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Silpada or Pampered Chef - Need Info

In summary, Brenda is undecided about whether to sign with Silpada or not. Lisa has some advice on how to make Brenda want to join her team and focus on the positive aspects of being a PC consultant. Silpada is a company that is overpriced and has high startup costs. Brenda's family and friends are not familiar with the company, so she should invite them to her party to see the positive aspects.
Wasn't sure where to post this - I have a new consultant that is doing her furst show on Sunday. I am coming with her for support. Her friend Amy said she was interested (Marked Yes) at her cooking show but is now also looking into Silpada. (gee thank's Oprah Magazine) I told Brenda that it is important that you show the positives of PC but not to say anything bad about Silpada. Amy is our show host On Sunday but is also hosting a Silpada on the following Friday. I want to help Amy get as many bookings as possible and guide Brenda thorugh host coaching so it helps Amy lean toward PC.
Brenda has already warned me that Amy has a tendancy to be a little flaky and not follow through so she isn't holding her breath even if she does sign with PC.

Any Advice - Does anyone know much about the Silpada opportunity
I don't know much about their opp, just that the jewelry is a little pricey for me. But that's just my opinion. :)
If you go to the Silpada website, you will see it can be a lot more expensive to begin that business.

I would really recommend making her want to be on your team. Focus on the dream of being a Pampered Chef Consultant and what that could mean to her and her family.

I would probably also focus on our startup cost, without mentioning Silpada's. We really are a much better deal and she can earn so much for free. Also, I think most women want to get their hands on a piece of jewelry before purchasing it. Therefore, she is probably going to end up feeling like to needs to put out a lot of money to get started.

The host benefits are not as great as ours and I know that they take the money from the show, put it in their account and then Silpada deducts 50%. So, they get like 50% commission. I know one rep who quit after the entire product line changed and she had to buy all new stuff. I didn't get details but it was very expensive for her.
I think there are a few different levels as far as a starter kit BUT..the consulatants also have to pay a yearly fee to stay w/ the company!
this is on top of any sales quotas & demo jewelry they might buy/submit!
I think its a couple hundred $$$'s a year.
So these people are paying to have a job CRAZY!:eek:
Kathytnt said:
Wasn't sure where to post this - I have a new consultant that is doing her furst show on Sunday. I am coming with her for support. Her friend Amy said she was interested (Marked Yes) at her cooking show but is now also looking into Silpada. (gee thank's Oprah Magazine) I told Brenda that it is important that you show the positives of PC but not to say anything bad about Silpada. Amy is our show host On Sunday but is also hosting a Silpada on the following Friday. I want to help Amy get as many bookings as possible and guide Brenda thorugh host coaching so it helps Amy lean toward PC.
Brenda has already warned me that Amy has a tendancy to be a little flaky and not follow through so she isn't holding her breath even if she does sign with PC.

Any Advice - Does anyone know much about the Silpada opportunity

I am not too too found of Silpada myself (I find it extremely over-priced, so although I do enjoy a pair of earrings here and there, difficult to justify). Just remind her that everyone eats, and few feel guilty about these purchases. I do know some women who do extremely well with Silpada though.

Why not ask a few of your family and friends, who haven't been able to make it to a party yet, to her party. They are sure to buy... add your outside orders to her party so she sees the pluses of our host benefits, stress "free shipping & tax ONLY on your purchase amount, not value" ~ I believe those are ways we surprise people who are only familiar with jewelry parties.
I don't know the details of that company either, but I would also stress that we do not pay for our host benefits--with some DS those costs come out of the consultant's commission. Also, our target audience is so much larger, and we do have a wider range of cost so everyone can be comfortable making a purchase. good luck!
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  • #8
My Director has some cute Silpada but the items she spent like $60 on I wouldn't pay that much - I work in a Health food store as my other job and we wear jeans and t-shirts. How much can you dress that up
I have a silpada necklace that I LOVE! Unfortunately it was one of the cheapest things in the catalog.

I have a friend who has sold PC twice. I thought Silpada would be perfect for her. I think it cost $200 for the start up fee and then you could buy 3 items half priced. The hostess felt like shae had been ripped off, but at least what she got was free.

But...I would rather spend more and get the real stuff than the Cr** that flakes on me and I spend $ sending it to the consultant with another $5 to get it replaced.

As for being a consultant, there is no comparison. Pampered Chef excels in every catagory.
  • #10
Silpada does have some nice silver, but being from Mexico and having family that owns silver stores in Taxco (where silver is mined) I know Silpada is WAY WAY overpriced. Stuff they sell for $120 you can buy in Mexico for $20 tops. $40 if your a tourist in a tourist spot or border town. $60 if they can sucker you, but $120--where do they come up with that number for silver? You can buy drop dead gorgeous jewelry that's all silver for that amount in Mexico. But you know, it's not mined here so it's not as accessible I guess. Kinda of like Ceramic tile there is not an upgrade but carpet is.
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  • #11
I know a Silpada consultant who doesn't really work until Christmas when people need gifts. I don't believe there are any sales requirements each month. However, she hosted a Pampered Chef cooking show, and her sales were over $1,200.

She said she could never do this much with Silpada. In addition, she said that everybody loves Pampered Chef and not everybody loves Silpada. PC practically sells itself.

I wear gold and if you don't wear silver, you're kind of out of luck. It's a very limited product.

My 2 cents.
  • #12
I am allergic to silver so don't own any Silpada but I have a girl from work who just recently signed with Silpada. I was kinda hurt as I had been asking her about doing PC since she once was a caterer. The reason she gave me was that it's not as much work to sell Silpada. She puts out the jewelry and either they buy it or they don't. She has nothing to demonstrate. She goes to homes sets up her jewelry and she is done. The host just has what we would call a sip-n-dip party and the guests come to the consultant with the orders.
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  • #13
I guss there is a business for everyone Most jewelry lines seem so limited and ones like Faith don't even have a catalog
  • #14
One thing about Pampered Chef is that it sells itself. Even with a SIlpada catalog you can't really tell what the pieces look like. My friend sells Silpada and the pieces she sells the most are the ones she owns because people can see them in person and try them on. The catalog definitely doesn't do the pieces justice. So you really need to invest a lot so you can have the pieces for people to see. I love Silpada and just had a party. I got over $300 in jewelry!!
I would stress to this girl just the $$ involved. Silpada catalogs are $1 each!!! That's alot of money. Ours are as low as $0.39. Our start up is $155 theirs depends on how many pieces that want to start their collection with. Not even close to $155. True with Silpada you earn 30% but you are really paying for it with the cost of the paperwork and annual renewal fee. PLUS we have so many more incentives. So I would just stress all of these things in our business and then when she researches Silpada she'll see how much better PC is!! Oh yeah they don't get a paycheck either they just keep 30% of the money collected from the party. Me I like the whole paycheck thing!
  • #15
coming from a Silpada repI actually sell Silpada..and I can say I absolutely love PC and Silpada just as much. As for what you make on the shows, it's close to the same, we make 30% commission. It's $199 to start and then you may purchase as much jewelry as you wish (1 per piece) at 50% off, the more you purchase the less your start up fee, three levels. It is a little more to start but you make it back very quickly. The company pays the host benefits and they too are comparable to PC. Actually our prices are not much different than that of JC Penneys, Macys, Kohls...and we have a life time guarantee on each piece.
My Silpada fundraisers, though, are huge, compared to the PC ones I've done. You do earn a lot of free jewelry so there is no need to purchase alot for your case. In the group that I'm in we "share" alot too. With us, if you are local, you could start with no jewelry purchase, use ours until you earn all of your own free. And you sell off items from your kit to renew the kit, so you really lose no money there. There is a $99 recertification fee each year that covers new paperwork and we get a website at no cost all year, the $99 covers it.
There are honestly the good and the bad about both...but I still love them both. I can say the Silpada shows are ridiculously easy and fun...I have spent so much time preparing for my PC shows. I couldn't live with out them both...love it!:D
  • #16
chefshelley59 said:
I actually sell Silpada..and I can say I absolutely love PC and Silpada just as much. As for what you make on the shows, it's close to the same, we make 30% commission. It's $199 to start and then you may purchase as much jewelry as you wish (1 per piece) at 50% off, the more you purchase the less your start up fee, three levels. It is a little more to start but you make it back very quickly. The company pays the host benefits and they too are comparable to PC. Actually our prices are not much different than that of JC Penneys, Macys, Kohls...and we have a life time guarantee on each piece.
My Silpada fundraisers, though, are huge, compared to the PC ones I've done. You do earn a lot of free jewelry so there is no need to purchase alot for your case. In the group that I'm in we "share" alot too. With us, if you are local, you could start with no jewelry purchase, use ours until you earn all of your own free. And you sell off items from your kit to renew the kit, so you really lose no money there. There is a $99 recertification fee each year that covers new paperwork and we get a website at no cost all year, the $99 covers it.
There are honestly the good and the bad about both...but I still love them both. I can say the Silpada shows are ridiculously easy and fun...I have spent so much time preparing for my PC shows. I couldn't live with out them both...love it!:D
Hmm, interesting good to know about another DS co. and how it compares!

Related to Silpada or Pampered Chef - Need Info

What is Silpada and how is it different from Pampered Chef?

Silpada is a direct sales company that specializes in high-quality sterling silver jewelry. Pampered Chef, on the other hand, offers a wide range of kitchen tools and cookware. The main difference between the two is the products they offer, but both companies have a similar business model of selling through independent consultants.

How do I become a consultant for either Silpada or Pampered Chef?

To become a consultant for Silpada, you can sign up through their website or through an existing consultant. For Pampered Chef, you can sign up through their website or through a current consultant. Both companies have starter kits available for purchase, which include all the necessary materials to get started as a consultant.

Which company has a better compensation plan for consultants?

Both Silpada and Pampered Chef have competitive compensation plans for their consultants. However, the specifics may vary depending on your individual sales and team performance. It is recommended to research and compare the compensation plans of both companies to determine which one may be a better fit for you.

Do I need to host or attend in-person parties to be successful as a Silpada or Pampered Chef consultant?

While hosting or attending in-person parties is a popular and effective way to showcase and sell products for both Silpada and Pampered Chef, it is not the only way to be successful as a consultant. With the rise of online and virtual parties, as well as the option for customers to shop directly from your consultant website, there are many ways to reach and engage with customers.

Can I sell products from both Silpada and Pampered Chef?

Yes, you can sell products from both Silpada and Pampered Chef. However, as a consultant, it is important to be transparent with your customers about the products you are selling and to avoid directly competing with yourself by promoting similar products from both companies. It is also important to adhere to the policies and guidelines set by each company when selling their products.

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