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Need Ideas for Email Address......

Kelly, I like alfskitchen@gmail.... ;) - keep it simple and the same as your website so people will remember BOTH easier. I like that "ALF" is your initials - it's also a cute "nickname" (whenever I see your posts, I don't think of you as "Amanda", I think of you as "Alf"! LOL!)... I agree with you, Kelly. I like alfskitchen@gmail.... ;)
Silver Member
Hi fellow Creative Cheffers. :cool: I am trying to finish taxes so I am drained.:indif: I am creating a second email account just for PC and wanted to make my PC address snappy or something to do w/ PC.

So does anyone want to share their email address or give me some ideas like:

That's all I got. I know it's just an email address.

TIA, you guys rock!!!!!

hope that helps a little :)
Mine is the same as my screen name here -

  • Thread starter
  • #5
I like them, keep them coming.....See I knew I was non creative today!!
First of all, I would HIGHLY recommend signing your business email up with gmail. I LOVE IT!! Its the best email provider I've ever had.

My suggestions are
chefalf@ (chefamanda is taken at gmail:))
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Fellow Amanda,I thought about keeping it the same as my web address. Why gmail, I was just going to add another address to our comcast email since we can have up to 5.
I enjoy comcast!
pamperedalf said:
Fellow Amanda,

I thought about keeping it the same as my web address. Why gmail, I was just going to add another address to our comcast email since we can have up to 5.

I would agree to keep it the same as your web address, easy for people to remember. :chef:
  • #10
pchef4u@gmail is taken... ;)
  • #11
How about PCAmanda?
  • #12
Gmail is great cuz even if you have to change internet providers, you will never have to change your email address again! This is important for you- no changing business cards, stamps, and customers will always have your correct email address! After changing my email 3 times in 2 years, (due to internet providers) I went to gmail and love it!
  • #13
I definitely agree with Kelly. You'll want to set up an email account for your business that is NOT dependent on your internet provider. Gmail, Yahoo, hotmail, there are lots of them out there and most are FREE. Even if YOU don't have any plans to change your internet provider, you never know if your service will change, or get more expensive, or if something else better will become available, or even if the internet provider will change their name or get bought by another company. It has happened to me too many times in the past - and since I depend so much on email, I find it's much easier to just use Yahoo and not worry about whether Comcast changes their name. I don't ever give my comcast address to anyone.

=) Jen
  • #14
KellyTheChef said:
Gmail is great cuz even if you have to change internet providers, you will never have to change your email address again! This is important for you- no changing business cards, stamps, and customers will always have your correct email address! After changing my email 3 times in 2 years, (due to internet providers) I went to gmail and love it!

Also, gmail has MUCH more storage than any other free providers. It's incredibly awesome. I've had my account for over 2 years and I've never deleted anything. I love it! :love:
  • #15
mine is [email protected]

And I agree - Gmail rocks! I like that it clumps replies from the same email together in one email rather than having a ton of them in your in-box.
  • #16
KellyTheChef said:
Gmail is great cuz even if you have to change internet providers, you will never have to change your email address again! This is important for you- no changing business cards, stamps, and customers will always have your correct email address! After changing my email 3 times in 2 years, (due to internet providers) I went to gmail and love it!

Me too. I tell all my new recruits that they should get a free web-based email for their PC biz when they start as well. Speaking from experience....
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Okay w/ gmail can you type your emails in HTML. I love using colors and fonts and sizes. Also I send a read recite out of outlook for my newsletter, I can't find if that is an option. Thanks again
  • #18
DebbieJ said:
Me too. I tell all my new recruits that they should get a free web-based email for their PC biz when they start as well. Speaking from experience....

I agree. I use gmail for my email service (going on 4 years now) and it's awesome. I've changed ISPs 3 times and haven't had to change my email once!!

As for names, I'd stick with alfskitchen@gmail.... ;) - keep it simple and the same as your website so people will remember BOTH easier. I like that "ALF" is your initials - it's also a cute "nickname" (whenever I see your posts, I don't think of you as "Amanda", I think of you as "Alf"! LOL!) :D
  • #19
pamperedalf said:
Okay w/ gmail can you type your emails in HTML. I love using colors and fonts and sizes. Also I send a read recite out of outlook for my newsletter, I can't find if that is an option. Thanks again

Yes, you can import/export gmail through Outlook. It's in the settings, I think.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
So I can use outlook and still have gmail if I am understanding correctly?I was thinking of leaning towards alfskitchen because that would make it easy for my customers. I also like pamperingyourkitchen but kinda long. Cathy thanks for thinking of me as ALF, you know what's funny when I meet people at conference I say my screen name oh your ALF.
  • #21
pamperedalf said:
So I can use outlook and still have gmail if I am understanding correctly?

I was thinking of leaning towards alfskitchen because that would make it easy for my customers. I also like pamperingyourkitchen but kinda long.

Cathy thanks for thinking of me as ALF, you know what's funny when I meet people at conference I say my screen name oh your ALF.

Yes, and I like alfskitchen...
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Okay I am getting ready to sign up and try it out. It's free so if I don't like it, I'll just add another comcast email. I am going w/ alfskitchen@ .Thanks so much for everyones input. I would be truly lost w/o you guys.
  • #23
I think of you as Alf too, hehe. Definitely stay away from too long, it's difficult for labels, stamps etc. Alfskitchen is cute and memorable. :)

I LOVE my gmail account for so many reasons! However, i have had difficulty using it with outlook (It might be just me). Nevertheless, gmail has a handy feature where you can edit your font styles, sizes, and colors. You can also hyperlink text, do bullets, centering, and many other things. My favorite feature is how you can filter messages and automatically apply a certain label to an incoming message.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Now to figure out how to sync it w/ outlook any tips........
  • #27
Yay! Welcome to Gmail, ALF! :D
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  • #28
Well my dh synced gmail w/ outlook, it is definitely different. Now I want to try sending my newsletter through it and see how it turns out.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Thanks Cathy, I feel like a kid again w/ different things I find out.
  • #30
pamperedalf said:
Well I just signed up, I am officially [email protected] or .net I don't know, oops!

Congrats! and Welcome!! :) You'll truly love it!

and it is .com

Related to Need Ideas for Email Address......

1. What are some ideas for a catchy email address related to cooking or PC?

Some ideas for a catchy email address related to cooking or PC could be:

  • chefextraordinaire@...
  • pcgourmet@...
  • savorytech@...
  • culinarygeek@...
  • foodiehacker@...

2. Can you share your PC or cooking-related email address as inspiration?

Sure, here are some examples of PC or cooking-related email addresses:

  • cookandcode@...
  • pcmasterchef@...
  • culinarytech@...
  • flavorfultech@...
  • cookingnerd@...

3. How can I make my email address stand out and reflect my love for cooking and PC?

One way to make your email address stand out and reflect your love for cooking and PC is to combine elements from both passions. For example: kitchenhacker@... or techchef@...

4. Is it important to have a separate email address for my cooking and PC interests?

Having a separate email address for your cooking and PC interests can be helpful in keeping your personal and professional emails organized. It also allows you to easily filter and prioritize emails related to these specific interests.

5. Are there any guidelines or tips for creating a professional email address for my cooking and PC interests?

Some guidelines and tips for creating a professional email address for your cooking and PC interests include using your name or a variation of it, avoiding numbers or symbols, and keeping it simple and easy to remember. Additionally, make sure to avoid using offensive or inappropriate language in your email address.

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