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Lost Finale: What Everyone Is Talking About

In summary, the Lost season finale left us more confused than ever. We don't know who was in the casket or what happened to Locke. However, we are excited for the next season and can't wait to find out what happens.
Gina M
Gold Member
Hi everyone,

I won't put any info in this post in case you haven't had time to watch it yet - but man it is so good!!! I watched half last night and the rest this morning and I'm bummed that we have to wait until next February for it to be back on!
My husband and I watched it and it was so good! I am more confused now then I ever was. I want to talk about it so bad but don't want to spoil things for everyone else.
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  • #3
I know what you mean - I had to call my sister who doesn't watch it anymore and tell her everything just so I could tell someone about it!
Can you tell me what happened?I didn't get to watch all of it. :mad: The last I seen was Jack with the walking saying he was helping his people get saved by going to the tower... I am waiting to hear from you!
We are HUGE Lost fans here!
Here's my questions for discussion:
Who do you think was in the casket?!!
Exciting that the 'flashbacks' were actually from the future?!!!
Do you think Naomi is 'bad'???
Is it ok to discuss or should we wait?
I think the flashbacks were "flash-forwards"for Jack. Crazy stuff!! I love it!! I was thinking maybe it's Locke or Ben in the casket.... Who knows.... I can't wait till the next season starts!!!!
*they got a signal on the phone and made contact with someone who said they were on their way to rescue them.
*Hurley saved the day on the beach by driving the VW van into The Others and rescueing Jin, Sayeed and Bernard.
*the 'flashbacks' of Jack were actually the future! He's hooked on prescription meds...He secretly meets up with Kate because he 'just has to see her'...I got the impression she has a relationship with Sawyer?
*Locke is alive! He shot Naomi, tho.
Here is what I think...

I think Ben is in the casket.

When Kate said "he will be wondering where I'm at." I think she is either married to Sawyer or she has a child now that is Sawyer's because last night when her and Sawyer were talking about Juliette finding out who was pregnant Kate was included. Sawyer then said lets hope you're not.

What through me off is when Jack said, "get my father down here" I thought his father had died? So if it is a flash forward is his dad still alive?

Ok, when Penny said she did not know Naomi or about any boat I thought Naomi must be bad. So that got me thinking why did Naomi have a book with a picture of Penny and Desmond???
  • #10
I'm just ticked that Charile died.
  • #11
The best explanation is that Ben is in the casket. However, I thought the casket seemed small so it made me wonder if it was a child...

I think Jack was just making it up about his father just to get the meds...That's why he walked off when she said she would call. And he's delusional anyway.
  • #12
Do you think Naomi could be working for Penny's father??? And that she is somehow linked with the organization funding the 2 men in the igloo waiting for a 'signal'?
  • #13
TwinGirlsMom said:
Do you think Naomi could be working for Penny's father??? And that she is somehow linked with the organization funding the 2 men in the igloo waiting for a 'signal'?

Maybe she is working for Penny's father and was sent to kill Desmond so him and Penny would never get back together.
  • #14
  • #15
raebates said:
I'm just ticked that Charile died.

Maybe he didn't die? ;) They didn't actually show him dying...I think he will exit through the port hole.
  • #16
What about Walt's appearance to Locke? What was THAT all about? Do you think he is real?
  • #17
And what about Jacob???!
What is he? Is he the black cloud?
  • #18
I also think Charlie will exit and still be alive.

Interesting pint about Jacob being that black cloud. I never thought about that.
  • #19
Rebecca, Charlie was floating aimlessly with his eyes all glassy. Sure looked like he was dead to me. However, anything is possible with this show.

Kimberly, there have been lots of odd sightings on the island--Jack's dad, the horse Kate saw, etc.

I don't even want to think about Jacob and the cloud. It makes my head hurt.
  • #20
Rae, did you watch 'The Answers' show with the directors? They said that the sightings are triggered by a memory close to their hearts...I understood that the sightings are--obviously--not real...it's part of the mystery of the island. But if I remember correctly this is the first sighting where the individual has actually spoken & given a directive. So that makes me wonder if Walt was real. Altho he did leave the island on a boat with his dad...hmmm.
  • #21
Just as Locke wasn't really dead, I don't believe Charlie is dead either!
  • #22
I didn't think Locke was dead. He has too much unfinished business on the island. I did see the answers show, but I tend to watch tv while doing 15 other things, so sometimes I miss things.
  • #23
I think Charlie is really dead....but what about Mikhail? Is it impossible to kill that guy?

The one question that really intrigued me last night was when Mikhail came in, and saw the 2 women, and said "I thought you two were on assignment in Canada?".......Canada? So, the "Others" aren't really trapped on the island - or inable to leave the island.....because some of them must go to Canada.....whole 'nother story there!

I am such a "LOSTIE" I couldn't sleep last night - thinking through everything that happened. I think in the casket is either John Locke or James (Sawyer).....but also - where is Juliette in the flash forward? It just seemed like she and Jack were getting pretty tight there at the end....

So what I am thinking is that there is still some kind of confrontation on the island, and alot of people die, but Jack and Kate, and maybe some others (not "Others") are saved, but Jack is overcome with guilt because he wasn't able to save them all......
Hows that for a hypothesis?
  • #24
The Casket.....really bugs me!So - it must be someone who has no friends or relatives, someone not well liked - since no one showed up for the viewing. But someone had to pay for the viewing? And it must be someone Kate doesn't care about - because her reply to Jack when he said he thought she might be there was "Why would I go?".....
Can you believe that we have to wait until FEBRUARY to get any more answers? This is gonna drive me crazy!
  • #25
The Others could get off the island--remember they owned a submarine before Locke blew it up--and they have connection with the outside world. Ben controlled it and made them believe they had some big purpose for staying on the island. In the end, it's all about the control for Ben.

I think it is Ben in the casket, but maybe its Juliette if Jack is so distraught? And it would explain why Kate doesn't care.
  • #26
When the Funeral director asks Jack if he is a friend or relative.....he says "neither" - yet he appears to be very broken up about it?

That's right about the submarine - but I guess I never thought about them moving from place to place and being on assignment in different places - other than Richard and Ethan when they recruited Juliette. It's just very interesting that it isn't an just an "Island Experience" - they have different locations that they work from.
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  • #27
J.J. Abrams is famous for having his characters come back from the dead (as an Alias fan - I"ve seen it all!) so I sincerely hope Charlie is not dead (although he sure looked dead to me too). I think Locke is in the casket (he never really had family to begin with) but then we don't know how far in the future they are as well. I think only a handful get off the island which will take them the next 3 seasons at the rate they are going. Having to wait until February is torture!
  • #28
Ok my husband just called me at work and wants me to ask you guys what you think about his thought.

He said if it was a flashforward why would Kate not be in jail? Before the island she was a wanted for killing her mom's boyfriend.
  • #29
After every episode, I'm more confused! I didn't get that it was "future forwards" until the end when Kate got out of the car. I can't wait to see why Jack says they shouldn't have left the island...
And it really doesn't start till February??? I hadn't heard that yet.....that's a bummer:(
  • #30
kdawn1124 said:
He said if it was a flashforward why would Kate not be in jail? Before the island she was a wanted for killing her mom's boyfriend.

I think she was pardoned...because when they got back to the US the authorities believed it was punishment enough to experience a plane crash, outlast The Others and live on an island in the middle of nowhere for so long. How's that for an explanation!:p

If it was NOT a flashforward then why did they introduce themselves to each other after the crash? Obviously they would have known each other.
  • #31
I think Kate assumed the identity of one of the passengers who did die in the plane crash......this goes way back, but I think I remember her in the first season doctoring a passport that belonged to one of the dead passengers.
  • #32
Who's In The Coffin?If you go to abc.com/lost and then to the message boards, there are a lot of interesting theories! Here's one about the coffin:

Not only is it Locke, Jack is so upset with his death. Here is why. Jack is a spinal doctor. He has built a career on getting people to walk again. Now he gets them off the island, and Locke can't walk anymore. His results were the opposite of what he intended. He tries to operate on Locke, and probably makes it worse and Locke loses his legs completly. Locke eventually kills himself, and Jack then understands that everything was better back on the island.

I have to say that does make sense.
  • #33
Kimberly I have been on and off those message boards at ABC all day. Those could really make you go crazy. I haven't seen that theory yet but it makes since.
  • #34
I know; I thought I was a die-hard fan but there are some serious Losties on ABC!:p It will take forever to read through the 100s of theories posted...
  • #35
It's on hiatus for 8 months??? That's a long time! I thought all shows are just a summer break to resume in the fall?
  • #36
Hi ladies ~ just heard an interesting theory about who is in the coffin [can you tell I've been thinking long & hard about this??!]

Someone suggested it could be Jacob. This makes sense because he will be featured more next season with Locke and it also coincides with the obituary note that Jack read...it said 'J... --antham'. Since we know everyone else's last name but don't know Jacob's, it could be him.
  • #37
Trying to wrap my mind around the Jacob in coffin theory....at this point in the show, we have only "seen" Jacob as a spirit (did you catch that brief glimpse of him in the chair w/ Locke and Ben?) Now, flashforward, he is off the island and dead in a coffin??

There are so many unanswered questions - I am going to go crazy before next yr! BUT! I am also asking for my B-day for all of the past seasons on DVD! I will be studying like crazy before the 4th season starts!

And yes, Heather - they will not be starting the new season until next Feb - I've also heard Jan....but Feb is Sweeps month, so I be that is the correct time!
  • #38
TwinGirlsMom said:
Hi ladies ~ just heard an interesting theory about who is in the coffin [can you tell I've been thinking long & hard about this??!]

Someone suggested it could be Jacob. This makes sense because he will be featured more next season with Locke and it also coincides with the obituary note that Jack read...it said 'J... --antham'. Since we know everyone else's last name but don't know Jacob's, it could be him.

I guess my big question to that one is, so why was Jack so upset? Maybe there are more events leading up to the rescue, but with what we have been given that leaves a huge hole. That said, you can't even really hypothesize because you are NEVER given enough information. On top of that...what we are given is usually reversed in later episodes. Argh! I love this show!!!
  • #39
They announced the plans to go to the end of the series (they have a firm contract so they can answer all the questions and tie up loose ends) -- they are doing three more seasons with 16 episodes each in them, and will run them with no repeats and no breaks (the lost a lot of views by doing 6 shows and then breaking for so long).

I think the flash forward is a possible future, not a set in stone future (just like Desmond sees glimpses of the futute but then changes the outcome (Charlie's death etc). I don't think Charlie can fit through the port hole (I was checking), but Desmond could quickly suit up in the scuba gear and swim outside and pass him some scuba gear so he can breathe until they can get him out. So I don't think he is necessarily dead.
  • #40
Ladies, ladies...this is why it is called a flash-forward! :) They left a huge hole so that we would first think on it for 8 months and, more importantly, so they have content for next season! Obviously, they gave us a glimpse of the very far future and now they have 3 seasons to get us there.

Also, to read an interview with one of the producers about the finale go to yahoo.com, then 'tv', then you'll see something like 'Lost Interview'. It gives a few answers on questionable things such as 'Is Charlie really dead?'.

Related to Lost Finale: What Everyone Is Talking About

1. What happened in the Lost finale?

The Lost finale tied up many loose ends and revealed the ultimate fate of the characters. It was revealed that they were all actually dead and the island was a sort of purgatory where they had to work through their issues before moving on to the afterlife.

2. Why did it take so long for the finale to air?

The creators of Lost, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, wanted to ensure that the finale would be satisfying and tie up all loose ends. This required extra time and planning, which is why it took until February for the finale to air.

3. Were there any major plot twists in the finale?

Yes, there were several major plot twists in the finale, including the revelation that the island was actually a sort of purgatory and the characters were all dead. There were also smaller twists, like the identity of the mysterious Jacob and the true purpose of the Dharma Initiative.

4. Were all of the characters' storylines resolved in the finale?

Yes, the finale tied up all of the characters' storylines and revealed their ultimate fates. Some characters, like Jack and Kate, found peace and moved on to the afterlife, while others, like Hurley and Ben, stayed behind to help others on their journey.

5. Will there be a Lost reboot or spin-off?

At this time, there are no plans for a Lost reboot or spin-off. However, the creators have left the door open for future projects set within the Lost universe, so fans may still have more to look forward to in the future.

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