that's a dramatic increase in the last 2 hours! The sun is helping.
  • #13
It's 48 degrees right now here in NC. This is why I try to avoid visiting family in WI this time of year and why I really don't want to ever move back there. I HATE the cold - we get below freezing too but it's short lived and not nearly what you get.

...I was going to add "bundle up" but I know I don't have to tell you that!
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  • #14
Yeah, I'm sitting INSIDE right now with long underwear on under my pants, athletic socks up to my knees practically and a thick hooded sweatshirt over a shirt. For outside I add a fleece-lined double coat and thick gloves!Only thing I didn't wear is snow boots!
  • #15
How many days of school have your kids missed so far this year?
  • #16
At MINUS 26.5 how do they get school buses running? Anyone outside for more than 1 minute would be in health danger status. I feel for the mail carriers. Where I work they deliver on foot all day. I am glad it is getting a little warmer for you. Your heating bills have to be outrageous.
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  • #17
Two for school - 2 weeks ago Thursday/Friday with warmer temps but windchill was down.We have hearty vehicles here...my '94 Suburban whined but started today. Buses are kept inside large pole barns or have block heaters.My electric/gas was very high last month and I'm really burning through wood. Our stove can crank the heat, but in these temps I've still had our furnace kick in with the stove going! ...and since I'm not willing to get up at 3 a.m. to put more wood on, the furnace kicks in then.
  • #18
our sun is shining & i left my coat at home today -- although i would have been smarter to wear it since it is only 19 degrees outside. supposed to be up to the mid-30s. i dont know if ive ever been in weather as cold as the negative temperatures ... im originally from arizona!
  • #19
We have school around here until -32F, which I believe is -26F.

Right now it's -30C/-22F, I'm hoping the sun will come out today.
  • #20
pkd09 said:
At MINUS 26.5 how do they get school buses running? Anyone outside for more than 1 minute would be in health danger status. I feel for the mail carriers. Where I work they deliver on foot all day. I am glad it is getting a little warmer for you. Your heating bills have to be outrageous.

The buses still run here until -36F I believe.
  • #21
Oh my goodness!!! I have so much respect for ya'll having to deal with that. I can't even tolerate it when it gets below freezing here and it doesn't happen very often. I know some people think that I'm crazy, but I can deal with 100F+ summers than I can below 30F.
  • #22
I know that when the wind chill around here is -15 or more they cancel school or at least delay it. I can't imagine dealing with the -20+ temps for the amount of time you guys have to. Although we did have that the weekend before last here, but only for 2 days.

Wow...I am so glad I don't have the Canadian winters!!
  • #23
pampcheflisa said:
Oh my goodness!!! I have so much respect for ya'll having to deal with that. I can't even tolerate it when it gets below freezing here and it doesn't happen very often. I know some people think that I'm crazy, but I can deal with 100F+ summers than I can below 30F.

I'm with you on that one. I start shivering when it dips down below 65!
  • #24
Kids have to wear snow pants to school???????? OMG I do not know how you all survive that! My husband is from WI and I tell him all the time that little desert rat me would literally die on the first day! It is 50 here and I am in a sweater with a shirt underneath and needed a cup of hot tea this am because I was chilled. I'm such a sissy and hope to send some warmth your way!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Well, we're at +4 now! :)
  • #26
I'd rather have cold, then to much heat!!! You can always add more layers if your cold, you can only take so much off if your hot :)
  • #27
Get_Pampered said:
Kids have to wear snow pants to school???????? OMG I do not know how you all survive that! My husband is from WI and I tell him all the time that little desert rat me would literally die on the first day! It is 50 here and I am in a sweater with a shirt underneath and needed a cup of hot tea this am because I was chilled. I'm such a sissy and hope to send some warmth your way!

haha you should see kids here on Halloween! They all have to wear costumes that will fit over their ski pants and parka! It's hilarious.
  • #28
rennea said:
I'd rather have cold, then to much heat!!! You can always add more layers if your cold, you can only take so much off if your hot :)

I wonder if it's based on what you are used to. I've lived in TX my entire life. Even though, we have relatively "mild" winters compared to other parts of the US, it can be 40F here and no matter what I do, I cannot get warm. There are times in the winter that the only time I'm warm is in my hot shower or in my bed when I have the flannel sheets on. I can always find a way to cool off in the summer, but I can't ever get warm when I'm cold. Of course, this could just be me, b/c I'm always freezing at work when others around me are comfortable.
  • #29
Yes, you adapt to your surroundings. Up here where I am we have dry crisp cold. In the lower part of British Columbia it is a wet cold and I just about freeze to death down there even if it's warmer there, it still seems to cold.
  • #30
Get_Pampered said:
Kids have to wear snow pants to school???????? OMG I do not know how you all survive that! My husband is from WI and I tell him all the time that little desert rat me would literally die on the first day! It is 50 here and I am in a sweater with a shirt underneath and needed a cup of hot tea this am because I was chilled. I'm such a sissy and hope to send some warmth your way!

I'm with you! My DH is working up in North Dakota right now and it's -8, wind chill -23 right now. I would never make it.
  • #31
pampcheflisa said:
I wonder if it's based on what you are used to. I've lived in TX my entire life. Even though, we have relatively "mild" winters compared to other parts of the US, it can be 40F here and no matter what I do, I cannot get warm. There are times in the winter that the only time I'm warm is in my hot shower or in my bed when I have the flannel sheets on. I can always find a way to cool off in the summer, but I can't ever get warm when I'm cold. Of course, this could just be me, b/c I'm always freezing at work when others around me are comfortable.

In the Spring, here, you start seeing people in shorts when it hits 40F!:D
  • #32
rennea said:
I'd rather have cold, then to much heat!!! You can always add more layers if your cold, you can only take so much off if your hot :)

That's my theory. Legally and aesthetically I can only remove so much clothing. :rolleyes:
  • #33
ChefBeckyD said:
In the Spring, here, you start seeing people in shorts when it hits 40F!:D

There are a few crazy people that you might see in shorts in that temperature here, but the funny part is they'll usually be wearing some type of fleece pullover with their shorts. On a funny note, I used to know someone from S. America that in October here, the nights are usually in the upper 50's and he would have a Parka on. We'd laugh, b/c we just needed a hoodie or something and he'd have on a heavy coat:)

I love weather talk........I'm fascinated by what weather conditions other people live in. I know a lot of people that could not deal with our summers (which last about 6 months), in the same way that I can't deal with the winters some people experience.
  • Thread starter
  • #34
My nephew wore shorts year-round in Alaska - he came to Thanksgiving in WI with shorts on...of course he isn't a small guy!When I was setting up a plant in Mexico one year, there was a dusting of snow...meaning it hit 32 but only briefly. I came to the plant in a thin spring jacket, all the people from Mexico had the big heavy-weight football jackets on.
  • #35
rennea said:
I'd rather have cold, then to much heat!!! You can always add more layers if your cold, you can only take so much off if your hot :)

This used to be my motto, too. That is, until I actually experienced 15F weather (coldest I've felt). I opened the door and it literally knocked the breath out of me for a second! Now, if it is too hot, I can always go swimming. But it is January...let's see what I say in June before monsoon starts!:p
  • #36
Wow, I hope that cold air doesn't come too far south! We don't need any more cold weather!

We're getting more snow tomorrow! I can't wait for winter to be over!!
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  • #37
Down to -5 again...it is only supposed to be -16 tonight and then get up to 15 tomorrow so we'll be good again!
  • #38
I hate the snow you warm weather consultant's don't know how good you have it
  • #39
I think we got up to about 15 today, there was a nippy breeze. I normally don't mind anything above 10, but today it was too chilly for me.
  • #40
Too funny! I read the first post and thought, "Seriously?? Janet's complaining about her kids going to school when it's 26 degrees (since I remembered that you live where you do)?" THEN, I saw the minus! Holy Smokes! It was -4 here when I got back from leadership, and that's about as cold as I can stand (not that I stand that well, mind you!). I love the snow, but the REALLY cold temps can hit the road! What fun is the snow if it's too cold to get out and play in it?
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  • #41
janezapchef said:
Too funny! I read the first post and thought, "Seriously?? Janet's complaining about her kids going to school when it's 26 degrees (since I remembered that you live where you do)?" THEN, I saw the minus! Holy Smokes! It was -4 here when I got back from leadership, and that's about as cold as I can stand (not that I stand that well, mind you!). I love the snow, but the REALLY cold temps can hit the road! What fun is the snow if it's too cold to get out and play in it?

No, I wouldn't complain about 26 degrees except that ice is close to melting and refreezing and that is a pain up north because our roads are snow all winter...many aren't paved.

Today was -27 at 7 a.m., currently -20 actual temps. Vehicles still started - yeah! Kids bundled well and all was o.k. No delays in school for us, no cancellations. Wind was lower today so not as bad.

Related to -26.5 Actual Temp and We Still Have School!

1. What is the typical temperature range for school to be cancelled?

The decision to cancel school due to weather conditions varies depending on the school district and location. Generally, if the temperature is below -26.5 degrees Fahrenheit, there is a high chance that school will be cancelled.

2. What should I do if there is a fire in my stove while using Pampered Chef products?

In case of a fire, immediately turn off the stove and carefully remove the Pampered Chef product. Use a fire extinguisher or baking soda to put out the fire. Do not use water as it can cause the fire to spread. If needed, call the fire department for assistance.

3. How can I stay warm in extreme temperatures while using Pampered Chef products?

Layering is key to staying warm in extreme temperatures. Wear multiple layers of clothing and make sure to cover your head, hands, and feet. You can also use Pampered Chef's insulated products to keep your food and beverages warm while working in the kitchen.

4. Why are schools still open if the temperature is below -26.5 degrees Fahrenheit?

The decision to close schools due to extreme temperatures is ultimately up to the school district. They may take into consideration factors such as the availability of transportation and the ability of students to safely get to and from school.

5. What can be done to prevent children from walking or waiting in extreme temperatures?

Parents should make sure to provide proper winter clothing such as warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots for their children. They should also make arrangements for transportation to and from school if necessary. If you see a child walking or waiting in extreme temperatures without proper clothing, please contact the school or relevant authorities.

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