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The Ideal Director: Creating the Perfect Visionary for Your Project

In summary, the ideal director for you is someone who is encouraging, has a lot of business knowledge, is able to lead, and is able to provide training.
Gold Member
If you could create the perfect director for you, how would you create him/her? What are some traits s/he should have? Could you make a list of the things that would describe the ideal director?
Great Thread Carolyn!! I can't wait to hear the responses for this!!!:thumbup:
One thing... respond to my emails, even if they aren't asking for advice or help. Sometimes I send emails to my director talking about the number of bookings I have in the future, how I'm loving the business, etc. And, the majority of the time I NEVER hear back from her.

I'd also like encouraging emails... something like congrats on getting half-way to the $15,000 mark or congrats on your first $1000 show. In my first four months, I've only gotten one email like this, since I was almost to $3000 in June. I didn't get any contact for qualifying either. S

Sometimes, I wonder if my director doesn't like me!??
pay attn to what is going on with your downline. If they are close to an incentive or close to going inactive or you see that one of their recruits went inactive, CALL THEM and see what's going on!
And...when you promise things, like rewards for things, be sure to deliver!!

My director is a great person, but I cannot begin to tell you how many times we have a meeting, and she tells us she knows she "owes us" this or that, but,...sorry, my order hasn't come in yet! GRR!!

Consultants, especially newer ones, really appreciate getting business supplies, since it can sometimes take awhile to realize a profit. To not have them, when they're counting on them sometimes, is downright frustrating!!

Paula R. Lewis said:
And...when you promise things, like rewards for things, be sure to deliver!!

Yep! I've been waiting for my red apron since February!
Ask for your team's input as to what they would like in terms of training. What they feel their weakest topic is, etc. Also, ask them what they think a good "cluster goal" would be. My director set a cluster show goal for us, but we did not come close to hitting it. She then asked us what we thought we could acheive. This way, we feel that we can actually hit it and earn something. When she set it, when we saw that we weren't even close people didn't even try.
at least she ordered them, my director is adorable but I cringe when she announces something because I know probably only 1 or 2 of us will earn it and she will either forget or be ticked that more didn't and she just lets it slip her mind. I have even reminded her WHEN I earn it that I am looking forward to it but, she usually forgets or says yeah, I changed my mind!!!

MY other gripe is USE part of your production Bonus to REWARD us, thats what it is meant for.... send a newsletter or when you email me your directors take her info out of the bottom!! (or delete the attachment)
Keep in touch. Do your own newsletter and recognize your consultants. Have regular cluster meetings. Make it known that you are their for your consultants, even if you think they don't need it.

Ugh, this is just making me frustrated with my Director all over again. But it's good, now it gives me something to shoot for once I get there!:D
  • #10
I just thought of another one... keep an open door policy. Make sure your consultants know you can call or email whenever they have a question or need reassurance. :)
  • #11
I would like my director to at least act like a confident leader. I want her to teach me something and take leadership. She's very kind, and will respond to my questions, but she doesn't seem to be up to date or sure of herself. I like BeckyD's director. In fact, I like BeckyD, too. I ask her everything, and it's amazing how much she knows.
  • #12
Follow the policies and procedures set forth by HO and require your consultants do the same... regardless of whether you agree with them or not!
  • #13
I feel very fortunate, because my director does pretty much everything that is mentioned above. She always responds to phone calls or emails, she has great cluster meeetings with recognition, she always gives gifts and pins for all our accomplishments, and she is always there for us. I have been with her for 3 1/2 years, and have no complaints.
  • #14
I have a director that has around 200 in her first line and we have scheduled for monthly calls and I TOTALLY understand that she is busy and has a lot of consultants under her. We have scheduled monthly calls as training....

If you schedule training calls and something comes up at the same time, then don't just cancel it. I realize I am part of a huge first line but as a consultant I would like support too. I have had her call twice and say she had a conference call to attend and that was it. The first time, ok. The sceond time I was thinking, why didn't we re-schedule. The next month was my fault. Last week we had a call, my phone rang and I couldn't answer it fast enough. I checked the voicemail and she said that she was going some where and for me to e-mail. I called her back very quickly and she was already gone. I just wish if something comes up or if it is a bad time for our calls to let me know and reschedule.
  • #15
Dianneskitchen said:
I feel very fortunate, because my director does pretty much everything that is mentioned above. She always responds to phone calls or emails, she has great cluster meeetings with recognition, she always gives gifts and pins for all our accomplishments, and she is always there for us. I have been with her for 3 1/2 years, and have no complaints.

I'm fairly fortunate as well. My former upline is a great director... she does most of what is listed as well. And she adpoted four of my director's consultants and treated us as her first line since we were getting NO support from our director. But after tipping HO off about my director's additional DS business, she amazingly has "come to the difficult, but necessary decision" to resign her Directorship as of this week. (How funny ~ I called HO on Thursday and by Tuesday, she had resigned... hmmmm...). But now my "former upline" is my Director!! Woo Hoo!!!
  • #16
Sad!!!Speaking of great directors, mine is no longer going to be my director. She is not going to make the $4,000 in sales to qualify. She is also working part time as a sub and loves it so I think this isn't such a bad thing for her. No one ever really came to the cluster meetings except for maybe 3-4 people. 6 or 7 at the most. It was sad. Unfortunately I do PC as a hobby and couldn't get any sales or shows together because of the new baby. I am sad to see her go. :cry:
She mentioned something about us belonging to another cluster, I guess the person above her?? :confused: I just recruited someone and was excited about bringing her to my cluster meetings. Now we are both in for something new!!

Debbie :D
  • #17
Yep - if your director gives up her directorship, everyone in her downline shifts up one place in your upline's family tree.
  • #18
I would like to see consistency, committment and communication.
If I'm doing well, I hear from her. When I'm not, the phone never rings.
I get no encouragement, support or info.
Whatever knowledge I do have, I get it from you all. Love you guys!

P.S. Sent her an email about a product adjustment for myself...it's been 2 weeks and--nothing.
  • #19
i think a great director would do all of the above, be motivational, offer fun cluster mtgs, offer trainings, and keep in touch on a regular basis ie weekly calls to see where my business is at and if i need any help at all.

i'm very lucky b/c our cluster mtgs are actually 2 groups, since they live across the street from one another, its like i have two directors :) and they are both great
  • #20
As one of my friends in another cluster is having trouble with her upline, we have just typed out some things that she needs and wants...

Things I Need:
1) Monthly Newsletters
2) Weekly Phone Calls (at a set time) and Emails
3) Monthly Meetings that are focused on things that can help me grow my business; personal chatting should be done before or after the meeting

Things I would like:
1) Recognition
-I want consistent recognition every month.
2) Incentives
-I am a carrot chaser. While I like HO's incentives, I would like incentives from you that are tailored for me. Whether these are cluster wide or individual, I respond well to these. It does not have to be a big prize, but anything that will help me in my business (ex: recipe cards, stickers from Merrill/Nancy's/other business building places, mini-catalogs, catalogs, supplies, pc logo stuff).
3) Follow-up from you when you put a challenge out there
-This ties in with weekly contact and incentives. If you keep putting out challenges and then not following up I will not do them. While I know just doing them is going to help me in my business, I am so busy with other things in my life that these will get put to the wayside.
4) For things that are borrowed to be returned and returned quickly
-I can understand running out of something and not owning all the products, but all those little business supplies that are borrowed and not returned add up. Also, I feel that I should be going to you to borrow something, not the other way around
  • #21
oh yeah
and lead by example, you can't expect your group to do any more than what your willing to do :)
  • #22
GourmetGirl said:
4) For things that are borrowed to be returned and returned quickly
-I can understand running out of something and not owning all the products, but all those little business supplies that are borrowed and not returned add up. Also, I feel that I should be going to you to borrow something, not the other way around

OMG! For some reason I think this is really bad! So unprofessional!
  • #23
My director is pretty good at recognition. We always have a business building cluster meeting. She is now calling them cluster training.
I used to have a weekly call with her and I found them worthwhile but they have gone by the wayside because not everyone was making time for their calls. She was frustrated by the number of people complaining about no bookings but they weren't willing to put the effort to change things for themselves. I just think that if you have consultants that are working and want the consistant followup and want to grow their businesses - you shouldn't write them off. Encourage them and support them. And yes, follow through with what you say. Don't offer things (incentives, training, meetings, newsletters, emails) and not follow through. It is just like customer care.
  • #24
If you or your friend are ever looking to explore another meeting I know of an awesome Director not far from you (East Bethel). I attend an Awesome hospitality group in the cities. 2 directors share the meetings and another newly promoted director helps out as well.

I have leardned So much from these ladies and they do just about everything that has been asked for on this thread.

I have said it before and will again. If it were not for Hospitality I would not have lasted in this business.

My director has been better lately about communicating with me. I think it helped that we got to know eachother at Conf. (it was the 2nd time we had met!)
  • #25
I'm thankful that I have a very good director. She's pretty good at most of the things I would put on the list, which I have compiled mostly from discussions I've read here:

  • Be consistent. Change is good, but it's helpful to know what to expect.
  • Recognize achievement. Yes, the top sales is great and should be rewarded. It's nice, though, when you spread the recognition around. How about the most bookings? Biggest boost (2 shows last month, 10 this month)? Find a way to at least verbally recognize those who are working well.
  • Keep your word. When you say you'll call, give a reward, or whatever, then do it. Everyone forgets things once in a while, but it shouldn't be a habit.
  • Be willing to learn from your consultants. Yes, you're the more experienced person, but that doesn't mean you have all the answers. Encourage everyone to share ideas. (My director is especially good at this one.)
  • #26
My director doesn't like me. She is not the director who recruited me. I shifted up when my director resigned due to illness. I always thought she didnt like me but I knew for sure when a girl from the band I have played in for 9 years came up to me and said "I am ****'s niece- she can't STAND you- but I think you are alright." I was just sick over that. I had only met my director twice before she became my director, and I have only actually seen or spoken to her once, sometimes twice, a year for the 6 years I have been on her team. She never returns my calls, never responds to emails, nothing. I have 4 active, qualified. I am working toward promoting. I pray that I will NEVER be the nasty director who complains about my team so much that they find out about it ON THE STREET!! IN ANOTHER TOWN!!!!
Wow- am I just a little bitter? Ouch. Sorry.
  • #27
friday said:
My director doesn't like me. She is not the director who recruited me. I shifted up when my director resigned due to illness. I always thought she didnt like me but I knew for sure when a girl from the band I have played in for 9 years came up to me and said "I am ****'s niece- she can't STAND you- but I think you are alright." I was just sick over that. I had only met my director twice before she became my director, and I have only actually seen or spoken to her once, sometimes twice, a year for the 6 years I have been on her team. She never returns my calls, never responds to emails, nothing. I have 4 active, qualified. I am working toward promoting. I pray that I will NEVER be the nasty director who complains about my team so much that they find out about it ON THE STREET!! IN ANOTHER TOWN!!!!
Wow- am I just a little bitter? Ouch. Sorry.

:eek: I think I'd be a little upset about this too! Holy Cow!
  • #28
Okay. Didn't think I would have anything to add. Everyone has touched on everything I've wished for...except for one thing.

Acknowledge those who are in your second, third, etc., line. I'm only 4th generation from our NED, but get no training, no recognition, etc. I hear about other NEDs who do special things, so I know it's not company policy. It's just her. Also, our next level above my director never does anything either. She's just following the example, I know, but it's frustrating.

We don't need the "same" recognition as the first line people do, but you are still making money on us (at least on some level). It's also frustrating when we get an email sent to the ENTIRE line on a promotion being offered that is only for the first line. If it's specific to your first line only, then send it to your first line only. Saying, "if you want this, talk to your director", doesn't help. Just makes us know what we are missing.

Of course, I'm using "you" here VERY loosely, and this is geared towards those who have been Directors for a while and have multiple lines beneath them.

Other than that, consistency and follow-thru would be the two main things I would like in a director.
  • #29
Actually, Nikki your AD is a very close friend of mine (if thats who you mean in the director the next level up) we get real "tired" (JOKING) of hearing about her cluster in NM we hold meetings together and she sings very high praises of all of you in NM and tells us your awesome sales. recruiting efforts, trip earners etc!!
I'm sorry, it doesn't get relayed to ya'll but we CELEBRATE you each month!!
  • #30
After reading all of these posts I realize that I am very blessed. My director does not do a lot of the things posted, but her director does and everything trickles down. My director keeps in touch and gets back to me right away, she's also always there with encouragement and advice if I need it. Her director even calls every couple of weeks just to check in and see what's going on. I recruited my first person last week and I have my second wanting to sign this week. My director and her director both made such a big deal out of it that I felt like a super star!!! You're upline is definately a very important part of your business!!!
  • #31
Traits that I think are important:
Leadership - Not only setting the example but delegating tasks to help others assume responsibility and prepare for their own teams. This could be as simple as asking another consultant to find a new source for cheap business supplies, to teaching the cluster another way of demonstrating "x" products.
Compassion - this does not mean "mothering & hovering". Be open to hearing frustrations, and offer real solutions/suggestions/guidance to those problems. Your experience is valuable, share your knowledge.
Recognition - not just for highest sales and the like, but like someone else noted, on improvements as well. Sometimes the work we put in is not seen in tangible results for months, but it would nice to be recognized for the effort.
Respect - this is a biggie. A consultant's time is just a valuable to them, as a director's time is to him/her. If you are going to call, call. If you prefer email, respond to emails from your downline in a timely fashion.
Have a teachable spirit - From what I can gather, it seems that some have directors think that their way or only those in upper levels can think up great ideas or have something to share. Don't forget to be open to ideas/suggestions from the new person.

I guess the short answer, is to be a good mentor. Many of us are not looking for a "best friend", but someone to coach us.
  • #32
My director does give me free things for something. I'm not sure exactly what, but I needed some more new catalogs and I received three at the last meeting. The first meeting I attended I received lots of things because I had qualified, and made the different sales levels - $750, $1250, etc. She made the caremel brownies, too and served them with ice cream. That's a bonus in my book! :)
Oh, and I can't remember if I mentioned that I love to be challenged! I may not always live up to the entire thing, but I love to work towards a challenge. BeckyD's director is good at that.
  • #33
JAE said:
My director does give me free things for something. I'm not sure exactly what, but I needed some more new catalogs and I received three at the last meeting. The first meeting I attended I received lots of things because I had qualified, and made the different sales levels - $750, $1250, etc. She made the caremel brownies, too and served them with ice cream. That's a bonus in my book! :)
Oh, and I can't remember if I mentioned that I love to be challenged! I may not always live up to the entire thing, but I love to work towards a challenge. BeckyD's director is good at that.

Jen is awesome at challenges! And she knows that I can't resist a challenge. She also does recognition for everyone - even those who aren't #1 in anything for the month. At our meetings - everyone gets recognized for what they achieved the previous month - even if you didn't have a show - she will recognize that you got X bookings coming up, or that you made XX phone calls, etc.....she is great at that! We have a "bookings basket" and get to choose one thing for every booking we have for the coming month (things like invitations, stickers, postcards, recipes, etc.....) She is always available by phone and email if we need anything - and she is always encouraging. I guess I feel blessed to have the upline that I do - because my AD & SD are also really great! I have had emails and phone calls from both of them for things I have done. When I booked my show w/ my 88 yr old host - I called Jen and told her, and she emailed Bets, and Sheri, and they both emailed me congratulations and encouragement.
I am constantly amazed when I read on here of directors who could care less - and Friday - yours is just APPALLING!
  • #34
ChefBeckyD said:
Jen is awesome at challenges! And she knows that I can't resist a challenge. She also does recognition for everyone - even those who aren't #1 in anything for the month. At our meetings - everyone gets recognized for what they achieved the previous month - even if you didn't have a show - she will recognize that you got X bookings coming up, or that you made XX phone calls, etc.....she is great at that! We have a "bookings basket" and get to choose one thing for every booking we have for the coming month (things like invitations, stickers, postcards, recipes, etc.....) She is always available by phone and email if we need anything - and she is always encouraging. I guess I feel blessed to have the upline that I do - because my AD & SD are also really great! I have had emails and phone calls from both of them for things I have done. When I booked my show w/ my 88 yr old host - I called Jen and told her, and she emailed Bets, and Sheri, and they both emailed me congratulations and encouragement.
I am constantly amazed when I read on here of directors who could care less - and Friday - yours is just APPALLING!

I too have had good response from the ED I'm under...(Becky is in her downline so I guess that makes me either a great-great-aunt or a distance cousin! :p ) Sounds like our group has had some good training. I think it really matters how you start out, how you're trained and how seriously your upline takes the business.

With the upcoming additional director requirements this is probably part of what they want to accomplish, getting directors to take their job seriously and focus on it.

For those with bad situations, hang in there....there are great groups, find hospitality and strive to be the director you know you want to be!
  • #35
I hesitated to post here (I don't want to come across as thinking I am the "perfect director") because I truely strive to be all the things you are wishing for and my team has come to me and given me the feedback that I am succeeding in those goals. I know I'm far from perfect but I do try to be the director I wish I had - that's all we can do.

My biggest fault is that I have trouble delegating responsibilities (partly because so many are hobbyists and partly because most of the performers are long distance and partly because it's just easier to do it). I really need to find ways to include the team in the meeting more - even new consultants can participate more.

Thanks so much for starting this thread. It gives all of us directors pause to think and improve!
  • #36
BethCooks4U said:
I hesitated to post here (I don't want to come across as thinking I am the "perfect director") because I truely strive to be all the things you are wishing for and my team has come to me and given me the feedback that I am succeeding in those goals. I know I'm far from perfect but I do try to be the director I wish I had - that's all we can do.

My biggest fault is that I have trouble delegating responsibilities (partly because so many are hobbyists and partly because most of the performers are long distance and partly because it's just easier to do it). I really need to find ways to include the team in the meeting more - even new consultants can participate more.

Thanks so much for starting this thread. It gives all of us directors pause to think and improve!

I know that even when I was just a hobbyist - when my director gave me things to do for a cluster meeting - It made me feel honored and I felt like she really believed in me and what I could do.
That belief made me believe that I really could make a career of this!
  • #37
Beth and other directors,

Utilize the consultants that attend meetings regularly! I am not a director or even a FD bit I have been business for over 4 years. I feel very honored when the Directors that do my meetings ask me to participate and help with training! Obviously I do not do the recruiting training LOL! But I love it when they use people that are having luck recruiting to do that part.

Just some friendly observations...

  • #38
First off let me start with...I KNOW I'm a pain in the Butt(just ask DH) My mind goes 24/7....so talk about asking alot of questions.
If it not had been for this site, I would not have made it past my 3rd month...OK

Basically everything that everyone has already said, but also (dont know if this was said) sometimes I need to be told in detail what to except. When my Director & I talk (she lives a block & a half from me) we can talk for an hour, but she doesnt tell me anything...if that makes any sense. When I go to out local meeting, I learn nothing, I get the impression she wants to learn from me...;) . I think the worse was me going to Conference(first time) All she said about the entire thing(hotel,air fare,booking,workshops etc..) was that I would have an AWESOME time, but again did not explain anything! So I went ( the only 1 from my cluster, she did not go either ) And I spent it with a stranger from another cluster who was there last year & knew less than I did, I had such a horrible time, that I changed my flight & came home a day early...sorry for such a long post, but I feel all she had to do was explain in detail a little so I would know what to expect:eek: :eek: :eek:
  • #39
etteluap70PC said:
Beth and other directors,

Utilize the consultants that attend meetings regularly! I am not a director or even a FD bit I have been business for over 4 years. I feel very honored when the Directors that do my meetings ask me to participate and help with training! Obviously I do not do the recruiting training LOL! But I love it when they use people that are having luck recruiting to do that part.

Just some friendly observations...

My problem is that whenever I have asked someone to do something at the meeting they end up not showing up to the meeting at all. After a few times of that it's hard to do that delegating.

Every month I ask for someone to do tasks like greeting, recipe... and never get a response. When I call to personally ask they don't think they'll be able to be here early or they won't have time to prepare for or make the recipe (and most of mine don't eat at the meeting anyway).

I do involve them during the meetings and they are good at helping each other out with advice, etc.

One of my consultants consistantly books 1-3 shows at every show and I asked her to be prepared to share about that this month and she said "I'll try". I think I will talk about this at the meeting this month and ask what they would want.
  • Thread starter
  • #40
BethCooks4U said:
My problem is that whenever I have asked someone to do something at the meeting they end up not showing up to the meeting at all. After a few times of that it's hard to do that delegating.

Every month I ask for someone to do tasks like greeting, recipe... and never get a response. When I call to personally ask they don't think they'll be able to be here early or they won't have time to prepare for or make the recipe (and most of mine don't eat at the meeting anyway).

I do involve them during the meetings and they are good at helping each other out with advice, etc.

One of my consultants consistantly books 1-3 shows at every show and I asked her to be prepared to share about that this month and she said "I'll try". I think I will talk about this at the meeting this month and ask what they would want.

I have the EXACT same thing going on with my team...exactly...
  • #41
Teresa Lynn said:
at least she ordered them, my director is adorable but I cringe when she announces something because I know probably only 1 or 2 of us will earn it and she will either forget or be ticked that more didn't and she just lets it slip her mind. I have even reminded her WHEN I earn it that I am looking forward to it but, she usually forgets or says yeah, I changed my mind!!!

MY other gripe is USE part of your production Bonus to REWARD us, thats what it is meant for.... send a newsletter or when you email me your directors take her info out of the bottom!! (or delete the attachment)

Well, that's kind of the point....after this happens, over and over again, it makes you wonder if she really did order anything, you know??:grumpy:

  • Thread starter
  • #42
Soozeeq said:
My director is pretty good at recognition. We always have a business building cluster meeting. She is now calling them cluster training.
I used to have a weekly call with her and I found them worthwhile but they have gone by the wayside because not everyone was making time for their calls. She was frustrated by the number of people complaining about no bookings but they weren't willing to put the effort to change things for themselves. I just think that if you have consultants that are working and want the consistant followup and want to grow their businesses - you shouldn't write them off. Encourage them and support them. And yes, follow through with what you say. Don't offer things (incentives, training, meetings, newsletters, emails) and not follow through. It is just like customer care.

So true...
  • #43
I have just to chime in - I have a great director (pamperedbecky) - always answers my emails and phone calls and gives great advice:) She also passes opportunities along to me when she has conflicts as well. And we can always borrow things from each other since we only live 5 minutes away. I've been a consultant for 2 years and have great cluster meetings as well. Everyone is very supportive in our cluster -I feel fortunate to know them. It's unfortunate that it's not this way for everyone!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
Gina M said:
I have just to chime in - I have a great director (pamperedbecky) - always answers my emails and phone calls and gives great advice:) She also passes opportunities along to me when she has conflicts as well. And we can always borrow things from each other since we only live 5 minutes away. I've been a consultant for 2 years and have great cluster meetings as well. Everyone is very supportive in our cluster -I feel fortunate to know them. It's unfortunate that it's not this way for everyone!

I think it is so important to pass opportunities on to your downline as a director. When I first started, my director sent me to a booth opportunity at a Home Show...I got my first show lead there and it led to several bookings!

Related to The Ideal Director: Creating the Perfect Visionary for Your Project

1. How do I create the perfect director for my project?

The ideal director for your project should have a combination of experience, communication skills, and leadership abilities. It's important to carefully consider the specific needs of your project and find a director who aligns with those needs. Be sure to thoroughly interview potential candidates and ask for references to ensure they have a successful track record.

2. What are some important traits that the ideal director should have?

The ideal director should possess strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and a clear vision for the project. They should also have excellent time management skills, be able to delegate tasks effectively, and have the ability to motivate and inspire their team. Additionally, they should be adaptable and able to handle unexpected challenges that may arise during the project.

3. Can you provide a list of qualities that describe the ideal director?

Sure, here are a few key qualities that the ideal director should possess:

  • Effective communicator
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Clear vision for the project
  • Excellent time management abilities
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Ability to motivate and inspire team members
  • Adaptable and able to handle unexpected challenges

4. How important is experience when choosing the ideal director?

Experience is definitely an important factor to consider when choosing the ideal director. Look for someone who has previous experience in a similar role or industry, as they will likely have a better understanding of the project and its requirements. However, don't discount someone who may not have as much experience but possesses strong leadership and communication skills.

5. What should I do if I can't find the perfect director for my project?

If you are struggling to find the ideal director for your project, consider reaching out to a professional recruiting agency or networking within your industry to find potential candidates. It's important not to rush the hiring process and to thoroughly vet each candidate to ensure they are the right fit for your project.

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