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How Was Your January? Double Points and Bonus Points

In summary, Sarah had a great month and earned a lot of trip points. Heather had a bad month but is getting back on track. Linda had a good month and earned a lot of points.
Gold Member
Let's give everyone a big WAHOO for January!

Report in here - how did you do?

I am very excited to have my year start out with a huge bang! With my sales, double points, and the 1500 bonus points - - - I earned 9507 trip points this month. I've got 4 cooking shows and 4 catalog shows that should close-out during double points period for February too!

Look for me in Paris in 2009 ya'll!
Jan. isn't looking so good...But my February will be a big BANG!! I have a total of 7 shows booked for February. I am really excited. It took me a little longer than expected to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. But that is ok ....this is my business and I can do it however I want! That is why I love PC!!!
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  • #3
Good for you Sarah! Be sure and let us know how Feb turns out for you.
Good job ladies! My January and February are very sad looking. I am having an open house Saturday hopefully we will be dug out of the snow by then, predicting 10 inches.

Ann R.
WOW Linda! Way to be ROCKIN already!
Whoo hooo LInda! GO Girl! :)

Unfortunately for me not good for double points month this year but better than last January (I had 2 shows but they didn't close until Feb 5). I think I have a whopping 800 pts right now but 2 more for Feb before closing deadline.

I am signing my 3rd this weekend so here's hopin she qualifies in 30 days for her Knives and my 2k points!
Wow Linda! That's great! I only have one Jan show (which is closing tomorrow), but it's a doozy! Right now, she's sitting at 1,035 in sales with several more orders coming in. I also have a Feb. show that will be closing by the 13th.

Question - do Jan shows count for the double points even if they don't close until Feb? It's a show from Jan. 26 & will be closing tomorrow.
How do you findHow do you find the "points" I did 1,500 in sales and had a recruit sign, not qualified though. Will be soon. Lots better than last year. :D
As of now, I have 1888 pts. But I have another show that I'm trying to close tonight (kept getting disconnected when I called earlier), that is currently another 900 pts ($450 sales).If 2 of my shows hadn't cancelled at the beginning of the month, I might have hit $3000 sales, which would have been enough for the bonus, but not likely. I have 2 shows in the first part of February, and 3 in the second half (one of which is a co-hosted fundraiser, so it will homefully be a really big event).
  • #10
Right now I have just over 2800 points. My show tonight is going to be $1000+ I'm sure so that will be great! I have 2 more shows w/in double points so fingers crossed!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
heat123 said:
.....I am signing my 3rd this weekend so here's hopin she qualifies in 30 days for her Knives and my 2k points!
Good for you Heather! I'm afraid I might be loosing my FD status next month :( I've got about a dozen fence-sitters right now that I wish I could get to commit.....oh well, when the time is right it will all fall into place. I'm concentrating on my own sales and bookings and in the meantime asking everyone, but I'm no longer stressing over it (I want it bad, but I figure it will happen one day)
  • #12
pamperedlinda said:
Good for you Sarah! Be sure and let us know how Feb turns out for you.
THANKS Linda! I will be sure to post in a few weeks to let you know how things went. On Jan. 1st I had 1 show for Feb. then I got on the phone last Sunday and really booked it up!!! Phone calls do pay off....only if I could make myself do them everyday!
  • #14
Wow sounds like everybody had a great month. I only had one show this month, but it was $1020 and I am very excited because I have 8 more booked for Feb. I am excited about the double points, but I love the HWC products and want to earn them all this year so I don't have to buy them!
  • #15
Right Now Points Are At 9966 And Climbing (that Includes The 1500 For The Jan Promo) And I Signed My First Recruit Of 2008 Today!! Wooo Hooo! Off To Another Show Tonight And Again Tommorrow - Goal Is To Almost Hit Level 1 By The End Of February!! Fingers Crossed!
  • #16
I'm looking at 11299 in points with sales, double points and 1500 extra points!

Mexican Riviera....Here we come!:D
  • #17
ChefBeckyD said:
I'm looking at 11299 in points with sales, double points and 1500 extra points!

Mexican Riviera....Here we come!:D

  • #18
WowYOU GUY'S ROCK:chef: Holy smokes..... Great Job. They way it looked to me for this year mine is 2043 and waiting for a recruit to qualify:D
  • #19
GREAT JOB GIRLS!!!! :chef: ;) :chef:

Right now I'm sitting on 3200 X2 & 1500= 7900 for January alone & I have a Super Bowl Show on Sun & 2 next Fri & Sat!! :D
  • #20
PamperedDor said:
Right Now Points Are At 9966 And Climbing (that Includes The 1500 For The Jan Promo) And I Signed My First Recruit Of 2008 Today!! Wooo Hooo! Off To Another Show Tonight And Again Tommorrow - Goal Is To Almost Hit Level 1 By The End Of February!! Fingers Crossed!

You go GIRL!!!

I had a crappy month!!:cry:
  • #21
I am very, very, very, very excited to say that I have had an AMAZING January. I have over $5,000 in sales and I have two parties that have yet to close. I also have four catalog shows still floating around out there. I can taste a trip!!!!!!
  • #22
Dawn4 said:
I am very, very, very, very excited to say that I have had an AMAZING January. I have over $5,000 in sales and I have two parties that have yet to close. I also have four catalog shows still floating around out there. I can taste a trip!!!!!!

Dawn thats WONDERFUL!!! Keep it up, You deserve it!!! ;)
  • #23
I'm at 3397 points so far this year - I only had 2 cooking shows and one catalog show that closed right over $500 - but I do have one more show during double points and that's tomorrow night - looking at around 15 people coming - I so want a big show! Great job everyone - keep rocking into February!
  • #24
Holy cow!! There are a ton of you who have had an AMAZING January!!

Thankfully, I have over 8,000 points right now!! I don't think I will have any more points during the double points dates, though, since my next party isn't till the 15th so it won't count!

I am sooooo happy with my points so far!

  • #25
For Jan I had about $866 in sales it was slow after Christmas, but Feb is looking good!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
I'm so excited to see how everyone is doing! Keep up the good work and check in in Feb for another tally. Maybe we should have monthly check-ins so we know who we will be vacationing with in 2009!

Who's going to Paris with me?
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:
I'm so excited to see how everyone is doing! Keep up the good work and check in in Feb for another tally. Maybe we should have monthly check-ins so we know who we will be vacationing with in 2009!

Who's going to Paris with me?
I may not get to Paris, but I WILL be in Miami Beach!
  • #28
Right now I have 622 all my shows are cancelling due to this weather but I do have a 300 dollar show and a 200 catty show to close tonight plus I have a show that will close next week and a I have a show tomorrow so we will see
  • #29
I only had one catalog show before the double points and two cooking shows, but I was able to get the bonus 1500 points. I should have 9159 as my total points this month. I really needed this jump since I want to take about a month off when the baby gets here. That included a qualified recruit too. So at least that is out of the way for this year.
  • #30
I am at 3800 right now but have 3 catty shows going and a cooking show in feb. So we will see.
  • #31
congrats to everyone who is racking up the points....i will not be joining you in 10k plus land. had several cancels for jan that have not reschedule for early feb (darn them :)

however, just booked enough shows in late-feb and early-march for all the hwc incentive items...so i will have lots of fun doing dishes and putting small things in those very cute bowls
  • #32
Wow, I'm really impressed reading about everyone's successes! I'm pretty proud of my own. January was my first month, and I didn't have my first show until Jan 19. Right now, I'm at 4304 points, with sales of $2040. Plus, I'll be closing another show tonight, which was $700 in sales.February will hopefully be as good - I have 6 cooking shows and 2 catalogs booked, and 3 of the shows are before Feb 14, so I think that means I get double points for them.Yay me! And yay for everyone else!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Woo hoo....just closed another show so I'm at 9936! I was hoping to have 10k points for the month, but I'm good with this!
  • #34
WOW! You guys are awesome:sing:

I only closed with around $1000. I have 3 cattys that are carrying over. Hope to get them closed by Feb 14. I have a fundraiser that won't close until the end of Feb. & 2 recruits signing in FEB!!
  • #35
mama2emma said:
Wow, I'm really impressed reading about everyone's successes! I'm pretty proud of my own. January was my first month, and I didn't have my first show until Jan 19. Right now, I'm at 4304 points, with sales of $2040. Plus, I'll be closing another show tonight, which was $700 in sales.

February will hopefully be as good - I have 6 cooking shows and 2 catalogs booked, and 3 of the shows are before Feb 14, so I think that means I get double points for them.

Yay me! And yay for everyone else!

  • #36
mine was really slow but that is only my fault because of not doing 3-2-1 consistently..... but i had one show that was $500... but this was my first time ever doing a show because i kinda got into Pampered chef Backwards by becoming a consultant first before ever going to or hosting a show before.... so i had to learn alot!
  • #37
I'm at 5,198 points! I had one show that didn't close by today. She was only at $170. Since it wasn't enough to get me to $3,000 to get the extra 1,500 points, I'm having her try to get more sales. Her goal was $500! I hate that! My other shows were great - one over $1000, one over $900 and the other over $600!!!
  • #38
Holy criminy people!! These are some awesome numbers so far!:thumbup: :thumbup:

Whew, I am off to a good start this year. I have 9745 points, including the 1500 bonus!! My sales this month ended up being $4330 which is my best January EVER. What REALLY helped was a $2400 show!!! Holy crapola. And I had 5 bookings from that show...another record.:D :D :D
  • #39
Jan so-soI didn't do as well as I would have liked but I guess I took off too much time over the holidays :(

That and had 3 cancellations (2 rolled into small catalog show but both hosts rebooked for the spring!) - the 3rd moved to Feb.

I was really hoping for big point earning! Last year I earned 12,000 in Feb - really helped me earn that fabulous cruise this April.
  • #40
WAHOO EVERYONE! I'm just home from a $980 show so my current pts are 8860! (I keep a spreadsheet too!) :)
  • #41
Wow! You guys are amazing! I just squeaked in the $3k with tonights show, that thankfully the host worked me and closed tonight! If I did my points correctly (I'm really tired) I'm just under 7300. Not bad considering I had 3 shows cancel;) But, I do have 5 more during the remainder of the double points period, so I'm hopeful for a good Feb:blushing:
  • #42
WOW!! Everyone is already doing so well!! My points are only at 2668, but I have a fundraiser closing Feb 5th (YAY!!) and a catalog show that's still going and will close that Feb 4th. I also have a cooking show on Monday & she's a potential recruit, so I've got my fingers crossed for LOTS more points by the end of Feb!!
  • #43
Wow, everyone is doing great. This double and extra point thing is fun!
I have 7,770 points.
  • #44
loving it - home from my show - 500 in sales and another possible recruit!!!
  • #45
pamperedlinda said:
Good for you Heather! I'm afraid I might be loosing my FD status next month :( I've got about a dozen fence-sitters right now that I wish I could get to commit.....oh well, when the time is right it will all fall into place. I'm concentrating on my own sales and bookings and in the meantime asking everyone, but I'm no longer stressing over it (I want it bad, but I figure it will happen one day)
That is soo my philosophy, if and when it happens and is meant to be it will happen eventually!:blushing: Good luck for the rest of DBL pts month and this year lets keep on adding to our teams!:D
  • #46
Wow...I thought I was doing great...but some of you are doing AWESOME!! I am excited that my business is finally picking up but as of today I have 2350 points....I only started last October, so I am proud...and I have 4 cooking shows already booked for February (although only 1 more for double points).
  • #47
Well, I missed the $3000 sales mark by approx. $278, which could have been my $315 show from last Friday I am still waiting to close out (but it is midnight eastern time now, and of course, no word from the host). I also had a catty host postpone closing until next week on me. So, I ended up with approx. 4600 points. However, I have 6 February catty shows booked for February, of which 5 I hope to have closed by the 13th, and I have a definite 3 cooking shows during February double points period, so I am hopeful!
  • #48
I am doing my numbers in my head but I think I'm at about 7900! I'm so happy... I came home and got tonight's show submitted by midnight. She was the kind of host that if I let her carry it over, I'd still be waiting for that last elusive order. She didn't listen to anytning I coached her on, was not ready for me when I arrived and had all kinds of food restrictions of choosing a menu. It was the hardest, weirdest show so far... I'm glad it's done. She told me that I had to call the people who she had outside orders from because she couldn't do that... and then she wouldn't give me time before the 4 guests who showed arrived and ... yikes... it's was nuts! I told her to collect more ordres and we would do a catalog show for her if she could get up with those who said they were coming but didn't. She's one of those hosts that makes you appreciate ALL you OTHER hosts! And yet you love her cuz she's so sweet all at the same time. I can't explain it! Sorry for the vent
  • #49
I have a question about the points. I only had one show that held in Jan although I still have two cat shows out. When I checked my points, it shows a 2000 point new recruit bonus on there. I finally qualified in Jan but I haven't recruited anyone since November and she hasn't qualified yet. Did I get the points for qualifying or what? I saw it and got excited because I thought she'd qualified or one of my leads had signed up without me knowing. lol
  • #50
I made it to 3000 in sales so I get the 1500 points, and I signed a recruit Jan. 2 and she qualified, so I get 2000, so I come up with I think about 9000 points? Is that close?

I have 10 shows on the books in February, at least 4 before the 15th, so I should add some extra double points.
<h2>1. How does the double points period work?</h2><p>The double points period is a special promotion offered by Pampered Chef where consultants can earn double the normal amount of points for their sales. This period usually lasts for a certain amount of time, such as a month or a few weeks.</p><h2>2. What are bonus points?</h2><p>Bonus points are extra points that consultants can earn for meeting certain sales goals or completing certain tasks. These bonus points can then be redeemed for various rewards, such as trips or products.</p><h2>3. How do I earn trip points?</h2><p>Trip points are earned by reaching certain sales goals during a designated time period. These points can then be used towards trips to exciting destinations, such as Paris in 2009.</p><h2>4. Can I earn points for both sales and shows?</h2><p>Yes, you can earn points for both sales and shows during the double points period. This means that you can earn double the points for your sales and also earn bonus points for hosting successful shows.</p><h2>5. How was your January?</h2><p>I am very excited to have my year start out with a huge bang! With my sales, double points, and bonus points, I earned 9507 trip points this month. I also have 4 cooking shows and 4 catalog shows that will close during the double points period for February, so I am looking forward to earning even more points. I can't wait to see where my trip points will take me next!</p>

Related to How Was Your January? Double Points and Bonus Points

1. How does the double points period work?

The double points period is a special promotion offered by Pampered Chef where consultants can earn double the normal amount of points for their sales. This period usually lasts for a certain amount of time, such as a month or a few weeks.

2. What are bonus points?

Bonus points are extra points that consultants can earn for meeting certain sales goals or completing certain tasks. These bonus points can then be redeemed for various rewards, such as trips or products.

3. How do I earn trip points?

Trip points are earned by reaching certain sales goals during a designated time period. These points can then be used towards trips to exciting destinations, such as Paris in 2009.

4. Can I earn points for both sales and shows?

Yes, you can earn points for both sales and shows during the double points period. This means that you can earn double the points for your sales and also earn bonus points for hosting successful shows.

5. How was your January?

I am very excited to have my year start out with a huge bang! With my sales, double points, and bonus points, I earned 9507 trip points this month. I also have 4 cooking shows and 4 catalog shows that will close during the double points period for February, so I am looking forward to earning even more points. I can't wait to see where my trip points will take me next!

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